, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Wednesday February 11, 2009 Josiah Breward

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Feb 11, 2009

Wednesday February 11, 2009 Josiah Breward

Theme: The Scarlet Letters

17A: John Cougar Mellencamp hit: CHERRY BOMB

26A: Hit by the Psychedelic Furs: PRETTY IN PINK

43A: Hit by Chris DeBurgh: THE LADY IN RED

58A: Hit by Sting: DESERT ROSE

Why not "Hit by John Cougar Mellencamp" for 17A? It would be more consistent with the other three clues.

An odyssey for me this morning. The center grid where NUBIA/OMBRE/PRAIA intersects one another is very hard. As for the theme entries, I've heard of LADY IN RED and DESERT ROSE. Have forgotten all about CHERRY BOMB, I think someone linked that song before. PRETTY IN PINK is new to me. What a weird band name: The Psychedelic Furs.

There should be a "var." mark with the clue for TABU (9D:Prohibited). I have zero familiarity with SENSORIA (39D: Human CPUs), but "CPUs" should not be part of the clue, as it indicates an abbreviated answer.


1A: Collier's access: ADIT. Often clued as "Mine entrance". Coal + ier = Collier (coal miner)

15A: Snorer's peril: APNEA. What caused this sleep order?

19A: U.S. weather grp.: NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). New to me.

20A: Diarist Pepys: SAMUEL. Pepys has the same pronunciation as "peeps". His diary recorded the Great Fire of London (1666). Funny how that year is called "Annus Mirablis". It's a perfect "Annus Horribilis". Why do all those Latin words end in letter s?

34A: Women's Lib opponent, perhaps: MCP (Male Chauvinist Pig). Know the phrase, but the abbreviation did not come to me readily.

38A: Three-player card game: OMBRE. Or OMBER. From Spanish hombre (man). It's "a card game popular in the 17th and 18th centuries and played, usually by three persons, with 40 cards." Completely unknown to me.

41A: Cape Verde capital: PRAIA. No idea. See this map. Does it belong to Africa then? Wikipedia says Cape Verde was a Portuguese colony until 1975. About 71% of the population is Creole of mixed black African and Portuguese descent. And more than 85 percent of the population is Roman Catholic. Most of the Africans are Muslims, right?

53A: Ancient region in Asia Minor: AEOLIS. Or Aeolia. Another unknown to me. All I could think of is Ionia. Well, look at here, I was not that far off. I don't understand this part. How is Odysseus' Aeolus island connect with AEOLIS? Are they the same?

60A: Artist Mondrian: PIET. The Dutch painter famous for his "Composition with Yellow, Blue and Red". Also see this PIET Mondrian inspired Nike shoe.

61A: Anaheim player: ANGEL. Awkward Los Angels Angels of Anaheim. Yesterday's Rod Carew (7-time A.L batting champ) finished his career with the Angels.


4D: Maneuvering rocket: THRUSTER. I don't know. Like this?

10D: "Where the Wild Things Are" writer: SENDAK. I googled this author. Not familiar with the book.

11D: To have: Fr.: AVOIR. Santa, Je veux AVOIR this for Christmas.

18D: Right-hand page: RECTO. Reminds me of Barry G's outburst over RECTI (clued as "Belly muscles"). The singular form is rectus. RECTI is the same as abs, aren't they?

27D: Apple choice: ROME. Here is a clip for those who love the real ROMA.

29D: Nile region: NUBIA. No idea. Here is a map. Wikipedia says "most of NUBIA is situated in Sudan with a quarter of its terriory in Egypt. And in ancient times it was an independent kingdom." Why does this word sound so DF to me?

36D: Cowboy's chum: PARD. Short for Parter. Is it a common slang? I've never heard of it before.

46D: Sun: pref: HELIO

56D: Meeting: abbr.: SESS. This S-laden word is often found either at the bottom or the rightmost edge of the grid.



