, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Thursday February 12, 2009 Adele Mann

Gary's Blog Map

Feb 12, 2009

Thursday February 12, 2009 Adele Mann

Theme: What is Love?

1A: Start of a quip: LOVE IS

21A: Part 2 of quip: A CROCODILE

41A: Part 3 of quip: ALONG

60A: Part 4 of quip: THE RIVER OF

73A: End of quip: DESIRE

Does it mean that love is dangerous?

I have never solved a puzzle where the quip starts with 1A. Was worried that this puzzle might be a “Shock and Awe”. It turns out to be just a “shock and uh”.

Mike WEIR (26A: Masters champion from Canada) might be a bit obscure to non-golf fans. But it’s easily gettable. He is probably the best known left-handed golfer in PGA, after Phil Mickelson. I've forgotten most of the 2003 Masters. Do remember the intimate embrace he gave to his wife after he sank the final putt.

Too many “Be…” clues for my taste:

71A: Be without: NEED. Why not "Can't live without"?

45D: Be worthy of: MERIT. "Worth" alone is enough, isn't it?

13D: Be vanquished: LOSE. Dennis probably wants "Take the booby prize" or "Mislay".


17A: Grasping part: PINCER. Have never seen a singular PINCER before.

18A: Shaded walkways: ALAMEDAS. New word to me. Like this? Dictionary explains that ALAMEDA is rooted in Spanish word "alamo", a poplar tree in the Southwest.

25A: Temper: ANNEAL. Temper metal.

23A: Enticed: LED ON. I often confuse inveigle with inveigh.

28A: Archie’s command to Edith: STIFLE. Easy guess. I watched one or two episodes of "All in the Family". Don't remember this rude command.

44A: Silvery European fish: BREAM. No idea. Scary eyes. It does not look "Silvery" to me. Remember last time we had SCUP (clued as "Porgy")? Now that's "Silvery".

46A: Aleppo’s country: SYRIA. Last time ALEPPO was clued as "Syria city". Wikipedia says 70% of Aleppo's inhabitants are Sunni Muslims.

49A: Flower part: STAMEN. It bears pollen. The white stuff on top is the anther.

51A: 500-mile event, briefly: INDY. I know it runs over the Memorial weekend. And Daytona 500 will be held this weekend. Other than that, I know nothing about racing. Are those two like Baseball's American League Champion Series & National League Champion Series?

69A: Singer Peerce: JAN. Not a familiar name to me. Jan, he must be of Dutch root.


3D: Having blades, as a windmill: VANED. New adjective form to me.

4D: Mortgage condition: ESCROW. What exactly is ESCROW?

5D: Tina Turner’s ex: IKE. Nice change from the stale "Presidential nickname" clue. Not sure if they were really married though.

6D: F.D.R.’s mother: SARA. Learned her name from doing Xword. F.D.R.’s dog is FALA.

8D: Manmade fiber: ORLON. Wanted NYLON. Both are synthetic fiber, right?

10D: Young plant: SEEDLING. “Ling” is a suffix for small. Duckling, underling, yearling, etc.

27D: “Sliver” author Levin: IRA. Thrillingly scary movie. I did not know Ira Levin wrote it though.

37D: First name in tenors: ENRICO. For opera fans, 20th century started with ENRICO Caruso and ended with Pavarotti.

40D: Asian evergreen: TAMARIND. Interesting, Wikipedia says TAMARIND is Arabic for "Indian date" due to its date-like fruit shape. Palm dates I suppose. Our Chinese dates are round. Some people like TAMARIND in their chutney.

42D: Southwest people: NAVAJO. The largest tribal group in the US. I really adore some of the NAVAJO turquoise silver bracelets. Very pretty.

57D: Belafonte or Lewis: SHARI. Another easy guess. SHARI Belafonte is an actress. SHARI Lewis is the original puppeteer for "Lamb Chop".

58D: Lush: TOPER. Is this a real word?

