, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday June 17th, 2018 Mark McClain

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Jun 17, 2018

Sunday June 17th, 2018 Mark McClain

Theme: "Audible Sighs" - Different "Sigh" sounds start the second word in each them entry.

23A. Therapeutic specialty: CHILD PSYCHOLOGY.

41A. Geology, for one: EARTH SCIENCE.

68A. Antique tool hung on some pub walls: ENGLISH SCYTHE. New term to me. Looks like this.

94A. Clapboard: WOODEN SIDING. I thought this is a clapboard.

118A. Result of too much speed, perhaps: TRAFFIC CITATION.

36D. Span before a spin: RINSE CYCLE.

46D. Musical based on "Madama Butterfly": MISS SAIGON.

Such a comprehensive list of "Sigh" sounds. English is crazy at times. So many different spellings.

I don't think Mark missed any. Let us know in the Comments section if any other entry comes to your mind.


1. Criticize harshly: BASH. Not SLAM.

5. Literary captain: AHAB.

9. "Quo __": 1951 film: VADIS.

14. Dome opening?: ASTRO. Astrodome. Who hit the first home run there?

19. High school outbreak: ACNE.

20. 2017 Basketball Hall of Fame inductee Rebecca __: LOBO. Gimme for PK and Hondo.

21. Memoir featuring Ike: I TINA.

22. Sharpening tool: STROP.

26. Ageless pitcher Satchel: PAIGE. His secret was hot shower. Open the pores, D-Otto!

27. Keyed up: HYPER.

28. Cadillac SUV: ESCALADE.

29. Pulled without warning: JERKED.

30. Energy restoration source: NAP. Used to take naps in college days.

32. Moon goddess: SELENE.

33. Spares for Venus: RACKETS.

34. Balcony barrier: PARAPET.

38. Hamilton's prov.: ONT.

39. Clark of DC Comics: KENT.

40. See 83-Across: ALI. And 83. With 40-Across, boxer with a 24-0 lifetime record: LAILA.

45. "Let's get crackin'!": C'MON.

49. Feeling that may remind you of food: PANG. Hunger pang.

51. Seldom seen: RARE.

52. First name in cosmetics: ESTEE.

53. Actor in "Going in Style" (2017): CAINE (Michael). Unaware of the movie.

54. Balance sheet item: ASSET.

56. Have an objection: MIND.

58. Will beneficiaries: HEIRESSES. This was a best seller.

60. "Born Free" lioness: ELSA.

62. Come to the surface: ARISE.

65. Plops down: PARKS IT.

66. __ fly: RBI producer: SAC.

72. Leaky tire sound: SSS.

73. Watch cover: CRYSTAL.

75. Blue Grotto isle: CAPRI.

76. 1986 Starship chart-topper: SARA.

78. Entertainment icons: ROCK STARS.

81. Yuletide: NOEL.

86. Kate's TV mate: ALLIE. Kate and Allie.

87. '60s Van Dyke co-star: MOORE.‎ Mary Tyler Moore‎.

90. Potter's supply: CLAY.

92. "The Ghost of Frankenstein" role: YGOR.

93. Argued, as a case: PLED.

97. O'er and o'er: OFT.

98. High hair style: POUF.

99. Letters before F?: TGI.

100. Signs a new lease for: RE-RENTS. Also 121. Fix, as laces: RE-TIE.

102. Rain and snow: WEATHER.

106. Lopped: PRUNED.

109. Wye follower, in Wye: ZED. Wiki points to Wye, Kent. Never heard of it.

110. Frills: EXTRAS.

111. Quarantines: ISOLATES.

113. Little rows: TIFFS. We just had RAISE A RUCKUS.

117. Farm units: ACRES.

120. Queen of France: REINE.

122. Dig it: HOLE.

123. One of Chekhov's "Three Sisters": OLGA. The other two are Masha and Irina.

124. Blind parts: SLATS.

125. Like items in potpourri: Abbr.: ASSTD. Assorted.

126. Retired slugger, familiarly: A-ROD. The couple is J-Rod. Also 25. MLB's Angels, in sportscasts: HALOS.

127. Sore throat sign: RASP.


1. "Goldberg Variations" composer: BACH.

