, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday May 23, 2010 Pamela Amick Klawitter

Gary's Blog Map

May 23, 2010

Sunday May 23, 2010 Pamela Amick Klawitter

Theme: They're Beside Themselves - The embedded three-letter common names that end the first words of all two-word theme entry are the same as the ones that start the second word.

22A. Introductory assortment of wreckage?: FLOTSAM SAMPLER. Flotsam. Jetsam.

40A. One-of-a-kind book? CUSTOM TOME

65A. Place to leave the flock during vacation?: CHICKEN KENNEL. Chicken want to live in the coop.

92A. Try to get tallow?: PURSUE SUET. My first theme answer.

114A.Music for painters?: ENAMEL MELODIES

15D. Scallions for an anniversary party?: JUBILEE LEEKS. To me, scallions are just green onions.

59D. Short treatise on junk e-mail? SPAM PAMPHLET. Fun clue/answer.

I only realized all the embeds are common names after I typed in & green-highlighted all the the letter string repetitions. Great theme title. Nice play on "beside oneself".

The puzzle is one Q away from a pangram. As the norm with our Sunday puzzles, quite a few entertaining clues. My favorite is FEET (109D. Pump inserts). D'oh, pump shoes.

I still don't like the clue for PEDAL (105D. Step on it). The "it" grammar confused me last time. I just don't feel the clue and answer fully correspond to each other, unlike the clear "them" reference in LEADS (97D. Reporters chase them).


1. Garfield's middle name: ABRAM. Can never commit his name into my memory. Did get KENNEDY (49D. President under whom the Peace Corps was formed).

6. Tiptop: ACME

10. Timber shaper: ADZ. Or adze.

13. Big Indians: RAJAS. Thought of Native American Indians.

18. At large: LOOSE

19. Property claim: LIEN. And DEED (11. Safe document).

20. Scripps competition: BEE. Spelling Bee.

21. Disqualify (oneself), in court: RECUSE

25. Protozoan: AMEBIC. Or ameobic.

26. Swears to: ATTESTS

27. Home of Texas A&M International University: LAREDO. U.S./Mexico border city.

28. Pooh-pooh: DERIDE

29. Manhattan component: RYE. Rye is an affluent suburb of NY City, a la Wikipedia.

30. Boris Godunov, e.g.: TSAR. Don't know Boris Godunov.

31. Lost the point: RAMBLED

32. Vardon Trophy org.: PGA. Gimme. Vardon Trophy is awarded to PGA player who leads in scoring average. Named after British golfer Harry Vardon.

35. Be of service to: ASSIST

38. Pointed remark: BARB

39. Legal conclusion?: ESE. Legalese.

43. Exercised in a lane: SWAM. Can't jam in BIKED.

45. Barely earn, with "out": EKE

47. Online bulletin board mgr. : SYSOP (System Operator)

48. Pub staple: ALE

49. It isn't really a bear: KOALA. What is it then, Kazie? Sure looks like bear though.

50. Vestige: RELIC

53. Put in the warehouse: STORE

55. Cut down: FELLED

56. One who follows the news?: LENO. Because Leno's show is after the evening news?

57. Cinnamon tree: CASSIA. Wow, it's Chinese cinnamon. No idea.

60. IV to III?: SON. Nailed it.

61. River duck: TEAL

63. Writers: PENS. Did not know "pen" can refer to a person who writes.

64. Marching start?: HUP. "Hup, two, three, four". The military march. Got me again.

70. Hobby shop buy: KIT

71. Significant times: ERAS

73. Hard on the eyes: UGLY. No, I will not link anything hard on the eyes. Al's Hart.

74. Thing to bend or lend: EAR. Nice rhyming clue.

75. Speaks disrespectfully to: SASSES

77. "If it's all the __ to you ...": SAME

78. Star's opposite: NOBODY

80. Bow ties and elbows: PASTA. Nice "bow" echo.

82. Early mobile home: TEPEE. Yurt too.

84. Soap whose first slogan was "It floats": IVORY

85. Scroogean word: BAH

86. Uses a keyboard: TYPES. And ENTER (120. Put in)

90. Rule of crime writing: ANN. I've never heard of Ann Rule. Good clue though.

91. BlackBerry message: TEXT

94. Fire or side attachment: ARM. Excellent play on fireside.

96. Secluded lowland: GLEN

98. Continued: GONE ON

99. Practice, as a trade: PLY

100.Comebacks: REPLIES

102.Like some telegrams: SUNG. I don't get this clue. How can telegrams be sung?

