Title: Intravenous Therapy
Four down answers hiding IV:
9D. 2006 cop drama set in Florida : MIAMI VICE.
31D. Reagan Library site : SIMI VALLEY.
34D. Like much Norton software : ANTI-VIRUS.
And the reveal:
24D. Hosp. fluid-administration methods hidden in 3-, 9-, 31- and 34-Down : IV DRIPS.
TTP here after being called up from the minor leagues. Honored to be asked. Delighted it's a C.C., but unfortunate timing as I think of our dear friend Argyle.
1. Affectionate sideline greeting : HI MOM. The stereotypical shot of the football player waving to the camera and mouthing the words after a big play. You tend to see these in televised coverage of college bowl games.
6. "I understand now!" : AHA. Often an exclamation. I understand now (revelation) the effort and skills required to blog the puzzle. Plenty of first-time blunders and some AHA moments along the way. I'm looking forward to Argyle's return.
9. Mud bath coverings : MASKS
14. Gal pal, in Genoa : AMICA. Female friend in Genoa, Italy.
15. Searchlight used by Gotham police : BAT-SIGNAL. Police Commissioner Gordon most often used the BatPhone in the ABC TV Series. BAT-SIGNAL
17. One changing pitches : TUNER. Piano tuner comes to mind.
18. "Are you declining?" : IS THAT A NO ? Please clarify your position.
19. "Tell me!" : SPILL IT ! Yes or no !
21. Response to a tasty treat : YUM. Yum! Brands was renamed from Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc, in 2002 to match its NYSE ticker symbol. It is based in Louisville, Kentucky. Yum ! sounds better to me.
22. Understand : GET. Clecho with 6A, but perhaps without as much excitement. Are you picking up what I'm putting down ?
23. "Va-va-__!" : VOOM
24. Long Island town : ISLIP
26. Dog-tired : BEAT
28. 605, to Seneca : DCV. The person, not the people. Roman philosopher and statesman. He would have read 605 as DCV in Roman numerals. D = 500, C = 100, V = 5.
30. Stop, to swabs : AVAST
33. Circle segment : ARC
34. "Humble" home : ABODE. Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.
36. "Why would __?" : I LIE. The question, "Why would I lie ?" was asked eight times in The Tubes 1983 Top 10 hit "She's a Beauty." The music video became an MTV staple. Not going to link it.
37. Dealer's query : YOU IN ? Yes ? Then ante up.
39. Class with smocks : ART
40. Punctuation in many lists : COMMA
42. Sign of disuse : DUST
43. Like yoga teachers : LITHE
45. Many a craft beer, for short : IPA - India Pale Ale
46. Online box filler : EMAIL
48. Cough up the cash : PAY. Lucina, I imagine that ESL students might struggle with idioms.
49. Enterprise rival : AVIS.
50. KitchenAid appliances : OVENS. One of many countertop and major appliances bearing the company name. "I don't care what you call it, but I know it's the best kitchen aid I've ever had!" That was purportedly the response of the wife of a Hobart Company exec after she received and used a prototype mixer. Paraphrased from Wikipedia.
52. __ colada: rum drink : PINA. The "Pina Colada" song by Rupert Holmes is actually entitled "Escape."
54. Old vitamin bottle no. : RDA
57. Shiba __ : Japanese dog : INU. A spitz breed of dog of Japan. INU is the Japanese word for dog.
14. Gal pal, in Genoa : AMICA. Female friend in Genoa, Italy.
15. Searchlight used by Gotham police : BAT-SIGNAL. Police Commissioner Gordon most often used the BatPhone in the ABC TV Series. BAT-SIGNAL
17. One changing pitches : TUNER. Piano tuner comes to mind.
18. "Are you declining?" : IS THAT A NO ? Please clarify your position.
19. "Tell me!" : SPILL IT ! Yes or no !
21. Response to a tasty treat : YUM. Yum! Brands was renamed from Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc, in 2002 to match its NYSE ticker symbol. It is based in Louisville, Kentucky. Yum ! sounds better to me.
22. Understand : GET. Clecho with 6A, but perhaps without as much excitement. Are you picking up what I'm putting down ?
23. "Va-va-__!" : VOOM
24. Long Island town : ISLIP
26. Dog-tired : BEAT
28. 605, to Seneca : DCV. The person, not the people. Roman philosopher and statesman. He would have read 605 as DCV in Roman numerals. D = 500, C = 100, V = 5.
30. Stop, to swabs : AVAST
33. Circle segment : ARC
34. "Humble" home : ABODE. Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.
36. "Why would __?" : I LIE. The question, "Why would I lie ?" was asked eight times in The Tubes 1983 Top 10 hit "She's a Beauty." The music video became an MTV staple. Not going to link it.
