, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Sunday June 27th, 2021 Ed Sessa

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Jun 27, 2021

Sunday June 27th, 2021 Ed Sessa

Theme:  "At the Anger Management Session ... " - Each "angry" phrase is punnily rephrased, fitting the fictional character in each clue.

27. ... Rudolph was __: SEEING RED.

29. ... Elsie was __: HAVING A COW.

42. ... Humpty Dumpty was __: DRIVEN UP A WALL.

64. ... Herbie the "Love Bug" was __: BLOWING A GASKET.

73. ... Santa Claus was __: HITTING THE ROOF.

98. ... Puff the Magic Dragon was __: BREATHING FIRE.

114. ... Bugs Bunny was __: HOPPING MAD.

117. ... Mr. Bubble was __: IN A LATHER.

And the lower right:

111D Jack Frost's advice to his angry clients?: CHILL.

So I was writing this post, then read D-Otto's post on LastPass. Poor Tom!

There's always a sense of elegance and tightness in Ed's puzzles. I'll never forget this ALL FALL DOWN puzzle. So simple. So original. So much fun. Average constructors would have been happy with a set of "angry" phrases. But Ed went extra and added an extra layer of characters in the clue.


1. Where many a promise is made: ALTAR. I do!

6. Slugger's stats: RBIS. Also 31. MLB blasts: HRS. And 2D. Frozen rope, in baseball: LINER. 76. Pine __: dugout supply: TAR. Never saw a guy like Shohei Ohtani, who has more home runs than any other pitcher.

10. Lectric Shave competitor: AFTA.

14. CNN alternative: MSNBC.

19. With 38-Across, Beethoven oeuvre with 35 works: PIANO. 38. See 19-Across: SONATAS.

20. Apiece: EACH.

21. Seal site: BERG.

22. Pong creator: ATARI.

23. IGTV company, briefly: INSTA. Instagram. I've only watched some Instagram stories. Never TV.
Wiki says "IGTV is a standalone video application by Instagram for Android and iOS smartphones. It allows for longer videos compared to Instagram feeds. While IGTV is available as a stand-alone app, basic functionality is also available within the Instagram app and website.". What is a stand-alone app, Anon-T/D-Otto/TTP?

24. On the safer side: ALEE.

25. Hebrides hill: BRAE.

26. Assigned a grade: RATED.

32. Fat substitute: OLESTRA. Calorie-free.

34. Type of type that shows stress: ITALIC.

35. Gave a thumbs-up: OK'ED.

36. Hung over?: EAVED. Lots of nice clues in this grid.

46. "Storm" seabird: PETREL.

47. Went by train: RODE.

48. "Fresh Air" airer: NPR. Hosted by Terry Gross.

49. "His Dark Materials" protagonist: LYRA. Lyra Belacqua. Played by Dafne Keen. Unknown to me.

52. "__ welcome": YOU'RE.

53. Marx Brothers film setting: OPERA.

55. Beatles nonsense syllables: OB- LA. Di. Ob-la-da.

59. Gp. using caps and crowns: ADA. Also 58. Crown or plaque: AWARD.

61. Touch of frost: NIP.

62. Bayou music style: ZYDECO. A few more music answers: 82A. Jimmy Eat World genre: EMO. 15D. How dotted notes should be played: STACCATO. 80D. Musical score mark: SLUR. 104D. One putting words to music: SINGER.

69. Mano a mano: AT IT.

71. "Words have consequences," e.g.: ADAGE.

72. Singer Anthony: MARC. One of J Lo's exes.

78. Hardest to find: RAREST.

83. Korean car company: KIA. Partially owned by Hyundai,

84. Movie physician with a two-letter name: DR NO.

85. Playground problem: BULLY. The bully boy was mild when I met him years later.

86. Lou Grant portrayer: ASNER (Ed)

89. Oil filter brand: FRAM. Unfamiliar to me.

92. Walgreens rival: CVS.

95. It has an apt number of letters in its name: FOUR. Four letters.

96. Barely made a sound: PEEPED.

103. Clothes lines: STRIPES.

105. __ Moore: canned stew brand: DINTY. Hormel brand.