59D: Edberg or Sorenstam: SWEDE. I've got several autographs from Annika Sorenstam. Have never heard of Stefan Edberg the tennis player.



  1. Good morning, C.C. and gang - well, I guess they're not paying anybody anymore. I fear we might've seen the last of Barry Silk in these puzzles.

    No major problems with this one, as far a completing it. Needed perp help for 'tamarind' and 'weir'. I did, however, have a problem with 'escape' for 'way out' and 'need' for 'be without'. I've been without many mental faculties for years, but I don't need them.

    In addition to Lincoln's birthday, today is Plum Pudding Day.

    Today's Words of Wisdom: "Security is mostly superstition....avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing." -- Helen Keller

  2. Wait, American Idol is still on.

    The quip reminded me of
    this song


  3. From Wiki...

    Escrow is best known in the United States in the context of real estate (specifically in mortgages where the mortgage company establishes an escrow account to pay property tax and insurance during the term of the mortgage). Escrow companies are also commonly used in the transfer of high value personal and business property, like websites and businesses, and in the completion of person-to-person remote auctions (such as eBay). In the UK escrow accounts are often used during private property transactions to hold solicitors' client's money, such as the deposit, until such time as the transaction completes.

  4. Dennis,
    Hmm, plum pudding, Martha Stewart, imClone stock. When was that? Does your quote apply to raincoat also? As for your THRUSTER question yesterday, I was picturing someone who thrusts something in or something he thrusts in. Definitely not your pitch/yaw control equipment.

    Great song! Cleve clues for OMBRE & ALFS yesterday.

    "Rub out" = Off = Kill.

  5. Good morning CC and all, not too bad today until I got to the SE corner. I had egress in lieu of escape and that really screwed me up for a long time. I guess escape is a way out but the clue, to me, was misleading. Other than that there wasn't too much trouble. 44A took a while to reveal itself at the intersection with tamarind. The other unknowns were revealed by the perps.

    Wind gusts to 65 mph here this am. It gets a bit unnerving watching the trees bending toward the house. Oh well, my insurance is paid. Hope you all have a great Thursday.

  6. Lois,
    Congratulations to Kenny! Awesome! When was BBQ held?

    Kazie & Lemonade,
    Re: "Annus Mirablis" & "Annus Horribilis. What does the Latin feminine word end? Letter a? How does the genitive form of those words end then? In what letter?

    Sallie & Calef,
    Thanks for the answers.

    Thanks for the Nubia & Aida connection. Very interesting.

  7. CC "Rub out" = Off = Kill. I agree "Rub Out" = Kill but still have a problem with "Rub Out" = OFF. Oh well, I got the answer anyway.

  8. Does your quote apply to raincoat also?

    How would it?

    As for your THRUSTER question yesterday, I was picturing someone who thrusts something in or something he thrusts in.

    Of course you were. Again, welcome to the dark side.

    Definitely not your pitch/yaw control equipment.

    What's wrong with my pitch/yaw equipment??

  9. Barb B,
    What have you been busy with? I missed reading your posts in the past weeks.

    You are a great painter with words.

    I liked your "Live my life following what interest me" motto. Sounds very Dennis-like. Simple & Inspiring. Yesterday's Josiah Breward puzzle is from our editor Wayne R. Williams. The other alias name he uses occasionally is Willy A. Wiseman.

    Thanks for the African religion map. Yes, the real Mickey Mantle 1956 graded NM/MT costs a lot. I only have Topps Heritage reprint.

  10. c.c.
    Day late and a nickel short, that's me. I finally retraced my steps yesterday and clicked on the french motto link , now i know i gave an irrelevant answer , i' ll have to eat a can of worms at least . You gave me a chance to shine , and i blew it royally.
    I hope you will forgive the oversight on my part , i feel dismal and stupid .