  1. Good morning, C.C. and gang - well, if it wasn't for the perps and an easy theme, I never would've gotten through this one. Could they make these locations any more obscure? At least I'd heard of Nubia, but Aeolis?? Praia?? And I didn't have the faintest who wrote "Where the Wild Things Are. Oh, and I thought the clue for 54D was weak, using both Lon Chaney and his son; could've easily used Lon Nol or others. Anyway, I somehow got through without g-spotting, but it wasn't pretty. 'Sensoria'?? Jeezus.

    Today is a full day - it's Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk day, Make a Friend Day, and White T-shirt day.

    Today's Words of Wisdom and I love this one: "There are dreams of life, love and adventure in all of us. But we are also sadly filled with reasons why we shouldn't try. These reasons seem to protect us, but in truth they imprison us. They hold life at a distance. Life will be over sooner than we think. If we have bikes to ride and people to love, now is the time." -- Psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

  2. Good Morning, CC and Dennis,
    I had a big hole in the middle untill I remembered these gals.

  3. C.C., thrusters are used to control pitch and yaw. Also, I think you want 'Rome' for 27D and 'pet' for 40A; petting is stroking, whereas patting is more of a tapping motion.

  4. Good morning CC and all,….today was the bomb for me. Lots of obscure words like, human CPUs (sensorial), rubbed out (offed), Artist Mondrian (Piet) etc. I struggled and then made a couple of Googles, got a few more fills, struggled again and finally completed the fills. The SW corner was the last to fall.

    I really do not like the word “offed” for rubbed out! UGH!! The cross of 41A praia and 29D nubia is a pure guess. I have never heard of 34A MCP. Ugh again. I dislike this puzzle,

  5. Dennis,
    Hmmm, I see Maria turned you into a prince last night. Thanks for ROME. I mixed it up with ROMA tomato. Your THRUSTER is not what I have in mind. So abstract. Ink asked yesterday if LISTER’s "facial adornments" would be called “mutton chops”. What would you say?

    This is probably the hardest TMS Wednesday puzzle I've solved.

    Thanks for the great mythology lessons. I am fascinated.

  6. I didn't like this puzzle. First of all, it took me a long time to sort out the theme: the first two fills were CHERRY BOMB and PRETTY IN PINK so I was expecting the next two fills to start with HAPPY or SILLY. I ended up googling to get the other two theme fills.

    I think I've seen PRETTY IN PINK in a crossword before clued as "Molly Ringwald movie". I think the movie came first and the song is off the soundtrack.

    I think the theme could have been made more obvious with better cluing. OMBRE for "Three player card game" is a bit obscure. (I wanted eUCHRE.) How about "Pierre's shadow?" That fits with the colour theme. And ALFS could have been clued as "Crimson space creatures". (ALF was a TV sitcom about an Alien Life Form living with a family on Earth.)

    Some other clues I didn't like:

    * "Intercept unexpectedly" for WAYLAY. Why not simply "Ambush"?

    * "Not so many" for FEWER: that should be "Not as many". "Not so many" would be A FEW.

    * "Anaheim player" for ANGEL: this requires knowledge of baseball. The stariaghtforward clue would have been "Messenger of God" and the TV Guide clue would have been "Employee of Charlie".

    * "Puts down a lawn" for SODS: I wanted LAYS. A clear clue for SODS would have been "Buggers" although I suspect that would be both DF and not PC.

    * "Comradely, in London" for MATEY. What? MATEY is an adjective? Souldn't the clue be "Shipboard comrade"?

    I just thought of an alternative clue for CRAPS but then I decided I liked "Gambling game" better. :)


  7. Sallie,
    How does operetta differ from opera?

    Is your LA Times puzzle also edited by Sylvia Bursztyn? Or Rich Norris?

    Thanks for the translation on those Italian words. I was worried that there might be something DF about it.

    PromiseMe & Clear Ayes,
    The sweet brown rice is different than our normal brown rice. It's called sticky rice or glutinous rice in Asia. I agree, it's probably the best brown rice for risotto. Martin's Lantern Festival Tang Yuan is made of polished glutinous rice.

  8. Kazie,
    The reason I was worried about DFness in that Delacroix's "Liberty Leading the People painting" is because the guy who owes that image also has some strange stuff on his flickr.

