, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Friday February 13, 2009 Annabel Michaels

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Feb 13, 2009

Friday February 13, 2009 Annabel Michaels

Theme: Chow Time

17A: Well-rounded repasts: SQUARE MEALS


11D: Summoner to supper: DINNER BELL

29D: Dinner for thirteen: LAST SUPPER

"With "The"" should be added to the last clue.

What a terrible editing job! I don't mind seeing SYRIA (68A: Aleppo's land) and BREAM (51D: Silvery European fish) for second day in a row, with the identical clues. But supper SUPPER, dinner DINNER duplications are outrageous. More felonies:

49A: Prov. follower: ECCLES. Have never seen Proverbs abbreviated as Prov before.

44D: Ecclesiastical residence: DEANERY. I was not aware of this ecclesiastical dean residence. But the clue definitely should be reworded to accommodate ECCLES.

47A: Unbroken stretch: STREAK. Why not "Unbroken run"?

Too many Roman numerals:

21A: 7 on a sundial: VII


63D: CXII halved: LVI

I did not enjoy this puzzle at all. I've seen much better puzzles from Annabel Michaels.


1A: Fonda film: JULIA. Obtained the film title with the down fill help. Has anyone seen Annette Bening's "Being JULIA"?

15A: Gods' images: IDOLS. I wrote down ICONS first.

16A: Adjective-forming suffix: IAL. Presidential?

19A: Govt. advisory grp.: NSA (National Security Agency). Will Smith's "Enemy of the State" is about those NSA agents and their wire-tapping activities.

20A: Old California fort: ORD. What's so special about this fort? I faintly remember we had this answer before.

22A: Part of LBJ: BAINES. All his family members, including his dog, share the LBJ initials. I don't think any US president knows more about the congressional maneuvers than LBJ did. Stunning record of legislative achievements.

25A: Protesting workers: STRIKERS

27A: Native American language: SALISH. New word to me. Wikipedia says "All SALISH (or Salishan) languages are endangered - some extremely so with only three or four speakers left".

30A: Obedient dog?: HEELER

31A: Active volcano near Manila: TAAL. No idea. See this map. I wonder what TAAL means in local language.

37A: African fever: LASSA. I forgot. The disease was first discovered in a town called LASSA in Nigeria. Can't find a map.

39A: Score of zero: NIL. Soccer, I think.

51A: Sunday prohibitions: BLUE LAWS

53A: Bygone bird: MOA. The extinct New Zealand flightless bird. See Australia's coat of arms. It has a kangaroo and emu. Incapable of stepping backward, they can only move forward, signifying Australia's forward progression. "Forward with Pride", the Aussi spirit.

54A: Lasso: ROPE IN

55A: Cure or gram preceder: EPI

56A: Marsh or West: MAE. Have never heard of MAE Marsh before. She looks like a dangerous lorelei who delights in breaking others' heart. Men might need some of this magic nepenthe to relieve their sorrows.

59A: Key-punch bus.: EDP (Electronic Data Processing). Got it with the surrounds.

67A: Sea to Debussy: MER. Here is Debussy's "La MER."


2D: Roman acronym: SPQR. Holy mackerel Roman Empire! I really don't know this acronym. It stands for Senatus Populusque Romanus (the Senate and the people of Rome). OK, Maria said SPQR is most commonly known among Italians as "Sono Porci Questi Romani", loosely translated as " These Romans are Pigs".

3D: King Ibn -- of Saudi Arabia: SAUD. I am confused here. Wikipedia says this guy is the first monarch of Saudi Arabia. I thought Saudi has a long kingdom history.

7D: Ulan-_, Russ.: UDE. See this map. Located on the Siberian Uda River. Quite close to Mongolian capital Ulan Bator. Ulan is "red" in Mongolian. Ulan Bator means "Red Hero". Ulan Ude is simply "Red Ude". A bit of communism vestiage.

10D: Beset: ASSAIL

12D: Loom bar: EASER. Uh-uh, no, no. No idea. What is it?

23D: Eisenhower: IKE. Strictly speaking, this is not allowed in crossword construction. An abbreviated answer (even if it's a nickname) needs an abbreviation hint.

