, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday May 14, 2008 Norma Steinberg

Gary's Blog Map

May 14, 2008

Wednesday May 14, 2008 Norma Steinberg


17A: Homemade goods for sale: COTTAGE INDUSTRY
52A: Cadence count: HUT TWO THREE FOUR

This is a very SOLID (4A) puzzle: 3 SHACKS and 3 UPS. Did you find the 3 UP's in the theme? One is inside 35A: UPON, one is the intersection of 35A & 34D, but you have to look UP, the other one is the intersection of 17A & 9D, see the UP there?

This is the best TMS puzzle I've ever done. Here are my reasons:

1) ANAGRAM (25D: Letters written anew)

I like how ANAGRAM anchors the grid, and I am impressed that the constructor provides an example of an ANAGRAM in the puzzle: LIE (6D: Commit perjury) & ELI (45A: Yale student).

2) PUN (34D: Bits of wordplay)

I sure love this "SHACK UP" theme, don't you? After all, PUN is what our dysfunctional family are good at. Dizzying amounts of double entendre every day. But seriously, how many kinds of mushrooms exist in this world? Has anyone tried magic mushroom yet? Total bliss?

3) DENNIS (8D: Actor Quaid)

It makes me happy to see DENNIS being clued in the puzzle. I was stunned this morning when I played with DENNIS and found his name turned into SINNED if spelled backward. I was not aware of that before. Thank you for the ANAGRAM TIP (28D: Peach center: PIT) Ms. Steinberg.

4) Lion and Bear

I like the clues of 15A: Collection of lions: PRIDE & 16A: Kind of bear: POLAR. Add tiger please!

5) Direction

21A: North of Mexico: NORTE & 29A: Hrs. in Big Apple: EST (EST is French for EAST)

6) I like the appearance of both LIE (6D: Commit perjury) and YARNS (41A: Tall tales). And I like how YENTAS (41A: Gossips) intersects YARNS. Great to see both POTENT (3D: Packing a wallop) and MILD (40A: Temperate) in the same puzzle.


9A: Rascal: SCAMP

23A: Symbol of servitude: CHAINS. I like how it intersects ANAGRAM.

30A: Cusack and Jett: JOANS. Know Cusack, not Jett.

32A: "Tell ___ I Love Her": LAURA. No idea. But it's inferable.

33A: Faucet: SPIGOT

38A: Daydreamed: MOONED. That's what you do when you are smitten with someone, isn't it? Look at this Randy Moss MOON that lighted up the Lambeau Field in 2005.

46A: Non-taxable: EXEMPT

49A: Ancient Greek sage: SOLON. Didn't he say "Know thyself"?

51A: Ipso ___: FACTO. Latin. "Literally by the deeds itself."

57A: Brookner or Baker: ANITA. Know Baker, have no idea who Brookner is.

60A: Duck hunter's lure: DECOY. I like these two hand painted DECOYS.


1D: __ pink (delight): TICKLE

2D: Beloved of Aphrodite: ADONIS. Aphrodite had way too many lovers. ADONIS, ARES (God of War), etc. EROS the love God was the son of Aphrodite and ARES. Anyway, he is a real ADONIS.

9D: Eggs on: SPURS. I impulsively filled in URGES first.

11D: Second self: ALTER EGO

13D: Snoop: PRY

23D: Just might: COULD

25D: Letters written anew: ANAGRAM. If you break the word ANAGRAM itself, you will find MAN (59A: Homo sapiens), and MAR (12D: Damage) in the grid as well. Very interesting.

30D: Green stone: JADE. Doesn't JADE mean "adulteress" also?

36D: Of the whole: HOLISTIC. I think I like "Kind of medicine" clue. "Whole" and "ho" are too similar in pronunciation.

37D: Kind of seal: HARP. Look at this cute baby HARP seal. My favorite Seal, however, is him.

38D: Parisian Mrs. MME (Madame). Another French word: 53D: One for Paulette: UNE. So here we 1, 2, 3, 4 in one puzzle, with UNE crossing 2, 3, 4, good stuff, isn't it?

44D: Embellishes: ADORNS

46D: Former Bronco QB: ELWAY (John). I think we still have this issue of Sports Illustrated when he was inducted into HOF. I like jersey #7. Twins' catcher Joe Mauer also wears #7.

47D: Losing tic-tac-toe line: XOO

C.C. (204)


  1. I would like nominate Utica, NY for the Cruciverbalist's Hall of Fame.

    The Big Apple's hrs, at this time of year, would be EDS, daylight savings time. Other than that, a nice puzzle.

    Good morning, all.

  2. C.C. and the dysfunctionals - a great name for a rock group, huh?

    I agree, this was a good puzzle, albeit pretty easy; only had perp help on one or two.