  9. Good morning CC et al, If I had a hammer...I'd beat the crapola out of this puzzle! And if I had a match...well, I don't...haven't had a good one since Marilyn Monroe died, but I digress. Pard? CC, that is so bad. No decent, tobacco chewin', calf ropin' cowboy talks like that.. not even the indecent ones. I did know about the 'wild things' though. Guess that's no surprise.

    Love the quote, Dennis. Biking is what we're all about. Kenny is on w/the FBM biking team right now. Such fun! He's living his dream.

    Enjoy your hump day.

  10. Good evening from India,
    Lot of googling wotk today the only song I knew was The Lady in Red as usual couldnt get the names. Spoilt my afternoon nap trying to get the answers

  11. I love your Words of Wisdom today Dennis-you're right-they are exceptional. I should tape them to the microwave where all the important notes are in this house.

    I had problems with the center also C.C.. And I wondered if the NYT would ever use AEOLIS-seems archaic. Check it out here for a chuckle. Name look familiar? Note the date too. Also, they have used TABU instead of TABOO, but clue it either as a fragrance or a var. spelling.

    Hope it's a good day for everyone.

  12. Forgot to mention, the song reminded me of a friend who has one of these-license plate reads LADY N RED-sure makes it easy to spot her!

  13. *ugh*

    Brutal, brutal puzzle. As with many, I'm sure, the center section utterly defeated me. I probably should have guessed NUBIA, but my brain refused to accept that PRAIA could be a real word (even a place name), and OMBRE was completely unknown to me. So, in the end, I guessed OMARE, PRADA and NUADA.

    I also didn't know any of the theme answers. Well, I'd actually heard of THE LADY IN RED, but didn't know who wrote it. And, like Martin, I only know PRETTY IN PINK as the 80s movie starring Molly Ringwald. Fortunately, all the answers were easy enough to guess with help from the perps.

    Other unknowns were AVOIR, AEOLIS, INAS and DOHA. Again, though, I was able to get these via the perps. Thank heavens I knew NOAA, or else the AVOIR/NOAA crossing would have been another disaster zone for me!

    I couldn't remember whether the apple was ROME or ROMA, but finally went with ROME because, as Dennis points out, PET is slightly more accurate than PAT for the clue. Of course, the constructor/editor of this particular puzzle isn't exactly known for his accuracy in cluing (TABU, anyone?), so it was still a bit of a gamble.

    Oh -- and I guessed MCP immediately from the clue, but then figured it couldn't possibly be right. But it was! I have never, never seen male chauvinist pig abbreviated like that before. Never!

  14. C.C., so what exactly were you thinking regarding 'thruster', my DFette friend?

    And as to Lister's 'facial adornments', it's either mutton chops on steroids, or just a tad much ear hair...

    Barry, MCP really is a pretty common term, but more so with women than men.

  15. Really impossible middle;
    " an old three-handed card game popular in Europe especially in the 17th and 18th centuries"

    i play cards, but never heard of this...but then again, I am not that old.

    NUBIAN maidens are pretty famous, but PRAIA?

    I think most Northern Africans were converted by the Ottomans, but tribal religions still do well in Africa.

    LATIN has so many rules of declension: nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive, dative, and ablative, that the endings -us and-is, were important in determining the place of the words in the sentence, and thus the meaning.
    Anybody who sayd this one was easy, does not need to be doing puzzles as they are too highly efficient SENSORIA.

  16. I thought 39D, Human CPU's, referred to a group of people but discovered that sensoria(or sensoriums) is the plural of sensorium: noun
    The part of the brain that receives and coordinates all the stimuli conveyed to various sensory centers.

  17. c.c.,
    I was really hoping Maria would correct me. I wasn't sure I was right on arbitrio, and I can't find a free translator I thought I had bookmarked to check it that way. Just now, poking around, I thought it might mean "judgment" instead of "workers". The flickr link didn't help either.

    The Latin phrases are often a noun, masculine ending in "-us", combined with a genitive (possessive) which often end in "-is", hence the commonality of "-s" endings.

