, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday May 24, 2010 John Lampkin

Gary's Blog Map

May 24, 2010

Monday May 24, 2010 John Lampkin

Theme: M & M's - Letters Ms are initials of each two-word theme entry, the first word being a term of address.

20A. Etiquette authority: MISS MANNERS. A syndicated advice column written by Judith Martin. Since 1978, she has answered etiquette questions contributed by her readers and writes short essays on problems of manners, or clarifies the essential qualities of politeness.

38A. Cantankerous toon: MISTER MAGOO. Quincy (who knew?) Magoo is a cartoon character created at United Productions of America (UPA) in 1949. His stubborn refusal to admit his nearsightedness puts him into a series of sticky situations which he is quick to blame on other people.

57A. Sheridan's misuser of words: MRS. MALAPROP. Richard Sheridan (1751 – 1816) produced his play, The Rivals, a comedy of manners in five acts, in 1775. Mrs. Malaprop is the chief comic figure of the play, thanks to her continual misuse of words that sound like the words she intends but mean something completely different. (The term malapropism was coined in reference to the character.) Examples.

45D. Mars mouthful; also, a hint to this puzzle's theme: M AND M's. The Mars confectionery company produces, besides M&M's, the eponymous Mars bar, Milky Way, Twix, Skittles and Snickers.

Lots of long words in this 74-entry puzzle. Total 18 six-letter words.

Argyle here.

A great Monday. Perhaps a few too many proper names. Notice the themes go from MISS to MISTER to MRS.


1A. Criminal group: GANG.

5A. What a judge sets: BAIL.

9A. Modify, as a motion: AMEND.

14A. Suit to __: A TEE.

15A. Gillette's __ Plus razor: ATRA.

16A. City chief: MAYOR. "Mayor McCheese". Alliteration.

17A. Basted, but not with butter: SEWN. To sew loosely with large running stitches so as to hold together temporarily.

18A. Charge with a crime: BOOK. "Book 'em, Danno!". Alliteration.

19A. Cheri who impersonated Judge Judy on "Saturday Night Live": OTERI. I finally fill her name in without a second thought.

23A. Fiver: FIN. Five dollar bill.

24A. Critter that can carry many times its own weight: ANT.

25A. Forty-niner's find: ORE.

26A. Just after sunset: AT DUSK. Gloaming, in Scotland.

28A. Take the wheel: STEER.

30A. Bridge distance: SPAN.

33A. Antlered grazers: ELKS.

34A. Arboreal Australian critters: KOALAs. Easy after yesterday's discussion. Partly alliteration.

36A. Upper-story storage: ATTIC.

41A. Strikes through, as text: X's OUT.

42A. Seek aid from: TURN TO.

45A. Early 15th-century year: MCDI. 1401

48A. Actor Kristofferson: KRIS.

50A. '90s Defense secretary Les: ASPIN.

51A. "... my kingdom for __!": A HORSE. from Richard III by William Shakespeare: Act 5. Scene IV

53A. Bad review: PAN.

55A. Jungle swinger: APE.

56A. Prefix with conservative: NEO.

61A. Friend of Eminem: DR. DRE. Rap stars.

63A. Injured: HURT.

64A. Sitar master Shankar: RAVI.

65A. Mazda roadster: MIATA.

66A. Last word in a threat: ELSE.

67A. Serpent's home in Genesis: EDEN.

68A. Jewish feast: SEDER.

69. Bambi, for one: DEER.

70A. Flippant: PERT.


1D. Riot squad gear: GAS MASK.

2D. Corroded: ATE INTO.

3D. Group that breaks breaking stories: NEWS TEAM.

4D. Mil. leaders: GENS.. Generals.

5D. Picture book elephant: BABAR. Image. A French children's fictional character who first appeared in Histoire de Babar by Jean de Brunhoff in 1931.

6D. Does penance (for): ATONES.

7D. Gadget that gets out the creases: IRON. A gadget?!?

8D. Boating spot: LAKE.

9D. "It's __ Unusual Day": 1948 song: A MOST. Here sung by a most unusual trio. Clip.

10D. Doorway welcomer: MAT.

11D. Good-looker: EYEFUL. YES!. Maybe.

12D. Perfectly safe, as an investment: NO RISK.

13D. Bar buys: DRINKS.

21D. Marshy tract: MORASS.

22D. Beat up on verbally: RANT AT. Clunky.

27D. Room treatments: DECORS.

29D. Cure-all potion: ELIXIR.

31D. Miniseries' first section: PART I.

32D. Deposit or withdrawal gizmo, briefly: ATM.

35D. "Dracula" author Bram: STOKER.

37D. Big lizard: IGUANA.

39D. The Continent: Abbr.: EUR.. Europe.

40D. Displayed in a public procession: ON PARADE.