    Kazie, i sorry , i made a total ass of myself but i want you to know i felt the same as you inre the word, Arbitrio, it has to be such an arcaic expression , i never heard of it
    i sent an S.O.S to my sister-in-law in Italy and if the explanation is any different or clearer than Promiseme, i' ll let you know

    I will say in closing, i would rather start the day by shoveling snow than with a Condo Meeting
    any day .

  11. c.c
    Now i can start today's c/w with a clean slate yes ?

  12. Dick, it's blowing like crazy here too. I'm gonna go hang out in the front yard.

  13. Dennis,
    Well, as Lois often warns, you need a good raincoat. If you are too daring with your "adventure", you will be in deep, deep puddle. As for your THRUSTER equipment, tell me in detail how you yaw, pitch, roll and THRUST. They sure confuse the hell of me.

    Don't fret over your oversight. I had the inkling the other day that you might not click on the Liberty painting link. It takes time to get used to the blogger software.

    Anonymous @6:05pm,
    As every comment is forwarded to my e-mail box, so I do read every comment. Thanks.

  14. Good evening from India,
    Got through with a little bit of googling. Didn't understand the quip at all.
    Tamarind trees are very common in India, in fact most of the old roads/highways had these trees on either side providing plenty of shade, unfortunately most of them are being chopped down in the name of road widening. Tamarind by itself is commonly used in south indian dishes. In fact even the tender leaves can be eaten raw and have a sour taste.

  15. Col G,
    How about the dried TAMARIND leaves then? Can you wrap fish with them like you use banana leaves?

    Thanks for NUBIA. DF means blue (we call it yellow in China), daringly close to inappropriateness.

    Red Smitty,
    How long have you been solving TMS puzzle? Both diarists (Anais Nin & Samuel Pepys) appear in them regularly.

  16. Wow. After reading the comment from Anonymous about mortgage financing I now understand how people feel when I post about physics!

    I bought the paper today but when I got back to my office the puzzle was already online and, frankly, that's more fun because I get the red letters and can finish sooner, in 18 minutes and 36 seconds today. Unknowns were ALAMEDAS, BREAM, ORLON and TAMARIND. WEIR is a fairly common name and VANED was easy to guess too: cf weather VANE. I wanted LACK for NEED, ONCE for EVER and EIRE for ERIN.

    ESP stands for Extra Sensory Perception. It also stands for English for Special Purposes. You can imagine my reaction when somebody asked me if I had ever "taught ESP". "Excuse me?" I said.

    Great song!

    I didn't even know it was online: it's from an album of Jolin's from ten or so years ago. I plan to download the video and burn it to a VCD and show it to students in class and inspire them to use English effectively.


  17. Manmade fiber: ORLON. Wanted NYLON. Both are synthetic fiber, right?

    I was trying to think of NYLON but ORLON came from the perps. Another unknown was YUCCAS.


  18. Morning, folks!

    Not a bad puzzle today. Got off to a slow start thanks to the quip position at 1A, but fortunately the quip was pretty easy to get once the letters started appearing. As soon as I had _____ODILE for 21A, for example, I was able to fill the rest in.

    Unknowns today were few and included WEIR, BREAM, JAN and SARA. In addition, a couple of obscure clues threw me for a bit of a loop, including "Aleppo's country" and "Asian evergreen." I knew the answers, but needed most of the perps to realize what the clues were looking for.

    I don't know if this was intentional on the part of the constructor or just the result of my caffeine-deprived brain, but I had an unusually hard time this morning with noun/verb/adjective confusion. I thought "Temper", "Exploit" and "Master" were nouns instead of verbs, and also thought that "Lush" was an adjective instead of a noun. Overall, though, not a particularly difficult puzzle and no complaints from me.

  19. I sure miss Dr Dad and Buckeye. Hope they return soon!

  20. TOPER? I have read many books about drinkers, but I have never heard this term. I wanted to google for tempring metal, but since I discovered this Blog, I am more determined and waited for the fills. Still do not know ANNEAL, but it will probably pop up soonm they seem in a clue duplicating rut.

