, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday June 18th, 2018 Peter A. Collins

Gary's Blog Map

Jun 18, 2018

Monday June 18th, 2018 Peter A. Collins

Theme: FOREIGN LANGUAGE ( 37. What's left when you remove the first and last letters of the answers to starred clues)

20A. *Indiana university: PURDUE. Urdu.

22A. *Thin metallic layer: PLATING. Latin.

53A. *Raucous party: SHINDIG. Hindi.

56A. *Uniform top: JERSEY. Erse.

Boomer here.

The theme feels thin today. But the candidates are limited to start with.  Spent most of the weekend watching the U.S. Open golf tournament on TV.  I really don't care to see the best players in the world make double bogeys. My playing buddies and I make double bogeys all the time.  The difference being that we don't have some idiot yelling "Go in the hole" after every tee shot.  I don't mind that the rough is ankle high or there are ten bunkers around every green.  Accuracy is a must in golf.  But greens are the target.  Why make the surfaces of greens the consistency of my driveway?  Anyway, hats off to Brooks Koepka for his stellar performance !


1. "See ya!": TA TA.

5. Potato chip, to Mr. Chips: CRISP.

10. Barbershop singer: BASS.  We had two bass levels in my high school glee club.  I was a second bass.  But in baseball I played center field.  We also have bass in our Minnesota lakes.  Let's see, probably at least 200 bass each in 10,000 lakes, that's 2 million fish.

14. Israel's Abba: EBAN. This could be a forbidden use of e cigs, those nasty vapor things.

15. Book of maps: ATLAS.  Charles Atlas course, Roy Rogers horse and only the shadow knows.  Ah do you remember those...(Statler Brothers)

16. Shoot out: EMIT.

17. Classic theater name: ROXY.

18. Alabama march city: SELMA.Think of all the hate there is in Red China!
Then take a look around to Selma, Alabama!
Ah, you may leave here, for four days in space,
But when your return, it's the same old place,
We survived the eve of destruction.

19. Caesar's cover-up: TOGA. Get one for the party at Animal House, Delta Tau Chi!

24. Water vapor: STEAM.

25. Hex: WHAMMY.

27. Pacific cyclone: TYPHOON. I'll take their word for it.  I think we call them hurricanes in the US.

29. Yesterday's hit: OLDIE.  Oldie but a goodie.  But that was yesterday, and yesterday's gone.  Yes, I watch some of those Pat Boone, Time Life half hour commercials, but I have not purchased.

33. "Aladdin" monkey: ABU.

35. Museum filler: ART. Mr. Garfunkel

36. Sanctify with oil: ANOINT.

41. Yearly records: ANNALS.

42. Choice from a tap, for short: IPA.  This is an acronym for some kind of India beer.  I had to Google it to learn.

43. "If I Ruled the World" rapper: NAS.

44. Vermouth name: ROSSI. They make Vermouth and Wine.  You may make a martini after you finish this puzzle.

45. Employed full time: ON STAFF.

48. "You convinced me": I AGREE.

50. Shelter resident: POOCH. A pooch can be a small dog.  However in the NFL it is a kick that goes about 20 yards to avoid a threatening returner like Pharoh Cooper.

57. On the wall, as art: HUNG.

58. Home of the NBA's Heat: MIAMI.  Used to be pretty good when they had LeBron

61. Meat safety org.: USDA.

62. Caesar's surprised words: ET TU.  Brutus to Caesar "How many eggs did you have for breakfast, Caesar ?" Caesar - "Et Tu Brute"

63. Fruit served in balls: MELON. We just serve it in squares and triangles.  It tastes great, and doesn't roll off your plate.

64. Cross paths: MEET.

65. "__ Fiction": 1994 Tarantino film: PULP. Never saw it.  Not a big fan of John Travolta.

66. County near London: ESSEX.

67. Part of DOS: Abbr.: SYST.


1. U. of Maryland team: TERPS. A Terrapin is a sort of turtle.  Heckuva name for a football or basketball team.  Almost as bad as Gophers!  Maryland joined the Big 10 a few years ago.  I think there are 14 schools in the Big Ten, so four of them must be small. Sorry, Husker Gary, Nebraska is not small. A welcome competitor.

2. Close to: ABOUT.

3. Spring onslaught at the IRS: TAX RETURNS.  Interesting name.  I pay income tax every Spring, but so far, none of it has ever been returned.