43D. Cause to topple: TIP OVER.

44D. Eighth of a gallon: ONE PINT.

46D. Paris sweetie: CHERIE.

47D. Thingy: DOODAD.

49D. Thinly populated: SPARSE. Sparse, that is what my comments are today.

52D. Blur, as wet ink: SMEAR.

54D. Change: ALTER.

58D. Backyard storage: SHED.

59D. Stubborn beast: MULE.

60D. Get ready, for short: PREP.

62D. Hwy.: RTE..

Answer grid.



  1. Good morning, Argyle, C.C. and gang - always nice to see a John Lampkin puzzle, and today was no exception. And how timely to see 'Koalas' after yesterday's discussion; seems to happen a lot, doesn't it?

    With apologies to Sallie, I finished in just over 4 minutes. My reason for tracking the time on certain puzzles is this: Once it's obvious that a puzzle is gonna be quite simple, I lose a bit of the enjoyment that I'd get from a challenging one. So for me, the fun then becomes in seeing if I can beat my best puzzle time ever. I need some sort of challenge, whether it's wading through tough clues or seeing if I can beat a previous time; otherwise, it's just filling in empty spaces. Again, that's just me, and if posting my time offends someone, I'll just stop doing it.

    I didn't have a clue as to the theme until the unifying 45D. I have no idea why I knew "It's a Most Unusual Day", but it popped right out. The majority of the remaining clues were pretty typical Monday fare, but I never like the 'Early 15th-century year' type of clue where you can't possibly know what it is without all the surrounding perps.
    Argyle, I think the women made out a bit better than the guys with your choice of 'eyeful' examples.

    Al, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention what an outstanding job you did Saturday with the blog; one of the most informative I've read. Nice work.

    Today is National Escargot Day. Think I'll refrain, just to make sure there's enough for everyone else. Yeah, that's it.

    Have an outstanding Monday.

  2. Good Morning, CC and all. I found this a bit of a challenge for a Monday puzzle. I initially put Gnus in lieu of ELKS, which gave me EYEFUN? What? Oh, EYEFUL!

    As noted, we had KOALAS yesterday, but the little critters still make me smile.

    I liked seeing the word GISMO in the clueing for ATM.

    Yesterday, we had WALTER "RADAR" O'Reilly. Today is "his" birthday. The actor Gary Burghoff is 67 today.

    QOD: Despair has its own calms. ~ Bram Stoker

  3. Good morning Argyle and all. Quite easy puzzle today. Only hang-up came when I wanted to put the C before the M in MCDI; a D'F moment. Agree w/ Dennis about KOALAS.

    Have a good day everyone.

  4. Morning, all!

    Nice puzzle today. No unknowns and no trips to Mr. G. I'm not sure why, but it still took me a little longer than average Monday time to complete for some reason. It may have had something to do with my initial resistance to starting 41A with XS. Oh -- and the fact that I initially spelled 50A as ASPEN instead of ASPIN probably didn't help my time any, either.

  5. Good morning Argyle and All, a very typical Monday puzzle. Not much to comment about, for as Argyle said “sparse, that is what my comments are today.”

    Like others, I do not like the clues such as the early 15th-century year for there is no clue to the answer unless you get the perps. Other than that the puzzle was straight forward and easy.

    Hope you all have a great Monday.

  6. Hi Argyle, c.c. and all:

    I came here to find out if MANDMS was correct because it didn't make any sense to me, just didn't see the M and Ms. I was thinking of Mars bar, so it was a duh moment.

    I agree with all comments on "Early 15th century year". Luckily the perps were easy enough to fill that in.

    Have a great day everyone!

  7. Re: early 15th-century year. Let's be fair about it; you have to start with MCD and that leaves only I, V, or X, as choices. Just like Wound reminder: SCA ? Is it scar or scab?

  8. Good Morning Argyle, CC and All,

    I thought the difficulty was kicked up a bit for a Monday. Had some erasing to do to make the perps fill in, similar to Hahtool. The big one was Exout for 41A. I like Lampkin puzzles, especially when I finish with no help.

    Have a great day!

  9. Only one erasure today but needed perp help on a few. Was there a criminal undertone with BAIL, GANG and BOOK? We also had the MAYOR and Judge Judy to help out. Yikes!!

    I was not familiar with Malaprop, but thanks Argyle for the explanation. Sounds interesting.

    Loved M & M's - especially those two Twins Mauer and Morneau. Was thinking of ordering some custom M & M's for my son's grad party - you can have then printed with whatever you want on them. Haven't ordered yet though, so I am guessing that won't happen.

    Off to a funeral today, and the temps are supposed to hit in the 90's. Would stay inside, but have a baseball game to watch this afternoon too. Busy day. Have a good one all.

