, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday May 31, 2020 MaryEllen Uthlaut

Gary's Blog Map

May 31, 2020

Sunday May 31, 2020 MaryEllen Uthlaut

Theme: "I Had a Bad Day" - Each verbal phrase is humorously clued as if it's a failed action of the subject in the clue.

23. My crayon __: DREW A BLANK.

28. My ruler __: FAILED TO MEASURE UP.

56. My needle __: DIDN'T COME THROUGH.


93. My cake __: FELL DOWN ON THE JOB.

117. My knife __: COULDN'T MAKE THE CUT.

128. And my champagne __: FIZZLED OUT. Love how this entry ends the theme set.

It's good to see MaryEllen Uthlaut back. I always associate her name with Sunday puzzles, probably because the first few puzzles she made for the LA Times were all Sunday grids.

Great title! Husker Gary-eque!

1. Swahili boss: BWANA. Literally 'boss" in Swahili.

6. Canasta combination: MELD.

10. Cockatoo feature: CREST.

15. Boring tools: AWLS.

19. Many a surfer: AOLER. Rich is one.

20. Others, in Latin: ALII. ALIA also.

21. Vigor: OOMPH.

22. Acquire, as an advantage: GAIN.

25. Pay television: CABLE

26. Designated space: AREA. The chaos have spilled into our area. Quite a few stores are vandalized. Targets and Walmarts are all closed right now. Curfew in place the past two nights. 

27. Four-wheeler, briefly: ATV.

31. Step on it when you need to step on it: THE GAS.

33. Carnival city: RIO.

34. Applies henna to, say: DYES. Amazing work.

35. Mink cousin: OTTER.

38. Sack lead-in: KNAP. Knapsack.

41. Mount north of Redding, California: SHASTA.

46. Golf course rental: CART. Boomer needs it for his Monday morning 9-hole round.

49. Blunted sword: EPEE.

51. Text sent with x's and o's: I LUV U. And 65. Spanish 51-Across: TE AMO.

54. Cultural character: ETHOS.

55. Felt remorse for: RUED.

59. Quacked company name: AFLAC.

61. Computer instructions: CODE. Anon-T's forte.

62. Courtyard: PATIO.

63. Dramatic offering: PLAY.

64. Mediterranean capital: BEIRUT.

66. Tats: INK.

68. One of this puzzle's 144: CLUE. Maximum entries allowed for a Sunday is 144.

79. Ground cover: TARP.

80. "Yess!": YAY.

81. Empower: ENABLE.

82. What may come to mind: IDEA.

86. Native New Zealander: MAORI.

89. Fix, as a toy: SPAY.

92. Sleep disorder: APNEA.

97. Shut (up): PENT.

98. South Pacific island group: SAMOA.

99. Parasite: LEECH.

100. Benefit: SAKE. Nice with sashimi.

101. Cookie with a Red Velvet variety: OREO. This red looks so artificial.

102. Attacks: ONSETS.

104. Climb, in a way: SHIN.

106. Direct attention: REFER.

108. Soften: EASE.

111. As we speak: NOW.

113. Beefy soup ingredient: OXTAIL. Thick. Almost stew.

125. Genetic material: DNA.

126. "Need anything __?": ELSE.

127. Fluffy-eared marsupial: KOALA.

130. Crossword-solving Simpson: LISA.

131. Celtic language: IRISH.

132. Trac II cousin: ATRA.

133. Walt Whitman volunteered as one during the Civil War: NURSE.

134. Title for fictional detective Peter Wimsey: LORD. Read more here.

135. Parachute fabric: NYLON.

136. Help grow up: REAR.

137. Printer cartridge contents: TONER.


1. Lacking talent for: BAD AT.

2. Deserving of: WORTH.

3. "All Day Strong" brand: ALEVE.

4. Not seen before: NEW.

5. Longtime PLO chairman: ARAFAT.

6. Mauritania neighbor: MALI.

7. Airline to Israel: EL AL.

8. Hard-hit batted ball: LINER.

9. Small antelope with an echoic name: DIK DIK. Look at her eyes!

10. First name in design: COCO.

11. Wander aimlessly: ROAM.

12. Reporter at the front: EMBED.

13. Spread outward: SPLAY.

14. Academic research papers: THESES.

15. Jellylike alga extract: AGAR. Essential for Fruit Jelly. Can't wait for the lychee season.

16. Goods suffix: WARE.

17. Stead: LIEU.

18. Start of a football play: SNAP.

24. Poured juices over: BASTED.

29. Bar mixer: TONIC.

30. Director in the theater?: USHER. Nice clue.

32. Approached nightfall: GOT DARK.

36. "Iliad," for one: EPIC.