106. Lambs' cries: BAAS.

107. Offerer of free drinks and chips: CASINO. Great clue!

109. Put in danger: IMPERIL.

111. No. cruncher: CPA.

119. Quiet lake transport: CANOE.

120. Highlands native: GAEL.

121. Emoji, for one: ICON. Cute.

122. Birthplace of rapper Wyclef Jean: HAITI. Three-time Grammy winner.

123. Modify: ALTER.

124. Strauss' "__ Alpensinfonie": EINE.

125. Mineral removed from some baby powder: TALC.

126. Kate's TV mate: ALLIE. Kate & Allie.

127. Economic upsurges: BOOMS.

128. Supreme leader?: ROSS. Diana of the Supremes.

129. Big name in skin care: OLAY.

130. Upper body muscles, for short: DELTS.


1. Mighty silly: APISH.

3. Zaps: TASES.

4. Fighting: ANTI.

5. Virginia's so-called "Lost Colony": ROANOKE. Wiki says it "became known as the Lost Colony due to the subsequent unexplained disappearance of its population." Read more here. Learning moment for me also. 

6. Rose on hind legs: REARED UP.

7. Hayfield sights: BALES.

8. Summer cooler: ICED TEA. Hong Kong-style lemon tea is very popular in Guangzhou in summer days. Often black tea is used. 

9. Sow or doe: SHE.

10. Group honored at a Stockholm exhibit: ABBA.

11. With great enthusiasm: FERVIDLY.

12. Feature: TRAIT.

13. Gemini rockets: AGENAS.

14. Blues singer played by Viola Davis: MA RAINEY. In the movie "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom".

16. Brussels-based gp.: NATO.

17. Cold one: BREW.

18. El __: CID.

28. Close in theaters: GLENN. Another brilliant clue.

29. "__ Nagila": Israeli folk song: HAVA.

30. Unappetizing stuff: GLOP.

33. Cold and damp: RAW.

35. Shovel it in: OVER-EAT. I love pickled herrings and I can eat the whole jar.

37. Addition, maybe: ELL.

39. Animal part that trumpets: TRUNK. Elephant. Tiny clue/answer dupe with 90. Spare tires in trunks?: ABDOMENS.

40. Nest on a crest: AERIE.

41. Got some shut-eye: SLEPT.

42. TV physician with a two-letter name: DR OZ.

43. Viscous: ROPY.

44. Fingered: ID'ED.

45. "No __!": PROB.

50. Shoe polish applicator: RAG.

51. Garden guy: ADAM. Eden.

54. Part of a musical: ACT I.

56. Boring: BLAH. Called "Wuliao" in Chinese. Hao wuliao = so boring.

57. Word with stone or star: LODE.

60. Bacteriologist's material: AGAR.

63. Trough call?: OINK.  68. Places to pick up puppies?: SCRUFFS. Cute clues for both.

65. Hunchback of fiction: IGOR.  "Young Frankenstein".

66. Bright sign: NEON.

67. Graceful equine: ARAB.

70. End-of-week cry: TGIF.

73. Quite a lot: HEAPS.

74. "No more for me, thanks": I'M SET.

75. Printer supply: TONER.

77. Avenue __, Paris' widest street: FOCH. .Wiki again: The avenue runs from the Arc de Triomphe southwest to the Porte Dauphine at the edge of the Bois de Boulogne city park. It is the widest avenue in Paris and is lined with chestnut trees along its full length.

79. "The Time Machine" people: ELOI.

81. Item in a Brit's boot: TYRE.

87. "Divine Comedy," e.g.: EPIC POEM.

88. Changes the wall covering: RE-PAPERS.

91. Hosp. procedure: MRI.

93. Joie de vivre: VIBRANCY.

94. Creeping creature: SNAIL. This snail mucin is very popular in Asia.

97. First name in '50s TV comedy: DESI. "I Love Lucy".

99. Geraint's wife: ENID.

100. Bank convenience: ATM.

101. Not surprising: TYPICAL.

102. Holy Grail seeker: GALAHAD.

108. Marsh of detective fiction: NGAIO.  "Queens of Crime".

110. First name in B-29 history: ENOLA.

112. Little, in Lille: PETIT.

113. Sign of the Ram: ARIES.

114. Heavenly ring: HALO.

115. Aware of: ONTO.

116. Stout and porter: ALES.

118. Account: TALE.

119. City transport: CAB.

121. "Who am __ judge?": I TO.