25D: Frantic cries: SHRIEKS

38D: Flying rescue missions: AIRLIFTS

58D: Book after Neh.: ESTH. Before Job. Often see NEH clued as "Bk before Esth".



  1. Good morning, C.C. and gang - thought I was having deja vu with 51D, 14A, 53A and 68A. I managed to make it through without hitting the g-spot, but only because of perps. Never heard of 'salish', didn't recognize 'lassa' until it was filled in by the downs, and wasn't familiar with the film 'Julia' (the Lillian Hellman story), probably because it stars Jane Fonda. I also didn't know Purim was the Feast of Lots. And again we have multiple roman numeral clue/answers.

    Today is, of course Friday the 13th. Does anybody hide under their bed today?

    It's also Blame Someone Else Day, and Get a Different Name Day. If you do the latter, you probably don't need to do the former.

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "Try to keep your soul young and quivering right up to old age, and to imagine right up to the brink of death that life is only beginning. I think that is the only way to keep adding to one's talent, to one's affections, and to one's inner happiness." -- Writer George Sand

  2. Unknowns today were SPQR, SAUD, ORD, NILS, TAAL, LASSA and EDP. I got SALISH, BLUELAWS and FEAST OF LOTS from the theme/perps. I think the editor was deliberately putting answers in the clues to help make a difficult puzzle easier.


  3. Dennis,
    Exactly, deja vu all over again. I am not superstitious about Friday the 13th. George Sand kept herself inspired and quivering with Chopin and a few other young men with every breath she took. Now, where is your answer for my "yaw, pitch, roll and THRUST" question?

    I noticed you often used "cf". What does it mean? 蔡依林 is your favorite singer, right?

    Re: Octuplet mom & accountability. Well said. Look at what's happening in the Congress every day, the game of blaming others has been elevated into an art form.

    How does nylon differ from ORLON?

  4. Good morning CC etal,

    Very frustrating this morning, to say the least. If TMS is buying from Annabel, why wont they buy from Barry? Reliance on Roman numerals & repetitive clues show sloppiness & disrespect, IMHO. Specific gripes are the IAL/EASER cross, SALISH/TAAL/LASSA/AAAA (could she get more "A's" in one spot?), FEAST OF LOTS/EPI/EVERT (could not find an on-line definition of "evert" that referenced "turn inside out" - I think they made it up).

    Aaaaargh - I've only been solving for about a year and this was, by far, the most aggravating experience!

    TGIF, I suppose - "tomorrow's another day"

  5. Kazie & Barry G,
    Besides Jacob & Sid, what other names are typical Jewish names (both men and women)?

    I think Adele Mann is a real person. "Love devours a person" sounds very dangerous.

    Thanks for the Sanskrirt proverb link. What a nice surprise to see you again!

    When was the last time you lushed a lush lush in a lush bar?

  6. I noticed you often used "cf". What does it mean?

    It's a Latin abreviation meaning "compare with". It's used when you don't have an example (eg) or a definition (ie) just something similar to what you're talking about.

    蔡依林 is your favorite singer, right?

    No, but amongst my favorite singers, I'd say she's the one with the best voice and the best songs.


  7. Good evening from India,
    How is YMCA an athletic org? Here in India it is Young Mens Christian Association which has other activities of which sports is just a minor part.

  8. CC
    Hope you saw my reply regarding the Tamarind leaves, my better half says they are not used in cooking, only Tamarind by itself is used in cooking.

  9. Chris,
    I don't understand this wholesale change of constructors either. EVERT is a word.

    Re: "A happy life´s afters?" (1,4,2,8): Clear Ayes' "A Bowl of Cherries" sounds good. I made up "A Plum in Puddings". I also thought of "I love to ...".

    Re: Blown glass. Are they mechanically blown or manually blown?

    Doreen & Democrat,
    I listened to a repeat "Fresh Air" episode after IKE Turner died. He told Terry Gross that he was not married to Tina.

  10. Col G,
    I did not pay attention to the size of TAMARIND leaves. Thanks.

    Red Smitty,
    I am curious, what Anais Nin work have you read? Tried "Delta of Venus"? Man, that's really hot.

    Windhover & Brian,
    Hey! Look forward to more comments from you guys.

    As Lemonade explained, Erin is poetic name for Ireland.