37. Second chance: REDO.

39. Leaning to one side: ALOP. Have not seen this word for sometime.

40. Reebok rival: PUMA.

42. Resting upon: ATOP.

43. Jewish assembly site: SHUL.

44. Roman garment: TOGA.

45. Grayish: ASHY.

46. 19th-century diarist Henry __ Robinson: CRABB. Unfamiliar to me.

47. Pot-__: "on the fire" French stew: AU-FEU.  Partial. I'll talk more about it later.

48. Thing of the past: RELIC.

50. Lead to: END IN. 103. Finally registered: SANK IN. 115. Occupied: IN USE.

52. Twining plant: VETCH. Learned from doing crosswords. So pretty. Alas, D-Otto can't see the delicate colors.

53. Functional: UTILE.

57. Look after: TEND.

58. Legislative body: HOUSE.

60. Snake worshippers, e.g.: CULT. Never heard of snake worship.

67. Tab, say: KEY.

69. European erupter: ETNA.

71. Slow way of speaking: DRAWL.

72. Barely ahead: UP ONE.

73. Reckless: RASH.

74. Personality categories: TYPES.

75. Bond that promotes easy communication: RAPPORT.

76. Baseball's Doubleday: ABNER.

77. __ Woods, original voice of Disney's Cinderella: ILENE. Also new to me. Has a Norma Jean look.

78. "Groovy!": NEATO.

82. In that case: IF SO.

83. Basketball Hall of Fame coach Smith: DEAN. Wiki says he "coached for 36 years at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Smith coached from 1961 to 1997 and retired with 879 victories".

84. Stately trees: ELMS.

85. Cream additive: ALOE. Skin cream.

87. Small deer: ROES.

88. Move bit by bit: INCH.

90. "When it's __": answer to a classic riddle: A JAR.

91. Symbol of bondage: YOKE.

94. So last year: DATED.

95. "To __ own self be true": "Hamlet": THINE.

96. Soil: BEFOUL. Not a word I use. Those rioters befoul our state. We're not "Minnesota Nice" any more.  

105. A stone's throw: NOT FAR. Our governor said 80% of the rioters are from other states.

107. Degree: EXTENT.

109. Apartment building unit: STORY.

110. Web message: EMAIL.

112. Harmless, as a lie: WHITE.

114. Add splendor to: ADORN.

116. "See ya": LATER.

117. Honeycomb compartment: CELL.

118. Miscellany: OLIO.

119. Cold War initials: USSR.

120. Play the first card: LEAD.

121. Besides that: ALSO.

122. Madeline of "Blazing Saddles": KAHN.

123. Poet Pound: EZRA.

124. Old Russian autocrat: CZAR.

129. Sonny and Cher, for one: DUO.

I wrote a short post on partials a while ago. You can read it here.

Suppose I have a ARA? slot and I can only use letter M or T. I normally choose T, so I'll have A RAT partial. It's easy to clue and easy for solvers. ARAM is not a common name and can stump some solvers.

Partials are not bad. Every editors allow them. Just make sure you don't have more than two for a 15*15 grid and your partials don't have more than 5-letters like A PLANT.



  1. Good morning!

    The theme was so easy that even d-o managed to get it. Just one misstep this morning: GOT LATE/DARK. Cute that you changed SAKE to SAKÉ, C.C. Hey, I saw some color in that VETCH photo -- green, and maybe some purple. I'm not kvetching. AJAR immediately made me think of Hahtoolah. You? Very nice start to the day. Thanx, MaryEllen and C.C.


  2. Good morning.

    Thank you, Mary Ellen, and thank you, C.C.

    I liked this puzzle. Got all the theme answers pretty quickly. Slowed way down to make sure I didn't have any typos on all of the fill. I tend to have them on these large Sunday grids. Should have paid more attention to spelling. One error. My LEECH was leach. And I know the crossing answer ROES. Hate when that happens.

    50D "Lead to": END up ? No. END as ? No. END IN ? Yes.

    Someone threw us a curve ball. This is the first puzzle I've seen edited by Rich where the answer to a Russian autocrat was answered with CZAR rather than TSAR. He has been very consistent about TSAR v CZAR. Wonder if Rich or Patti really edited this one. Maybe it is a curve ball to keep us alert.