    Today's puzzle felt like I was doing a trivial pursuit--a game I hate. The only theme title I really knew was Cherry Bomb, but guessed the others from perps. But filled in a total of 13 letters, mostly around the edges--I got the middle, after coming here. When I g'spot now, it often tells me the answer right at the top because it's "on your computer". Presumably because this site is bookmarked. I've never heard of much of what was in this XW. I have to agree with Barry UGH!!

  18. C.C. I'll have to wait for next Sunday's paper to answer your question. I seldom try to work the Sunday puzzle 'cause it is much too hard for me.
    As for today's puzzle, had to google far too many to even mention.
    Why is it that they NEVER include Country and Western artists and bands in their clues?

  19. c.c. and all:

    Well, I hated this puzzle. Although I put scad, isn't scads more correct? I didn't like dismal for sunk in gloom. Matey and Pard? Then there were all those obscure words and/or places; and googled Praia, ombre, nubia, Piet, Alfs, and Aeolis. I only got Sensoria from the perps. I did get all the theme answers, so that helped out a bunch. Still, did not like this puzzle one bit.

    Have a great day everyone!

  20. C.C., An operetta is usually short and humorous. ofter with spoken dialogue. An opera is – no holds barred – dramatic with full orchestra, longer, frequently ridiculous libretto. That's for the old classics. Some of the modern ones I don't like at all. The reason I think it's better to hear it without closed captioning is that the words are almost silly. But when one knows the general story, one can imagine what what likes as one listens. Got my husband, who has not known opera, to go to "La Boheme" and he liked it!

  21. Re-reading my earlier post, I see it's confusing--I meant to say I actually did get the middle unassisted, in contrast to many of you. It was the edges where I had blanks to fill in after checking here.

  22. Re. the cause of Apnea:
    It has several different causes. I had it long ago and it was taken care of by surgery that removed a large amount of flesh from the upper nasal cavity.

  23. Good morning (it was until I tried this puzzle)...Wow, talk about feeling "sunk in gloom"! I'm pretty d*^m dismal right this where one eats worms?

    I felt a little better after reading all your comments and realized you had the same trouble.

    I am going for a bike ride, that will make me feel fine!! :0

  24. Good Morning All, Maybe this post would be shorter if I listed the words I did know, rather than the "stickers".

    The place names (among many others) threw me. I had no idea about DOHA or AEOLIS. The only reason I got PRAIA was that NUBIA "sounded" right.

    Actually, even though a lot of it was guesswork and it took me a long time to finish it, it was doable. I spent a lot of time in "Perpsville", looking around corners and trying to find my way.

    Jimbo, 12D, Isn't LEANN Rimes a Country Western singer?

    Argyle, Good information on SENSORIA. Thanks.

    C.C. and PromiseMeThis, Thanks for the brown rice information. I'll see if our local Trader Joes has it in stock.

    Dennis, Words to live by.

  25. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross also came up with the Five Stages of Grief. If we live our lives as fully as we can, the end of life should be more easily acceptable.

    Happy the Man
    Happy the man, and happy he alone,
    He who can call today his own:
    He who, secure within, can say,
    Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today.
    Be fair or foul or rain or shine
    The joys I have possessed, in spite of fate, are mine.
    Not Heaven itself upon the past has power,
    But what has been, has been, and I have had my hour.

    - John Henry Dryden

    Of course, the poem applies to women too!

  26. Good morning, everyone. Used the perps to get the unknowns OMBRE, PRIA, AEOLIS, PIET, DOHA, ans SENSORIA. You didn't ask me, but I think Lister's facial hair is definitely "mutton chops."

    @carol Wave when you ride by!

    Have a great Wednesday.

  27. Bah and humbug today. I googled a LOT, and if it hadn’t been for the theme clues I might have thrown in the towel.

    I really didn’t like the clue for Praia – CAPITAL means cash or stock of assets. Clue should have been CAPITOL.

    Oh well, another day.

  28. Good morning C.C. and all,
    Today's puzzle took me about the same time as usual, and I filled it completely.Most of the puzzles are hard for me, but today I knew a little more and had some good guesses. I did "g" the 3 songs and I'm so glad I did. I'm probably out of the loop; had never heard of Chris deBurgh,so spent a long time listening to his music and reading his bio. I will get his album,"Footsteps"..songs all of us love!