37. Dealer's query : YOU IN ? Yes ? Then ante up.
39. Class with smocks : ART
40. Punctuation in many lists : COMMA
42. Sign of disuse : DUST
43. Like yoga teachers : LITHE
45. Many a craft beer, for short : IPA - India Pale Ale
46. Online box filler : EMAIL
48. Cough up the cash : PAY. Lucina, I imagine that ESL students might struggle with idioms.
49. Enterprise rival : AVIS.
50. KitchenAid appliances : OVENS. One of many countertop and major appliances bearing the company name. "I don't care what you call it, but I know it's the best kitchen aid I've ever had!" That was purportedly the response of the wife of a Hobart Company exec after she received and used a prototype mixer. Paraphrased from Wikipedia.
52. __ colada: rum drink : PINA. The "Pina Colada" song by Rupert Holmes is actually entitled "Escape."
54. Old vitamin bottle no. : RDA
57. Shiba __ : Japanese dog : INU. A spitz breed of dog of Japan. INU is the Japanese word for dog.
58. Scored well under par, in golf lingo : WENT LOW. A PGA Tournament television color commentator's standard, often used in describing the leader's 18 hole score relative to par.
61. Bart Simpson's "Holy cow!" : AY, CARAMBA!
64. "Love Me Like You Do" singer Goulding : ELLIE. Knew neither her nor the song "Love Me Like You Do", but with 1,702,176,952 views (and counting) of the official video, I decided to listen.
65. Apple Store support station : GENIUS BAR
Irish Miss, does your sister rent one of those for her St. Patrick's Day gatherings ?
67. Icon tappers : USERS
68. Bashful : SHY
69. Risky rendezvous : TRYST. "At a bar called O'Malley's..." in the song "Escape."
1. Fashionable Kentucky Derby array : HATS. Fashionable hats will also be on display at the upcoming royal wedding.
2. "My turn to bat" : I'M UP. Baseball lingo with the "to bat" modifier.
4. Spotted wildcat : OCELOT
5. Thomas of "That Girl" : MARLO
6. Somewhat : A BIT.
7. Polishes off : HAS. Food or drink. Finishes.
8. Legal dept. staffers : ATTYS. Attorneys, abbreviated.
10. Star's rep. : AGT. Representative, Agent. Probably didn't need clarification.
11. Hose mishap : SNAG. Hose inconvenience ? Kink ?
12. Welles' "Citizen" : KANE. Orson Welles, "Citizen Kane." The classic. A Viewer's Companion to 'Citizen Kane' by Roger Ebert.
13. Schedule opening : SLOT.
16. Six-time Super Bowl coach Don : SHULA. One with the Baltimore Colts. Five with the Miami Dolphins. Born near Abejo's lake, but on the Ohio side, near Painesville.
20. Website with film profiles : IMDb. Internet Movie Database.
25. __ Alto, Calif. : PALO. Silicon Valley.
26. Tampa __ Buccaneers : BAY. I love puzzles. They can take you from the Silicon Valley to the Gulf Coast of Florida in seconds.
27. Slowly wear away : ERODE
29. West Virginia natural resource : COAL. Just read that as of 2014, twenty-five states produced coal.
32. Allegro, largo, lento, etc. : TEMPI. The plural of tempo.
35. Bluesy James : ETTA
38. Japanese golf great Aoki : ISAO. Isao Aoki with Arnold Palmer.
He credits watching Arnold Palmer for giving him the inspiration to pursue a golfing career. "Isao Aoki only plays with golf balls marked with the number 5. That number is pronounced “Go” in Japanese and it also represents the worst score he wants to make." He was elected into the World Golf Hall of Fame in 2004. Source - World Golf Hall of Fame.
41. Remote batteries : AAs
44. Promote aggressively : HYPE
47. Dunham and Olin : LENAs. New York born actress Lena Dunham and Sweden born actress Lena Olin.
49. Buck horn : ANTLER
51. Anesthetizes : NUMBS
53. Bumbling : INEPT
54. Sauce brand with an accent on its last letter : RAGĂ.
55. Salon colorings : DYES
56. OXY 10 target : ACNE
58. Suspicious (of) : WARY
59. Art store buys : OILS
60. Wild or Old area : WEST
62. Balloon filler : AIR. Hot Air Ballon Rides near Chicago, and other local sightseeing deals, as seen on Groupon.
63. Scrooge's scoff : BAH
44. Promote aggressively : HYPE
47. Dunham and Olin : LENAs. New York born actress Lena Dunham and Sweden born actress Lena Olin.
49. Buck horn : ANTLER
51. Anesthetizes : NUMBS
53. Bumbling : INEPT
55. Salon colorings : DYES
56. OXY 10 target : ACNE
58. Suspicious (of) : WARY
59. Art store buys : OILS
60. Wild or Old area : WEST
62. Balloon filler : AIR. Hot Air Ballon Rides near Chicago, and other local sightseeing deals, as seen on Groupon.
63. Scrooge's scoff : BAH
Argyle, come back soon.
See all y'all later n'at.