  11. Drive for loom easer bar.

    An easer bar for controlling the tension of the warp threads in a loom.

    Abstract is an understatement!

  12. Good morning:

    Not a fun puzzle at all. Purim means LOTS, and I suppose the inclusion of ESTH. as an answer was an isnide joke, but a month early. The classic Jewish names are the biblical ones, Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Samuel, David etc., though the actual names are the Hebrew versions. The intersting names are the nicknames created because too many had the same names.

    If you have not seen the wonderful HBO series "ROME" I recommend it highly, and you will see "SPQR" on the banners. The constructors are being nice to those of use who had to study latin.

    I grew up in New England, where BLUE LAWS were very serious.

    C.C., thank you for the nod, and your comment is so insightful because the reason we are in economic turmoil is the same as that foolish woman's motivation, GREED. The banks and and securities dealers justified lending 110% of the value of a home to a person who did not make enough moeny to pay the mortgage, because they took in origination points as income, then paid themselves bonuses. It is parallel to the 1980's problems with S&L's.
    And as long as I am ranting, it irritates me to see Bud Selig damn Alex Rodriguez for "shaming baseball" when Selig refused for years to ban steroids in baseball. He, as an owner, and the rest, made untold millions from the home run insanity of McGuire, Sosa and Bonds. Baseball was brought back to life after the strike by the home run, and everyone knew there drugs in play. But they had not been banned, and if a doctor prescribed them, they were not illegal. Just more finger pointing at the other guy, no one ever admits responsibility.

  13. CC:

    Thanks for "evert" - begrudgingly I will admit it's a word...

    ...kind of.

    Do you have contact with our editor? Perhaps an interview is in order to explain what's going on with our beloved puzzles?

  14. Lemonade, well said regarding Bud Selig; he's an incompetent dolt.

  15. Good morning CC and all, All I can say about the puzzle today is Bull S***, Bull S***S, Bull S***. I have nothing good to say so I will say nothing more.

    CC as to your question about Orlon/Nylon here is some info I found.

    Orlon is an acrylic fiber. To be called acrylic in the U.S, the polymer must contain at least 85% acrylonitrile monomer. Typical comonomers are vinyl acetate or methyl acrylate. Dupont Corporation created the first acrylic fibers in 1941 and trademarked them under the name "Orlon".

    Nylon is a generic designation for a family of synthetic polymers known generically as polyamides and first produced on February 28, 1935 by Wallace Carothers at DuPont.

    Hope you all have a great Friday and an equally great weekend.

  16. Now, where is your answer for my "yaw, pitch, roll and THRUST" question?

    C.C., I could never do that to you - you'd be ruined for life...

  17. Well, I managed to finish unassisted, but this puzzle definitely earned the not-so-coveted WTF? award from me. Two clues from yesterday's puzzle? Two books from the bible? Three Roman numerals? ECCLES and Ecclesiastical? SUPPER/Dinner and DINNER/Supper? SPQR???


    In addition to SPQR, unknowns today for me were plentiful and included SALISH, TAAL, LASSA, JULIA, EDP and UDE. The left central region was just ridiculous, and was only redeemed by the fact that 28D (AAAA) was easily inferable. I've heard of Purim, but didn't know it was called The FEAST OF LOTS (or perhaps it's really the FEAST O'FLOTS...)

    This puzzle stopped short of being a hammer for me since I was eventually able to get all the unknowns via the perps, but the whole thing just felt off to me...


    Kazie & Barry G,
    Besides Jacob & Sid, what other names are typical Jewish names (both men and women)?

    Well, you can never go wrong with Old Testament names. For men, that would include Joshua, Isaac, Levi, David, Samuel, etc. For women, there's Leah, Hannah, Ruth, Esther, etc. To be honest, these days you're more likely to see non stereotypically Jewish first names with common Jewish last names, so it's really the last name you need to pay attention to.

    Oh -- and Happy Friday the Thirteenth, everybody! Try not to get chopped up by any axe-wielding maniacs today....

  18. Oh yes, we are celebrating a whole new series of "Friday the 13th" movies, as someone who was given the name Jason 60 years ago, it is nice to be thought about so highly, though I am careful to not wear my goalie mask out anymaore....
    Jewish last names are another issue, as too may Steins became Stones, and too many really ethnic names were ignored at Ellis Island, replaced with something that sounde like the original.