2. In some pain: ACHY.

3. Little cut: SNIP.

4. Capital near the Great Divide: HELENA. Never been to Montana.

5. The Zugspitze, e.g.: ALP.

6. Swindle, in slang: HOSE.

7. Deep space: ABYSS.

8. Italian ball game: BOCCE. Or BOCCI.

9. Reason for an R rating: VIOLENCE.

10. Legendary island: ATLANTIS. Sunk into the Atlantic Ocean, right?

11. Simple semiconductor: DIODE.

12. "Bus Stop" playwright: INGE.

13. For example: SAY.

14. Point of view: ASPECT.

15. Desolate: STARK.

16. Tot's transport: TRIKE.

17. Name synonymous with synonyms: ROGET.

18. Slanted columns: OP-EDS.

24. Hang loosely: DRAPE.

29. Lily's "Grace and Frankie" co-star: JANE. Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda.

31. Fruit cocktail fruit: PEAR.

33. Requirement for many returns: RECEIPT. Gift return.

34. Storybook bear: PAPA.

35. Start of a sad tale: ALAS.

37. Mine car: TRAM.

39. Support for a proposal: KNEE.

42. Court event: TRIAL. Boomer has seen all episodes of "Law & Order".

43. Matisse at an easel: HENRI.

44. Ordinal suffix: ETH.

45. Ale vessel: CASK.

47. "__ the loneliest number": ONE IS.

48. Pads in trees: NESTS.

50. Gooey stuff: GEL.

53. Breakfast in a box: CEREAL. Classic American invention. I was stunned by the cereal aisle when I first came here.

55. African threat: TSETSE.

57. __ golf: DISC.

59. Pep squad syllables: RAHS.

61. Med. school class: ANAT.

63. Doo-wop syllable: SHA.

64. "Baseball Tonight" network: ESPN.

66. Abandon, as a plan: SCRAP.

67. On __: hot: A ROLL.

69. Women's magazine since 1939: GLAMOUR.

70. Spring bloomers: CROCI. Right now, you can see Yellow Rocket in the open fields near where we live. We once tried to move some to our garden, but the ground was too hard.

71. Investor's concern: YIELD.

74. Factory platform: SKID.

77. Charles of R&B: RAY.

79. Overhead expense?: ROOF. Cute clue.

80. Landscaper's supply: SOD.

82. Home in the woods: LAIR.

84. Golf club spec: LOFT.

85. Theater and dance: ARTS.

88. Update equipment, in a way: RETROFIT.

89. Swamped: ENGULFED.

91. Santa __ Valley: California wine region: YNEZ.

94. Things to worry about: WOES.

95. Asian peninsula: SINAI.

96. Scacchi of cinema: GRETA. Learning moment for me.

98. Full moon and terrible twos: PHASES.

101. Daily bigwig: EDITOR.

102. Sports: WEARS.

103. Stand out in a field: EXCEL.

104. Central courtyards: ATRIA.

105. Reznor of Nine Inch Nails: TRENT.

106. H.S. exams: PSATS.

107. __ Sketch: ETCH A.

108. Indoor design: DECOR.

111. Ticks off: IRES. Not a word I use.

112. Corn Belt sight: SILO.

114. Nike competitor: FILA. This pair looks quite comfy.

115. Obfuscates: FOGS.

116. Button alternative: SNAP. Cookie.

118. Refrain syllable: TRA.

119. Generic Guy in "Dilbert": TED.



  1. Greetings!

    Thanks to Mark and C. C.!

    No cheats. Did not know JANE and FILA.

    Have a great day!

  2. Good morning!

    It took an alphabet run to get the O in HOSE/LOBO to finish things off. No, I didn't notice the theme...also failed to notice the puzzle title which might have helped. Still, finished in better-than-normal Sunday time. Thanx, Mark and C.C. (I haven't had a hot shower in at least 45 minutes.)

    ASTROdome: They stopped playing baseball there in '99 and it's cost the county several $Mil/year ever since. This spring Harris County okayed a $105 million plan to refurbish the place. I don't live in Harris County, so I have no dog in this hunt, but I think they should have imploded it years ago.