    I have done puzzles for 50 years and never had the quip in 1A, and kept trying to take out crocodile, snce it seemed stupid; still does.

    Escrow is not that boring, it simply is where you appoint someone to hold your moeny (or something) and release it when it is time.

    Yes, "A" is the feminine (e.g. alumnus, alumna) as far as the possesive, I really do not remember, will have to ask my son, though I think it is alumnae.

    Yucca can be very tasty prepared properly, and not everyone is South Floirda has to deal with Condo boards. It was in 70's and sunny during the ice storms, and I spend much less on clothing, here.

  21. Wow, got the whole thing done and didn't realize that it wasn't even an Olschwang! Don't understand the quip unless to love means to be crocodile fodder!
    Only clue I don't like is 71a. To be without something doesn't mean you need it. Lack it, maybe, but not NEED. Hell, I've been without my sanity for a long time but I've not felt that I NEEDed it. Just knew I lacked something!
    CY'All Later

  22. Fairly easy XW this morning with no major stumbles, though at first I also wanted LACK for NEED and TAMARACK for TAMARIND, but then changed to get ERIN. Also started with END instead of LOT (7A).

    Bream is a common fish in Oz as well, it's related to sunfishes according to Webster.

    Jacob Pincus Perlemuth was Jan Peerce's real name. He may have taken the new name to avoid seeming too Jewish, though he was staunchly religious according to Wiki.

    The Latin feminine 1st declension does end in -a and changes to -ae for both the genitive and plural nominative. I forget many of the other forms, thought they were in my Latin school dictionary, but they aren't. The trouble with Latin is there are three or four (?) declensions, all with different forms in all cases, so it gets confusing. But the 1st (-a) and 2nd (-us) are the most common.

    Don't worry, we managed, but I missed you!

  23. C.C. Even though not an Alan O. puzzle, I found it refreshing not to have an Evan Esar quote. Is Adele Mann a real person or just a pen name for WRW?
    CC. I think the crocodile part of the quote is to say the "love devours a person".

  24. The Indy 500 and Daytona 500 are each the biggest race in their respective form of racing, open wheel for Indy and stock for Daytona. They are not end of the season, championship type races, just very storied pasts, and great tracks. Each venue does have races later in the year.

    As I recall there are 6 declensions in Latin, nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive, dative, and ablative, which of course does not reveal the excitement of a double dative, an ablative absolute, but it is never too late for a dead language.

    Off to work late again, hmm, puzzlng.

  25. lemonade,
    Those are the cases included in each declension. So if you multiply those six by the number of declensions, and I can't quite remember how many there are, you get a lot of different possible endings for nouns! And that's not including the adjectives that have to agree with them!

  26. Good Morning C.C. and Co.,

    17:02 this morning. The top held me up a bit, but once I figured out ACROCODILE and ALAMEDAS, I was able to get ANNEAL.

    To elaborate on the types of cars: The IndyCar class that race derives its name from is an open-wheeled car, whereas the Daytona 500 is a NASCAR race. NASCAR cars are 'stock cars'. They are not open-wheeled.

    I have not seen SLITHER. A young woman I met on Miami Beach in the early nineties told me I looked like Tom Beringer. I think it was my eyes. She was an actress/model and I will always remember her as the Massengill commercial girl.

    Yes, TOPER is a word.

  27. "Love is a crocodile along the river of desire" is a sanskrit proverb. Too bad the author just called it a "quip" - maybe because it is slightly paraphrased.

  28. "toper." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary: One who topes.

    Boy, is that a classic dictionary entry or what?

    Modifieds NASCAR's version of open-wheeled racing. Far,far cheaper than Indy racing and some of the tracks are as small as a 1/4 mile.

  29. You are right, Argyle. That is a terrible definition. It does say 'drunkard', though. Which clarifies that LUSH was a noun and not an adjective.

  30. Check out LUSH.
    It can be a noun, a verb, or a adjective.

    "In a lush bar, the lush lushed his lush."