  19. Oh, yeah -- DEANERY was another complete unknown for me. You'd think it would have something to do with a college official...

  20. Well, it wasn't my favorite puzzle (did manage to finish it unaided by guessing) but I got over it. Same hangups as the rest of you.

    @Dennis and C.C.-was curious about George Sand being referred to as a he so I checked it out here-learn all kinds of stuff (some pretty esoteric though!) doing these puzzles.

    @lemonade714-I'm with you and C.C. on the octuplet mom and accountability. Do they know who the father(s) of these babies is(are)? Who paid for the fertility testing? Hmmm. Interesting article here.

    @ sallie-you would like yesterday's NYT puzzle. See if you can get a copy if you haven't done it already.

    Interesting stuff on the origin of Friday the 13th here and here.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  21. Good morning all,
    c.c., I see the name question has been dealt with, and I was actually referring to the last name yesterday, but a lot of old testament names seem to be common Jewish choices for both boys and girls.

    Today's puzzle...I have to agree with Barry G and Dick. I g'ed x 2 (=googled and guessed) a lot to finally get done. Unknowns were TAAL, LASSA, BLUE LAWS, NILS (I'd forgotten him), DEANERY, SALISH, PURIM, ECCLES (this abbrev. reminds me of a character whose name was Eccles, in the the Goons, a British radio show of the '60's, starring Peter Sellers, Spike Milligan and Harry Secombe).

    Check out the link if you need cheering up after this puzzle!

  22. Mornin'!
    Had a real problem with TRACT. I'm thinking that the only people who would know this are publishers of religious materials. I know I'VE never heard of TRACT used in that way!
    Also with DEANERY. They had to be right, but made no sense to me.
    Maybe if the TRIB wants to cut costs, they should let some of the incompetent x word composers go and use that savings to buy x words from real constructors!!
    CY'All Later

  23. Good Morning C.C. and Co.,

    I dislike this one for the same reasons already mentioned.

    C.C., Here is a map of LASSA, Nigeria.

    Lois, Is this wall part of your house? If so, did it get bowed inward like that from Kenny riding up the side of it too many times? Sounds like that was a pretty BIG party!

  24. C.C. Prior to the time of Saud the land of Arabia was populated by Bedouin tribes constantly doing battle for the teritory, jewels and goats of other tribes. The tribe of Saud became the best warriors of all and the wise Saud would marry the daughter of the leader of each tribe he defeated, thereby united the defeated tribe with his own. Islam law allows a man 4 wives. Saud kept his number of wives to 4 by dropping #4 as he acquired a new tribe and wife. When there were no tribes of consequence left to conquer, Saud named himself King of the new Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I should go to your g spot and find the date but I don't know how to get there from here. I'm guessing around 1932 or so since King Saud and FDR were pals.

    Would this be a good system for our country? With the help of a lot of American and British petroleum engineers, Saudi
    Arabia seems to be doing quite well.

    Incidentally, 'ibn' means 'son of'
    in Arabic.


  25. I had multiple problems with this one. First I didn't grok coifed because I thought it needed two Fs. It does, according to my spell check, and it's in second place in dictionaries. Then I finally googled PURIM, and found nothing in my dictionary or in Wickipedia that would help solve. Agree with complaints about duplications (but they did help me out), and I do like Roman numerals because those I can do.
    Thanks for the suggestion, NYTAnonimo, to do the NYT puzzle of yesterday, but I am almost never good enough to make much headway with its puzzles. I'll try, though.

  26. Good morning, everyone. Did this one online last night. Had to revise TAAL, NILS and LASSA to get it done. Yes, too many Roman numerals today! I DID know SALISH, though.

    @dennis I thought we had Blame Someone Else Day a month or so ago -- do we need more than one of them?

    @C.C. Abraham, Rachel, Moses (Moise).

    @promisemethis That bowed wall looks like a lens distortion from a very wide wide-angled lens.

  27. hmmm ...
    That LASSA map link came out wrong. Try this one instead, C.C.

    I know, Crockett, I was kidding ... unless Kenny's been riding on the table, too. I wouldn't put it past him :)

  28. @promisemethis Sorry, I didn't see the twinkle in your eye.