    GRETA Scacchi: I remember her from Presumed Innocent with Harrison Ford, but I don't remember her looking like that. Maybe I wasn't looking at her face...

  3. Good Morning, C.C. and friends. Interesting puzzle with all the variations of the Sigh Sound.

    I, Tina appears often in the puzzles.

    Hand up for trying Bocci before getting BOCCE.

    I tried Railing before the PARAPET. Parapets appeared often in the gothic romances I read when I was in high school. It sounds so much more exotic than railing.

    My favorite clue was Breakfast in a box = CEREAL.

    Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.

    QOD: Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute. ~ G.B. Stern (June 17, 1890 ~ Sept. 20, 1973)

  4. Another creative puzzle from Mark McLain, which I found a fast solve. My only unknown did not last long as I must have had a mental block about this SONG

    D-O I agree, my memories of Ms. Sacchi are more like this PICTURE .

    JANE FONDA and LILY TOMLIN are pretty interesting in GRACE and FRANKIE but SAM WATERSTON is remarkable and timely for all those fans.

    As a member of the class of 1969 at the University of Connecticut, who saw basketball blossom in the small town of Storrs, I will never forget the impact REBECCA LOBO made on Connecticut basketball.

    Thanks Mark and C.C.

  5. C.C. - There's the SEI whale,
    NiSEI - offspring of Japanese immigrants
    SEIsmic - relating to earthquakes.
    SEIche - The long period of sloshing of a water surface, say, on Lake Erie. Its long axis primary period is 13+ hours.

  6. Good morning, all!

    A couple more "sigh" sounds at the beginning of a word:
    PSI - alone, as the Greek letter, or as in PSIlocin
    SEI - as in SEIsmic
    It must be very difficult to learn to pronounce English for those whose native language is pronounced exactly as written!

    I finished the puzzle in good time but failed to get the ta-da. Had to go through almost the entire grid (across, then down) before finding RAI Charles; I had entered IGOR rather than YGOR.

    Lemonade, I'm with you. I love watching Grace and Frankie, but I think Sam Waterston is the best of an excellent cast.

  7. Thank you Mark and C.C.

    Fast for me too, but no TADA because I spelled BOCCI with the i.

    Agreed. Rebecca Lobo is a class act.

    FLN - Anonymous T, have you and your DW read the CR review of the Alfa ? In that class, I would opt for the Audi A4. But if that's what she wants, then that's what she wants.

    FLN - Wilbur, you may be used to it, and you may know when to brace for the abrupt change of direction, but it probably jolts your DW, and I imagine that's why she wants you to come to a complete stop.

  8. Good puzzle, one bad cell. TSK, I didn't think of Venus as a tennis star and I didn't know Lily's JANE. I had rOckets, although I didn't like JONE.
    I didn't get the theme. NISSEI does not have the long I sound. It is pronounced close to NEE SAY.
    ABSYM to ABYSS, because it had to be SELENE. Even after getting LAILA, I was thinking ALI LAILA until I switched it around, Ali's daughter. I was being sexist, looking for males only.
    BASH It seems some pols' philosophy consists only of BASHing.
    There are BOCCE courts on the boardwalk. Usually I see only senior men participating.
    Many colonial houses used clapboard siding, especially in New England.
    We used to say park it or take a load off as an invitation to sit.
    Happy Father's Day to all you dads.

  9. Good Morning.

    Another busy one, but I got the puzzle in. Thanks, Mark. Fave today was Energy Restoration source: NAP!! Indeed.

    Thanks for the tour, C.C.. I've lived here my entire life, and I am stunned by the CEREAL aisle!! In addition to hot cereals, my kids only had Kix or Cheerios.

    Have a great day!

  10. Good morning. I didn't notice the 'Audible Sighs' because the puzzle was a speed run today, only having to change SPAT to TIFF and AVIA to FILA. The ENGLISH SCYTHE was an unknown but the perps took care of it.
    SELENE, Rebecca LOBO, Quo VADIS, CAINE, JANE, Santa YNEZ, GRETA Sacchi, CROCI- unknowns- 100% perps. I filled BOCCI but 'SILENE' just didn't look correct.