    C.C., I looked it up. Artificial Color (Red 40 Lake) in those Red Velvet OREOs.
    Is Rich an AOL surfer or a surfboard surfer ?

    Yes, I immediately thought of Hahtoolah at the answer to the riddle.

    There was a racoon trying to get to the sunflower seeds in my squirrel-proof bird feeder this morning. It appears to be racoon-proof as well. Funny to watch.

    DW wanted to make spaghetti and meatballs yesterday. I wanted to make red beans and rice (Zatarain's) with andouille to change things up a bit. She'd never had red beans and rice, and never had andouille either. Not for her. Given her reaction, she may never have it again. Tonight we're having spaghetti and meatballs.

  3. Good morning. An easier than usual Sunday fill today.
    Very easy spanners to fill.

    TONIC water- good to relieve muscle cramps and treat malaria along with hydroxychloroquine (Plaqunil).

    DATED- so last year, like all my clothes. But why do women want to buy new clothes so they will be 'up to today's style' but absolutely refuse to get rid of old clothes, especially ones they can't fit in?

    Just a few unknowns filled by perps. LORD, SHUL, CRABB, VETCH, ILENE, A JAR (what is the riddle because I've never heard it).

    TTP--- CZAR vs. TSAR - It's all "Russian" to me. Why is Italia Italy? Paree Paris? Munchen Munich? Koln Cologne? quicksilver mercury? No rhyme or reason.

  4. Fun theme, and not that difficult. Seemed like a lot of four letter answers.

    48 degrees this morning, after a record 95 a few days ago. Glad I golfed yesterday.

  5. Big Easy, When is a door not a door ? When it's ajar !

  6. George: When is a door, not a door? When it is a jar.

    I enjoyed the puzzle and the theme, and thank you CC for amplifying on the explanation of a partial. I obviously overstated the issue, but it is part of the crossword world.

    I did not know HENRY CRABB ROBINSON but this link also links to so much information. I bet some of our past posters would know this and maybe IM does.

    I also did not know ILENE WOODS but recalled her voice as CINDERELLA .

    Thank you ME U and C.C.

  7. Hola!

    Thank you, Maryellen and C.C.! I loved this puzzle! Not only is it clever and funny, but easy. On Sunday I normally expect to spend an hour or more but not today!

    What I especially liked is that it was not filled with obscure names, except two, CRABB and DEAN but readily perpable. I knew SHUL but accidentally filled ETHOS as ETOos. Drat!

    Following the long discussion of chin yesterday, we have SHIN today.

    Hahtoolah's joke that she quotes:
    When is a door not a door? When it's AJAR.

    Those cities you mention are spelled in their own language and I'm surprised you question it. I am sure you are smarter than that.

    I just don't understand all the destruction that is happening. Last night our beautiful Fashion Square Mall was vandalized. I haven't seen the EXTENT yet but it looked terrible. I know systemic racism exists and it's unjust but this is not going to advance the cause. If anything it will exacerbate it.

    Have a lovely day and be kind to one another.

  8. Well this was a fun and fast Sunday - not too often that we need the title to work the theme clues. It reminded me of the kid's book "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No good, Very Bad day" that my kids loved.

    TTP - if you want to watch an elaborate attempt at making a squirrel-proof bird feeder:

    I'm sure HG had some fun experiments over the years in his science labs!

    Thanks CC and MaryEllen for an enjoyable Sunday!

  9. Interestingly, the only prior appearance of the very cute mini-antelope in the LAT was in this 2009 LAT DIK DIK .

  10. 89 A. fix as a toy, does she mean a toy poodle? This seems a poor clue

  11. Unknown, that's exactly what it means. There are many "toy" breeds, not just poodles. Why do you think it's a poor clue?