4. Soon: ANY DAY.

5. Beer purchase: CASE.

6. 66, for one: Abbr.: RTE. So famous even a Northern lad has heard of this famous highway, although I don't think I have ever traveled it.  It runs from Chicago through St. Louis, OK City, Albuquerque and on into Los Angeles.  I think there was a famous TV show with Martin Milner about Rte. 66

7. Sick: ILL. Chicago may be ILL.

8. Chinese watercraft: SAMPAN.

9. One starts, "The Lord is my shepherd": PSALM.

10. Pig-tailed Muppet: BETTY LOU.

11. Mine, in France: A MOI.

12. "__ on the dotted line": SIGN.  I have not seen a dotted line to sign on, Has anyone?  Most lines are ______________

13. Buck: STAG.  We used to call these parties where you don't bring a date.

21. One working at home?: UMP.  Some of these guys get a theatrical kick out of calling strike three.  I can't stand it.  No one goes to a ball game to see an Umpire, (except maybe his Mom.)

23. In a crowd of: AMONG.

25. Unlike new clothes: WORN.  Also unlike our driveway.

26. Crisis telephone: HOTLINE.

28. Some Halloween figures: HAGS.  "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog, too" 

30. "Gorillas in the Mist" author: DIAN FOSSEY. 46. Subject for 30-Down: APE.  In the funny papers - Alley Oop

31. "Young Frankenstein" role: INGA.

32. Cézanne's summers: ETES.  Maybe we could get ETES at IHOb.

33. Way, way off: AFAR.

34. U2 frontman: BONO.  I prefer a clue of Cher's Hubby - I got you babe!

36. Vet school subj.: ANAT.

38. Relaxing, as restrictions: EASING UP.

39. Trojan War epic: ILIAD.  I think this was written by Homer.  Maybe when "All Rise" Judge hits one out, John Sterling can call "It is high, it is far...ILIAD"

40. Church area behind an altar: APSE.

45. Bacchanalian revelries: ORGIES.

47. Discussion platforms: FORUMS.

49. "I wannit!": GIMME. "a head with hair, long beautiful hair, shining gleaming, streaming, flaxen waxen",  Did I mention I do Karaoke

51. Surrenders formally: CEDES.  Don't give up, we're almost done.

52. Marriott alternative: HYATT.  Both are a bit pricey.

53. "George of the Jungle" elephant: SHEP. Shep was an original Stooge, see below.  I think he was replaced by Curly.

54. Native Rwandan: HUTU.  Heard on the basketball court.  "Throw the Ball" "HU TU ?"

55. IHOP's "I," originally: Abbr.: INTL. IHOP has become IHOb now.  Have a burger with your pancakes??

56. Hex: JINX.

59. Baseballers Kaline and Rosen: ALS. I am privileged to have watched Al Kaline play a few games against the Twins at Metropolitan Stadium

60. Head Stooge: MOE. Larry, and my favorite "Curly".  I had a bowling teammate named Carl and we called him Curly.  But he wasn't a stooge.



  1. Greetings!

    Thanks to Peter and Boomer!

    Didn't know: ABU, TERPS and SHEP without the perps.

    Have a great day!

  2. A very tight but limited theme with only 26 spaces used. I have no idea who BETTY LOU is and I imagine not many recalled SHEP the Elephant.

    I do however remember SHEMP HOWARD who was replaced by his brother Jerry (Curly> and then replaced Curly who had a stroke in his 40s and died at age 46.

    Boomer, you have the stream of consciousness blog perfected, thank you. And thank you, Peter A. Collins, who has his 25th LAT published today to go along with 104 NYTs.

    Happy week all, summer starts Thursday and the days start getting shorter all over again.

  3. Good morning!

    Up...Up...and [Splat!] I can't believe I labored to produce a DNF on a Monday. Unheard of, absurd! I had INGE crossing NES. Bzzzzzt! Thanx, Peter and Boomer.

    TYPHOON -- When returning home from our WestPac cruise, we received a distress call from a ship in danger of sinking in the typhoon. For two days we rocked and rolled toward them through the storm. At one point we were shipping green water over the bow, and that bow was 70' high. When we'd almost reached the other ship, we received an "all clear." The Officer of the Deck ordered the ship turned back toward home. That turn was so tight that a document safe came flying off a file cabinet and wound up in my chair. Lucky for me, I wasn't sitting there at the time.