  31. Mark - Buenos Aires

    I have nothing to add to what´s been said so I will leave a cryptic clue

    "A happy life´s afters?" (1,4,2,8)

    "afters" means desserts, and the answer is to do with a well known song of the 1930´s

  32. I think you could even say,
    "In a lush bar, the lush lushed his lush lush."

  33. Good Morning All, I had FINGER for 17A to begin with and both ALAMEDAS and BREAM were new to me.

    We have a nice YUCCA at the entrance to our driveway. They are so easy to grow and thrive in our semi-arid region.

    After I completed the puzzle, I mistakenly read the quip as " Love is a crocodile along the river of 66A ESCAPE". I kinda like that one better.

    PromiseMeThis, Yes, I can definitely see the resemblance to Tom Berenger with your new photo :o)

  34. Clear Ayes.

    Thanks for pointing me to a couple more C&W artists.
    Perhaps I should never say "never", But it just seemed that way to me when I compared C&W to all the others.
    I wonder now how long before the next one makes an appearance.
    Watch for me OK?

  35. As we celebrate Lincoln's birthday, let's not forget it is Darwin's 200th
    birthday as well. As my late first husband was a geologist and practicing Christian who found no reason to doubt evolution, I believe we should be rational.
    So happy birthday Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Darwin.
    My big problem with today's puzzle was I spelled it Indi, and couldn't make iuccas make sense for a desert bloom.
    Have a great Thursday everyone.

  36. Well Dennis: re C.C.'s comment to you at 6:11, WOO HOO....I'll be eager to read your description of your equipment and it's movements (in detail no less!). Is that why you'll be in your front yard? A little practice is good but remember your raincoat. LOL

    I actually did this puzzle without any help! Can't believe the difference between this and yesterday's little nasty. I really did not understand the quip though.

    Lois, you should tell these good folks about your very talented son! He is so thrilling to watch! Give them the link.

  37. Good morning, to all

    Well it was a labor of love today, i needed a lot of help from my c/w dictionary and google and like Dick, when i got to the SE corner i had Harry Belafonte instead of Shary so you can imagine . . . Powerful proverb ,
    Beautiful song

    oh, and toper was a new one
    Cleareyes, yucca bears a flower once a year and it is the most exquisite scent am i right ?

  38. Mark,
    So far, I am stumped by your cryptic clue. I assume that this is the song to which you refer. Maybe knowing that will help somebody else figure out the answer to your clue.

    Handsome devil, am I not?

  39. Not bad...not great. Again, I seem to know some of the more unusual words and get hung up on things like lush. I had EIRE, at first for Ireland and VERANDAS, which started out looking good until I realized that only the DAS part worked which took me to ALAMEDAS(a much used word in this area). I actually knew ANNEAL because an ANNEALING oven is where you put blown glass to temper. The rest, everyone pretty much covered.

    Dennis...I am sensing a theme in most of your quotes lately..."Just get out there and do it!". Good theme...

    C.C. Thank you for xword I suspected. I guess we should just buck up and get them done and should stop complaining. You have taught us the elegance of a well-designed and well-clued puzzle and now we are like gourmands that complain that the wine is over chilled and the scallops under cooked....

  40. Mark, Is the song "Life is just A BOWL OF CHERRIES"?

    PromiseMeThis...AND a grammarian too!

  41. I realize TOPER is a word, but if it has not been in use since 1661, I think they should at least make reference to the word being archaic.

    Meanwhile, since we all get the newspaper to have our puzzle, I cannot help but read the news, which is often distressing. Recently, the information about the woman with the octuplets (now single, unemployed with 14 children) is seeking both state aid and donations from the public, to supplement her National Enquirer income, both saddens and irritates me. There is a very simple solution to the support of those children, it should fall solely on the irresponsible, irrational medical practitioner who implanted the embryos. At some point society needs to make people responsible for their actions, and in a more productive and effective way than just building new jails, and warehousing them. This doctor who, knowing the woman's financial situation, knowing she was not deprived of motherhood, and knowing that the world is filled with women who truly could benefit from embryo implantation, and take care of the children, must be made to pay. My mother was an OB_GYN nurse for 40+ years, and my wife and I suffered through 5 miscarriages, so perhaps my reaction is extreme, and I know it is unrelated to any puzzle, other than the puzzle of what is wrong with so many people.