103.Dosage amt.: TSP

106.Goddess of wisdom: ATHENA

107.Noisy summer bug: CICADA. Ear-splitting!

109.Artful handling: FINESSE

113.Lost some locks: BALDED. Locks always refer to hair in Xword.

116.Feudal lords: LIEGES. Another hard to remember word.

117.He played Quasimodo in 1923: LON (Chaney). Easy guess.

118.Justice's garb: ROBE

119.Dylan Thomas's home: WALES

121.Explosive letters: TNT

122.Whack: SWAT

123.Skiing locale: SLOPE. Didn't jump to me immediately.


1. __ Romeo: ALFA. The sport car.

2. Cloth quantity: BOLT

3. Cheer: ROOT

4. Sunflower relative: ASTER. Oh, OK.

5. Like Oscar Madison's room: MESSY. And STY (89. 5-Down place).

6. Charity: ALMS

7. Grafton's "__ for Corpse": C IS

8. When many a bell is rung: MEAL TIME. Where?

9. As a group: EN MASSE

10. More competent: ABLER

12. Nonentity: ZERO

13. Common word in rallying slogans: REMEMBER. I peeked at the answer sheet.

14. Biting: ACERB

16. Parenthetical comments: ASIDES

17. Withdraw: SECEDE

21. Hawkeye associate: RADAR (O'Reilly). Both M*A*S*H characters. And WALTER (44. 21-Down's real first name, on TV). Unknown to me.

23. Starting squad: A-TEAM

24. Duff: PRAT

31. Islamic holy month: RAMADAN

32. Modern office staples: PCS

33. Chap: GUY

34. Mule's papa: ASS

36. Antares, for one: STAR

37. Something to walk on: SOLE. Indeed.

38. Whalebone: BALEEN. New word to me.

41. Chuck: TOSS

42. __ nerve: OPTIC. Also new to me.

43. Sun, in Spain: SOL. Alliteration.

46. Food for sea urchins: KELP. I use kelp for miso soup base sometimes.

51. Navel phenomenon: INNIE

52. Expenditures: COSTS

54. Hawaii's "Gathering Place": OAHU. "Gathering Place" is its nickname.

55. Other side: FOE

57. Pirate booty holder: CHEST

58. Halos: AURAE. Or auras.

60. Luxury seating: SKYBOX

62. Discounted: LESS

66. Fires up: IGNITES

67. Split, as some hoofs: CLOVEN. Past participle of "cleave".

68. Round Table knight: KAY. Not familiar with Sir Kay. Another lady sounding name.

69. Starbucks buy: LATTE

72. As __ on TV: SEEN

76. Indicates: SAYS

79. Fido's dinnertime extra: ORT. Classic crosswordese.

80. Trim, as apples: PARE

81. Semi-serious "I understand": AH SO

83. Casey Jones, e.g.: ENGINEER. Have never heard of Casey Jones. He must be very famous to be honored with a stamp.

85. Cottage: BUNGALOW

87. Lassie, once: PUP. The answer surfaced itself.

88. Slender swimmer: EEL. Slender indeed.

92. Thinks over: PONDERS

93. Up to: UNTIL

94. Like productive land: ARABLE

95. Hang on to: RETAIN

98. Largest of the Marianas: GUAM

101.Outcropping: LEDGE. Like this protruding part.

102.Meager: SCANT

104.Hoodwinks: SNOWS. Learned this slang meaning of snow a few weeks ago.

107.Breton, e.g.: CELT

108.Privy to: IN ON

110.Storage cylinder: SILO

111.Trickle: SEEP

112.Start of North Carolina's motto: ESSE "Esse quam videri" (to be rather than to see). Another learning moment for me.