    C.C., you amaze me .. well always, but today it was how you explained collier.I was lucky with perps to get pard, MCP,sensoria,ombre,and recto, even tho I didn't see the relationship to the clues.Where the Wild Things are was a favorite in our house 30 yrs ago..still have it.I will soon read it to Truman, but he is into Elmo right now.

    Nubia, sometimes called Kush, was the kingdom that Aida was from, now called Ethiopia. At one time that tiny place conquered Egypt, although not for long. They traded gold, ivory, ebony, leopard skins, and peacock feathers. They also had pyramids, but not as grand as Egypt's.

    Aeolus was the wind god who lived on the island of Aeolia where he kept winds in a cave. Those were the winds that helped Odysseus, after he had left the cyclops.

    Dennis, such beautiful words of wisdom today. Thanks

  29. Barb B,
    Actually, CAPITAL is correct--CAPITOL only refers to the domed buildings we associate with capital cities. A common error.

  30. Remebered ADIT and thought I was off to a good start...another round in circles today. This was a painful puzzle. Had to go to One Across for a few of the fills. Same problems as most of you but did know SENDAK, NUBIA,and quite a few of the names, which actually surprised me. Got hung up on the lower right side.
    Have absolutely never heard of the Psychedelic Fuzz, but guessed the answer.
    Whew! Not fun.:-(

    Dennis, what a great quote. I am a big chances person. Hate to miss opportunities and lived my life following what interested me. I have been lucky that way.

    C.C. LOVED the Mondrian sneaker, so far, the BEST thing about this puzzle!

  31. Good Afternoon C.C. and Co.,

    "Most of the Africans are Muslims, right?"
    C.C., It is pretty much of a toss up. Muslims claim that Africa is more Muslim while Christians claim that it is more Christian. Here is a map.
    "I don't understand this part. How is Odysseus' Aeolus island connect with AEOLIS? Are they the same?"
    Very interesting that Ionia was part of what is modern-day western Turkey. I had assumed that the region was located on the western side of the Greek peninsula due to the fact that there is where the Ionian Sea is found. Perhaps this is where the discrepancy lies. The Ionian Islands are found in the Ionian Sea.
    Is that Mickey Mantle card worth a fortune?

    DOHA was a no-brainer for me. Last spring I spent some time in Thailand with a friend who lives and works in Doha.

    I had the pleasure to attend a production of Mozart's opera The Magic Flute a couple of years ago. It featured a set designed by Mr. SENDAK.

    As for NUBIA, many would be surprised that there are actually more pyramids there than in Egypt.

    PARD was lame, as was the clue for SENSORIA.

    As for ANGEL: When I was in junior high school my sister thought it would be fun to make a personalized t-shirt. She decided to iron on the words 'Perfect Angel' (which she was not). She also was not a good speller. She got more than her share of double takes with the words ' Perfect Angle' displayed prominently across her ample breasts.

    kazie, 'Arbitrio' means discretion or license.

    Dennis, I like the quote also. My favorite quote says pretty much the same thing as Ms. Ross' , yet more succinctly.
    "Every moment is a breath-taking, transitory experience, never to be repeated again." - Don Juan Matus

  32. good morning c.c. and all,

    tough wednesday puzzle - until today the hardest ones for me have always been on tuesdays. i'm all about a musical theme, so that part i liked. i suppose it is for valentine's day - kinda cute how suave is right in the middle. i wonder if there will be a similar theme on saturday also. i never understand why TMS date-related themes can't be published on the actual date. and unless i'm mistaken, we never got an inauguration related theme.

    c.c. i agree, the stickiest spot was the crossing of nubia/ombre/praia .. impossible. aelois was my other stumper. had never heard of sensoria before, but got it from the perps. also never heard of male chauvinist pig being abbreviated. agree with lois about pard - i've lived in both texas and oklahoma and no one says that.

    Today is a full day - it's Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk day, Make a Friend Day, and White T-shirt day.

    i guess if you spilled some milk on a white t-shirt, you'd probably make some friends ...