  42. Good afternoon, CC et al., Really enjoyed this puzzle. Thought 2D was cute and combined w/'gin' and 'toper'...well, she's singin' my song, except I still prefer drdad's Citron/tonic/lemon most of the time. I sure miss him too, Dick, and Buckeye as well. Maybe if we beg, they'll show up.

    Dennis: I'm anxiously awaiting your answer to CC's request on thruster equipment. LOL Also hanging out in the wind will set you free with a well hung frame of mind. What a mental image! Wonder if mother west wind will need help w/that job. She has my application.

    Bill: LOL cute! Sanity is so overrated, isn't it?

  43. I forgot to add the link to Rudy Vallee's Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries, a great song and excellent words to live by. This song came out in 1931, smack-dab in the depths of the Great Depression. Nowadays, it is probably good to remember that "The best things in life, to you are just loaned, so how can you lose, what you've never owned?"

    Lemonade714, I can't help but wonder why Ms. Suleman's fertility doctor didn't insist on some psychological testing for her. But then, I also find it odd that the Learning Channel glorifies extra-large families with their shows "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" and the continuing saga of the Duggars and their 18 (or is it 19?) children. I rather doubt that these families could support their families without some type of aid, if they weren't subsidized by income from the TV shows.

  44. Thank you CC and Carol. Today's Words of wisdom are perfect! Life has been and is such an adventure
    esp in our homemade backyard bike park. Here's the site if anyone wants to look. and click on any of the links, esp the back yard BBQ
    Also: horton photogallery.php

    Sorry these are 'live'...I haven't figured out how to do that yet.

  45. Cool pics Lois. I have watched those guys on TV. They do some pretty amazing things on those little bikes.

    ClearEyes, Apparently I completely misunderstood Mark. It seems his clue had nothing whatever to do with our LUSH discussion. You probably have the answer right. I did not think he meant that the answer IS a song title, just that it had something to do with it. Do you know what the numbers he included are all about?

  46. PromiseMeThis, We haven't heard from Mark yet, so I may be totally off base, but a bowl of cherries could be considered a dessert. The numbers after Mark's clue are the same as the number of letters in A(1) BOWL(4) OF(2) CHERRIES(8).

    Weirdly, I have a knack for remembering old (sometimes, very old) songs and lyrics. I don't know where or when I learned that song, but somehow I did. It just popped into my mind with Mark's clue. I have no doubt that this particular facility has shoved other tying my shoelaces...or walking and chewing gum at the same time...totally out of my brain.

    Lois, Congratulations to your son. It must be difficult to keep those "Mom" buttons from busting with pride.

  47. I got off to several false starts today. Toper was a new one for me and I also wanted finger for pincer. I thought of Harry for Belafonte, but of course with Lewis it is Shari.

    I did not know Bream as a European fish. Seems to me the anglers caught them in the southeastern states when I lived there, but they may not have been indigenous.

    The Seattle Times has thought of another ingenious cost cutting trick. They have reduced the width of their printed pages by one inch. They save on paper cost and I save on ink with smaller letters in the crossword squares.
    Maybe the eyecare professionals were behind it hoping for an increased market for reading-glasses.

    Seattle John

  48. Argyle: thank you so much for those links. I hadn't seen most of those pictures myself...wish I hadn't on a couple of them. Geeze! But that was sweet of you to fix them for me. I'll give you extra cookies when you come again next year.