  29. Two stinkers in a row. I really disliked so many religious entries. I liked TRACT - learning new (to me) usages for words I thought I knew is a big payoff for me.

  30. This was certainly a different kind of puzzle.... parts of it I liked, but the repeats are too much to take.
    @LEMONADE714 AND DENNIS: Your comments on Bud Selig were right on. Too bad Bart Giamatti was not the Commissioner during the Steroid Era. He at least had backbone and high moral principles. Selig sold the integrity of the game. It will take decades to recover from it, if at all.

  31. On Jewish names...last names ending in "berg" and stien" of course...but also consider last names which are colors (Green, Gray...etc.) and last names which are commonly first names (Francis, David, Frank, Henry etc.) all of which are good indicators of Jewish ancestry.

  32. @ Carole from yesterday. Thank you for the information on Kenny, I was not aware that he is Lois' son. She must be so proud. Good going Lois.

  33. I’m so happy you didn’t like this puzzle, CC, because I didn’t either, and misery loves company. ☺ Another bah humbug day.

    I think ECCL is the abbreviation for Ecclesiastes, which is the book that follows Proverbs, I agree it’s inappropriate with ECCLEASTICAL as a clue to a different word.

    Dennis, I like today’s words of wisdom. I have a private vow to live until I die – George Sand said it so nicely.

    Oregon still has a blue law.

    Congressional leaders have killed a plan introduced y Oregon Senator Ron Wyden to force financial institutions to compensate taxpayers if they paid their executives large bonuses after receiving federal bailout money – without any discussion.

    It takes a lot of creativity to keep smiling these days, doesn’t it. I’m happy to be part of the blog – it helps.

  34. Good Morning All, I can't say much about this puzzle that hasn't already been said. SPQR, along with three Roman numbers was Latin overkill. I've heard of vicarage and rectory, but DEANERY...really? Thanks to the perps on that one and several others.

    LOA, DYERS, MOA, MAE and ATRA...Ho hum. Been there, done that, many times before.

    Lemonade714, you're right about the re-naming that went on at Ellis Island. Both of my grandfathers, one from Sweden and one from Russia were asked to choose new surnames when they passed through the immigration machinery. They both chose family related names.

    Here's an interesting link about Hebrew names. Not only does it furnish a list with english meanings, but it details the how,what and importance of name giving.

  35. Like I said before, the link I provided at 8:31am will give much relief to those in need of humor after this puzzle. I just spent the last hour or more laughing till I cried at several clips from the old Goons shows and a four part interview of Peter Sellers in 1974. He was a true master of comedy.

  36. C.C. you must be psychic, your opening words in your post were exactly my thoughts. I also dislike seeing "Ike" in so many puzzles.

    Blue laws are still on the books and in effect in many states. In Oregon you could not buy fresh meat on Sundays - this was observed until the mid-60's or maybe longer. You could purchase "cured" meats like bacon.

    Lemonade at 6:17a - Amen!
    Also about Ellis Island, my grandfather came from Norway (grandma from Sweden) but grandpa's last name was changed from Jacobsen to son. My father was always getting mail from several Jewish Temples inviting him and the family to various functions. :)
    The spelling with "son" at the end is the Jewish spelling of the name.

    Promise Me.... at 8:42a that picture of the BBQ was taken with a wide angle lens so the "edges" appear "bowed".

  37. Good morning CC et al., I'll 'spare' you my 'tirade' and 'neg' comments. It's a 3 day wkend and refuse to have my
    'nerves' plucked from a 'baa'd puzzle.

    Promise: LOL I too wouldn't put it past Kenny to warp out anything. You really have no idea how spot on you are. And in honor of today, I blame his father's side of the family.

  38. Promise me (10:55) LOL - Loved it!
    I am also sorry I missed the humor in your comment about the side of Lois' house.

  39. c.c. and all:

    I agree with all other comments about this puzzle. I had to google Lassa and Salish. I had Nile instead of Nils at first. Never ever heard of easer as a loom bar. I hate it when they put a lot of obscure words in one block!

    As far as the Blue Laws. I lived in Louisiana for a short time (in1977)and when I went to buy sheets for our bed they wouldn't let me. They said that they couldn't sell clothing! I told them I wasn't wearing the sheets, that I was lying on the sheets. Too crazy!