  33. 'i'm all about a musical theme, so that part i liked. i suppose it is ... kinda cute how suave is right in the middle."

    Just for you, melissa bee: Señor Romantico singing 'Suave'.
    Enjoy :)

  34. PromiseMe,
    Thanks for arbitrio. What's your take on the whole quote? When I tried yesterday I was hoping someone who really knew Italian would correct my guess at it.(See c.c. @ 6:03am for the link)

  35. Kazie. Regarding capital..

    Well, not according to my Websters Dict. Maybe it’s outdated? It’s 1986, so I guess that’s possible.

    It defines Capital as 1.of a letter 2. Punishable by death 3. Chief in importance or influence 4 relating to or being assets…

    There are more, but cities are not listed.

    Have I dated myself? Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with things.

  36. Hi to all of the battered puzzle solvers! This was a classic Josiah Breward. His puzzles have the feel of someone sitting in a gloomy attic room, bats hanging from the ceiling, rats crawling across the floor, drool seeping from the corner of his mouth saying, "Take that my pretties!" I have never enjoyed his puzzles, and today was no exception. The only redeeming value is that it makes the Thursday quip or quote easier to take. Let's all retire to our lairs to lick our wounds. See ya' mañana.

  37. Barb B,
    I found the reference to a city as one of several meanings in my Webster's too, just now when I looked it up. As an adjective it can mean "as the seat of government" as well. Did you look up capitol? In my Webster's, all those references are to buildings.

  38. Lola, your word picture is absolutely priceless; great image.

  39. kazie,
    Google offers a language translation utility that, while lacking in many respects, can be useful. In this case, I think it is. It's translation of the phrase 'Libero arbitrio una parola che noi italiani abbiamo confuso con servo arbitrio' amounts to this: "Free will, a word that we Italians have confused servant with arbitrio". In this case, the word 'arbitrio' is interpreted as 'will'. I think this is in keeping with 'discretion or license'. It seems to me, judging from Google's translation, that the phrase means, "Free will is a phrase that we Italians have confused with willful servitude." I suspect that C.C.'s pictures is of a propaganda poster distributed around Itlay in the aftermath of WWII. The use of the French term, 'Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité' seems to be an homage to the western forces that liberated the Italians from the yolk of fascism.

  40. Oops ... Did I say 'yolk'?
    I have waxed 'Martin-esque'.
    Suddenly, my English is 'not very good-looking':)

  41. Promise me,
    Thanks for clearing this up. It bugged me yesterday, because I knew my guess was a bit wild, and your interpretation makes a lot more sense. The historic context sounds logical too, even if you did get some egg on your face!

    Thanks too for the translation link. I don't know where I lost the one I had.

  42. Make that double 'egg on my face'. It appears I screwed up the link, as well. Let's try that again: Google Translate.

  43. Clear Ayes,

    As always, you are right. Leann is a "Country and Western" singer and she was a "gimmie".

    So that's one. How many more can you point out?

  44. I concur with the rest - this puzzle blew! PARD??? Really?

  45. re PARD:
    I've never heard it used in normal conversation, but I'm from Illinois and Ohio. Back in antiquity I remember hearing in on Western movies.

  46. It appears I also said, "Itlay".
    Is that DF?

  47. Hi C.C.

    NOAA is an outstanding web site for up-to-the-minute weather information and maps. It's just about the 'bible' for folks living in hurricane country.

    The touristy places around Cairo say that Nubia, which lies along the soutern border of Egypt,
    had a major role in building the Great Pyramids. The Nubians, much darker skinned than their neighbors to the north, provided much of the 'volunteer' labor during the many years of construction. We have a different term for that in this country.

    What is a "DF" anyhow?

    Keep up your good work here Pard.
    You might have the best and most popular blog on the web. I mean that.


  48. 12:31 today. I was breezing through, solving down clues only, as I've been doing the last few days...then wham! I hit the center.

    DISMAL eluded me for the longest time, and SENSORIA was only gotten as a last resort. I initially put in NUMEA instead of NUBIA, and that screwed things up for a while. OMBRE and PRAIA, well, forget it.