Notes from C.C.:
1) TTP (Took the Plunge) has kindly agreed to take the Tuesday helm while Argyle is recovering from his surgery. TTP has been with the blog since 2012. He quietly helped me navigate many troubled spots, often behind the scenes with various technical issues. Without him, we might still be in the Google Hell. And many of the comments on old blog posts might never see the light of day.
2) Happy 80th birthday to dear Spitzboov (Al), a big milestone! Al has been with our blog for a long time. His posts and emails are often knowledgeable, witty and light-hearted, befitting his rascal avatar. Al served in the Navy Reserve for over 20 years and retired as Commander. Thanks for being part of our family, Commander Al! Boomer and I are always proud of the flag you gifted me, the best in the neighborhood.
Argyle and Spitzboov
(August 23, 2014, Washington County Fair)
3) Happy Birthday to John28man as well! How are you doing lately, John?
Thanks to C. C. and TTP!
Didn't know INU and ELLIE, but otherwise very easy.
Really bad day at word game. Wish I had more ram!
Happy Birthday to Spitz!
Hope to see you all tomorrow!
Good morning Cornerites,
Chairman Moe FLN at 9:59 PM
You're welcome!
I saw a C.C. CW, and performed a sitting jig. Now I have a wedgie. I put er into warp mode (with matching personality sold separately. batteries not needed. Runs on alter ego.) and FIR in 20:27.
Last to fall was the Natick at 57A INU and 47D LENAS. Whatever you do, don't LIU Shiba INU. You will be buying a puppy. You may LIU the LENAS without any urges.
Thanks TTP for your excellent review.
Thanks C C and T T P Quick friendly puzzle for a buzy morning.
Best wishes to Argyle , miss your daily blogs.
Good morning!
Some of the answers seemed a little forced in this one -- I'M UP, YOU IN, IS THAT A NO, I'm lookin' at you. Did I notice the IV's? Of course not. I always get ISAO and ESAI confused. GENIUS BAR, BAT SIGNAL, MINI VACUUM and SIMI VALLEY were very nice. Thanx, C.C.
Congrats, TTP, on your new temporary gig. Well done, young man!
I'm an accomplished potato peeler. Give me the spuds, my trusty Oxo peeler, and stand back.
Happy birthday, Spitz! And many more.
Great puzzle, CC. Great pinch-hit review, TTP. HBD to Spitz.
My golf swing showed rUST before it showed DUST. Otherwise all pars. 51A evoked Pink Floyd's "Comfortably NUMB", a staple on oldies stations for oldies like me.
YUM was spun off from Pepsi because restaurants wouldn't switch from Coke products because they would be subsidizing their competitors (KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut).
Pre-Pepsico, KFC relocated to Louisville because Bluegrass Field in Lexington couldn't handle CEO John Young Brown's jet. Bluegrass Field was soon thereafter expanded.
IV is an appropriate theme for me. I was in the ER last night with one in each arm.
Bob Niles, hope it wasn't serious. I'm reading between the lines that you're back home now.
Fun puzzle with clever IV drips all in vertical positions!
Thanks CC, and TTP for filling in!
HBD Spitboov and John!
I'm with desper-otto on this one. My nits were hi mom and array for hats. Also I'm tired of the Simpson's clues in just about every puzzle. Otherwise an easy one.
Jinx in Norfolk at 7:46 AM
Thanks for the YUM info. Adding to this:
The YUM headquarters in Louisville has the shape of a colonial home with fake chimneys at each end of the building, very attractive.
Coronel Harland David Sanders started it all in Corbin, KY. He founded Kentucky Fried Chicken, now known as KFC. There is a KFC in Corbin at the original site with a small museum. Corbin is off of I75 about 30 miles north of the Tennessee border. Y'all come, Ya hear!
I had seen the Coronel at the LIA as he traveled, and now there is an impersonator who really looks like him, who goes thru the LIA often.
On a trip to Savannah, GA, we ate lunch at Mrs. Wilkes Dining Room. They had T shirts that said "If the Colonel's chicken were as good as ours, he would have been a General." The shirts are right!
Bob Niles at 7:58 AM
Stereo IVs, impressive. May you recover from (whatever) also. Wishing Argyle a prompt, and proper recovery.
Anonymous at 8:26 AM
I'm right there with you. Jessica needs to take here clues, and go home.
An easy-peasy Tuesday puzzle by C.C. with one question for her. Did she plan to have Don SHULA next to MIAMI VICE on purpose? IS THAT A NO? C'mon, SPILL IT. Send us a BAT SIGNAL. Don't BEAT around the bush. And her answer will probably be : "Why would I LIE to you good people". As for the IV connection, it was solved by perps before I had a chance to notice it in the fills.
Three unknowns by perps today- AY, CARAMBA, ELLIE Goulding, Shiba INU (looks like a small Akita).
GENIUS Bar- they can't be too smart if they only make $15.00/hour.