  12. Lemony @ 8:57 ~ I’m not familiar with Henry Crabb Robinson at all. What is it that you think I and other posters might know? 🤔

  13. Good morning everyone.

    Finished the solve with only one white-out: I had 'stoat' before OTTER. Sigh. Interesting theme that used common phrases easiy getable after a few perps. Liked the SPAY fill for a toy (dog group). NEATO or 'cool beans'. Well done MEU.
    VETCH - Is used widely as erosion control, say on elevated approaches to bridges and other ramp configurations. It is a legume like alfalfa and trefoil. Not used as cattle fodder because of some toxicity.
    SHUL - Comes from the German via the Yiddish. German Schule, Low Ger. School, Dutch school. (Dutch has the 'sk' sound like English, but the vowel is a long 'o' for Dutch and L. Ger. The SCH in Ger, & L. Ger. is 'sh' like in 'ship' or SHUL.)
    INCH - We are very fortunate that the US has not gone metric; otherwise we could not perform the maneuver of INCHing along when needed. ELSE, we would centimeter along but I assume that would be slower. Wonder how this is handled in Canada.

  14. TTP, do you have a photo of that squirrel-proof bird feeder? We had a raccoon who figured out how to get past ours. Fortunately, he either met his demise or moved on. The current crop of coons are stymied by it.

  15. D-O - I have a squirrel proof one too. It is called "Droll Yankees Flipper Squirrel-Proof Green Bird Feeder". Spins the little buggers right off. Once saw one go around 75 times hanging on for dear life. Finally had to let go.
    You can Google it.

  16. A phone call from daughter has delayed my postings. Her husband and she and some friends were in downtown Lincoln last night having a drink in son-in-law’s architect offices on the second floor of his office complex across the street from the Lincoln Police Department. Then rioters (they now far outnumber any protesters) attacked the building and managed to break windows, do some damage on the first floor, spray painted obscenities but then left and no one was hurt. Crissy and Jeff took back streets and got home unscathed.

  17. FIR but was not quite sure of SHIN. I was surprised that the answer was given above without comment, and had to LIU. British! Must have seen it in a book at some point. I would "shimmy" up a tree. Fun puzzle. Thanks, Ms Uthlaut and CC!

  18. Musings
    -I thought “Climb in a way - _ H I N” might be a redux of CHIN from yesterday but it was a more obscure use of SHIN. I used to be able to really SHINNY UP trees and poles
    -My farmer friend’s ATV can traverse all manner of mud in his irrigated fields
    -Last year my golf course instituted a strict “Two to a CART” rule. Now, it’s optional.
    -Builders of new moderately-priced houses near us are calling 8’ x 8’ slabs PATIOS
    -My favorite play is Death Of A Salesman for many reasons
    -BEIRUT bailed me out of CRABB and AUFUE
    -In Hawaii, we heard SAMOA pronounced SAM oh uh
    -NURSES are heroes everyday but even more-so NOW
    -A blooper hit looks the same as a LINER in the box score
    -My classmate now lives in Tuscaloosa and even texts with a DRAWL!
    -DEAN SMITH - Recruiting brilliance is equal to coaching brilliance
    -DATED – My clothes are so last decade (at least)
    -Apartment Unit – “No, that’s not the basement, it’s the garden level!”
    -inane – One of our state standards required our kids to build a “Rube Goldberg” machine

  19. Hi Y'all! I empathized with Mary Ellen's Bad Day, chuckling all the way. Thanks, girl friend! Sounds like my life lately and I RUED some days.

    Besides all the BAD DAY theme phrases, I saw some other fills that fit right into the plot: BAD AT, GOT DARK, SANK IN (maybe ankle deep), BEFOUL, RASH (scratch scratch), SPAY (ouch), SNAP (under all that pressure). If I had a day like that I'd be CRABBy.

    My needle wouldn't "pull" before COME THROUGH. This AREA was my last to fill & took some red-letters: KNAP/TONIC/ALOP/PUMA/VETCH (didn't know it was viney)/UTILE.

    Never heard of ALOP. Noted it was near ATOP.

    Knew of DEAN Smith. His sister was my kids' kindergarten teacher. True story. Saw him but never met him.

    C.C.: I'm glad you are still okay with all the violence going on in your AREA. Certainly have been thinking of you. Today a friend posted a wanted advertisement for "Professional Anarchists" with a phone number to call if a person wanted to join. Made my blood run cold. Some of those fires set in Minneapolis looked like someone knew what they were doing. What is the world coming to?