115.Many a Wharton grad: MBA

Answer grid.



  1. Morning, Puzzlers - Straightforward today; never heard of ORT, though.

  2. 29. Manhattan component; Rye

    could also mean "rye" whiskey, a component of a Manhattan cocktail

  3. Good morning CC etal,

    Sorry to say not much enthusiasm for this morning's offering. Maybe I just got up on the wrong side of the bed - puzzle just seemed kinda ho-hum.

    Re: 29A - Manhattan cocktail traditionally made with rye whiskey - too sweet for my taste as I prefer my liquor straight out of the freezer or on the rocks with no sugary elements.

    Re: 102A - Singing Telegram Has anyone recieved a telegram in the last ten years?

    Re: 8D - a dinner bell was often rung on the ranch to let the hands know it was MEALTIME. It's still used during formal, i.e. State, dinners for the same purpose.

    Hope all have a pleasant Sunday!

  4. Good Morning, CC and all. This was a struggle for me. I never cottoned on to the theme until after reading your explanation.

    I knew RADAR and guessed that his first name was WALTER.

    I knew that the Cinnamon I uses is the bark of a tree, but didn't know what kind of tree it was from.

    I wanted TENTS instead of TEPEES for Early Mobile Homes. At least I was headed in the right direction.

    CC, Here is a story of Casey Jones. He was a train engineer who was killed in a train wreck, but saved others by his actions.

    QOD: Life is one long process of getting tired.

  5. Morning, all!

    I blew through the top 3/4 of this puzzle and then slowed down considerably at the end. Even though I had figured out the theme by then, I just could see SPAMPAMPHLET for the life of me, mostly because was expecting the repeated word further along in the answer. It didn't help any that I had no idea who ANN Rule is/was and that I refused to even entertain the possibility that BALDED could be a real word.

    And then, to the east of that horrible section, I did myself in by putting COLT for CELT (I'm not entirely sure, but I was probably thinking that Breton was the name of somebody who plays for the Indianapolis Colts) and SLAY for SWAT. I looked at BUNGA_OL for the longest time, wondering whether there was something actually called a BUNGAROL...

    As with C.C., I wasn't fond of the cluing for PEDAL, but at least this time I was familiar with that type of cluing and was able to get it.

    Anyway, overall it was another great puzzle!

  6. This was very interesting puzzle, with the use of names as the repeated part of the theme clues, really well done.

    A KOALA is related to Kangaroos not bears, I am sure Kazie our Oz native can tell us more about them.

    The 16th century Tsar/Czar BORIS GUDUNOV was actually a very effective leader, but is remembered more for the plays and opera written about him, and in the US, because the name was pronounced Good – un – ov, as the wonder Boris BADenov in Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon.

    ANN RULE writes about true crim, and is not as famous the ones who write make believe.

    SINGING TELEGRAMS have been part of American culture since they invented the telegram. Instead of just delivering the printed words, the delivery person would sing the message, like Happy Birthday etc. Of course, you do not see many telegrams being delivered, except perhaps for the ever popular STRIPPER GRAM .

    I also do not remember the word BALEEN so it is a learning day for me.

    I had a friend who never used the word “SAID” anything he was told was always “Indicated” drove me crazy.

    My brother's FIL drank Manhattans until the day he died at 87, with his two girl friends both there. Also had a wry sense of humor

  7. Good Morning C.C. and all. Welcome aboard MikeL.

    The Sunday puzzle is a stem-winder by expectation, but this one was not too difficult. A little red letter help, but no searches needed. Loved the theme words. Liked RAJAS.

    KOALAs are in a completely different animal order than bears. Koala are Marsupials (have an abdomen pouch for their young) while bears are Carnivores (meat eating - have teeth for tearing)

    CLOVEN hoofed - even toed ungulates. Horses and tapirs are odd-toed ungulates.

    HUP - Always thought it was 'hut'. Hut, Toop, Threep, Fourp, etc.

    KIT - gimme for Dennis?

    Enjoy the day

  8. Will get to the puzzle this PM but...

    For the RR buffs, there is a Casey Jones Museum in Jackson, TN on I40 between Memphis and Nashville.