WENT LOW- This 'Big Easy' went HIGH in a howling wind yesterday. No fun.
I liked the dripping IV’s, CC. Welcome to being the official Tuesday blogger, TTP. Great debut.
Bob Niles, oh my! Are you okay?
Happy birthday Spitz, have a wonderful day. I enjoy your posts.
DO, those everyday expressions seem normal enough for me. I got them right off, along with HI MOM. For some reason, word association, maybe, HI MOM reminds me that some wag frequently passed under the open college library windows and shouted “John . Your mother’s here with your lunch!” to a big laugh and John’s (or whomever’s ) great discomfort.
I knew Shiba was a dog. I surprised myself when I remembered that INU is Japanese for dog. I have forgotten 95% of my Japanese vocabulary. I remember my college German better.
I liked 1D, HATS. “Fashionable” and “Kentucky Derby” were tip offs. The Derby is famous for its extravagant hats. Array makes it plural.
array of hats
FIRbTD -- everything filled, no ta-da, the only natick that I had wildly guessed on was IsU + LEsuS + AY CARuMBA.
Got the reveal before 3 of the 4 themers, so not much interest there.
FLN: Wilbur, the joke was that normally Basketball games aren't rained out. The fans' seats are still called bleachers on the BB court, aren't they?
We miss our good friend Argyle, in the hospital is he,
Drinking what he needs thru a friendly DRIP I.V.!
They may not be tasty sips
As the I.V. fluid DRIPS,
But he gets to lie abed and watch T.V.!
Thank you, C.C. and TTP, special thanks to you for again taking the plunge! Well done!
IMDB makes a second appearance and Shiba INU makes a first one. I only know Akita. Don SHULA is one of those names repeated so often on TV that it's etched in my memory.
Why would I LIE; ILIE is also a tennis first name which we often see.
Yes, TTP, you are so right. ESL students find idioms very difficult. They are but one of the many troublesome areas of learning English.
AHA! Our GENIUS C.C., placing the IVDRIPS in a downward position.
AY! CARAMBA! I didn't notice TEMPO/AVOS were wrong! Drat!
Happy birthday, Spitz! Have a fabulous celebration! I enjoy your always enlightening posts.
Argyle, I hope your recovery is going well. Bob Niles, I hope you are all right now.
Have a beautiful day, everyone!
Thanks to those who expressed concern. I have a heart arrhythmia issue (atrial fibrillation) that kicks up about once a year. They hit me with the big shock (cardioversion) and I was back home in a few hours. They use Propofol (Michael Jackson's sleeping pill of choice) to knock me out for the event because it hurts like hell. Good stuff BTW, they need to use it for executions by lethal injections (gallows humor).
11 Down: I believe the hose that had the SNAG were the ladies' type of nylon hose, no?
WEES about the INU / LENAS natic.
Interesting fill today. Thanks C.C. and thanks to TTP for stepping out this way.
Off to vote (and to escape the roughly 10,000 robocalls that have been and are STILL coming in).
Good morning everyone.
A bit knotty today as is C.C.'s wont, but a Tuesday level, nevertheless. INU was a learning. TTP said it was a spitz, but I dunno, it didn't look a lot like me. :-). Had our friend AVAST again. Clever theme - hidden in the vertical drips.
Thanks to all for your warm Birthday wishes. Very much appreciated.
Special thanks to C.C. for her special heartfelt wishes. The flag was sent on the occasion of C.C. becoming a US citizen. I was very proud of her for all she had done, and making the profound commitment to a new adopted country.
"Puzzling Thoughts":
TTP and CC ---> good job!
I had SPEAK UP > SPILL IT; ISLEP > ISLIP (but by then I had figured out the theme). I also had CARUMBA > CARAMBA. CC's usually give me a few WO's ...
Two Moe-kus:
It's appropriate;
IV DRIPS was the theme. They're
Measured in CC's
Some milksaps from Yale
Formed a rock and roll band. It's
Called: The IV DRIPS
FrĂźhlich Geburtstag Herr Spitzboov
Hey you kids, get off my meadow! :) Antlers and horns are not the same thing. And speaking of "That Girl" Ted Bessell, born on this date in 1935.
Every doge has his daye
Good Morning:
I'm always happy to see CC's byline because I know I'm going to have an enjoyable solve. I didn't see the IV's until the reveal clue and then, I "got" it and said Aha. CC has a knack for hiding things in plain sight which adds to the fun in solving. I don't know Ellie Goulding but I do know Lena Olin/Olen (?) and I know more than I care to know about Ms. Dunham. Also, I know Shiba Inu but didn't know Inu means dog. My only nose wrinkle was at the Roman numerals because I can never remember most of them, so I just wait for the perps.
Thanks, CC, for a Tuesday treat (if mostly liquid!) and thanks, TTP, for a Major League review! You hit it out of the park, kind sir. Thanks, also, for filling in for our dear Argyle whom I wish a speedy return to good health. No, my sister doesn't have one of those fancy potato peelers; she relies on a son to polish off ten pounds at a clip, the old fashioned way!