Belated Happy 56th anniversary to Spitzboov and his wife Betty!

Happy 40th Anniversary to Canadian Eh! and her husband!



  1. FIWrong. sEEPED > mEEPED > PEEPED.

    The theme had me so cross, I was at a loss for words.

    I'd heard OF the term ZYDECO, but thought I'd never heard it. Wiki gave an example I knew well, "It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo" from 1929. New verses seem to be de rigueur.

    ZYDECO's Cajun music,
    It comes in at the door!
    And then it swings around and round,
    Right across the floor!

    Yes, the mop-top Beatles
    Sang, OB-LA-di, OB-LA-da!
    If you think they sound like weevils,
    Then go and ask your Ma!

    Now scientists liked butter
    But bettered it, I fear!
    OLESTRA made them flutter --
    Till they got the "dire rear"!

    Beethoven wrote SONATAS,
    On PIANO played by ear.
    Said at student OPERAS,
    "Thank God that I can't hear!"

    The sky was dark and gloomy,
    The PETREL RODE the storm.
    The lightning came right to me,
    Now I light up the dorm!

    {A- for the lot.}

  2. 5 Down is North Carolina, not Virginia

  3. Always enjoy a Dr.Ed/ C.C. Sunday.
    A. Aajma is correct that it was on ROANOKE ISLAND which is now part of North Carolina. I do not know if the division that created North Carolina had happenned at that point in time.

    I join in best wishes for the 56th anniversary to Spitzboov and his wife Betty! Happy 40th Anniversary to Canadian Eh! and her husband!

  4. Good morning!

    Yay. LastPass reset my account late yesterday without requiring a validation code. D-o is back in business. I've checked our financial accounts, and there's no evidence of funny business. C.C., thanx for the emergency puzzles to tide me over.

    I was really on Dr. Ed's wavelength this morning. Whipped this one out in under 15 minutes, which is super-fast for this slowpoke. Totally missed IN A LATHER because I was solving the "downs" in that area. Noticed the ALTAR/ALTER pairing the "Spare tires," and the two-letter doctors (including Dr. Ed). Got NGAIO, despite looking sideways at it. Cute theme, nicely executed. Thanx, Dr. Ed and C.C. ("Stand-alone" merely means you can get IGTV as an app by itself, without it being a part of a larger app, in this case Instagram.)

    BALES: Memories of my ute. One summer my best friend got rheumatic fever, and I spent the summer taking his place in the hay fields. A group of local farmers worked together, moving from farm to farm, bringing in the hay. The weather was hot and sticky, and those 70-lb rectangular bales got heavy by the end of the day. By the time we'd finished the circuit, it was time to begin again at farm number one. Nobody farms that land anymore. Small mom-and-pop dairy farms aren't competitive today.

  5. Tom, glad it all worked out. I still do not trust anyone to keep my passwords, but since my memory is failing I must adapt. South Florida is still reeling from the Surfside Condo Collapse. oo and I went to a time share presentation at the Hotel where they have the families getting information. It is very hard to accept it just fell without some outside factor.

    All we can do now is pray for peace for all involved.

    Not tryibg to be a downer, but it really dominates the minds those living in SoFla

  6. Good morning everyone.

    Best wishes to Canadian Eh! and husband on their 40th anniversary,

    Thanks to all for the good wishes on ours.

    Always like Ed Sessa's puzzles. Lots of fun to suss the 'anger' phrases. Thought ROPEY was a bit stiff, but much fill was very well clued. Last to fill was FERVIDLY crossing EAVED. FIR.
    ROANOKE - Agree with A. Aajma and Lemon on ROANOKE location.
    FOCH - came quickly after the CH dropped. Famous for WWI roles.
    FRAM - "go to' filter on my Dad's irrigation pumper (International or Willys? engine); and also on my 1974 Peugeot Diesel.
    BALES - Similar experiences to D-O. With a BALE hook and good right knee, we could boost the bales high up on a wagon or through the hatch of an elevated haymow.

    91º and humid forecast here today.