  10. Good morning all:

    The more I do puzzles and read everyone's comments, the more I appreciate the skill involved in crafting a Monday puzzle, where the constructor seeks to not only make it doable, but entertaining. For example, the use of GADGET and GIZMO in cluing, or the misdirection, of BASTE and SEWN and the theme which was entirely fair, with the always tricky "AND" in the middle of answer. As mentioned, when you are going through and see the word MANDMS, it can take a second to focus. Finally, certainly a proper name heavy puzzle, but names which are the opposite of obscure, I’ll take all of today’s names, over one Gottlieb Eliel Saarinen.

    Speaking of which, ARGYLE, was your reference to BOOK em Danno, because CBS is resurrecting HAWAII FIVE-O ?

    How many of you remember the king of the malapropism NORM CROSBY ?

  11. Argyle, Great write-up.

    Easy Monday, nothing new.

    Liked the stack, DRINKS ONEPINT, which was next to TIP OVER.

    ANT being described as a "Critter" brought a grin.

    I agree on the Roman Numeral. For all intensive purposes, I don't understand why they get all the grief they inspire. If there is one, it is only one.
    Your example was perfect!
    I popped in the MCD_ and waited for the I.

  12. Easy puzzle. 13 minutes. Nothing really challenging.

  13. Good morning Argyle, CC, et al., What a fun puzzle! It wasn't a fly by but it was fun. M and M's are one of my favorite treats. They're not only delicious but they're also versatile - ya can toss 'em up and catch 'em in your mouth, throw at somebody for target practice, use 'em for reinforcements for small accomplishments (flash cards), teach colors to young 'uns, practice for statistics comparing colors & sample sizes to big 'uns,
    seasonal decorations in bowls, on and on, plus they melt in your mouth and not in your hands. I love me some M and M's.

    Dennis: I enjoy seeing your puzzle time. It gives me a challenge and I love competition. I've never beaten you but I love trying. Maybe it's just the wrong activity. How's your pool?

    Lemonade: thank you for the Norm Crosby link. I remember him clearly and could not remember his name. He is the indisputable king of malapropism. Love that guy and have for a very long time. Excellent!

    Argyle: great job as always. thank you for the 'eyeful' links...esp the 'maybe' one. Yeah, Santa baby, can I add one of him to my list?

    I'll be back.

  14. Lois, I've always been attracted to pool tables, and have also occasionally shot pool on them. It'd have to be at least best two out of three.

    Argyle, Tinbeni, you guys are right - my knee-jerk reaction to the Roman Numeral date clue prevented me from thinking about it logically. Argyle, great example.

  15. Tinbeni,
    Appropriate comment on the DRINKS and TIP OVER, coming from one with your avatar!

    As others have noted, easy run through today, except for having DRAFTS for DRINKS until FIN and DUSK fell in. I always forget what the last letter of OTERI is.

    Everything else went like clockwork. even the theme, although I thought they were all going to start with MIS- after the top two. I wasn't sure I agree with PERT being flippant.

    Temperatures are supposed to reach 100 here today, so I walked the dog as early as possible, but the air is so heavy and humid, I still felt short of breath a couple of times. It's 88 already at 9:10.

  16. Good morning all my blog friends. I got Miss Manners and Mr. Magoo right away but had never heard of Mrs. Malaprop. She came with the perps as did Aspin, Babar, and morass. I particularly liked “basted but not with butter” – sewn. My mom and aunts called a certain part of male anatomy a doodad, so that made me chuckle.

    I should be in Miami at the BK convention. I think the weather there is cooler than it is up here right now!

    Lois, get in line for Mr. Maybe.

  17. Great job Argyle, as always. Haven't visited in a long time, being a care giver has taken up my time. Enjoyed reading comments from old friends and new ones.

  18. Southern Belle, wonderful to see you again. Do stop in more often; we've all missed your take on the puzzles.

  19. Kazie said Temperatures are supposed to reach 100 here today, so I walked the dog as early as possible, but the air is so heavy and humid, I still felt short of breath a couple of times. It's 88 already at 9:10.
    Be patient, when you get to Oz, they'll be coming up on winter. Don't forget your parka. ^__^

  20. Good morning everyone.

    Great posting, Argyle. I don't know how you folks do it in the middle of the night! (Puzzle I mean.)

    Dennis, you always have so much more to offer than your time that it never offends.

    This was my eagerly awaited Monday puzzle, which I can usually do. But I put in candy for 45D, which truly had me wrong in the SW. Why I didn't catch on to the incorrect fifteenth century year (I stupidly had CCDI) escapes me. So the Mazda was a head-scratcher. Yiata just didn't seem right, so I came here for enlightenment. Sigh. Maybe next Monday I'll be able to do it.


  21. Thank you Argyle for the thorough theme analysis, including recognizing the progression which was indeed intentional. And thank you all for the kind comments.