Happy Birthday, Spitz, hope it's a special day. đđđđžđ I enjoy your always informative and interesting posts.
Bob Niles, I'm glad you're okay; that must be a scary experience.
Apropos of yesterday's comments, this was my telephone experience the morning:
Hi, I have a 12:30 appointment with Josephine that I have to cancel.
No problem. Would you like to reschedule now?
No, I'll call later.
No problem.
Just tell Jo that I'm not feeling well.
No problem.
Okay. Thank you.
No problem.
Have a great day and no problems!
PS ~ I have some initials written in my notes but have no idea what they're referring to. If I figure them out, I'll be back later to fill you in.
NR, I agree that antlers and horns are not the same thing.
The difference according to Wikipedia:
Antler or horn?
IMO When someone says, "Would I lie?" it raises my suspicion that the answer is yes. In the same way, when someone constantly accuses others of dishonesty or double dealing I suspect that person often has these traits himself.
We are expecting another nor'easter with high winds and heavy snow this evening, lasting through the wee hours of Thursday morning. On February 21, the high temperature was 77 here. Crazy weather!
OwenKL, FIR but no tada = FIW
(I got hung up on the same Natick)
According to my notes, L,N,T,W, & X were all possibilities,
(But I went with "Z")
Don't know why this reminded me of Tinbeni...
Hmm, closer but no cigar...
Oh well, I know Tinebi has to like one of these...
I am looking for a Spitzboov cake, but these things keep popping up!
Mostly fun, quick Tuesday with CC. But WEES: Never heard of either of the LENAS nor the INU dog. Unfair Natick. But I did WAG it OK to FIR.
One time I was leading a hike and we ended up at a hot spring with these beautiful MUD BATH people wearing MASKS.
So many other intriguing answers that inspire photos today. But I will go with just one more set for now.
Here are photos of my niece graduating from Stanford in PALO ALTO.
I have many other PALO ALTO photos, but these were easy to find. I have been to that place in SIMI VALLEY, too.
Woohoo! Woohoo! A wonderful C.C. Tuesday puzzle, and I got the whole thing without a bit of cheating. Was a little worried about the southwest corner, but was sure about DYED and once I got RAGU it all filled in. So, Yay! many thanks, C.C. for a Tuesday delight, and fun write-up, TTP, thank you too.
I got the theme and saw the IVs without any problem, but didn't catch how clever it was to have them go vertical until Inanehiker pointed it out.
Owen and Chairman Moe, enjoyed your limericks this morning.
MIAMI VICE was one of my favorite TV shows for years--loved it!
Happy birthday, Spitz--have a wonderful day!
What a tough experience, Bob Niles--so glad you're okay. And keep getting better, Argyle.
Interesting phone call, Irish Miss.
Have a great day, everybody!
TTP: Huge thanks for stepping up for the Corner!
Spitzboov: Happy Birthday!
From Yesterday:
D4E4H, Lucina, PK: Glad you enjoyed the TURTLE photos. Amusing story, Lucina! Thanks for the Nash poem reminder, D4E4H.
The photos were at the home of a woman who rescues TURTLES. She calls the place TURTLE Dreams. The occasion was a fund raiser for Planned Parenthood. Hope that helps, PK!
Here is an article about TURTLE Dreams.
Ay Caramba! I was so saddened to hear about Argyle's surgery, and am praying for his quick recovery. I'm not surprised that CC has so many friends that would step in and give her a hand. Well done TTP.
I was able to zip through this which gave me a smidge of declining confidence. Didn't know Islip,nor Shiba Ina, although that beed resembles the Keeshond I had while in college. We thought he'd be a good protector. He ended up finding the student union on campus and becoming everyone's buddy!
Went to grammar school with Marlo, although she was in my older sister's class. Big kudos to her! She was not acting at that point although there were others, like Gigi Pereau and Tim Considine, who were already in the business(in another sister's class)
Happy Birthday Spitzboov!!
Big Easy @8:57....CLEVER
This is my third try .I post on samsung using Android Chrome. Buggy lately.
Thanks CC and TTP . Started slow and zipped through.
Maybe later. I'll compose in text and cut and paste to here
Happy to amuse! Thanks
Here is the post from clipboard, I hope.
I should have noticed today's xwor was a CC from the sports. FLN. The other NYG coach was Tom Landry.
I'm very impressed by the flag given to CC.
FLN, Owen, I guess the stands behind the basket could be called bleachers.
Ok. This is my test run of text to blog
Cutting and pasting now
Bingo .
Good Morning, TTP and friends. I bit of a challenge for a Tuesday. Good that all the IVs were DRIPping down, and not across.
I wasn't aware that there was a remake of the Don Johnson MIAMI VICE drama, but that was the only answer that made any sense.