  7. Musings
    -NGA_O/E_NE and P_TREL/MARAIN_Y cost me two bad cells but Ed never disappoints!
    -AGENAS was a gimme for me, of course
    -I tried OLESTRA potato chips and consequently spent a lot of time in a very small room in our house
    -DR NO dredges up the image of Ursula Andress more than a creepy DR is rubber gloves
    -Can you tell a lamb’s BAA from a kid’s MAA?
    -BOOMS – Ah, it’s that time of year again and they’ve already started
    -Two nights ago HGTV had a segment about a single mother and her two teen daughters moving from India to Stockholm. Talk about cultural and financial shocks!
    -Stockholm variation – Alfred Nobel/BLEW UP
    -Earth Science texts teach that Pahoehoe lava is described as ROPY
    -It could be said of DESI, I Love Lucy et al
    -Grandson and three friends are going to Lollapalooza in Chicago and will use UBER instead of CABS
    -Hay BALES are now huge and round and machines have replaced most of that back breaking work

  8. Here I sit in Manteo, North Carolina on Roanoke Island. Just 2.2 miles up the road is the Lost Colony site. I am astonished that the clue would say the Lost Colony is in Virginia! That's extremely easy to research and verify. Yes, I know other commenters have pointed this out (thank you) but I just had to add my two cents worth.

  9. Lemon and Anon-T: Keeping passwords "local" on the hard-drive seems a good solution, until your IMac suddenly fails, and you go back to a Windoze-based PC. Then you learn to your chagrin that the backup software you used was Apple-specific, and your password database is gone forever. Ask me how I know that. I decided a cloud-based database from a company with a good security reputation was a reasonable risk. I've been happy with LastPass for several years. I'm going to stick with 'em, but I'm going to recommend some changes to their validation procedures.

  10. Good Morning:

    The only complaint I have about this puzzle is that it was completed too quickly, otherwise, it was perfect: very clever theme, lots of top-notch cluing, clean fill, well known proper names, (mostly), minimal three letter words and, most importantly, a very enjoyable and satisfying solve. As I’ve mentioned before, I find many Sunday puzzles boring or silly and more of a chore to solve than a joy, so this one really shines, IMHO.
    In addition to all the pairings CC mentioned, we have Brew/Iced Tea, Altar/Alter, Dr. Oz/Dr. No, IDed/OKed, Lode/Rode, and Tale/Ales/Bales. And then we have the critter connection with Cow, Petrel, Nip, Peeped, Baas, Apish, Aerie, Oink, Snail, Arab and my favorite, Scruffs. The only unknowns were Lyra, Enid, and Fram.

    Thanks, Dr. Ed, for a delightful Sunday distraction and thanks, CC, for your insightful commentary and for pointing out so many of the related entries. I’ll have to check back to see some of your visuals as several didn’t appear.

    Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary, CanadianEh and DH. Hope you get to celebrate despite the restrictions.


    Leo III, good to hear from you.

  11. Hola!

    No time to read comments but read C.C.'s narrative. Thank you for that.

    Solved this in the usual Sunday slog time frame and surprisingly got it all but I see a few blanks I missed. I'll have to check on them later.

    Ed Sessa always offers a challenge and this one spared no punches. However, the use of gerunds helps immensely. ING is a given in each one. I had serious DOUBTS at NGAIO but it filled solidly.

    OVER EAT strikes a cord with me I'm sorry to say. I need to lose some weight!

    More later. Fun Sunday!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  12. As usual I didn't notice the theme other than looking for ING after SEEING RED & HAVING A COW. Didn't work for DRIVEN or IN A LATHER but I FIR. I had to back out of a few dead ends in the NW, NE, & SW.

    NW- changed AT IT for 'Fighting' to ANTI. Never heard of IGTV or Instagram referred to as INSTA. But I use Instagram as much as Twitter, Snapchat, & TikTok, which is ZERO.
    NE- Changed BEER to BREW but had to triple check the crosses for MARAINEY, who was a total unknown; "MA RAINEY's Black Bottom"-unknown to me.
    SW- changed BUS to CAB and then ADAPT to ALTER. NGAIO- all perps for that unknown.