    Lemonade is right on the money about Monday puzzles. They are comparatively easy for the solver, but very difficult for the constructor. The choices for fill are limited to universally-known vocabulary and proper names, and the cluing has be colorful but without sophisticated wordplay. For someone like me who sleeps with the word "PUN" embroidered on his pillow, that makes for tough times at the OK fill corral!

    To enliven the texture of the fill even on a Monday, I always look for ways of weaving in sub-threads. KQ spotted the crime line. Yes! There are also intentionally a lot of animals in there. If you count, don't forget STEER.

    And naughty me slipped in a punny theme-related bonus clue. No one has yet commented on the clue for 61A. Ahem...

    This puzzle is dedicated to my friends Gordon and his M&M-loving wife Monica. As a hobby, Gordon paints superb recreations of Vermeers, but often includes a clever twist. In his copy of Vermeer's "Woman Weighing Gold," he changed the nuggets of gold to M&M's. My kinda guy!

  22. I give up, On the blog before 7:30 and there're already 17 comments. May as well sleep in.

    I think Barry and I must really think alike. This is not the first time that I've planned to start with the same assessment of the puzzle. Different slowdowns, my unknowns were OTERI, ASPIN and DR. DRE, but I didn't race through this one. I must not have lived the 60's, I remembered RAVI.

    I never mind seeing a reference to KRIS, even if I prefer to hear others doing his songs.

    Escargot - chunks of rubber steeped in butter and garlic. I like garlic, but there are cheaper ways to ingest it. If you live in the west and have a snail problem, you can blame in on a French apple farmer from above the Bay Area who missed home cooking. He couldn't believe that those little suckers c.would travel and provided one of the best examples of invasive species.

    This Roman date wasn't bad, but I remember one 3-letter that was clued 'Early Roman date'. I figured it wouldn't be higher than CCC, but was wrong. This one actually helped me, as I couldn't remember how to spell ELIXER.

    I loved the clip on Norm Crosby, but was most struck by the total lack of profanity. I'm definitely no choir boy, but I can't watch what they try to pass off as roasts these days. I think it's less the use of the foul language than the total lack of originality that use promotes. My soapbox for the day.

    I'm jealous of the people commenting on the warm weather. Our normal for this time of year is upper 80's, and today is a predicted 65 with 3 days of possible rain coming in. I haven't been in shorts yet this year.

    Who's Southern Belle, or did another post disappear into the aethers?

  23. Good Morning All, KOALAS everywhere we look. I don't think anybody was fooled this morning.

    The only problem I had was looking at 38A, thinking MR. MAGOO, and dismissing it because there weren't enough letters. It took perps STOKER and EUR to make me realize the error of my ways (I have so many!).

    I got it John Lampkin. I loved seeing (45D) M AND M'S cross with clue (61A) "Friend of Eminem" (M 'N M - Marshall Mathers). I'm not a rap fan, but I do know who Eminem is and who DR. DRE is.

    I just found out that there is a Bram STOKER Award for horror poetry. I wonder if any of it is available online. I'll be baaaack.

    Thanks Argyle for the Kukla, Fran and Ollie link. They were favorites from a much more innocent time. Norm Crosby was another innocent time throwback. He was also very funny. Thanks for that one, Lemonade.

    Did Southern Belle show up and then disappear? Too bad we missed her.

  24. John, Thanks for checking in. Like Lemonade, I am gaining a true appreciation for your craft through this blog.

    The R from Stoker was the first fill in 57A and I immediately filled the MRS before reading the clue. Thought I'd mention that since no one else has commented on the change of honorifics. I was struck by 61A (missed the M + M) because you followed your theme clues with Dr.

  25. I still see her:

    Southern Belle said...
    Great job Argyle, as always. Haven't visited in a long time, being a care giver has taken up my time. Enjoyed reading comments from old friends and new ones.
    May 24, 2010 9:37 AM

    And it is good to see her and hope she can find time to return more often.

    Thank you, John Lampkin, for dropping by. I'm dismayed that Rex and I both thought of Mayor McCheese.

  26. Gunghy,
    Southern Belle is @9:37am. Welcome back S.B.!

    I was getting my winter gear ready last week, thinking 'thank goodness it's not too warm here yet--it's always so hard to prep for the opposite climate at this time of year.' Now it's hot, I'm working on the summery stuff I need for the two weeks in the always hot Northern Territory, so it worked out fine. Only problem is going to be fitting two seasons plus gifts in one suitcase. Even though I could take two, I hate to not travel light.

  27. Southern Belle still appears on my page. Are we having a partial glitch today?

    Thanks for stopping by, John L.

    It is already terribly hot and HUMID in southern Louisiana. It may even break a temperature record. The humidity just envelopes one upon stepping outside.