    Off to the gym! Have a great day everyone!

  40. Guday, all. My rag no longer gives me the name of the constructors, so I don't know who to blame for this "mess". Just "ditto" me with today's comments.

    My cousin came to the US from Germany in the 20's. They changed his name at Ellis Island from Shultz to Guderamerdingstrassaholzer. They changed his first name from "Otto" to "Auto". ( guess it was the "hang-over" from WW I.)

    Clearayes, tell G.A.H. I just played four golf courses on the Robert Trent Jones Trail in Alabama. What a beautiful experience. If he ever gets the chance to go there tell him not to miss the Rock Bridge course outside of Birmingham.

    If I melt dry ice, can I take a bath without getting wet?

    I must be off!

  41. Kazie, Funny Goon stuff. With "British humour", either you love it, or you don't. There doesn't seem to be much in between. I happen to love it. I can understand why Monty Python gave so much credit to The Goons.

    One thing I didn't know until today is that Spike Milligan was a poet. Some of his poems are silly and then there are others.

    Mirror, Mirror

    A young spring-tender girl
    combed her joyous hair
    'You are very ugly' said the mirror.
    on her lips hung
    a smile of dove-secret loveliness,
    for only that morning had not
    the blind boy said,
    'You are beautiful'?

    - Spike Milligan

    Some words of wisdom from Spike, "A sure cure for seasickness is to sit under a tree."

    Hi Buckeye, You've been missed. Glad you had an excuse. Well, G.A.H. would consider it more of a "mission in life". I'll pass the info along. He will be so jealous.

    BTW, Feel free to take the Spike Milligan quote as your own. (I know you will anyway.)

  42. Clear Ayes,
    Glad you enjoyed it, and also that some Spike Milligan might live on through Buckeye. Cute poem too.

    Welcome back Buckeye!

    I think the problem with British humor for some people is the speed of delivery combined with the accents. The goons had a veritable cult following in their day.

    On a sadder note, the plane crash in Buffalo is terrible, and I hope none of our bloggers have anyone involved in any way.

  43. Hallo, evryone
    Since no one mentioned it and Lemonade was being polite i will offer another translation for S.P.Q.R which is most commonly known among italians
    "Sono porci questi romani " loosely translated . " These Romans are Pigs

    other than that it was another learning experience, funny about, Blue Laws

  44. @ Buckeye, did you take nurse Ratchet along to caddy? Welcome back, we missed your comments.

    My favorite golf joke is the one about the golfer that entered the pro shop looking for a caddy. The pro said the only caddy we have left is the 78 year old gent by the door. The golfer said he did not want a 78 year old caddy. The pro insisted, saying the old gentlemen had the best eye sight on the course and never missed seeing the golf balls in the air. The golfer finally conceded and accepted the old gentleman. After several holes the golfer sliced a ball far right into the woods. Turning to the old caddy he asked, did you see my ball? The old caddy replied, of course, I have the best eye sight on the golf course. The golfer asked, then where did it go? The old caddy thought for a moment and replied I can’t remember.

    Also, as I am sure Dennis knows, Pennsylvania has lots of "Blue Laws" on the books to this day. For example, you can purchase beer, by the case, only between very specific hours on Sunday and this was initiated only in the past year. Up to that time the beer distributors were closed on Sunday.

  45. Clear Ayes: Thanks for the very interesting name link.

    PromisMeThis: Thanks for anything that makes us Jewish men the best lovers, even if it is an old joke.

    Maria: I am not sure if polite is accurate, perhaps careful might be more what I had in mind. Much of my years of Latin study dealt with some very irreverent and offensive reinterpretations. We had an ongoing game with taking a string of letters and making sentences. Now, I try and take foreign phrases that are pronounced oddly and make them into american phrases, e.g. Ciao leads to Hao Nao Braon Cao.

  46. Carol,
    No problem. It seems that Crockett missed it, too. Apparently the twinkle in my eye didn't come across on paper.

    So you are descended from one of those Guderamerdingstrassaholzer's, eh?
    Things are beginning to make sense.

  47. Mark - Buenos Aires

    I cant get the link between "flier" and "tract", can any body help?