    LYRA, Dafne, & "His Dark Materials"- a trio of unknowns.
    Avenue FOCH- unknown. There is a street in New Orleans = Marshall FOCH between Gen. Diaz, Argonne, & Gen. Haig.

    TALC- been used since the beginning of time and all of a sudden it's responsible for somebody's cancer. I doubt it but some jury bought that BS. Ditto for Zantac.

    FRAM & Purolator Oil Filters- only brands I've ever heard.

    D-otto. Use LastPass for non critical passwords but for anything financial-no way. Just memorize those. As for 'keeping it local' try pencil and paper.

    MSNBC & CNN- a race to the bottom for those two. Fewer people are watching the news and there are many other options. ABC, NBC, & CBS- I couldn't tell you the names any of their anchors. I read to get the news, not listen to somebody's biased reporting.

  13. Hi Y'all! Enjoyed your endeavors, Dr. Ed & CC.

    Last fills were BERG & BRAE/ABBA/AGENAS & MA RAINEY (Tried Mahala).

    Not Lyricist but SINGER.

    NGAIO is a New Zealand author. While a Rotary Scholar there, my daughter sent me one of her books. Still took me a few passes to associate NGAIO with Marsh.

    Lemonade, I too am horrified by the collapse of that high rise apartment. Do you live in one? My nephew in N. Florida recently moved out of his high rise into a small house. Who knows what unseen things have happened with all those storms & groundwater issues?

    D-O & Spitz: in those days the only guys who "worked out" were farm boys with bale tossing experience. Nice muscles on 'em.

  14. As all too often, Sunday FIW. Actually a DNF! And somewhat a struggle physically because I had to do the puzzle on my phone instead of with paper and ink (long story about internet cable accidentally cut yesterday).

    I filled in most of the puzzle and saw the theme, partly, but ended up using red letters in AFTA, BERG and BRAE. There were other unknowns that I didn't understand but perps were solid. So, a challenging puzzle, but still appreciated. Thanks Ed and C.C. for everything. Next week I will try to do better.

    Hope you all are having a relaxing Sunday.

  15. I just got home from church so I haven't done the puzzle yet - but I just heard that my friend/college roommate, Pam Davis, is having her NYT debut as a constructor on Monday!

    I'll have to figure out how to access it - as we just get the LA Times in our local paper.
    I think they get it at our local library.

  16. Been so busy with the kids and Grandkids these past few days no chance to do puzzles and make groan worthy comments..

    Today took a breather and did our local rag's 2 week old NYT big Sunday puzzle...

    The constructor was from Vancouver BC and the title of the CW was "Maple Leaf". 🍁

    Many Canadian clues..multiple sets of two word circles I couldn't parse E and H..EH....EH....EH...huh?

    Ooooohh Eh like Canada eh!

    The main mid answer was MEHD IN CANADA 🇨🇦

    And happy 40th anniversary. Canada eh and spouse.

    56th to Spitz and Betty.

  17. Oops, missed the anniversary of the nuptials for Spitz and CanadianEh! (not to each other). Congrats to both of you. That's a long time together.

  18. My paper had the title of this puzzle as “AT THE ANGER MANAGEMENT SEESSION” with two “ee”s in session. I thought that was some type of clue. Now I see it was just some type of typo. Red Herring!

  19. I liked this good solid puzzle from Ed Sessa. The theme clues/answers gave me smiles.

    I keep my passwords written on a piece of paper. I can recall two times I'm glad of it.

    Owen, I very much like your verses today.

  20. Found the puzzle theme to be very apropos today...

    I started in the AM, but had to pause to put up a wall mount
    To hang a new TV. I cannot think of anything that would be more
    Conducive to creating blood, sweat and tears...

    Upon return to the puzzle,
    I think either my iPad, or the LA Times site has been hacked!

    Every couple of minutes,
    A pop up would appear to announce that
    I needed to get a COVID shot in Spanish..?.?

    The more I "Xed" out of it, the faster it would pop up again!

    I even tried watch8ng the whole damn thing, and even went to the source site.
    But this DAMN Popup would keep coming back faster and faster....

    I was down to the last 2 lines of the puzzle
    When it would pop up for every 3 letters found,
    Or 3 key presses, whichever came first!

    It was the most annoying puzzle I have ever completed..