    The oil spill is getting worse and worse. Losts of dead birds are being found in the marshes. And BP claims a neglible impact on the environment.

  28. Kazie @9:13, Dennis @ 9:38. Nothing between. Southern Belle, sorry I missed you.

  29. Argyle
    Two things:
    First off, The NYT had a circled letters Cheese Burger components theme. Rex had burger on the brain before he did his write-up.
    Secondly, Rex and Orange are leaving the LAT Crossword Confidential on June 1st.
    Puzzlegirl will continue.

  30. Southern Belle's still on mine too, at 9:37. Another blitch (these are happening frequently enough that a new term was called for).

  31. Did CC write today's theme blurb? It's her style.

  32. Hi Argyle, C.C. and all -

    Great Monday puzzle!!! I loved most all the clues (the now infamous 45A excepted). I did not know 50A (Defense sec) but that was minor.

    I should have timed the puzzle but I think it was in the neighborhood of 10+ minutes.

    Gunghy: had to laugh at your comment on escargot.

    In honor of National Escargot Day, I offer the following:

    Escargot is fancy for slug
    and you can see by the look on
    my mug,
    if I tried to eat that,
    I'd be sick where I sat
    and I'm sure I would puke on
    the rug!!

  33. Ok, my 'comments' total just went from 31 to 29, and Southern Belle's post has disappeared, along with a couple others. This is getting old.

  34. Hi Carol, We've missed you. Funny limerick about escargot.

    Gunghy, LOL, so true, but I'll eat just about anything that is immersed in garlic and swimming in butter.

    Hahtool, truly disturbing news about the oil spill.

    Kazie, what a wonderful vacation for you! Be sure and take lots of photos for us.

    No Southern Belle for me. I'll try logging off and then on to see what happens.

  35. Good day, Argyle, C.C. and bloggers.

    Quick and fun, just as Monday should be; and like most of you I have learned to appreciate the constructor's skill in creating these enjoyable puzzles for us.

    Thank you, John Lampkin for your remarks; seeing your name on the xwd brings a smile as I know it means fun.

    On "etiquette authority" I counted out Emily Post, saw it was too short, and filled Miss Manners. Could it be anyone else?

    Dennis, hand up for enjoying your insightful comments; mentioning your time doesn't bother me.

    Other than that you early birds have said it all. I just don't understand the grousing about Roman numerals. Is it imperative to instantly fill in the across answers? As Argyle cites, the choices are limited and scoping the perps can easily narrow it. At least it does for me.

    It's so sad to see the irreparable damage being caused by the oil spill, not only to wild life and habitats, but to people's livelilhood. It's enough to make one weep.

    Weather here is great; Friday it reached 100, but then lowered to the 80s. Can't complain.

    Whatever your situation, I hope you have a greaaaaaaaaaaat Monday!

  36. OH, I forgot about the rapsters, Dr. Dre and Eminem whose themes are often gang related.

  37. No Southern Belle for me either.

    Kazie: happy travels..I always pack everything but the sink and if I could carry it, I'd stuff that in the van too.

    We just spent a week on the Oregon coast and despite the rain and 1 day with wind gusts at (no kidding) 71 mph, we did enjoy it. Saw lots of things we had never had time for before, got in some great bike rides and walks along some beautiful beaches.

    Hahtool, I am so very sad for your region and that &$#@ oil spill mess. I know there are many more days, months and probably years of horrific problems associated with it. Funny how no one is ever to blame.

  38. Argyle, your 10:48 post just showed up. The Gods really don't want me to meet this lady.

  39. Greetings, everyone!

    Nice puzzle today. Had no idea who Mrs. Malaprop was--until I came here. Groaned when I read about the clue for 61A. Never would have noticed that in a million years. That's why I love this site! I learn so much.

    Peace and a good day to all.

  40. Not only did Southern Belle appear, but Jeannie's comments too.

    Kind of Twilight Zone-ish....that's a segue to a new (for me) and fascinating poetry genre. Every year the Horror Writers Association present the Bram Stoker Awards for superior achievement in novels, stories and poetry. Ray Bradbury, Stephen King, Peter Straub and Clive Barker are all members of the HWA.

    Some of the poems I've seen are nightmarish, some are fantasy, some are amusing and some, like the following poem by Bruce Boston, winner of "The STOKER" for poetry in 2008, is all three.

    Surreal Domestic

    I open the refrigerator and instead of food
    it is stocked with automatic weapons
    and hand guns and ammunition.
    I make love to my wife and find
    that she has a third eye
    where her navel should be.
    I have a clock that makes a different noise every hour.
    Sometimes it sings like a bird.
    Sometimes it is a train pulling into a station.
    At least once a day it is a bullfight or a shuttle launch.
    I take it to a jeweler's to have it fixed.
    He tells me not to fool with it or it will melt.
    I have a giant flea for a pet.
    It has little dogs running around on it.
    When I turn on the TV the stereo comes on.
    When I turn on the stereo the toaster heats up.
    When I pop a slice of split-topped wheat into the toaster
    the garbage disposal begins devouring itself.
    I have all of this memorized.
    It changes every day.
    At the back of my walk-in bedroom closet
    there is a giant zipper that runs
    vertically from the floor to nearly the ceiling.
    I have never touched it.
    Believe me.