    SHEP -- Boomer, that Stooge was actually named Shemp. In '07 we got three litter-mate kittens, and we named 'em Shemp, Curly and Moe. Only Moe is still kickin'. Now we call her Slo-Mo.

    Big 10 -- Yes, the Big 10 has 13 football teams, but the Big 12 has only 10 to make up for it.

  4. FIR, but three erasures on Monday! My shelter resident was a stray before it was a POOCH. I had the Lord's Prayr before PSALM (some say my speling is suckspect). My work-at-home was mom before UMP (awww). I am not worthy of my nice CSO.

    HUNG was a hilarious HBO sitcom starring Thomas Jane as an ex-football coach turned hapless gigolo. I cancelled HBO when they cancelled HUNG.

    Thanks to Peter for the fun Monday wake-up. And thanks to Boomer for another funny tour. I do disagree about the difficult greens at the US Open. I hate it when major tournaments are won at 20-something under. I like it when the course is so hard that most of the pros are over par at the end, and the winner is somewhere around even par (less than 10 under).

  5. For what it's worth Frederick: CHOPIN or Comedian ________ White: SLAPPY.

  6. Good Morning.

    Nice start all around to a new week. Thanks, Peter and Boomer. I missed SYST on my last across because of my deficit tech brain. I was going for Department of State. I simply kept staring and said, "What the heck?!"

    Have a fine week.

  7. US Open courses should be hard, but a ball that almost comes to a stop in the center of the green shouldn't roll back thirty yards off the green.

    To list the cities of Route 66, just let Nat King Cole sing them even if Winona is out of order

  8. I liked this theme, although I needed the reveal to suss it, IMO a theme does not need to be complex to be fun, especially early in the week.
    I learned Abu and Terps from x-words. Betty Lou, Inga, and Shep needed perps. LIU. I just read the plot of George of the Jungle with Shep, an elephant that acts like a dog. A big MEH.

    All the CSOs were in one little section. Hi to Jinx, Moe and CE Dave.

    Part timers can be ON STAFF, too.

    We are having our biggest, most fun square dance of the year tonight. Dancers dress up as movie stars and Oscar statuettes are awarded for the best in several categories. Our male caller dresses up as a very believable femme fatale and vamps and sings. This dance is very well attended and brings in much needed receipts. The forecast is for extreme HHH and the AC in our hall is broken. It will be very uncomfortable and probably have half the usual attendance. Luck of the draw, after so many delightfully cool evenings lately.

  9. 8:03 today.
    PULP Fiction is/was an interesting film in that it affected movie buffs in different ways. When I first saw it, I was just sure it was Tarantino's attempt at spoofing Hollywood, sort of like Robert Altman did in "The Player."

    Although I could have done without the needless bad language throughout Pulp Fiction, I regarded the film story as very clever because the end came before the beginning and middle. The Player is the better movie, IMHO. Every time I see it, I notice something new, and I've seen it dozens of times.

    Thanks to all. Lemon, thanks for the information.

  10. Good Morning Everyone,

    YR, good luck with your dance / fund raiser. It's going to be a STEAMer here, too.

    One unknown, NAS. GIR. FIR. Notwithstanding the soso theme as Boomer pointed out; I felt it was a fairly bright puzzle. Words like SHINDIG, SAMPAN, CRISP, POOCH, and several long downs. CSO's already mentioned by others. Fun to solve. Liked the UMP clue.
    ESSEX - Domain where the East Saxons held sway.
    EBAN - Still remember seeing him on the TV feed at the 'bar in the 'O' Club in Little Creek, VA in 1967 during the 6 day War. Thought he was a very polished diplomat.

  11. Nice theme with some weak clueing thrown in.

  12. "Puzzling Thoughts":

    What happened? Did I sleep through MTW, and woke up on Thursday morning? Not sure I've seen a Monday puzzle quite this tough, though I'm sure our resident historian Lemonade714 can dredge one up from the ANNALS.

    Thx, YR for the SO; yup, JINX, CED and I had our pseudonyms neatly displayed in the state of FL

    WEES, Boomer, I AGREE ABOUT SHEmP being the other Stooge. Great recap today; your dry humor is appreciated!

    Despite the long time it took to solve, I needed no LU's, and my lone WO was when I corrected tORN to WORN. I also though ANOINT was spelled with another "N"

    TOGA and ORGIES (old school) JERSEY and SHINDIG (new school)?