    C.C., you picked up on the dennis/sinned thing - I got that a lot over the years.

    Make it an outstanding hump day.

  3. Anonymous @ 5:44am,
    Good point on EDS. But why the "Utica Cruciverbalist's Hall of Fame" comment? I don't get it.

    I got 52A: HUT TWO THREE FOUR, but I did not understand the meaning. What is it? I have to say that line reminds me of "Ménage à trois" in one hut. I had no idea that you SINNED over the years.

  4. Uh....I meant that I had a lot of people comment on that over the years. I'd never sin. And I'd never lie about it either.

    'Hut two three four' is a cadence used in marching to help keep everyone in step.

  5. C'mon Dennis! Never sinned? Oh, no you don't. You just get the rest of us, including Lois to do so.
    An easy puzzle again. C.C. came up with a lot of great matches like yarns and yentas, etc.
    I vote for C.C. and the Dysfunctionals. When do we go on tour?
    It's also "National Dance Like a Chicken Day." In Rhode Island they probably will because at most parties, gatherings, etc. with a DJ they almost always start playing and dancing that STUPID, STUPID "CHICKEN DANCE!!!!!!" AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!
    It's started early today. Ménage à trois this early in the morning. I'll try anything once.

  6. Good Wednesday morning to you all. I found this one pretty easy but did not like the 21A clue. I think should he should have used for instead of of. I could be wrong, but this was more directional or a person. I got the cadence, but the beginning was throwing me off and I thought they misprinted the numbers, until I remembered playing army when I was younger!! I don't get into all that you guys to to find little things inside the puzzles, but I enjoy reading your thoughts!

    All in all a good one today! Enjoy your Hump Day!

  7. Or, as the saying in the puzzle says, maybe twice, three times, four times.

  8. Good morning CC.......I have my Adonis back as you can see! haha
    I didn't get the "up" thing at all, that went right by me. Tell Laura I Love Her was a popular song back in the day, I can't remember who did it, but it was pretty good for the day. Shame on Randy Moss, LOL. I never heard of Jade meaning an adulteress. And finally, the baby seal looks much cuter than the "other" Seal. haha

  9. OMG, Dennis is already spinning YARNS.
    Did really well with no help but I still don't understand HRS in NYC.
    NYC is open 24/7 and to get to EST or EDT from the clue....Well, I guess I live too far from Utica (25 miles) to be a great cruciverbalist. That word hurts the eyes. Anything with more than 3 or 4 letters is a challenge for me and I have to really concentrate to get them right.
    High 70's today so maybe a little outdoor stuff.
    CYA later.
    BTW, I had some CUP comments to make last night but thought better of it. After all that what were the chances of seeing 31d in todays grid ???

  10. Kim, I am with you on that. I don't know how they come up with all the interesting tidbits they come up with about the puzzles, but I do love reading it. I only have a little bit of time to spend on the puzzle before work....I love all the stuff they come up with though.

  11. Well, I got off to a bit of a slow start this morning (I was convinced that 1A had to be either "ear" or "bug" and it took awhile for me to admit the error of my ways), but after that it was smooth sailing.

    Love your in-depth analysis of the puzzle, C.C.! I have no idea how much of what you uncovered was intentional by the author/editor and how much is just happy coincidence, but it sure is fun!

  12. Ray Peterson sang "Tell Laura I Love Her" in 1960. And yes, a jade can also be an adultress, or one of my favorite words, a trollop.

  13. Oh -- and speaking (typing?) of cruciverbalists, I thought you folks might appreciate this shirt I designed in honor of that wonderful word.

    [I apologize if this is considered spam -- I'd be happy to delete my comment if anyone is offended.]

  14. Dennis, thanks for the name of the person who did that son, how did you know that? .........I like the word "trollop" much better too! haha

  15. Oops, I hate it when I misspell a a word, I meant song........

  16. Good morning, Katherine - it was a big song back in my teen years, and I guess the singer just lodged in my storehouse of useless information...

  17. Katherine,

    Great advice yesterday! When I go to Baltimore for a month in June/July, my hubby is mailing me a weeks worth at a time! Whew!

    Hope you all up north enjoy your warm weather finally! It better not be cold when I go up! I love my heat in FL although those fires are now 50 m north. Just hope the wind doesn't blow south!!

  18. Nice puzzle... Aced it... very easy... though initially I thought they had a construction error... I had 33D as "Shift" thinking 37D did not belong there... but then got "Stint" to close it out.

  19. Kim, what part of Florida? My son is just south of Tampa. I am glad your husband is going to mail the puzzles to you. Will you have access to a computer?