    I finished the grid in under 10 minutes, then spent the rest of the time trying to find my error (the applet didn't pop up with the "congratulations" screen). Can you imagine how long it took me to find PET instead of PAT (I too had ROMA in for the apple variety)? I spent most of the time looking at the PRAIA area, since I could hardly believe that was correct.

    Cape Verde Islands were a Portuguese colony until independence in 1975. It is now the Republic of Cape Verde and is, indeed, a separate country (UN member, even). Of course Portuguese is the official language. (Source World Almanac) Cape Verde

  49. Blogger seems to be messing with links. Here's a corrected one:
    Cape Verde

  50. capital:of most political importance, as being the seat of government: as, a capital city.
    a city or town that is the official seat of government of a state, nation,etc

    My hardest intersection was filling the c in scad ?? and recto?
    I have no clue if that is even correct. So many things were odd, even when completed.

    Lola, I loved your vivid honest description! LOL

  51. Hello C.C.

    Don't know if you will even read a publish this late in the day. "Where the Wild Things" are is written by Maurice Sendak - was one of the easier clues for me on a really difficult puzzle day. It is a delightful children's book with wonderful illustrations. Great for boys as he is a typical kids getting into trouble, and using his imagination when he is sent to his room without dinner. It is a classic.

  52. Lola (2:40) LOL - great description! It's good to hear from you again.

    Crockett - I should ride by your house and wave! Let me know when you will be standing in your front yard.

  53. Jimbo, It seems that we have had both Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs not too long ago. You are right though, that isn't very much for a whole music genre. I will try to keep an eye out for "down home" singers and musicians in the future and send you a "heads up" when they appear.

    I had lunch with seven BFFs today and asked them if they knew what MCP stands for. Although they all knew the term, "male chauvanist pig", not one of them had ever heard the abbreviation before. Maybe we have just been fortunate and haven't run into many of that stereotype.

    I agree with Calef and others. PARD is a word I have only heard in old time Saturday matinee cowboy movies.

    Lola, LOL. After your description, poor old Josiah Breward should just shrivel up to dust and blow away.

  54. Just shoot me and then maybe I'll try again tomorrow with the quote puzzle.

    Barry G. Rome is the apple and Roma is a tomato, more pulp and less seeds than a regular tomato. Once known as the "love apple" maybe that's why you get it mixed up. Tomatoes were once thought to be poisonous.


    Under normal conditions, humans cannot store much oxygen in the body. Prolonged apnea leads to severe lack of oxygen in the blood circulation. Permanent brain damage can occur after as little as three minutes and death will inevitably ensue after a few more minutes unless ventilation is restored. However, under special circumstances such as hypothermia, hyperbaric oxygenation, apneic oxygenation, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, much longer periods of apnea may be tolerated without severe consequences.

  56. 12 Down Leann Rimes

    Can't fight the moonlight from the movie "Coyote Ugly"

  57. TABU is also a Bollywood actress

    It is also a perfume

    Anais Nin was the only diarist I knew of I had heard the name Samuel Pepys but I didn't know he was a diarist.

  58. All I'm going to say about today is "Ditto, Lola"!
    CY'All Later

  59. Been gone all day...Lola@2:40 Hysterical, what an nailed it.

    I'm with PromiseMe...I have grave concerns that Nurse Ratchett has finally done in Buckeye...

    Does anyone know if any of the puzzle names are real people...I'm suspecting not and that they are lifted from other publications and given made up names. I actually look forward to the Olschwang puzzles...and if they can pay him for puzzles...why not Barry Silk, at least occasionally...Please...for our sanity!!!

  60. When I got to work (the library) I asked the director if capital can be used to mean a city - he said no, that would be capitol. But since Kazie's dictionary said it can, we went to the giant library dictionary- which is still 7 years old, and there it was.

    Talk about egg on your face! but truly, it is in the 1986 dictionary. I think I'll just replace that now.

    Thanks Kazie and JD for getting me to take another look.

  61. I love the NOAA clue, perhaps solely because I rely on this page: for all my weather info =)

    The John Mellancamp clue should be reworded.

  62. Useless Organ,
    I want to see you live rather than one day late.


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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