    Haven't seen ROXY in awhile; nor PSALM & SAMPAN. Like I said, it's Thursday, right?!

    Best clue/solve = 5a; quite clever

    Moe-lick du jour (PG-13):

    ORGY-goer is one of AMONG
    TOGA-wearers, quite handsome, and young.
    Fittingly, his name's ART.
    You can tell him apart;
    I just say this because he's well-HUNG


  13. Monday workout. Thanks for the fun, Peter and Boomer.
    I thought that maybe I was out of practice after being AWOL for a few busy days, but I see that others thought that this was a bit crunchier than the usual Monday.

    When I got here, I saw that I actually had a FIW (INGE and RES - hello d'otto).
    I was all finished when I went back to find the FOREIGN LANGUAGEs.
    Hand up for Stray before POOCH (hi Jinx). I had Jacket before JERSEY.
    Unknowns including SHEP, ABU, filled with perps.

    Enjoy the day. Another hot one here.

  14. I was so curious that SHEP (ESP) was an elephant name that I looked it up afterward. Hint to newbies, LIU helps us to remember the fill for the next puzzle.
    MOE, good one.
    CRISPs for potato CHIPs. For some reason I am discovering that many of the novels I read are written by Brits. I am getting accustomed to their lingo. I have an Aussie dictionary, too, that often mentions the British and American equivalents of the entries. British chips are French fries, as in fish and chips. In Scotland I remember sitting on a stoop in downtown Edinburgh in the rain eating fish and chips from a rolled up newspaper with a friend while juggling an open brolly.
    Yellowrocks from this Jersey Girl.

  15. Good Morning, Boomer and friends. A bit of a challenge for this rainy Monday morning. I got FOREIGN LANGUAGE before getting all the starred clues, which helped immensely.

    I am not up on my Muppet names, so needed some perps to help with getting BETTY LOU. Elmo, Bert, Ernie, Oscar the Grouch and Big Bird are the only muppets I could immediately think of.

    TERPS make frequent appearances in the crosswords.

    I don't think of a SHINDIG as being a Raucous Party.

    I loved Good Bye, Mr. Chips, which I read back in high school.

    QOD: Teaching prejudice to a child is itself a form of bullying. You’ve got to be taught to hate. ~ Roger Ebert (June 18, 1942 ~ Apr. 4, 2013)

  16. Natick! INGe/NeS on MONDAY!

  17. Hi Eveyone:

    Late to the dance due to errands and chores. Temps headed to the 90's with a heat index of 100+, then late afternoon storms. I'm not a fan of hot weather. Anyway, the puzzle had some crunch for a Monday but nothing the perps couldn't fix. I had Atoi/Amoi and Alto/Bass. Betty Lou was a mystery as the only female puppet (Muppet?) I know is Miss Piggy. Are Miss Piggy and Kermit Muppets?I thought the theme was fine for a Monday and I, too, needed the reveal to see it. CSOs to Moe and Spitz (Al). (I'll have to go back to see the ones for Jinx and CED.) I like the words Shindig and Whammy.

    Thanks, Peter, for a nice start to the week and thanks, Boomer, for the colorful commentary.

    YR, good luck with your dance. Who are you dressing as?

    Have a great day and stay cool!

  18. Aha, Jinx and Jersey went right over my head! And Jersey is a CSO to YR, as well.

  19. IM, several years ago I won as Sayuri in Memoirs of a Geisha. One year I was Debbie Reynolds in Singin' in the Rain. This year I think I will opt to be on the judging panel.

  20. Boomer, you totally outdid yourself on this one, if possible! Favorites: TAX RETURNS and HUTU. Agreed! about UMPS even if it's against the opposing team. Do they give out Espys for best 3K performances?

    Rats, never saw Young Frankenstein, so my INGA was an INGE. Oh, well, the rest was a speed run. Stay dry, D-O and Anon-T (whatever happened to Pat?) - predicts 100% rain this afternoon through Wednesday, including nights. Of course, its forecast changes hour-by-hour.

  21. Well, never thought I’d say this,’s puzzle had a theme and I really liked it....quite clever, IMHO.

    I’m shocked as well, not much to add. You think you know yourself....

  22. FIR. Yes, a Monday puzzle.

    George of the Jungle was originally a Saturday morning cartoon.