    - Bruce Boston

  41. Hey, hey, hey!!!
    Southern Belle and Jeannie @ 9:20 just showed up. Wonder how many blitches occur daily? (Dennis, great invention.) I have previously noticed responses to things I didn't read.

  42. Mr. Lampkin, thank you for stopping by, and yes, we do look forward to all the sub-text in your work, which both helps and hinders the solve. I thought the DR. DRE DD echo was your subtle hint to go along with all the MM words, and never saw the eminem, MANDM connection. Lampkin 1, Lemonade zip.

    Southern Belle, what a nice surprise, and I see everybody.

    It is 82 with a nice Ocean Breeze, at the moment here in sunny So.Fla.

  43. Morning Argyle, C.C., and friends,
    I only have a minute till later but I MUST get in the best malapropism I've ever heard;
    An elderly Irish woman was describing to her neighbor a parade she had seen and offered this: "There they were, in all their regimegenitals!"

    And I still get Southern Belle.

  44. Weird, now my last post has disappeared. The main blog page shows that there are 42 comments, but the comments page shows only 37 comments. If you don't see the poem I posted, I'll try again later. Of course, maybe this post will disappear too.

  45. Hello all.

    Last comments for awhile - not taking LT back East.

    Dennis: Agree with reasons for posting time. I track times for MTW puzzles. A little slower for me because of fingers.

    Am going to miss Rex and Amy.

    Remember the tripple didgets in Az.

    Crazy Bump Day yesterday and playoff beard can come off.

    See everyone in June. Best BD present ever.


  46. dennis: what a great new word...blitches...have you ever used that before? if i were to come up with one like that it would be by accident! never could i say "damn glitches...i should e-mail someone and bitch...hey...blitches...thats funny!"

    ca: that boston guy has a warped mind. i would like to sit and have a beer with a guy like that...i think!

    hope this link does not disappear since it is a long entry!

    great article by our semi-retired hall of fame writer hal mccoy about an important date in baseball history First Night Game

  47. Dennis @9:10,
    Take my advice and shoot the game of pool first, if you expect to have a chance.

  48. Hi gang -

    Fun puzzle today, well constructed Monday fare (though I never like seeing Roman Nums.)

    Great to see John Lampkin stop by.

    Carol - your poem got a huge LOL from me. Poifect!

    I remember Norm Crosby. The line that stays with me, something about wives being "those gentle creatures that fill our lives with warmth and affliction". But that is from long ago, when I was in my first marriage.

    I'll admit I did see the 61A clue.

    Speaking of old songs, That EYEFUL pic made me think of JUNE IS BUSTING OUT ALL OVER.

    We saw CATS Saturday. Lots of fun - great dancing. Must be a tremendous challenge for the performers.

    This will be an unusually busy week. Will check in when I can. Might miss tomorrow.

    JzB the why only ONE PINT? trombonist

  49. Windhover, sage advice; thanks. Wait -- a chance at what, survival?

    Seen, not heard, no, blitch is a new one. No idea why it popped into my head, but there's plenty of room there; just seemed like a nice word for 'blog glitch'.

  50. Clear Ayes:
    Great horror poem. What an imagination!

    Southern Belle is now in comments.

    I just went to click on Norm Crosby, what a guy! I love his delivery. Thanks, Lemon. Other links later. Busy Monday.

  51. Mr. Lampkin: I think Monday-Wednesday puzzles are lots of pun! When they are a slog, I don`t enjoy them.
    Dennis: What ever you post will probably off-end someone! I`d hate to see you lose your spontaneity.
    Some of the blatant sexual references make me uncomfortable, but I wouldn`t want you (or anyone else) to stop being themselves. I can ignore what I may not like/agree with, with the best of them! People who can`t just be themselves probably won`t stay...

  52. Hey, glad to see S.Belle again - know it is difficult to find time to be with us, but we do like to read your comments.

    Dodo, LMAO at the malapropism you cited. What a picture that created in my evil little mind.

    CA: great poem...and so funny too. I'd leave that zipper alone as well.

    Dennis, loved 'blitch' - very clever.
    Be careful of Lois and a pool table, she is a master at the game, a lover of balls and very good at getting a 'stick' to do what she wants (or so I hear).

  53. Clear Ayes,

    I see, and just read, the poem by Bruce Boston you posted at 12:39.