  9. Good morning CC and All, a real walk in the park today. All the unknowns were easily filled by the perps and I did get the theme early enough to help with the remainder of the puzzle.

    My response to the Manhattan part was for Rye, as in whiskey.

    Hahtool I also had tents for 82A, but 72D seen quickly corrected that fill. I also tried to put HUT for HUP, but I knew spam was correct for 59D so no real problems there.

    Overall an interesting puzzle today, but easy and the theme was creative and the crossword well done..

    Hope you all have a great Sunday.

  10. way back when, you would send birthday greetings by telegram which would be delivered IN PERSON and sung by the delivery boy

  11. Good morning, C.C. and puzzlers.

    What a pleasant walk today; a very straight forward xwd with not much puzzling over.

    I wonder if it sets the record for most three and four letter fills?
    And not too many abbreviations either.

    Of course, PGA stumped me; I had "bub" for chap and had no idea about online bulletin board manager, although it's been used before. Corrections made from the blog.

    Hand up for "rye" in a Manhattan; did not know about a suburb, Rye.

    Cinnamon tree brought to mind a strong memory of walking among them and the glorious smell of cinnamon.

    Clever cluing in "feet" (pump inserts), "Ann" Rule of crime writing; I've only read about her but not her books.

    Also thought of Dennis with "kit" and "pen" (writers) I believe just means the tool with which to write.

    Thanks to all for your insights on singing telegrams, marsupial koala, Boris Gudonov, and Casey Jones.

    Baleen instantly reminded me of the baleen whale. Fourth graders love to study whales, dolphins and sharks.

    "Ort" used to be more of a staple in the past; have seen it only rarely lately, but it was one of the first crosswordese I learned many years ago.

    You all have suberb Sunday!

  12. OOPS, forgot to credit my QOD: Life is one long process of getting tired. ~ Samuel Butler

    I had confused Boris Godunov with Alexander Godunev, the ballet dancer. Both were Russian, so I just figured maybe Alex considered himself the TSAR of Ballet.

  13. Good Morning All, I learned several interesting things today.

    Hmmm, it is (64A) HUP, not HUT. That one took me a while.

    Another slow one to change was (107D) CELT. I started out with CAPE Breton (Island), which is part of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, or at least a time consuming one.

    Although Chris in LA's link indicates otherwise, it seems like an amusing connection between the Manhattan cocktail and its main ingredient RYE, which turns out to be a neighboring community, Rye. Thanks for that information, C.C.

    Until now, I didn't know that BALD was a verb. I've never said GAH (113A) BALDED. Come to think of it, I still won't.

    I was OK with (105D) PEDAL. "Step on it (the gas pedal)" is a pretty well know phrase, when the driver is asked to speed up. Not that I've ever done it :o), but "Put the pedal to the metal." is another speed-up phrase.

    Lots of great links today. Thanks to Chris in LA, Hahtool and Lemonade714.

    Here's my link for the day. I knew the Casey Jones folk song from Girl Scout days, but a little later, there was this one by The Grateful Dead.

  14. Good afternoon everyone.

    Spitzboov: My DH, who was a drill sgt., says it is hup, two, three, four (no added p's). But that when an officer showed up, it was ten hut.

    My mother, who is Canadian and born in 1900, used the term ort for leftovers.

    Gorgeous day here. Enjoy your Sunday.
    (I didn't go to church this AM, so that's why I am goofing off.)


  15. Sallie, thanks for the Hut/Hup information. That makes it easier to remember.

    Lemonade, LOL, I didn't realize until I reread my post that I had written "Although Chris in LA's link indicates otherwise". After reading your comment, I might have said "says".

    Our second chorus concert is this afternoon. The first one on Wednesday evening went well, so we have high hopes for no unplanned flat notes. My favorite numbers are "April Is In My Mistress' Face", a 16th century madrigal and "Love Changes Everthing" from Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Aspects of Love". These links aren't of our group, but you get the idea of the fun range of songs, April, etc and Love Changes, etc.