    Happy anniversary Canadian eh.

  21. OLESTRA was all perps. Seeing it I'm vaguely Familiar. Aha, MARAINEY was two words

    The nine squares in the 3rd set of boxes at the top remained blank. I didn't know AGENAS. And...inked Bern. I thought air IT for feature. And Atra wasn't cutting it. Finally AFTA, TRAIT and BERG popped for the FIR. Almost gave up except I don't do that.

    TYRE with a Y and ELL were tricky. Ed is tricky. But I knew NGAIO.

    Okay, A- only because of the A+'s Owen provides so often.

    "But I use Instagram as much as Twitter, Snapchat, & TikTok, which is ZERO." I loved that phrase, BigE. For a minute

    Late because our old used fridge sorta died. Guy said he'd bring one and the old one out. Great. Just take stuff out.
    Uh uh: "We have to remove doors, clean it.. Finally we* brought the old one out to the curb. Huh?


    Thank God for my son, Phil

  22. Sunday Lurk Say...

    {A, B, B+, A+, B+}

    Happy Anniversary C, Eh!
    //nice cake CED.

    D-O: I keep a backup (every six months) of the password vault (and install program) on a thumb-drive in the safe. There's instructions so DW can access all the banking passwords in the event I'm hit by the proverbial bus.

    Eldest & I finished the book sewing frame today. She didn't want to stain it :-(

    Y'all have a wonderful Sunday afternoon!

    Cheers, -T

  23. CEDAve:
    What a cute cake! I hope they see it.

    I'm waiting for my family to arrive so I have a few minutes.

    I see that I also changed BEER to BREW but that's the only W/O. I like the word ZYDECO. It has a nice sound.

    Of course I've never heard of the rapper Wyclef Jean or that he is from HAITI. New learning to day. In fact, I'm sure I could not name any other rapper either.

    Yesterday I learned of the game Sequence and what fun it is! I plan to buy it for us to play.

    Today our Bishop celebrated the Mass and formally installed our pastor. He has been here a year but Covid-19 prevented any celebration. It was quite solemn and our pastor received two standing ovations, one when he was presented and another at the end of the ceremony. I'm happy to say he is well liked.

    Canadian Eh, I don't know if I congratulated you already so I shall do it now. The same with Spitz and Betty though I do recall it from yesterday. It is worth mentioning again!

  24. Delightful Sunday puzzle, many thanks, Ed! And always enjoy your commentaries, C.C., many thanks for this one too.

    I was delighted to get the two answers to Beethoven's PIANO and SONATAS. But was stumped when the Marx brothers film also turned out to be OPERA. I didn't see the brothers at first and looked up Marx OPERA, and was surprised to learn that there apparently is an opera about Karl Marx? But after I saw the "brothers" I got that their film was titled "Night at the Opera." Can't remember if I ever saw it.

    Other fun TV items included ED ASNER. I loved him on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show.' And I also used to love watching "Kate and Allie"

    Enjoyed the music in your poems, Owen.

    And Happy Anniversary wishes to Spitzboov and partner, and Canadian Eh and partner.

    Have a good week coming up, everybody.

  25. Anniversary congratulations Canadian Eh! and DH.
    CE DAVE, great cake,
    I love this puzzle with all the catch phrases for being angry. That was me today when Alan would not follow his health regimen. My fussing about it only made it worse.
    INSTA, all perps. MARAINEY, likewise. Oh my goodness, I have heard of MA RAINEY, but didn't recognize it.
    This was of normal Sunday difficulty. FIR, but I found yesterday's puzzle easier.

  26. Just to let you all know that I am going to spend the night with a friend because my A/C just quit! Of course! In the midst of sweltering summer heat!

  27. Thanks for all of the Anniversary wishes today (and the last few days) and that perfect cake CED.
    Even though we couldn’t have the party we would have had, we were able to dine at a winery patio with a wonderful view over Lake Ontario tonight. Beautiful day. (ALTAR as the first answer today was appropriate!)

  28. Let me add one more happy Anniversary wish, C-eh



For custom-made birthday, anniversary or special occasion puzzles from C.C., please email

Her book "Sip & Solve Easy Mini Crosswords" is available on Amazon.

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