    The greatest of the 6 Three Stooges.

  23. Nobody picked up on Roy Rogers' horse? It wasn't Atlas, it was Trigger. Otherwise an excellent blog by Boomer, and a moderately difficult puzzle for a Monday.

  24. I liked this puzzle. Agree that some of the fill was quite sparkly. Hand up for having INGE and NES.

    Boomer, thanks for your witty, insightful, and entertaining write-up.

    We used to watch George of the Jungle when our son was little. He always laughed at "Watch out for that treeeeee!"

  25. Thank you, Peter Collins and Boomer! It's impressive, Boomer, how you can turn almost every clue into a sports reference.

    In the ANNALS of greatness, this should be near the top especially for a Monday. I liked the theme, too. And I enjoyed the CSOs: MOE, JINX and JERSEY girl (hello, YR).

    Anyone who hasn't seen Young Frankenstein should treat yourself and watch it. Not only for INGA (Cloris Leachman) but all the cast, Gene Wilder, Teri Garr, Madeline Kahn, Peter Boyle, Marty Feldman and even a brief appearance by Gene Hackman. (I think that's who plays the blindman). It is Mel Brooks at his best.

    Since my knowledge of French is appalling, I didn't know AMOI, left the M cell blank and didn't get EMIT. Drat!

    Thank you for making me laugh!

    Have a delightful day, everyone!

  26. Musings
    -I must break ranks with my friend Boomer to say I really enjoyed the theme and fill
    -When I was in the hospital the horrible golf course at Chambers Bay detracted from the US Open. The USGA idiots set up Shinnecock to do the same, esp. on Saturday
    -Phil Mickleson’s breach of the rules will go into golf infamy
    -My voice change – 8th grade/soprano, 9th/high tenor, 10th/lead, 11th/baritone, 12th/bass
    -My CPAP machine supplies heated water vapor from the back reservoir not STEAM as I sleep
    -Being ON STAFF only when I want to is fine with me
    -The Huskers are indeed “big boy” members of the B1G 10, Boomer :-)
    -Oops, I put in SAIPAN instead of SAMPAN and never even noticed SELMA
    -Movie buffs will recognize this quote about SOON (upper left) and the movie from whence it sprang
    -IGOR was wrong for YGOR yesterday and INGA today

  27. Got the theme right away with PURDUE. Yes, I would imagine the choices are pretty thin, so good for Peter Collins for making the most of it.

    Quite a few proper names for a Monday. INGA/NAS was a bit of a Natick, but I did WAG it correctly to FIR.

    Thanks for the review, Boomer. Learning moment that Charles ATLAS was originally named Angelo Siciliano when he was born in Italy.

    My favorite hike to lead is called "The Playground".

    And one of my favorite parts is to have people pose "holding up" the ATLAS Rock! Here is a collection of photos there in recent years.

    Tom Lehrer used "THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD" in this song "Who's Next?"

    China had just exploded a nuclear "device" and it was a scary time to wonder who was going to get one next. Tom Lehrer gave it a comedy twist. Here was the relevant verse:
    Egypt's gonna get one, too
    Just to use on you know who
    So Israel's getting tense
    Wants one in self defense
    But just in case, we better get a bomb!

    Does anyone else know this song?

    I have photos at the FORUM in Rome. Where I am sure everyone wore a TOGA. Another time.

    From yesterday:
    Yellowrocks: You were saying you did not know how to do "Find" on your tablet.

    Have you tried doing Control-F to open a "Find" window?

  28. Mr. Collins's theme was helpful today. I found his pzl difficult to start (for a Monday), but only because I toiled too long at the NW corner - thinking Across. I got out of the ditch by switching to the Down side and gaining my foothold with PSALM. From there all was a walk in the park. Ta- DA!

    I thought today's Jumble gave us a cute quasi-pun.

    ~ OMK

    Diagonal Report:
    Just the one anchor line (NW to SE).

  29. Now I know why some of us jotted in INGE instead of INGA. CW staple: American playwright, Wm. Inge. He wrote Splendor in the Grass, Picnic, and Bus Stop to name a few. I'll have to remember the rapper's name next time as NAS (I'll just associate it with nasty - that should help).

  30. I second Lucina's recommendation of Young Frankenstein. (Yes, Hackman is the old blind man.)
    It is hard to choose a favorite moment in a film that is so rich in comic detail, but I would nominate as a classic the scene with Gene Wilder and Peter Boyle (catch Boyle's turn as the Frankenstein monster!) singing and dancing ”Puttin’ on the Ritz.”