    CHILD PSYCHOLOGY- the most useless course I was forced to take in college.
    Cadillac ESCALADE- lot of money for an overpriced Chevy Suburban, aka panel truck with seats.
    Those FILA shoes are on some very small feet.
    ASSTD-all I can say is BOO. Could be 'assissted' but not 'ASSED'.

    Spitzboov- is your SEIche the localized version of the ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) movement of water.

  11. Big Easy @ 0917 - No. Think of it as a pendulum effect from wind shear set-up in one direction, and then the weather system moves on and "lets go". If timed right, the lake surface begins swinging to and fro; friction will eventually dampen out the seiche motion. Seiches with a simultaneous 6' rise at Buffalo and a 7' drop at Toledo ( a 13' difference) have been observed.

  12. SEISMIC was well done Spitz and Howard.


  13. Don't get to try a Sunday puzzle often, but when I do, success is not in the forecast. But today, everything AOK. Actually I found this puzzle pretty easy. The sports clues were all "no brainers". My only concern was YNEZ/ZED. Wagged the Z.

    Is it BOCCI or Bocce? Another correct guess. I always struggle with the ending vowel. Today I was on the $.

    When I was at Miami, the cities Triple A team signed Satchel Paige for the year. Satch was near the end of his career so the Team put a lounge recliner in the Bullpen for him. And he sure used it.

    See ya

  14. Great write up, C.C. Thanks!

    Who doesn't like a "pretty easy" puzzle on Sunday? Back story on this one; it started out as a 15x daily puzzle (my thinking was it might be good for a Monday or Tuesday), but Rich pushed back and said (since I only had four "sigh" sounds) that it felt incomplete, so it was a "no".

    Not to be deterred I shot back that I could sure come up with more "sigh" sounds if we went to a Sunday puzzle, and he said "Go for it". Thankfully, he didn't knock it down because it was missing JERRY SEINFELD (needs no introduction) and USS SAYONARA (WWI patrol boat)!

  15. Good Morning:

    Who knew there were so many different spellings of the same sound? [Sigh] I enjoyed the clever and fresh theme even though I had some hiccups: Nemo/Ahab, Metro/Astro, (Is there a Metrodome or am I thinking of Metronome?) Cut Off/Lopped, Scrub/Scrap, and Retooled/Retrofit. Didn't know Sara or Trent, as clued. Ali/Allie stood out as did the CSOs to CanadianEh at Ont and Zed and to Anonymous T and TexasMs with Astro.

    Thanks, Mark, for a pleasant Sunday offering and thanks, CC, for the informative and enlightening expo.

    Seeing JLo reminded me that her series "Shades of Blue" begins its final season tonight. Ray Liotta and Drea Matteo (sp?) also co-star.

    Happy Father's Day to all you Big Daddys!

    Have a great day.

  16. Free Dictionary says, "ASSTD - Assorted or ASSTD - Assented"
    I have seen this abbr. for assorted quite often. A gimme.
    Moe, I always enjoy your Moe-kues. Keep 'em coming. Yours and OKL's are as different as apples and oranges. I like the opportunity to have both. This week we are out of apples, but we are fortunate to still have oranges.
    FLN - WC@3:01, I had the same reaction, a big yawn, or like today, "audible sigh." I have read that some authors believe that the interpretation of their work is very wide of the mark.

  17. Shades of Red on me for forgetting DO's Astro CSO, too. Sorry, DO.

    Howard W, it's nice to hear from you and to see that cute avatar again.

    Mark, thanks for dropping by and thanks for "Going For It!"

  18. Musings
    -YGOR not IGOR cost me two bad cells @ SARA/RAY in this great puzzle
    -Oh, that IKE and that VENUS
    -Like Howard, I’ll bet Mark looked into the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet
    -Teaching EARTH SCIENCE taught me that you best learn something by teaching it
    -Quo VADIS? was in my write-up yesterday along with the church built where it was said
    -We used our leather work shoes for keeping our knives sharp for budding trees
    -C’MON is repeated many times in the chorus (above the screams) (2:30)
    -He has PLED the case of people charged with the most heinous crimes in Nebraska
    -I returned two year-old parts without a RECIEPT to a local store this week
    -Mike Tyson SCRAP – “Everybody has a plan until they get hit in the mouth”
    -Gotta run

  19. Wouldn't have gotten FILA without crosses, except that I looked down at my socks this morning.

  20. I liked this puzzle. Nice theme. Thanks Mark and CC.

    One nit, /the sinai is part of Egypt which I would call African not Asian.