    Yes, "A happy life´s afters?"
    "A bowl of cherries"

    Try "Jane´s partner hates frozen tapa not fully cooked" (6,2,3,4)
    Not fully cooked means that "hates frozen tapa" is an anagram


    Saudi Arabia is not that old compared to Middle East standards.

    - First Saudi State established 1744
    - Second Saudi State established 1824
    - Kingdom declared 1926
    -Recognized 1927
    -Unified 1932

  49. Whoo Hoo...Welcome back Buckeye!!

    C.C. Re: Annealing, which is the process of "cooling" the glass and in the process tempering it would apply, I think, to all forms of glass. The completed piece is struck from the blow pipe and placed in an annealing oven(I think it is call a LEHR)to cool slowly and temper the glass which would otherwise shatter even in minor temperature changes.

    Most "manufactured" glass is poured into molds. You can often see the ridges from the molds. I don't know enough about the process to know if there is such a thing as mechanically blown glass. My experience comes from having some of my college ceramic classes in what they called the Industrial Arts building and the glass labs were down the hall. The hallways were filled with very red-faced people,catching their breath and resting after completing a glass piece.

    I have nothing new to add about the puzzle and definitely agree with Barry G.'s WTF. I did complete everything without help, but it just was not a satisfying experience and I am not especially crazy about doing Roman Numeral Math math before I have finished my coffee.

    Maria...LOL at the alternative translation of *S*P*Q*R*. Know that would have made the puzzle at least a bit more fun!

    Dennis...another absolutely terrific quote. Friday the 13th is always a lucky day for me and tonight is the art show am going to "add to my talent" and paint today.

    Dick...What a great golf joke...we have a lot golfers in our family(not me)and I am definitely sharing that one.

    C.C. Sorry for the long post, but count this as my 5 posts for the day.


    When Thomas Paine was passing out his pamphlets, they were considered tracts, which are short written works. In modern times, we refer to ahnd outs as fliers, ergo

  51. ahnd = hand

    dyslexia hit hard with age

  52. I believe Tina over Ike. Ike was a habitual liar! My question is how could she be granted a divorce if a marriage never took place?

    Turner is the mother of two sons and adopted mother of Ike Turner's two children from other relationships. After leaving Ike Turner in 1976 and divorcing him in 1978. Born as a Baptist, Turner converted to Nichiren Buddhism in 1974 to help conquer her troubling marriage to Ike Turner. Turner has credited Buddhism with giving her the courage to leave Ike and has said the religion has helped her to find peace.

    My dad said he was never married to my mother but had to stop saying that when I confronted him with a copy of the marriage certificate that bore his signature.

  53. I think you gave that one away, Mark.
    Tarzan of the Apes, right?

  54. Buckeye's drop-in it reminded me of a line from the movie, The Usual Suspects. Keven Spacey won a Best Supporting Actor Academy Award for his role as Verbal Kint. Verbal ends his dialog about the elusive master criminal (Sound familiar, Buckeye?) Kaiser Soze with, as he blows on his fingers, "And like that, poof. He's gone."

    Lemonade714, Your Americanized phrase was very clever.

    Quick solve, PromiseMeThis.

    Col Gopinath had an interesting point about YMCA this morning. I looked a several "Y" sites and all of them state "The activities of the YMCA work to build healthy mind, body and spirit for all." Activities include camping, child care, leadership training, sports, international concerns, big brothers and others as determined by branch committees and boards. Sport is just one branch of YMCA activities.

    Windhover from yesterday. Glad to hear that your iphone has made a big difference in your life.

    No hiding for me on Friday the 13th. A friend of mine called and said she has an extra ticket to a Portuguese fado concert this evening. Her mother is Portuguese and the concert is a Valentine treat for her mom, sister and cousin. Her cousin canceled and I think it was a compliment when she said, "You're up for just about anything." I know nothing about fado singing, but my friend is right....why not?

  55. Great to have you back Buckeye I guess Nurse Rachitt has kept you away for sometime.

  56. I found your blog while helping my mother with this crossword puzzle. Thanks for the help!
    We find crosswords difficult even for native English speakers but that's their purpose.
    Yes, evert IS a word - the opposite of invert. Sea Stars evert their stomachs in order to eat.