    And thank you for it.

    Southern Bell's post is still visible to me too.

  54. Dodo said: "There they were, in all their regimegenitals!".

    Well, here they are.

  55. Dodo:
    LOL, very loudly, in fact at the malapropism!

    Thanks for thinking about double digits in AZ; it lasted one day then plunged down to 80! They will be back, however.

  56. Entertaining puzzle, tho the northwest corner resisted all my efforts.

    14A Suit to ___ -- I was aghast at not catching ATEE.

    25A Forty-niner's find: I wanted ORO (Spanish for gold).

    41A Strikes through, as text -- I wanted ELIDE, more elegant than XSOUT.

    45A Early 15th century year:
    Dennis, Dick -- I disagree about needing all the fills. I immediatly put MCCC (1400), about as early 15-th century as it can get. Then 29D called for the letter I, giving MCCI, 1401. Meanwhile, the first three letters MCC had helped me with 45, 46, 47 down.

    I LIKE the roman numeral fills -- most are freebees, and I need all the help I can get.

    65A -- Sallie, I would not have known MIATA except for a friend who drives one.

    11D, Good-looker. Argyle's YES image has "tripleMM in the corner. I judge her to be TripleEEE. She not only filled my eye, she overflows it.

    Also, that tripleMM is another theme reference. Argyle, were you thinking of that when you chose that image?

    John Lamplin, thanks for popping in! It's quite a kick to read the author's comments.

    Likewise for Barry G when we're working on one of his creations.

  57. BarryG is not a constructor; just one of the posters.

  58. John Lampkin: If you stop in, know that I got a smile on my face when I read who the constructor was today! I saw STEER as another animal, but missed the EMINEM pun - good one!

    22D Beat up on verbally: RANT AT was one I knew instantly, which the main reason I was so negative about my job last week. Someone RANTed ON at me for 40 minutes because their project had been put on hold for a couple weeks (unbeknownst to me). The day after it was finally released for purchasing (I was also unaware of), I had the audacity to relay my customer’s query, asking if delivery was on schedule. It expressed how I felt perfectly - beat up! It has a pretty nice tie-in with 59D too…

    My favorite fill was ON PARADE, even though I’m not really that big on parades.

    Jeannie, it feels much warmer here than the temps show, more like the blast from an oven. But thank goodness it’s not very humid this week. I wish you were here though. My mother called it a doodad too, among other names!

  59. Eddyb, have a most marvelous trip. I hope Indy is a total blast! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!

    Kazie, the same to you. We'll miss you while you're gone.

    Southern Belle, good to see you back.

    Carol, another winner of a limerick!

    Dennis, love blitch, although I had a different origin for the word.

  60. Lucina: Another name I’ve seen is a local woman who’s been interviewed on national television, often conducts seminars in NYC, and has an interesting webinar coming up about mingling/networking – Jacqueline Whitmore, Etiquette Expert. She focuses primarily on Business etiquette. An article she had about foreign business protocol was very interesting.

    Whew, the new word “blitches” jumped out at me related to a few ladies' names before I read the rest of the blog. That and the fact that there’s a pretty high volume of posts already for a Monday, I wondered what insanity I’d missed that would have these gentlemen calling them that. What a relief to see it stands for blog-glitches!

  61. JVN
    MCCC is 1300

  62. Taking over your soapbox, Gunghy. The profanity rampant today indicates(apologies Lemonaid714) to me a real poverty of vocabulary! Ever wonder if within a generation or two there will still be real words? What with profanity and texting the language is in peril!

    John Lampkin, it was very nice of you to give us your input. I enjoyed this puzzle very much. Can't see why everyone gets so worked up about Roman numberals. I'm with Argyle on that. I always have to work them out on paper and translate if they are math. exercises but so what? I need the practice! Answers like Dr. Dre and Eminem are the ones that are a problem to me, but that's a generational thing; can't be helped!

    C.C. I love this blog. Thanks!

    BTW, good writeup,Argyle. What's with Anon@11:30 A.M.? You
    identified yourself.

    Also, Lemonaide, I don't think I can thank you enough for telling me how to get the links without losing my place! Now, is there a secret for getting to the comments without having to scroll through the analysis, which I've already read carefully?

    Lucina, that's a true story, too!

    Spitzboov, Perfect accompaniment! I wonder if the Queen has seen it?
    I bet he did it on purpose!

  63. dodo, even though some of us blog the puzzle as guests, it's not all that unusual for C.C. to insert her theme write-up if she thinks hers is more fitting.

  64. Kazie:
    Bon voyage! Have a fantastic time and know you shall be missed.

  65. Yes, the first line of the write-up is C.C.'s but not all that different. Her use of the ampersand in M&M's was just the right touch for the theme title.