  21. Re. the Sinai, I think Mark is correct. Asia.

    Nice easy puzzle. 28:49 for me and it should have been much faster. Or would have been, had it not been for a few distractions and tough clues. I never got the theme, but once I have finished a puzzle, I usually do not go back... unless it is the WSJ Crossword Contest and I'm seeking the "meta." I keep playing, but no mug yet.

    I DID win the HQ Trivia one day. My account is up to $1.19. :O) (I need a young person to collaborate with who is up on social media, rap music, etc.)

    I loved Greta Scacchi in The Player, with Tim Robbins and a cast of thousands, or so it seems.

    Best to all..

  22. Is anyone getting any news from the unrest and killings in Nicaragua? I would like to have some sources. Thanks.

  23. Sinai Peninsula - Wikipedia "The Sinai Peninsula or simply Sinai is a peninsula in Egypt, and the only part of the country located in Asia."

    Link text

  24. Happy Fathers' Day!

    Thank you, Mark and C.C.! Mark, I'm so glad you went for it! This was fun.

    English is rich in vocabulary and sounds which makes me wonder why so many people have such a limited vocabulary sometimes punctuated only with profanity. I love words and can't get enough of them. ROGET's tome and I are good friends.

    This one definitely had them in abundance. Count me in for hesitating at the spelling of BOCCE which SELENE settled. Besides HOLE and NAP, I liked TGI, had CDE first.

    I left one blank cell meaning to come back to it; I hit a Natick at ALP/LOBO and didn't get the L.

    Have a happy day, everyone, especially all the fathers!

  25. Just Lurking today,

    I must say though that yesterdays comments
    (had me going?)

    Do you have to come to a full stop before switching from reverse to drive?

    All i could think of was this video about Clutchless shifting. (it is possible, stupid, but possible)

    But shifting from reverse to drive while moving?

    Good luck with that one!

    (Heavy sigh...)

  26. Well, this was a speed run—right up until I got to the far southeast. I don’t know why, but I hit a brick wall right at the intersection of TIFFS and FILA. I wanted Avia and tried for the longest time to make it fit. It still didn’t. And the “little rows” had me looking for row as things in a line rather than as disagreements. Finally I saw TIFFS and the other fell with it. Still finished in under 30 minutes, about average time for a Sunday.

    Happy Fathers Day to those to whom it applies. Everyone else—have a happy day too. With temps here hitting close to 100, I am glad I don’t have to grill outside today!

  27. I'm sorry if this is long . I'm pasting it in from Android and can only paste the whole thing.
    FLN C-Moe, I thought you'd like that'ku' at 230 am. It was in the style of a la Moe*
    I was trying to fit colonoscopy or similar therapy into 23A. I recall a TBBT episode where Penny says " No enema"

    My guess would be Rusty Staub. Le grand Orange
    I would have sworn Mark wanted the General not Tina's partner
    Since his peak years mirrored Ruth's pitching in the 1950s was just a 'mirror' of Satchel's greatness

    Oh, I SEE IT NOW. Wye=Y. We had WHA too ? Oops no it was SHA.

    I thought Zugspitze was ALE.
    I read Dilbert daily and couldn't suss TED.
    Lemony, who was the male Husky star guard of that era! It's coming to me.. Biletnikov? Something like that.
    Basketball was local, BC, UConn, UMass, Providence, HolyCross... But a lot of fun.
    TTP. She had an -ex that emphasized it. I still think the post 2000 cars Don't have the issue. But the advice re. DW happy=>life trump's my way.