  20. Good morning CC and company,

    Wow, looks like I'm late to the party!!! I guess I shouldn't have celebrated so late w/the Pens taking the 3rd game of the series! Woohoo!!

    Not too bad today for me. I'm a little out of practice in the mornings, because the newspaper has not been delivered before I leave for work. Had to chuckle a little with "ipso facto" as I really don't care for that legal phrase. Never heard of Anita Brookner . . . at least there weren't any pesky roman numerals today!

    drdad - National Dance Like a Chicken Day? Where do you find these things?

    Have a great day everyone! And here's to hoping that the Pens can give me an awesome b-day present tomorrow and sweep the Flyers! :o)

  21. Katherine, Copy the link and paste it to your browser and you'll hear the tune.

  22. Katherine,

    I live in northern Port Saint Lucie. Its about 15 m south of Vero Beach and 50 miles north of West Palm Beach.

    I have a laptop that I'm taking with me, so I do have access, but I'll also be taking care of my daughter and a newborn, so I don't know when my puzzle time will be. Hopefully it will still be the first thing in the morning!

  23. Mkatesq - I google everday for those. Type in, for example today's date, "May 14th holiday", and you get hits every time.

  24. Drdad,
    Dennis did not say he had never sinned, he just said "I'd never sin". What's your answer to Thomas's comment yesterday: "trilogy Nexus, Plexus and___"

    I agree with your take on 21A. I forgot to tell you yesterday that you can always go to Chicago Tribune's crossword website for TMS puzzle when you are away from home.

    I think I now know your taste in 59A. Mine is more eclectic. I like SEAL & MAXI Priest.

    Wow, I totally missed 31D: Cup Rims one (LIPS).

    I think SHACK UP is intentional. I also do not think it's an coincidence that JADE & SCAMP are clued in this puzzle. Others might be happy coincidence.

  25. Thanks for the info CC. I'll try it, but don't know if I'd like doing it online as opposed to the ol pen & paper! But hey, I'll try anything once (except sushi!!)

  26. Barry,
    No need to delete your shirt link. But once is enough.

  27. Barry,
    No need to delete your shirt link. But once is enough.

    Fair enough. It's the only crossword-related shirt I have, so you don't have to worry... ^_^

  28. Bill, thanks for the link!
    Kim, That is a nice area. I will be going to visit my grandkids in November.
    CC.........I do like Seal, but I think you got my "number"....LOL I'm a little older, so I'm not to into the rap stuff, but I do like a lot of the new music as well as the old.
    Have a good day everyone. Looks like everyone is having a good time today.

  29. C.C., a few days back in the comment section, there was discussion of a hall of fame, nothing really related to the puzzle. I was to late that day to add anything. Anyhow, I thought the host city for a hall of fame should be one that is used frequently in puzzles...and Utica could use the business.

  30. Anonymous at 8:55am,
    Now I see what you meant. I do remember that HOF comment from Boomer. Are you NYTanonimo?

  31. Good morning CC, et al, I love this puzzle! And thought it was sooo 'holistically' perfect to have 'dennis' in it with 'adonis'(flattery), 'scamp' (more flattery), lie, yarns, and the military cadence of 52A. Besides I loved chains, spurs and how lips, spigot and levi intersect. I've got to take a 'polar' plunge now...but will probably have to get on my 'knees' and 'turn on a spigot'. It's a great day!

    mkatesq: happy birthday early. cheers!!!

  32. Thomas you naughty boy! C.C. asked me to respond to your comment yesterday. Here it is.
    Nexus, Plexus, Sexus. A trilogy by Henry Miller. As we have them stated they are in reverse order, i.e., Books 3, 2, and 1 of the Rosy Crucifixion.

  33. Easy one today and I'm glad I checked the blog because I surely didn't see all the other innuendo (that's Italian for suppository, by the way ;-). One thing I liked about this puzzle was the two places where two or more different words would work like 1A: ear/bug/tap and 16A: panda/polar. In my case I had ear and panda both of which matched one of the down clues but not the others. Fun. 100+ today in N. Calif. - the heat is on.

  34. Drdad et all,
    I forgot to mention the intersection of UNE (53D) with Two, Three, Four earlier. RE: "Nexus, Plexus, Sexus". Thank you. Please keep your SPIGOT of information flowing!

    No comment on UP positions?

    I like innuendo.

  35. I believe 29A Hrs. in the Big Apple refers to Eastern Standard Time versus French word.

    May 14, 2008 9:38 AM

  36. The above comment from Brian was misplaced on another entry. I simply made a copy of what he wrote. Here is the copy of my reply:

    "You are right. I just tried to make the crossword fun."