    Clear Ayes: I'm happy for him. It's been his dream for most of his life, and I hope he gets to live long enough to enjoy the fruits of his labors...w/out getting bubonic plague, alcohol poisoning, or mamaloisitis angriosa, which would be the worst affliction of all. Time will tell.

  49. C.C. Ike and Tina Turner were married. The only thing she wanted--and got--out of the divorce was to keep his last name because she was famous under that name. There is a movie about her life called, "What's Love Got to Do With It."

    There is a scene at Johnny's Broiler in Downey, CA. I remember this because I live in Downey.

    I learn a lot from your blog. Thanks.


  50. Wow, Lois. How awesome is that? I saw something about congrats to you and wondered what I missed. Now, I know. Great job, Kenny! Good luck.

  51. Lois,
    Thrilling to say the least. We have snowboarders in our family. Love watching them both.
    Best of luck to your son.

    Good c/w today, most has been said.

  52. Lois, Hang in there. Kids seem to have a talent for surviving, in spite of all the things their parents worry about. They WILL do things that scare the crap out of you, so you've obviously (and rightly) decided to sit back and let him enjoy the Ride.

    Maria, Our yucca blooms once a year, a cluster of flowers on one long stalk. I've heard that some varieties bloom twice a year. The scent is best in the evening and you're right, it is very fragrant.

    That's all for me today. Have a good evening, everyone.

  53. CC,

    I'm new to working the puzzles. I guess I'd remember NIN easier than PEPYS.

    Because of what she wrote about.

  54. Hello again, all,
    I'm so glad I found this blog. It has definitely made me a better puzzler. I live in a very rural area with no Internet service other than dialup, and I also live off the grid, so no computer. About two months ago I gave in and bought the iphone, which is my only Internet access. It's the best farm tool I've ever bought (weather radar in my pocket).
    My idea of discipline is not looking at the site until I've finished the puzzle or exhausted my knowledge. I finish about 90% of the time without help, but really appreciate the occasional fill that gets me back in the game.
    I have to say the teasing innuendo is worth at least the price of admission. Please don't stop. Paraphrasing the Grateful Dead, let's "keep on thrusting", raincoats be d!*#&d. Seriously, thanks a lot, CC et al.
    Windhover127, aka Larry.

  55. Lois, I wondered if you had seen them. Here's the ESPN video(starts with a Taco Bell ad) FBN East Coast Tour, Part two. It says there is a Part three coming.

  56. @ Lois, Guess I missed the info on your son, but with all of the Kenny Horton pics I assume your son is in to bicycles. If he can ride like Kenny great for him. If so congrats to him and you.

  57. D: Tina Turner’s ex: IKE. Nice change from the stale "Presidential nickname" clue. Not sure if they were really married though.

    Yes they were when they got divorced all Tina wanted was her name name Tina Turner She was born Annie Mae Bullock.

    After a violent argument before an appearance in Dallas in July 1976, Tina abruptly left Ike, fleeing with nothing more than thirty-six cents and a gas-station credit card.

    Her divorce was finalized in 1978 after sixteen years of marriage. She later accused Ike of years of severe spousal abuse and rampant drug addiction in her autobiography I, Tina. It was later adapted for the film What's Love Got to Do with It?. She parted ways with him, retaining only her stage name, and assuming responsibility for the debts incurred by the canceled tour as well as a significant IRS lien.

  58. That ride link Clear Ayes posted is amazing. I just wish I could even ride my bike and wasn't too scared to use it! But age is a deterrent to risk taking.

    I'm sure your son knows enough not to take unnecessary risks, especially with your guidance. Independence is a great gift, and our kids don't get it without our letting them have a certain amount of freedom to spread their wings.

  59. Argyle: Thank you for that ESPN clip. I have seen that one. That's Dave Mira's place. Didn't see him, but how fun for those kids! Dave Mira was actually riding in our back yard a couple of years ago now and I was so impressed w/ I was w/ the FBM team who stayed here. They were all such polite and decent young men. I'm so glad I can say that. And they were!