    YR, I get you. And Venus came right after"Moon Goddess". Clever Mark. I knew Mark wasn't as tough as Wesch but a clever cluer. YR, I remember dear old Dad shaking his head as I tried to relate the "New Crit" as it pertained to, Old Man and the Sea. **

    Re. BASHing. I still claim a Boston sports host was hired on the proviso that he BASH Manny every hour. *

    I agree about Cadillacs being over priced. I hope I don't find it with the BMW I bought (used)
    Hondo. I remember that. Satch had to be nearing 60.
    HG, re. VADIS , Owen calls it 'Corner prescience'.

    * I posted my "Poison Pill " theory earlier
    ** He said *#&@ It's a story of a man trying to catch a fish!". Also the prof assigned me "Allusion". I licked my chops and as I began my essay he piped up "And I don't want any DiMaggio-Baseball talk" . Which was exactly all I had.


  28. Sunday Lurk Say...

    C.C. - In a real stats-count game? Dick Allen (I had to LIU - I just remembered the dispute not Allen's name).

    Thanks Mark for some inside-baseball. Curious: do you know all the words in the fill or do you have to lookup what the program suggests as fill? If the latter, I need a bigger dictionary :-)

    Rainman - I was going to suggest Picard if you needed info outside of Al Jazeera, BBC, or CBC. Picard - thanks for the update; careful w/ the politics ... ;-)

    Mme Defarge - I'm w/ you on CEREAL; Kix, Cheerios, and Grape Nuts is all they get at home. Unless there's a hurricane... The Girls still get excited at storm-prep when Pop-Tarts are laid(?) in.

    TTP - I suggested the A4. The irony is she thinks an A4 would look "bad" (too rich) in the parking lot of the college where she teaches.

    YR - Comparing apples and oranges? C. Moe's bananas :-)

    Cheers, -T

  29. Picard @12:58, I usually read the blog through first and go back later to the links. By then I cannot find things. I am interested in your otters and Ben Hur. Time stamp, please. Late at night I am often in the dark as to what the bloggers are talking about. I can use the FIND function on my computer, but not on my tablet. Is it difficult to indicate the time?
    BTW, Dave is very helpful this way. Where is he? I hope he is okay.

  30. Hi Y'all! Good puzzle, Mark, thanks. Great expo, C.C.! Always a treat.

    One of my nits with the Mensa site is that the word "By" is written over the puzzle title and usually obscures the last two or three letters. Thus the word "Sighs" I guessed as "Signs" and just did not get the theme until C.C. so deftly explained. And the theme was so clever too. The different spellings kept me further in the dark.

    Hand up for ALP/LOBO being a natick. Filled the "L" with red-letter run. Didn't know Zugspitze was an ALP. Don't follow women's sports so didn't know Rebecca LOBO. Last to fill was the "S" in SAC fly: (RBI producer) & SCRAP (abandon plans) cross. I had _CRAP and my mood made that an expletive until common sense settled on an "S".

    Did not know: JANE (never heard of the movie), SELENE, GRETA, TRENT, FILA, SARA.

    C.C.: Some historians believe ATLANTIS is part of the Island of Santorini in the Mediterranean since that sea was the center of literacy among the Greeks and Romans. Also, "Button alternative = SNAP" I thought was a garment closure instead of a cookie like ginger SNAP.

    I read "African threat" as treat which postponed the finding of TSETSE for sure.

    Capital near the Great Divide: tried Denver before perps gave up HELENA. I've stood on the Great Divide in Colorado. I've also been to Montana, but not as far north as HELENA. Montana provides the north entrance to Yellowstone which is in Wyoming, I believe.

    "Little rows" weren't "corns" as in hair corn rows or short garden seeding lines but TIFFS.

  31. I liked this puzzle very much. I usually like Mark's work. Thanks for going for it, Mark. Seismology is included in the earth sciences. I noticed SINAI starts with that sound, too. The only storybook bear I could think of was POOH, so it took me a while to solve that area. Speaking of HEIRESSES we rented All the Money In the World last night; not a bad movie. Best wishes to you all.