  37. Oohh, Lois!!!! God forbid when there's a clue that has to do with "leather."

  38. Dennis, love the rock group suggestion. C.C., incredible analysis of the ties. Could tell you really enjoyed this one. Barry, that is an incredible array of "stuff!" Have a great Wednesday!

  39. CC: this puzzle is so rich in material, we could have a marathon of keeping it "up". Love today's theme on Hump day. As far as being Nat'l Chicken Dance day? I'm shakin' the 'junk in my trunk!'I love this day!

  40. mark in Buenos aires here, sorry its anonymous but the input of the identity defeats me.

    I just got stuck on "mooned" - I didnt daydream when I mooned a passing barge in Paris, perhaps its a rugby/Brit thing that makes us do it.

    Also for me Mrs French is mdm and mme is miss (madamoiselle)

    so therefore Yale student was wrong.

    Its nice to read all your comments, chau

  41. c.c. and d's ..

    a breeze today, save for tripping on shift instead of stint.

    c.c., once again, i did not clue in on the shack up theme until reading your post. as always, was tickled pink the way you shed light upon this one.

    i did like how tickle crossed knees, and potent crossed adonis.

    also noticed a little garden of eden theme. in addition to the dennis / sinned anagram which crossed pride, was the levi / evil anagram, which crossed alterego. also eve, jade, soil, sowed, row, feed, scamp, ido and man. all tied up with lie at the top. coincidence?

    try as i might i couldn't find cain, able or seth. oh, but there was the 'big apple' clue. ok ok, maybe i'm trying too hard.

  42. Mark,
    In French, mme is Madame, Mlle is Mademoiselle.

    Good observation. I like it. There are also 3 palindromes (words read the same backward and forward) in this puzzle: EVE, OTTO & IDI. Of course, English for 38D (MME) is Madam, which is palindromic too.


    All in all, a very interesting puzzle.

  43. Tell Laura I love her is the lyrics to an old rock and roll song.

  44. In yesterday's puzzle dropping down down was like goosedown.

  45. Hello everyone. Had a very early tee time today so I am very late arriving here. Loved all of the comments and I cannot contribute anything to those already penned. I am not surprised that Dennis is a sinner and Lois is the soil. Wow I love anagrams. Go Pens!

  46. Dick: That's funny! You nailed me! Rich and fertile...and as old as 'dirt'.

  47. Lois I don't know about the "old as dirt" but I am sure the rest is true.

  48. I shouldn't...but I can't help myself.

    OMG, Dick nailed Lois!

  49. Anon: You are hilarious! And a good time was had by least I hope he enjoyed it as much as I did!

  50. it was only a matter of time ...

  51. Rolling on the floor laughing after Mellissa's remark!
    It is a blast just to stop in here, I feel like I have freinds all over the world.
    Keep up the fantastic work C.C.
    Take Care everyone, see ya tomorrow.

    The Whoo

  52. Great blog ... I've only just recently started doing the crossword in the paper. I have yet to complete one on my own, but it's nice to know that I can come here for a little help. I'm getting closer and closer each day ... very interesting site!

  53. this is a second test

  54. Lois, sorry for the confusion-of course you passed!!:)
    My husband is here beside me and he is the computer "wizard", showing me how to do this! I will join the "happy crowd behind the green door" tomorrow morning, after doing the puzzle. See you all then.

  55. Anon: Good to know. We didn't study! See you tomorrow then. I've got my seat belt ready. Do you have one?

  56. I notice I've somehow gone from 'sinned' to 'sinner', C.C. - how'd that happen?

  57. C.C. - enjoyed all the comments today. Fun to read even when I don't need help.

    Kim - some sites let you print out the puzzle. Maybe you could do that. I don't like working them on line either. Prefer the old pencil with a good eraser.

    "Tell Laura I Love Her" was a sad song. I remember it even though I was quite young.

    I love the "C.C. and the Dysfunctionals" for a rock group name. Does anyone play an instrument or sing?


  58. C.C. - if you like rock music, Joan Jett is a terrific singer - Most famous of her songs is probably "I love rock and roll(put another dime in the juke box, baby). Great song. Been covered by a lot of other artists, but she's the best.


  59. okay i'm behind the green door...haha ...melissa and c.c. your interpretations continue to inspire...I couldn't understand tap even after i filled it in (had to google the meaning...oh yeah now moi comprends...)bravo to henry miller--still a fun read

  60. Dennis,
    Ask Dick! Looks like he shot his balls straight yesterday.

    I don't like rock music. DENNIS does.

    "bravo to henry miller--still a fun". I don't understand this line. Pls explain.

  61. C.C. - I think Thomas is referring to my answer to his nexus question.


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