    I suspect that the Part III will be taken in Australia next month when they all go, but I'm not sure. I know Kenny is thrilled about the trip. Thank you again for doing that. I'll make sure my chimney is extra clean for you to come in next Christmas. You deserve only the best. I wouldn't want to mess up your suit (birthday or not).

    Clear Ayes: I LOVE that clip. What a ride! I lost my breath on a couple of those tricks. Thank you for that one. Peg Leg is another group of just outstanding young men.

    Kazie: I know! I have some fiercely independent children and Kenny could've helped Jefferson write the Declaration.

    Thank you Bill, Dick, Promiseme, and Geri. I'll pass your good wishes on to Kenny. That is so nice of all of you.

    Geri, I was watching the snowboarding competitions the other wkend on TV, and I agree. It is truly exciting and amazing what they can do! Fun times!

  60. PromiseMeThis said...
    I think you could even say,
    "In a lush bar, the lush lushed his lush lush."

    I think you have to be drunk to understand that one!

  61. Dick, did you know that Kenny IS Lois' son? I couldn't tell from your comment at 4:27. :)
    (Sorry if the punctuation is incorrect..I never did understand commas very well) I am sure with all the teachers on this blog - one (or more) of them will tell me how to know. :)

  62. Good evening to all,

    Lois, that was some bar-b-que!! What a great mom you are to give Kenny that needed support to become a responsible independent adult. Kudos to you both. Thanks for the links Argyle.

    Most has been said about the puzzle, but I guess no one else got to 63D and wanted to write f*** off ? The SE corner had me stymied.I had Harry, didn't know toper, and was in such a quandry over 59D.I could not figure out the last word for the quip.I had yuccas, but that did not help. They are plentiful in So. CA desert areas and foothills .
    Barry had odile, while I had croc. I wondered where that was going ... love is a croc?LOL!

    I agree with Bill about 71A, and loved his explanation. I asked for a Pogo stick every Christmas, and I guess my parents didn't think I needed it either.

    Dennis, how is that raincoat holding UP?

  63. "In a lush bar, the lush lushed his lush lush." I wonder if that is a quote ( or quip) associated with Foster Brooks.

    I just have to ask.... I always thought "Ireland" was Eire. Where did Erin come from and whats the difference?

    I did not know ANNEAL (and still dont)and I misspelled SHERI for SHARI. Since I couldn't figure out LUSH as TOPER. Got the rest of the puzzle without any help. So a good day for me.

    Lemonade714 - - I couldn't agree more.

    I've learned more from this sight in the past 2 months than the prior 10 years as i use to just set the paper aside after I got as far as I could. Thank you all!

  64. Hey C.C.,

    You're the BEST.

  65. Erin is another favorite crossword answer, with its history from the Scottish Poem which contains the phrase "ERIN GO BRAGH"
    The poem begins:
    My name's Duncan Campbell from the shire of Argyll
    I've travelled this country for many's the mile
    I've travelled through Ireland, Scotland and a'
    And the name I go under's bold Erin-go-bragh
    One night in Auld Reekie as I walked down the street
    A saucy big polis I chanced for to meet
    He glowered in my face and he gi'ed me some jaw
    Sayin' "When cam' ye over, bold Erin-go-bragh?"

    Of course this led to my old college song, urging Erin Go Braless, but it is time to go....

  66. Meanwhile;
    for those of you who do not remember Shari Belafonte, she was gorgeous (still is).

  67. @Argyle

    That looks like the race track at Bristol Tennesee. I have been there twice. It is my favorite track. Every seat has a perfect view.

  68. CC
    Tamarind leaves unlike banana leaves are too small to wrap anything in them, these leaves are hardly 1/2 inch by 1/4 inch, shall check and let you know in case it is used in cooking, as far as I know it is not

  69. @Brian
    The track in the picture is Thunder Road in Barre, VT. It is owned by Ken Squier, who did the broadcasts of the Daytona 500 for CBS TV from 1979 to 2000.


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