Finally, the potatoes are PEELed and not WHIPped!
Happy Birthday, Spitzboov and John28man.
QOD: A failure is not always a mistake; it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying. ~ B.F. Skinner (nĂŠ Burrhus Frederick Skinner, Mar. 20, 1904 ~ Aug. 18, 1990)
Yellowrocks at 8:57 AM
Wrote "The Derby is famous for its extravagant hats." Thanks for the link. Here is the KY Derby itself. Note the "Longines" timer in the NW corner. We are a scant 46 days from the "Fastest 2 min. in sports."
I wonder how many watches are sold? I no longer own a watch, like one of us no longer has a phone. I'm sorry, I talk on my phones. Yes I have a business landline, and it's none of your business.
OwenKL at 9:24 AM
Wrote "But he gets to lie abed and watch T.V.!" I licked the l"ick up to this line. TV equals punishment to me. Blah! Cornerites comment on their favorite show, but in general TV is an arid desert of pleasure.
Lucina at 9:31 AM
Wrote "I only know Akita." Me to because of the amazing loyalty of "Hachi a dog's tale." I am crying from the trailer. I need to put my DVD to use again. Whew what a true story of love, and it is true.
Today's Parasomedayagain: The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face.
Scroll down to the bottom of the ad for the trailer for "Hachi, a dogs tail."
Thanks for the birthday greetings. I come here everyday but by the time I do my thoughts are already expressed most times. As to how i'm doing, I would have to say OK for an 82-year old.
Lots of medical problems including bypass surgery last August. I'm thsnkful to have a fairly active life. Also, Happy Birthday Spitboov.
I had a bit of a go in the NW to start, but then it all went smoothly.
I realize not many younger folks seem to be crossword puzzle fans....how many even get a newspaper?....and even fewer here, but with all the mention of hospitals and ERs as of late, I’m just wondering how old we all are here. Just idle curiosity really....I’ll be 65 next month, anyone else care to volunteer their number?
Happy Birthday to Spitzboov and John, and greetings to all!
What a delightful, well executed theme. Thanks for the puzzle, C.C., and thanks for the thorough expo and for stepping in today, TTP. That potato peeling machine was quite interesting.
Glad you're okay, Bob Niles, and Argyle, you remain in my thoughts and prayers.
Enjoy the day!
I liked this puzzle. (I liked the puzzles of the last several days also.) I always like CC's work. Some terrific and idiomatic fill. Odd that so many of you had trouble with LENA, as Ms. Olin's name has been in so many puzzles. Like Hahtoolah, I see we prepared our potatoes differently today. Speaking of potatoes, LW fried up our leftover corned beef and potatoes to make some very nice homemade corned beef hash for breakfast on Sunday.
Congratulations and thank you, TTP; excellent write-up.
I'm glad your a-fib is being well managed, Bob Niles.
Happy birthday, Spitzboov. Ah, the big Eight-Oh. Like Lucina and Yellowrocks (and, I'm sure, others), I like and appreciate your comments. Also happy birthday wishes to John28Man.
Best wishes to you all.
AnonymousPVX, I'm 76, will be 77 in October, and feel not a day older than 70. Didn't get into crossword puzzles with any regularity until about 10 years ago when I stumbled upon the L.A. Times puzzle on line, had fun solving it, and then stumbled (I guess I used to stumble a lot 10 years ago; still do, as a matter of fact) upon this blog, after which I was hooked. Serendipity can be a good thing.
Got sidetracked looking for cakes,
had to walk my neighbors Siberian Husky.
Took her to the dog park, but it was so bitterly cold
no one else showed up.
Then I took my neighbors Dad (age 90) to the Shoprite
6 miles away so we could stock up for tomorrow.
We are expecting our fourth Nor'Easter in (I believe) 3 weeks.
10 inches predicted, with heavy wet snow and high winds.
Walking the dog tomorrow is not going to be so easy...
Looking for a SpitzBoov cake is hard-
these things keep popping up!
Happy Birthday Spitzboov!
And a Hapy Birthday to John28man
Had to research Hachi: A dog's Tale
For dog lovers,
(or if you need a good cry)
Here is the true story.
Here is the Trailer...
(& only if you want to save the Amazon $2.99 rental fee)
here is the movie final scene...
I think Lasse HallstrĂśm must really like dogs. He made three movies about them: the aforementioned Hachi: A Dog's Tale, A Dog's Purpose, and My Life as a Dog. By the way, he is married to LENA Olin.
Happy Birthday to John28man. Hope you are able to do something special today.
Jayce - I'm a fan of Lasse HallstrĂśm movies, too.
Forgot to wish John28Man a very Happy Birthday. đđđđđž Glad you still visit the blog.
Anonymous PVX, with a few exceptions, I think the age range of the regulars is 60-80+. PK, Jayce and I are the same age, give or take a few months.