  32. AnonT: I had to laugh about your wife wanting a car that would look better in her college parking lot. Many years ago my brother was driving a Gremlin when he took a job in a high school in an affluent neighborhood. He said you could tell which cars belonged to the poorly paid teachers and which to the spoiled wealthy students. Not long after that he bought a very nice used Volvo just because it didn't look as bad in the parking lot. He was used to teachers being revered and didn't like to be looked down on as trashy hired help.

  33. Good afternoon, folks. Thank you, Mark McClain, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, C.C., for a fine review.

    Well, I especially liked this puzzle today, because I Got It. Sat down after church and went right through it. A few snags, but perps and a couple wags fixed all that.

    Wilbur Charles: The only Biletnikov I knew of was from my home town, Erie, PA. Fred Biletnikov.

    Theme was fine today. Caught it early for a change.

    No problem with BOCCE. It has been in crosswords for ages.

    ZED is the English spelling for the letter Z. Wye is probably an English town. Without looking all this up, that is my guess.

    YNEZ was easy. I worked there.

    My last word was RACKETS. I had ROCKETS for a while thinking of the planet Venus. Then I remembered the tennis player. Got it and the tada.

    For Fathers' Day, I am cooking ribs this evening. My youngest is coming over. Funny thing, the first Fathers' Day Greeting I received was from my Ex-Wife in Ohio. A text of course. Phone calls are kind of out now.

    Catch you tomorrow.


    ( )

  34. "Puzzling Thoughts":

    WC ---> loved your ku FLN.

    -T ----> definitely bananas!

    Great Sunday fun from MM and CC. I had to work earlier today, so my first fifteen minute stab yielded a half-solved grid. Just finished a few minutes ago whilst watching the pros take on Shinnecock (US Open). Nice 63 for Tommy Fleetwood (my favorite Caddy - pun intended) - just two back as I type this. If I played that course from those tees and with the speed of those greens, I'd be lucky to break 110.

    EST > ETH; RAINA > REINA; IGOR > YGOR. Never realized that Marty Feldman used the YGOR spelling. Of course Gene Wlider called him "ee-Gore", until corrected to "eye-Gore". But YGOR? Sounds like what the Democrats asked back in 2000. Why Gore?

    So my crazy cranium saw 1 down today, and I naturally came up with:

    The Terminator
    Auditioned for composer,
    Saying, "I'll be BACH".

  35. How about "91st," instead of "spy?"

    Prophesy, the verb.

  36. Try again ...

    The system won't allow sy

  37. Picard, the 'Ben-Hurs reminded me of the rickshaw ride I had in Udon Thailand
    Not to speak of Kramer's Rickshaw plan(Seinfeld).
    Rickshaws in NY

    WC Posting while link holds

  38. Hondo, the mad bomber of my college days was the incomparable WES BIALOSUKNIA . His three-point shooting would have made him an NBA star but they did not adopt until after the merger.

  39. Wow, on paper that Alfa Romeo Giulia looks like a heck of a nice car. Only a test drive can determine whether you really like it, though. My son has rented the Audi A4 and he says it's a very nice car, too. (He is currently lusting for an Audi 430i convertible.)

  40. Oops, I meant WC - but the star guard was still Wes Bialosuknia. The old fieldhouse was small but it was a great atmosphere and the Yankee conference was not a major basketball (or any other sport) conference. They went 23-2 in 64-65, went to the big dance but were one and done. That was the only year Toby Kimball and Wes Bilosuknia played together.

  41. Chairman Moe: I hope you saw the post I made to you last night.

  42. PK, I did, thanks. I replied on yesterday's blog (early this morning). 😀

  43. Picard, Re: Santa Ynez
    pic #26, what is this?
    looks like an electric water pump for a well,
    but where is it pumping the water to?

    Pics 88 & 92, what is this stuff hanging in the trees?

    Yellowrocks @ 2:19
    Before I help you, which "Dave" were you refering to?
    (Dave2 or the original...)

    Anywho, I watched this how to do an Ipad word search... (& I'm still not sure...)

    But it led to Tips & Tricks,
    and also, Hidden keyboard functions? (Why do they hide them...?)

  44. c E Dave, I have been enjoying your posts. Where is Dave2?