    ~ OMK

  31. Picard @ 1309 said - "Have you tried doing Control-F to open a "Find" window?"

    On my Apple keyboard FIND is Command-F. Helps pick up the threads on some of the comments.

  32. Good Monday to everyone! I hope things are going well for you. With the 8 am temp at 80*, 80%+ humidity, I cancelled this mornings' walk with no guilty feelings. I won't get in my 10,000 steps, but I'm OK with that. Gave me more time to work on puzzles.

    I had DIANeFOSSE/DIANFOSSEY and issues/FORUMS. It took a peek at the grid to straighten out that corner.

    Thanks, Peter Collins, for the fun. Thanks, Boomer, for your witty expo.

    Of course, my favorite clue/ans is Shelter resident/POOCH.

    The J was fairly easy today. Had trouble with the 3rd word so I put the letters in alphabetical order. No help. Reversed the order and the word jumped right out at me. Done!

    Have fun at your dance, YR!

  33. I usually do not care for foreign languages in my crosswords,
    but this one wasn't too bad...

    Interesting cluing. Had to put it down and come back.
    (shoot out = emit? Hmm,,,)
    Pig-tailed muppet is not Miss Piggy?

    Maybe I could deal with foreign languages if I had a little motivation....

  34. Hi Y'all! Got the theme with the reveal of half the languages I learned doing cws. Thanks, Peter.

    Boomer, liked your expo done with tongue-in-cheek and a song in your heart. I couldn't watch the open except for a few moments off and on. It was too sad. By the way, who chooses the guy to yell, "in the hole"? Is it by vote or is he appointed? Never hear a female voice making that demand.

    Junk was too short but finally SAMPAN floated into my mind. BETTY Sue, Ann, May, oh LOU. She must be new.

    YR: oh, you must take this opportunity to be a movie star, Jersey Girl! Maybe Greta GARBO?

    Hot here too. Supposed to rain every day this week a/k/a STEAMy. I was awake in the night after going to sleep watching TV in the early evening. Decided to do laundry at 4 a.m. with 81* temp rather than the daytime 97* so the dryer wouldn't be running at the peak time for the A/C overload.

  35. CE Dave, Jersey Boy@ 3:11, Shoot out = emit, I am sure you were thinking of Kilauea's volcanic eruption. LOL.
    Pig tailed Muppet = Miss Piggy, cute.
    Spitz and Picard, thanks. My Kindle tablet does not have the Function or the Control keys. My son is urging me to get a smart phone. He enthuses about all the features it provides. My kindle is wonderful as an e-reader and for googling, but just okay for email and interacting with messages.

    Soon I will leave my nice cool home for the steam bath. I know you all wish me luck. Stay tuned for report at 11:00. PK, "My get up and go has got up and went," No inspiration for a costume today.
    "How do I know my youth is all spent?
    My get-up-and-go has got up and went!
    But, in spite of it all, I’m able to grin
    And think of the places my getup has been!"

  36. YR: Chuckle! Know the feeling.

  37. PK, tooooo funny! I mean the hole thing was funny.

    Picard, yes I'm familiar with that song. Tom Lehrer is one of my heroes. Who else would rhyme Tripoli with Mississippoli?

  38. Hello, everybody--I'm back after my week at the James Joyce Conference in Belgium. Great conference, but long trip there and back, so am exhausted today. But I finally pulled myself together and tried the puzzle, and I got it! I got it! I worried that INGA wasn't right, but when it was, I got the whole thing, and even figured out the FOREIGN LANGUAGE words hidden in the theme answers. Very fun puzzle, Peter, and fun write-up, Boomer.

    Too tired to say more, but hope to get back to my regular crossword schedule tomorrow. Hope you all had a great week last week, and have a good one coming up!

  39. Yellowrocks: Thanks for the clarification. Indeed, I would guess a Kindle e-reader is not designed for much beyond reading e-books. I am quite sure it has a Search feature, though.

    According to this "Dummies" advice "To perform a search, just start typing a search term."

    Did you try that?

    I do not own a phone. That will have an even more difficult human interface. I bought the ASUS Transformer for travel. It can be used as a small laptop, or you can detach the keyboard and use it as a tablet! It has a nice touch screen, too! My wife has adopted it as her every day computer. All for under $300. And no monthly fees like a phone has!