  16. Good afternoon - Enjoyable puzzle; for step on it PEDAL I thought of pedaling a bicycle.

    Fri nite my wife's van was stolen. Apparently her husband left the key in the ignition while running an errand. The police found it early this morning. It had been driven across some railroad tracks; 2 ruined tires, one bent shock absorber. Could have been a lot worse. I will have to have a talk with the careless husband.
    Oh, well, live & learn.

  17. Sallie@ 11:38 My Hup Hut comment was somewhat tongue-in-cheek. Have you ever heard cadence called out? Pretty much jibberish sounding with some creative syllables.

  18. Can't say why, but I found this one tedious! Sorry Pamela.

  19. C.C. Excellent write-up.
    Thank you for the "UGLY" embed.

    This was a smooth West to East solve, then I looked at the grid and the whole Atlantic Coast Region was empty.

    Had Amoeba before AMOBIC, protozan.
    Couldn't get INNIE, UNTIL I REMEMBERed we had a discussion about these a while back.

    Faves were TEPEE, First Mobile Home, and RAJAS, Big Indian.

    BALDED, I agree with CA, a verb?
    One yuck in a grid this size is OK I guess.

    A FUN Sunday, with FINESSE!

  20. Dudley
    ORT is usually clued as table scraps.
    This was one of my first crosswordese answers I remember from about 35+ years ago.

    Today's clue. FIDO dinnertime extra, was clever for this answer.

  21. ClearAyes:
    Your audience will be fortunate to hear you; last night I attended a concert by the local Masterpiece Chorale group and they are superb! I'm sure your group provides that kind of enjoyment.

    I love knowing that "ort" is a functional word in someone's vocabulary!

    LOL at your Godunov comment since tsar can be anagramed into star!

  22. Lemonade
    I just read the afternoon and evening comments from yesterday.

    Your comment to IPO cracked me up. It reminded me of the "Break a leg" as someone goes on stage.

    Of course the Anon (again) doesn't get it. Virgins are like that.

    The whole thing reminded me that the evil anon lurker really has no clue. Nor answers. And doesn't do these crossword puzzles we all love.

  23. Lucina: That's very funny! I don't generally see anagrams, and certainly did not see TSAR to STAR!

  24. I guess I get to state the obvious that the last laugh from our constructor of "BESIDE THEMSELVES" is she, like DONNA, managed her name as an integral part of the puzzle in SPAM PAMPHLET.

    I wonder if they call KOALA bears in OZ, or do we do it because they are cute and cuddly like our TEDDY BEARS? I think the big distinction in mammals is placental, marsupial or egg laying.

  25. Frenchie:

    You coming to claim your throne as French expert? Do you vote for Tinbeni or Anon?

    KZ, you out there? What about Koala?

  26. Shamelessly copied the theme answers and then completed the puzzle. Favorite (clever) clue: "Thing to bend or lend." Sunday puzzles are a bit too long and wear me out...kinda like tonight`s recap and wrap up of "Lost" will probably do. I`ve never watched a full episode and don`t know if the "prat" can stand the 4 1/2 hours...but will give it a try, just like the Sunday puzzles.
    Want to know what everyone will be talking about tomorrow. Pop culture; gotta love it! (or at least be knowledgeable about it, after all, it will probably show up in a puzzle eventually!)

  27. Good day, C.C. and all!

    I loved today's clever puzzle, and I guess I was on Pamela Klawitter's wavelength, as I sailed through the grid without a sputter. I printed up the puzzle late last night (actually early this morning), thought I would take just a minute or two to look it over, but was hooked, and ending up completing it before going to bed.

    Worked NW to SE, and caught on to the theme with FLOTSAMSAMPLER, which certainly helped with the theme answers. Favorite clues were "IV to III", and "Pump inserts".

    The "KENKEN" answer made me think of a new number puzzle I was recently introduced to in a second grade classroom. The puzzles bear some similarity to Sudoku, but also involve mathematical calculations. I've seen one book of the puzzles, with the forward written by Will Shortz. You can get new puzzles daily at

    Also liked the dual fill tribute to Gary Burghoff's character RADAR/WALTER O'Reilly from M*A*S*H, one of my favorite sitcoms to watch in re-runs. I never saw the show when it originally aired in the 70's and early 80's as I did not have a television before I was married in 1976. My DH came with a set when we were married, but we watched very little TV while the boys were young.

    ipo-Congratulations to your son on his graduation from law school and engagement!