  20. I did it again. I finished most of this easy, clever puzzle before I lay it aside to ZOOM. Afterward I went directly to the Corner without remembering to complete the puzzle and saw an answer I didn’t have yet. I quickly finished without seeing any more answers. An automatic DNF due to an inadvertent peek.
    Inanehiker, I, too thought of Alexander’s horrible day. And My crayon- reminded me of Harold and the Purple Crayon.
    We kids played a lot of pinochle with our mom, another game with MELDs.
    One of my favorite clues was Fix a toy/spay. My first thought was change the batteries or plug in the charger.
    On our WV vacations, every evening we secured the garbage can lid in ingenious ways and looked out the window as raccoons defeated every one of them.
    Alas no vacations this year.
    As kids we used both shin and shinny in this sense. We used to SHINNY up the apple tree. My mom often said SHIN up the apple tree instead. I expected a complaint about this as soon as I saw it.
    My patio is a 12x9.5 foot concrete slab. Other homes have decks which are about the same size. I prefer the patio. It's easier to expand the party onto the lawn that way. 8x8 seems unusable.

  21. Good morning, folks. Thank you, MaryEllen Uthlaut, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, C.C., for a fine review.

    Puzzle went fairly easily. Took me a couple hours. Not bad for me. Caught the theme and eventually was able to get them all before I finished the puzzle.

    Been to Mt SHASTA, Redding, CA. The San Juaquin Valley and L.A. get a lot of water from Shasta, via the aqueducts.

    DIKDIK was new to me. Perps.

    Tried SPRAY before SPLAY worked better.

    MAORI. We seem to get them a lot. I know it by heart now.

    Liked CZAR spelled the old way. We do get it that way now and then.

    KAHN was unknown. I have seen Blazing Saddles several times.

    BEFOUL, and some perps, took me a while.

    My daughter came over yesterday and helped me clear part of my garden of weeds. I hope to start planting today, later on.

    To the hospital again today for some CT Scans. Just in and out. Not staying. I am sure I will get another COVID-19 test. They will not let you in without it. Had one a few weeks ago for other procedures. I passed it then.

    See you tomorrow.


    ( )

  22. inanehiker, That video was hilarious. I loved it, saved it, and will watch it again ! Thank you !

    Desper-otto, Squirrel Proof Feeder The squirrels slide off the sloped roof. If they jump up to the feeding shelf, the gate mechanism closes, shutting off the food. It's adjustable, so if you have large nuisance birds, you can adjust the tension so their weight closes the gate.

    Shop around. I found mine at Menards for $20, marked down from $28.

    I have it hung from a shepherd's hook. They still manage to climb up the shepherd's hook, but by it hanging in the air, it provides them with even less stability. I thought if I mounted it to a tree or wood post, they'd figure out a way to stretch and hang out past the edges.

    Abejo, sorry to hear you are still having health issues. Hoping they get whatever it is diagnosed and treated soon.

    Back to my painting project.

  23. Crunchy Sunday puzzle, but lots of fun--many thanks, Maryellen. And thanks to you too, C.C.

    For some reason I always start out better on the bottom than on the top in large puzzles like this. My literature background helped me get EZRA Pound, and that suggested CZAR rather than TSAR. And so it filled in. WHITE made me laugh as the answer to "harmless, as a lie." I also got THESES, since I graded many of those back in the day.

    Never heard of DIK DIK (very cute eyes, C.C.) or VETCH.

    AFLAC made me laugh, since I remembered those quacking ads.

    C.C., so sorry to hear about those devastating riots in your city. The protests certainly make sense, but why can't they just be peaceful? That would do so much more good on all fronts.

    Have a good Sunday, and a good week coming up, everybody.

  24. Lemon,
    thank you for the Cinderella clip!
    I enjoyed it so much, I went back for more...

    Love the little buggers, but they can be annoying.
    There are tons of YouTube gadgets out there,
    but my favorite has to be The Squirrel Chucker, Pat Pend...
    (Lake not included...)

  25. TTP @ 1227. In the past I have also used the feeder you discuss. It is as you described. But once, I saw a squirrel slide off the roof and still manage to somehow hang off to the side without pulling the lever down so he was able to feed briefly.
    I have never seen a squirrel penetrate the security of the Flipper Feeder. Just keep the battery charged. Mine stays charged for a whole feeding season.

  26. OMG!

    I used to fall down the YouTube Rabbit Hole,
    But now I am up the YouTube Squirrel tree!

    (My last link had a link yada, yada...)

    I've had squirrels chew holes in my plastic garbage cans,
    & even chew the the ignition wires of my car in the driveway!
    (& piss on the engine for good measure...)

    So, I could not pass up this next vid
    of a guy who turns his catapult into
    a squirrel basketball tournament!

    Oooh! So close!