  45. YR: didn't he have company coming today. I didn't go back and check.

  46. CED, for no particular reason I used to try shifting our 1965 VW bug without using the clutch. I got to where I was pretty good at it. One day Barbara and the bug were stranded at UCLA because the clutch cable had broken. I drove up there in our other car, a Mustang, and switched cars with her. I drove all the way home to our mechanic, about 15 miles including the 405 freeway and local traffic, without using the clutch. I was very pleased with myself.

  47. Careless FIW - aNGE instead of INGE. No idea re: VADaS.

    LAILA's dad was CLAY before ALI. Starship had big hits with SARA and JANE.

    My office was responsible for the Santa YNEZ telephone office. Abejo probably installed the stuff we engineered. IIRC, it was a first-generation computer-controlled switching system utilizing drum mass storage and "doughnut" core memory (for all you computer pioneers here on the Corner).

    My favorite bumper sticker reads "Eschew Obfuscation".

    Thanks to Mark and CC. Fun puzzle and review.

  48. Jayce - She did take an '18 for a spin. She said, "Oh my god, I sat down and- the seats - I felt like I was cheating on you." //not sure how I feel about that :-)

    I know what she means, my '86 Spider doesn't even run (consistently) but just plunk-down, and, Wow!

    Jinx - I'm a bit too young to have dealt with real core but we still called it that. I have seen the drum MSU in operation in a Honeywell. We made clocks out of the platters when it was decommissioned.

    BillG - Yep. I've had to clutch-less shift too. Not that I'm lazy but, sometimes, my little Civic is not liking 2nd to 3rd. I'm too pleased with myself I can actually do it.

    All this emotional Car Talk has me thinkin...Lambo! [SNL and funny- TVMA]

    Cheers, -T

  49. -T Just for grins, ask her "Honey are you sure it was the seat and not the gearshift?" If you survive, report back.

  50. Jinx - since it's Father's Day I can get away with a lot... But I ain't touchin' that :-)

    Picard - I understand the sentiment re: iThings. However, a closed ecosystem has the advantage of "it just f*ing works." Sun built the hardware & software, as did SGI. It was solid. I'm not keen on the Mac OS just because of the menuing; whatever you're working on is what the top menu says - Give me X-Windows w/ X-mouse-over any day [and you can configure Window$ to do just that!].

    I tried a Droid when my Palm Treo 650 died for the same reason you CITE (I wasn't going to drink the Kool Aid) but the damn thing failed making calls 1/2 the time. I got an iPhone and it works. I got an iPad too thinking it'd be a PC-lite (don't have to wait on boot up) but, now with SSD, my laptop's faster and I have 3 screens. Of course, at the office the dern thing hasn't been able to fully drive my 3rd 30" monitor after Windows update...

    Where was I? Oh, yeah, thanks for the Computer History link... I loved looking at Forrester's sketch and Wang's core (stop snickering Jinx...). Pix when you have time.

    Anyone want pizza? I made 6 tonight and there's leftover slices (I do them in squares) that would make at least 2 whole pies. Fresh basil, peppers, & tomatoes from the garden... :-)

    Cheers, -T

  51. I see I never posted my last, I ran out of juice. College basketball was a passion of mine for pre and post Vietnam years.
    My brother in-law, Joe Gergin, wrote a history of CBK*

    Spoiler alert. US Open talk.

    Did someone around here predict Koepke would win? Oh That would be me

    But I have a Beef and not the golfer. Koepke had a difficult up and down and instead we watched Brian Gay on 18 putt out for a meaningless +9.

    End rant.

    Thanks to Mark and CC. Pleasant Sunday xword. Nice to get FIR after pesky one box misses mid week.


    * That's how the Dish abbreviates it

  52. Speaking of cereal, you know that Wheaties no longer are sold at Safeway? Went up and down the 30-foot long cereal aisle on Friday -- no Wheaties.

    What is the world coming to if there is no breakfast for champions???!!!???

  53. WC ---> congrats on calling Brooks Koepka's US Open win, and thanks for the hilarious link to TBBT episode ...

  54. 58A is wrong: Heiresses take by intrestate succession, not by wills. Will beneficiaries are devisees and legatees.

    The past tense of PLEAD is PLEADED, not PLED.


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