    Enjoy the evening!

  28. Lemonade @4:58
    I do not understand your reference to me as a French Expert.

    When or where was I ever in that discussion?

  29. Hi all,
    Just checking in--no puzzle for me today.

    The info given so far on Koalas was all correct: they are marsupials, and as such do have a pouch for nurturing their young after what would seem in a mammal to be a premature birth, but which is normal for all marsupials. They can live almost indefinitely high up in the eucalyptus (gum) trees that sustain them with both food and drink, as they apparently get sufficient moisture from the oily leaves to go without venturing down to earth in search of water for long periods. Of the hundreds of gumtree varieties in Oz, they can only eat leaves from very few (I forget the number, but about 5 or 6). They spend most of the daylight time asleep, being largely nocturnal.

  30. TB:

    relax, the question was did Frenchie think my comment to IPO was "classless" per Anon, or funny, per Tinbeni.

    C'est tout.

  31. l714, you really need to give it a rest, my friend. Let it go.

  32. KZ:

    But do the natives call them KOALA BEARS or just KOALA? Ah well my five are gone, until tomorrow,

  33. Hahtool:
    I don't usually see anagrams either, but with Jerome chiming in occasionally with anagrams, I have a new appreciation for them and sometimes can spot them in short words.

    I love the learning moments.

  34. Lucina, regarding anagrams. There are several more to be found in TSAR including one of my favorite words when I'm frustrated.

    I didn't know RYE was part of New York but I felt good when I figured out the Manhattan cocktail connection.

    CC, you mentioned Miso soup. I had it once in a sushi restaurant. Very good. I tried the powdered soup mix from the supermarket. Just OK. I assume yours is more like what I had in the restaurant.

    Well, the Dodgers look really good sometimes but not today. But I'll survive if the Lakers look good tonight.

    I used to enjoy Sudoku but tired of it. I tried Kenken and liked it even better but tired of it too. I've stuck with crosswords longer. More variety I think and this blog is a big plus.

  35. Lemonade,
    Although the koala is not a bear, English-speaking settlers from the late 18th century first called it koala bear due to its similarity in appearance to bears. Although taxonomically incorrect, the name koala bear is still in use today outside Australia — its use is discouraged because of the inaccuracy in the name. Other descriptive English names based on "bear" have included monkey bear, native bear, and tree-bear.
    The Wiki link gives a lot more interesting info.

  36. Adding to Kazie's Koala Komments: During a lengthy trip to Oz, I visited the late Steve Irwin's superb zoo in Beerwah. While there I learned that koalas are quite fussy eaters - they'll only eat certain fresh leaves of a certain size of certain trees - thus requiring the zoo to employ gatherers whose job it is to go out into the countryside and harvest the correct branches by the hundreds each day. Collect the wrong salad and the koalas go on hunger strike. Fussy little rascals, but cute.

  37. C.C. Friday:

    42 - Across. "Who, me?": MOI. Who will educate us about French when Kazie leaves for Oz next Wednesday? She'll be gone for a whole month!

    No one. Kazie is the best.

  38. anon@ 10:11pm,
    You flatter me. Thank you. However, there are others who have a pretty good knowledge of French here as well. I just have more practice teaching and explaining it perhaps.

  39. Greetings all;

    Just got back from a weekend in LaLa Land. Daughter wanted to celebrate number 23 at Magic Mountain.

    Had all the answers for CC, but I'm way too slow. They've been covered. I have been known to say, "I've been balded," upon return from the barbers. I never knew I wasn't just being silly.

    About the puzzle, I enjoyed it, but thought it was a bit easy for a Sunday. Most words came easily, or only took one or two perps. My only wrong answer was GIN for 29A. I immediately thought of the drink, but as a nondrinker, I needed Aster and messy to show me the error.

    If anyone is still up, have a great night.


For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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