  27. Very smooth, easy Sunday solve. Best clue was fix a toy--spay. Early this morning I was wakened by the sound of a helicopter. Shockingly it was over Fashion Square Mall in Scottsdale a mere 1/2 mike from my home. My wife and I turned on the t.v. and were utterly appalled to see vandals and looters breaking windows, stealing whatever they wanted and just raising hell. Nearly all of these young thugs were white. Ignorant and misguided punks. Lucinda, stay safe. Stay home.

  28. Knowing Mt SHASTA from all my Cali compadres was a big help

    I was accused of borrowing CODE from a consultant. Duh, it's called today OOC.

    Ah, the (bitter) VETCH makes its return. Anybody browse Anon-T's link FLN?

    Did I mention the issue with hydroxychloroquine vis a vis malaria in Kenya? Same as amoxycillin, users didn't take as proscribed and parasite/flu bug eventually evolved immunity.

    Naomi were you thinking of this kind of SHIMMY?

    Hard to believe the diminutive DEAN was a starting guard for a Kansas NCAA champion. He succeeded Frank McGuire in the famous UNC upset of Wilt's Jayhawks in 1957.

    Bostonian's word for pop or soda was TONIC.

    I didn't find this xword easy but p&p'ed through. I remember a Saturday clue: "Toys with tails" and was sure it was PEKES. So I got SPAY as my final FIR.


    1. Thanks, WC! Maybe that's where I learned to shimmy. :-)

  29. After flunking Friday’s and yesterday’s puzzles, I was thrilled to FIR today with only 2 white-outs. Stoat became OTTER and Alia became ALII.
    I saw a family of Dikdiks when I was in Tanzania last year. They were so tiny and so ADORABLE and quite friendly, coming right up to our Jeep.

    My favorite clue was SPAY - I spent way too much time trying to figure out how to fix a toy before the V-8 moment.

    Madeline Kahn was great in Blazing Saddles, and she was also hysterically funny in Young Frankenstein.

    Thank you Maryellen and C.C. for an enjoyable Sunday morning. C.C., sorry another crisis has hit you guys.

  30. Very easy theme to figure out and fill in. I read the title and used it, unlike my solve of the NYT puzzle this morning where I had to figure it out without help from the title. Had some write-overs: BWANA 4 sahib, OTTER 4 stoat, BASTED 4 BASTEs (because I wasn’t paying attention). Very nice an challenging pastime this afternoon.

  31. Hi everybody,

    Those looters I see on television; they make me sad and angry...

  32. It breaks my heart about Fashion Square! It's (was) a beautiful mall that attracts people from all over the world. I've heard many languages spoken there by visiting customers. It has thrived despite what has happened to so many other malls.

    You, too, shanker, stay safe!

  33. I liked this puzzle very much. Having ROPE for symbol of bondage made that area difficult for a while. Last to fill was changing LEACH to LEECH which revealed ROES.

    Yep, I sure thought of Hahtoolah at AJAR!

    I think Mt. SHASTA is beautiful. My nephew climbed it about 15 years ago. LW and I summitted Mt. Lassen about 35 years ago. Quite an experience.

    There were rioters in San Jose also. The protesters were mostly peaceful, and then, before our very eyes (LW and I were watching it live on TV) people began arriving from elsewhere, appearing to be quite organized, and it is they who inflamed, both figuratively and literally, the situation. I congratulate the San Jose city police who remained very restrained and disciplined throughout.

    Husker Gary, I'm glad they got home unscathed.

    LW and I have shopped at Fashion Square Mall in Scottsdale.

    That red coloring in the Oreos looks awful. I wouldn't want to eat it.

    There used to be a restaurant near us called Pot-au-Feu that LW and I used to frequently patronize, but unfortunately they went out of business years ago. It seems many of our favorite places have gone out of business over the years.

    Good wishes to you all.

  34. Crazy day started puzzle after breakfast, friends came over, dog got out, riot news, printer broke ...whew!! Finished this opus in record time between interruptions. Loved the theme. One question: benefit =SAKE.???? Please explain. Sad day across our land. If the Corona virus wasn't enough ...riots, looting ...We were trying this weekend to plan a "special day" for my two granddaughters whoswho are graduating t...schools weren't having ceremonies. We planned car caravans around the neighborhoods on Tuesday. With the riots we'll probably have to cancel that, too. Sad!!

  35. Bobbi: "I have to make an effort for John's sake". You can substitute benefit for sake.


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