  57. Buckeye:

    As you can see we have all missed you! Welcome back!


    Just had to throw this info out to anyone who might be interested. There is a link on this blogspot for a live feed(today) from the Smithsonian where people are constructing a beautiful portrait of Obama and Lincoln made from 5,000 is quite unbelievable and very stunning.

  59. Mark - Buenos Aires.

    Related Searches on under "leaflet": Synonyms

    tract *
    flyer *


  60. Well, gang, I'm SO disappointed!! All of these great minds and nobody mentioned "Tristadecaphobia". It's supposed to be the fear of the number 13. However, it was really the last name of one of my OTHER cousins that came here from Liechtenstein. His first name was Haywoodenglastermeier. They really messed him up and signed him in as Haywood Jablowme.
    (And yes, promisemethis, THOSE Guderamerdingstrassaholzers. Scary, isn't it?)

    Clearayes. I am both Verbal Kint and Kaiser Sose. My real name is an off-shoot of those two pre-mentioned names - Oral Sax.

    Poof!! IMBO

  61. P.S. Nurse Ratchet is not a "Happy Camper". I think I'm in for some real "deep physical therapy" in the upcoming days (and nights). I'm a little nervous, since I saw her today with a set of "jumper cables".



  62. Clearayes. Again you're right. I always said the best way to prevent frost bite is Aruba.


  63. 11:54 today. I won't reiterate what others have said about this puzzle--ugh.

    I have not studied much religion, so that definitely slowed me down today in this religious-intensive puzzle.

    While in high school I did go to Sunday night "youth night" at our church, and was quite active in that organization, but that was mainly because my girlfriend at the time was also a member. I would drive her to the meetings and this left plenty of time for a little "smoochy-woochy" afterwards. I'm not sure her parents ever figured out that the meetings adjourned at 9PM instead of 10PM as we told them... I wonder if petting in a church parking lot is a sin?

  64. embien, probably depends on what you "pet".

  65. HI CC
    Been a lurker for some time...enjoy and appreciate your great work on this blog...
    I named my former dog, a Norwegian Elkhound, "S.P.Q.R." because of the ubiquitous display of this acronym on so many of the buildings, bridges and public works, including manhole covers sponsored by the Senate and the People of Rome during its Republican era...

  66. Good evening C.C.and all,

    No reason to rehash a disappointing word day. But, I must say, all the conversation made up for it. You guys are great. I hope,Buckeye, that you don't hide out in Aruba for too long. We miss your comments.

    Kazie, I loved watching the Goons. I had never heard of them, but like that British humor.

    anon @2:29, your example of evert was great.

    Carol @6:35.LOL!

    Wolfmom, the cupcakes were amazing!!! Thanks. By the way, are you "in" tomorrow? Oh no, here comes Dennis.

    C.C., doing this puzzle reminded me of that crossword story that someone, maybe you, sent us in Sept. It used only very obscure words. Actually, we've had worse, but we end up learning more.

    I loved hearing all the Jewish names today, and how some of them came to be. It would be interesting to know how each of us got our last name (so far back in our family trees), and many of them did change when our families came thru Ellis Is. Ours was L'oiseau, but they wrote Loizeaux, which messed up the singular/plural.

    sigh...Sharks are in overtime again.

  67. anon, how did you pronounce its name?

  68. "sigh...Sharks are in overtime again."
    That does suck because it means Buffalo will get at least a point.
    I just hope the Panthers can take care of the Rangers in regulation. The game is probably over, but I have just started watching it on Tivo.

  69. The Goons are a cross between Abbott and Costello and John Cleese.

    Alfred E Neuman

  70. Re the Goons, you have to remember that the show was on radio--not TV, having begun in the 50's. As such the humor, largely visual, was all in the mind of the listener. Like when, in China Story, one character exclaims that it's too far to go to a certain place, but only after you hear the running feet disappear into the distance and then return, saying, "Yes, it's definitely too far to travel!" Then there's also the language, the ridiculously incongruous statements like some in evidence on the clips at that link I gave this morning.

    I think they were unique in their day, and a great, and acknowledged, influence on Monty Python, which followed several years later. In one of the clips on the site, John Cleese actually fills in as announcer.


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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