    Here is the ASUS Transformer at Best Buy, but I am sure it is available in other places, too.

    You can also get the free Kindle App for it so it can replace the Kindle for most purposes.

  40. "What knockers!"

    "Oh, thank you doctor."

  41. desper-otto: Glad you are also a Tom Lehrer fan! Yes, he makes the most twisted rhymes I have ever heard! Some of my favorites are in "We Will All Go Together When We Go":

    "We Will All Go Together When We Go" Lyrics Here

    Just two examples:
    You will all go directly to your respective Valhallas
    Go directly, do not pass 'GO', do not collect two hundred dollars

    When the air becomes uraneous
    We will all go simultaneous

    Misty! Way cool about your travel adventure! Please do tell more! Are your eyes all good now?
    Regarding the answer SIGN today, by coincidence I found this old set of photos of a most surprising SIGN in someone's car window!

    Here is the very surprising SIGN! Don't click if you are easily offended!

    Has anyone else seen this SIGN before?

  42. Picard: I clicked on your ASUS link and was told "Your browser is no longer supported by Best Buy". Alas, I have once more been deemed obsolete. You go on all these hikes without a phone? What if you had an emergency with one of your hikers & need to call for help? Of course, I realize that not all mountain locations have cell phone access and you would probably need a satellite phone.

  43. Hi All!

    Thanks Peter. WEES, Crunchy Fun. The NE was last to fill; it wasn't until I went to the them to get LATIN that I could see PLATING and had B-TTYLOU that I could see EMIT for 'Shoot out'. Fun theme too.

    Boomer, you're silly. I like you :-)

    WOs: SAMoAN and I was looking for Jane Goodall @30d. Thank goodness we had FOSSEY last week.
    ESPs: SAMPAN, AMOI, EBAN. Almost everything took a perp or two for help...
    Fav: c/a for CRISP.


    Welcome Back Misty - We Mista' you.

    Picard - nope, never heard it but funny. Thx.

    Bill G. LOL!

    Lucina - it was Teri as INGA. Cloris played Frau Blücher [cue neighing]... Young Frankenstein is in my top 10.

    Cheers, -T

  44. Musta been on the right wavelength. I sailed through this one with unknowns filling themselves in. Thanks, Peter. Boomer?? Im still laughing.

    Nothing much to add. It stormed here, off and on, all day . I mean "stormed ". Wind swept rain and street flooding. Then blue skies.

    Weird weather. But better than 100 degree heat, I guess.

  45. AnonT:
    Ooops. You're right. Thank you. I haven't seen it in about a year so it's time again.

    Welcome back! I'm glad your conference was enjoyable. Those long flights are killers!

  46. Picard, I wasn't offended by that sign in a car window but I was puzzled. Was he/she bragging? Was it supposed to be funny? Clever? I don't like the term "Meh" so I'll just say I don't get it. And that's not my fault. I don't think it was clever or funny. I'm guessing the car owner and I don't have much in common. I'll bet he doesn't do crossword puzzles. I don't think he would fit in very well on this blog. Do you have a different viewpoint? Maybe I'm missing something but I don't think so...

  47. Thank you, Picard, AnonT, and Lucina--I missed you Crossword friends while in Belgium, and you make me happy to be back. See you all tomorrow!

  48. Bill G - I think it's funny because it's not a high-end car w/ the driver compensating for something... :-)

  49. C Re. Koepke. He was in danger of missing the cut through 22 holes. When I saw him actually contending I knew that was bad news for the rest. USGA is tickled pink that+1 was winning score. Pin positions were the problem.*

    Boomer, I was center fielder too. It's the TAO of baseball positions
    NYT had MIAMI as the Indian tribe.(520)
    Another one I blew by one box. SCHMO
    One note about Kaline(AL). He never played Minor league ball. He was on a top-flight (Maryland?) Team and went straight to the Tigers.


  50. I think INGE was recently in NYT 5/20 or 5/27. Btw. Watch for SNIGLETS to show up here some Fri or sat. I'll try linking Sniglets by itself, I couldn't link Kaline.
    That's one sure way to get clicks on your links -lol
    Indeed if you see this Welcome Back!
    It's us cozy cornerites that have Mist(y)Ed YOU. Especially for Jumble talk. I'll have to check out that Monday J



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