The initials I had written in my notes were: KA ~ DW. Re-reading TTP's write-up reminded me of the comment I was going to make that I associate Kitchen Aid with Dishwashers, not ovens. Do they now make all major appliances?
CED ~ I got a chuckle out of all of those pictures. I'm sure Tin did, too.
Jayce, I saw and loved Hachi and "A Dog's Purpose" and I would agree LH is a dog lover. Another true canine tear-jerker is "Marley and Me"; I couldn't watch the ending because I had already cried enough reading the final chapters in the book. A great fictional dog love story is "The Art of Racing in the Rain."
Hi Y'all! Very clever puzzle, C.C., thank you. Of course, the IV words had to be vertical or they wouldn't DRIP and IV's being measured in cc's, very apt. Never-the-less, I found myself looking for some IV's in the horizontals. Duh!
TTP: thank you so much for being courageous enough to come to C.C.'s and our rescue. We need our daily blog "fix".
Last fill was the "D" in IMDB/DCV. I know we just had IMDB. I can't remember those initial things, I said so yesterday. As for DCV, I had no idea this was a Roman Numeral because I thought Seneca was a native American leader.
Only other paws in filling was for the unknown Japanese dog. Well, ISLIP didn't come easy either. I've heard of it but didn't know it was on Long Island.
Until this clue, I thought India Pale Ale was a brand name.
KitchenAid OVEN was a good clue for me. I've been looking at one online to replace my kaput microwave. I want to get my daughter to take me to the local store so I can measure the KitchenAid to see if it fits on my shelf. I need help carrying it in and installing. 20 yrs. ago I would have done it all myself.
Happy Birthday, Spitzboov! I enjoy your posts. I didn't mean to contradict you yesterday about the bedside phone. We went to see my brother once in the Cardiac ICU & his nurse marched out in a huff with his beside phone under her arm and his IPhone in hand. She also informed us that we could stay only 10 minutes in a very angry voice. He had been inundated with calls & visitors and was very ill. He recovered miraculously when we thought he would not. Spitz, also want to wish your dear wife good luck with her new hip surgery this weekend and a speedy recovery.
Happy Birthday, John! Nice to know you are still around and feeling better. I wondered yesterday when C.C. posted the BD.
Bob Niles, glad your IV's did their job. Hope it is the last time you have to have an ER experience of that magnitude.
We who are aging get so much health information here at the blog, it is a good deal.
Picard: about the turtles, I was wondering what kind those really "lumpy" turtles were. There was also a picture of something strange in the nursery segment. What was that monster? When I was in the Carolinas we saw a lot of turtles along the waterways by the side of the road, some stacked several deep, but didn't appear to be mating, just soaking up the sun. I wondered how the third one on top got up there without the whole stack toppling into the water from a log.
FLN - Thank you, Anon T.
I'm usually on my tablet and my index fingee doesn't right-click.
I'll have to try it when my wife is off the desktop.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Spitz and John.
TTP: Good job on the "Pinch Hitting" write-up.
C.C. Thank you for a FUN Tuesday puzzle. I enjoyed the IV theme.
Fave today, of course, was 52-a, PINA Colada ... I like RUM Drinks.
TTP Welcome to the helm. The wheel is yours!
C.C., thanks for today's workout. It proved fairly easy to fill - after i got over the NW hump. That corner stymied me, so I had to back into it before I could race to my ultimate Ta- DA!
Diagonal Report: Only the one main diagonal today (NW to SE). Because it was just the one, so singular, and because C.C. was the creator, I hoped that maybe - just maybe - it might contain a hidden message.
But no, alas. Unless an anagram of I'M TORN, DOLLY with three leftover consonants counts as a legit message.
I am thinking - not.
What a treat to have a CC puzzle and a debut blogger. TTP, you are off to a great start. Thanks for explaining things. I wondered what a Himom was, but it filled in okay.
C C, I thought some of the clues were new, or maybe just new-to-me. Have we had GENIUS BAR before? Or WENT LOW?
Happy days to Spitz and John. Enjoy. Get well, Argyle!
Picard @11:36, I'm not sure there are any unfair clues. A natick is just a natick. Someone always knows one or both of the words involved. Misdirection is fair in crosswords. My favorite today was "handheld cleaner". I just hold the soap when I clean my hands. Oh. That other kind of cleaner. MINI VACUUM! The "aha" moments are part of the fun.
AnonPVX -- I just turned 73: even though my mind says I'm still 17, my knees, biochemistry, and other appurtenances disagree.
In the days when the U.S. Army had KP (kitchen police) we used to joke that we all had a 'secondary MOS' [Military Occupational Specialty, or job code] of potato peeler ... some of us, "with ruffles and flourishes." (That's long gone now, as the Army has "DFacs" instead, dining facilities, staffed by civilians.)
Dear CED, you definitely 'take the cake'! Never dreamed there were so many different ways of making "Navy cakes," or of liking Akitas.