  66. Dodo: LOL! great malopropism!
    Spitz: greater follow up. And to think that it apparently was a chilly day too! When one considers the 'shrinkage factor' it just proves that the Queen surrounds herself w/the best..on her right side at least. Gives a whole new meaning to LONG live the Queen! And guess what was served afterwards...yep, spotted dick!

    Dennis: your neologism 'blitch' is priceless! As for the use of the pool table, I agree that the pool game should be played first. It's so confusing when there are more than 1 #2 balls (blue). And 2 out of 3 is fine w/me, altho' it's usually the guy who has a hard time stopping at 3, esp if I end up on top. ...just sayin', not complainin'.

    Carol: Welcome back!!! Sure missed you. Outstanding limerick. You are the Queen for sure! What do you serve for dessert? Bet it's anything but escargot! Now about the stick in that fabulous game of pocket pool. The stick is important, needless to say, but it's the sroke touch that really makes the difference...IMHO. It's all good.

    Kazie: Happy Trails. Looking forward to tons of pictures. you'll be missed.

    Eddy b: Happy Trails to you too. Hope you have a sensational time.

    John Lampkin: thanks for stopping by. It's so fun to hear from the constructors and learn what you were thinking. I hope your friend Gordon does c/ws. He sounds like quite a creative and fun guy.

    CA: You never cease to amaze me. You knew Marshall Mathers! Good job! I did learn that Dr. Dre's birthday is the same as mine - he's just a 'tad' younger tho'.

    Enjoy your night.

  67. Lois,
    pocket pool somehow conjures up a whole different picture for me, how about an upside-down cake with a touch of cream for dessert. That should be good after strokin' the 'ol stick.

  68. Elks??? Is that like fishes?

  69. Dodo my dear, why apologies to me about profanities?

    As far as avoiding having to scroll through what you have already read in the comments section, you can hit Ctrl and End at the same time and it will take you to the bottom of the comments and you can work your way backwards to where you left off. Or you can use your cookies to return to where you were.

    Dennis, the blitch is back!

  70. Lemonade, I think Dodo was apologizing to you for using the dreaded word "indicates".

  71. Lemonade, LOL, I did a little head scratching about that too, until I realized that Dodo, like I had yesterday, used the word indicates, not one of your favorites. That what was what the apology was for. Am I right, Dodo?

    I did a little more head scratching after looking for profanities on today's blog. Once again....D'oh! for me that is, not Dodo, when I understood Dodo was talking about today's societal use of profanities and not anything here.

  72. Some favorite malapropisms:

    "If you're not careful, you'll catch ammonia!" (Stan Laurel)

    "Like two peas in a pot." (Stan Laurel)

    Some gems from Leo Gorcey of the Bowery Boys, called "Slip" Mahoney for his frequent malapropisms:

    "a clever seduction" (deduction)

    "I depreciate it" (appreciate)

    "I resemble that remark" (resent)

    "I regurgitate" (reiterate)

    many more

  73. I'm with Annette, and am glad you explained the origin of your term "blitch," Dennis.

  74. Lemonade, it was about using
    'indicated'. Nut it wasn't for 'said'.

  75. Bon voyage to EddyB,

    and thanks to all for the safe travel wishes to me too. I'll be stopping in tomorrow and maybe even Wednesday first thing too--we don't leave here until around 10 am.

    Bonne nuit à tous!

  76. Clearayes, you're right about indicate. Is my reference that bad? I thought maybe I needed a few more commas.

  77. This must be #5. Enjoyed your poem, CA and yours, too, Carol. Both very clever. Wasn't there a melting clock in a Dali painting? And I meant "But" not "Nut"! Typo

  78. Thanks, Anonymous at 5:11 PM for catching my arithmetic gaff.

    I had initially put MCCC in the puzzle and soon found my error. Then I made the error again when posting my commentary.

    I'll try to remember that the designation (as: 15th century) is one more than the hundreds (as: 1400). And to think I got all "A"s in college math! How far I have fallen!

  79. Lemonade, THanks, but that doesn't work either; you go all the way through yesterday's to the end. Oh, well, I tried.

  80. C.C., Argyle and folk,

    re: 38a
    As my MIL became aged, she began to remind me of 'Mrs. Magoo,' the stories I could tell!

    re: 57a malapeopisms,

    * aspersions → asparagus

    I don’t want you casting asparagus on my friend.

    * balkanize → vulcanize

    However, they delineate - quotas, I think, vulcanize society. — George W. Bush
    love this malapropism...i was just telling my cousin this very day, i made up a word and that i really could be a republican speech writer, blah, blah...


    re: 45d
    was thinking of mars bars so i got stuck...

    re: 18a,
    book 'em danno...i used to be friends with wolfat, he was a very interesting, spiritual person. very cool!

    too tired to write more, but all in all i liked the puzzle

    ...and I'm out.


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Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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