FYI, it looks like most of the area where M. Picard lives in Montecito is under mandatory evacuation. This is from this morning's L.A. Times, as the county emergency people are afraid that an incoming storm could cause flooding and mud damage equal to that of the recent January event.
Happy birthday! It's wonderful to see you posting again.
Last December I turned 80 but I've been solving crossword puzzles since I was 10 when my fourth grade teacher introduced me to them for our spelling lessons.
I also thought Pale Ale was a trademark.
Re. ESL, I would think xwords would be very helpful with the multiple meanings for English words. And, as I look over todays xword I can't find any .
And I recall recently mentioning Neitzche
My point was that he is equated with Nazism unfairly. And then a newspaper article from Monday makes the equating.
I don't have the link. TBTimes.
I'm 73 btw as is the aforementioned Misty
Oops. I meant to say Misty is my Neitzche authority.
PVX, I am 69 at the moment with 70 approaching this year.
I am afraid that C.C.'s choice of theme was prescient with all the illness that has beset the Corner. But I am living proof that we can recover - so Bob Niles, Argyle, Aaron, Alan Fermat and others, hang in and be strong.
I too loved the theme and the IV dripping.
Be well all.
Damn, of course I distracted myself- Happy birthday Spitz and John. And many more.
Wilbur Charles:
Many years ago I tried crosswords with adult ESL students but it was too confusing and frustrating for them. As we all know, crosswords require a depth of knowledge and a large vocabulary. Students new to English lack those attributes.
In teaching fourth grade it was a bit more successful because the puzzles were suited to their age and knowledge levels.
Hi All!
D'Oh! Two naticks for me today. LEsAS (yeah, Jayce, I should know) and INU xing and SHUmA xing iSlip (a banana-PEEL at the GENUS BAR?)
Thanks C.C. for this DRIP (in a good way :-)) of a puzzle; I really enjoyed the idioms.
TTP, thanks for stepping-UP when the BAT SIGNAL went out. Sparkly Expo - I really enjoyed how you threaded 'Escape' and that potato-PEELer; I usually don't peel mine, just wash, chop, cook OxfordCOMMA and eat.
WO - I started to go w/ CSI Miami as MIAMI VICE was from the '80s (Hahtoola - I L'dIU; 2006 Jammie Foxx movie), TEMPo
Fav: ANTIVIRUS xing USERS EMAIL... Time for the GENIUS BAR!*
{A} {cute, groan :-)}
Happy Birthday Spitz & John28. Spitz, I always enjoy your take; John28 - just 'cuz I'm 58th post doesn't stop me :-)
Fermat - is the metaphoric RAM you need more of?
BobNiles - wow! You took that in stride. Glad you're OK.
Roy - on your iThing try putting your finger on the link for a second, you should get a pop-up menu to "open in new tab."
CED - LOL the ringers of booze!
PVX - define young. At the corner, I'm among the 'young' comparatively. I do get the paper (have for >20 years) and started doing puzzles 15+ years ago. As a kid, I delivered the daily and read it after my route and learned the love of crosswords from Gramps. But, like Lucina said - I needed to be a certain age to get enough depth of knowledge to solve. I was born in '70 but don't mention it oft... - on the Internet no one knows you're a dog :-)
Cheers, -T
*because Antivirus, on the whole, sucks.
Lucina, not only ESL students. I often try to interest people I know in xwords but to little avail. Sometimes on a proper noun in the pop Culture arena I will ask.
And they will unabashedly go to Google. Some early week xwords would be good for beginners but not always.
Btw, a propos an earlier comment, I do love CC xwords because the tricky clues have workable perps.
-Just finished this fine puzzle after visiting this fabulous Phoenix attraction and watching the D-Backs play the California Angels. Our seats were in the direct 82F sun but I managed to find two unused seats in the shade and am now in the running for husband of the year.
-Our Phoenix tour included this incredible sight We then watched the Dodgers beat the A’s 3 – 1 in Camelback park they share with the White Sox.
-Thanks for the fine fill-in job TTP and Happy Birthday to our favorite sailor, Spitzboov.
-Home tomorrow.
I started doing crossword puzzles when I was 36. My next-door neighbors used to get the NY Times, and they let me do those. Used to take me all morning. I'll turn 70 in September. I don't feel this age. Well, I admit to creaky knees, not running as fast at tennis, one bunion which makes buying shoes harder. In SoCal we can wear flip flops most of the time, even when it rains (which it about to do) because then you don't ruin any real shoes. Feet can dry off pretty easily.
Everyone feel better, please, and stay as healthy as you possibly can!
PK @ 1526 - You were right in being concerned about hospital patient visiting or calling. Thanks for your good wishes for BH's upcoming surgery.
C. Moe @ 1040 - Recht vielen Dank fĂźr Ihre guten WĂźnsche.
And TTP, congrats on your debut. Great lead-in to today's blog.
Anon T, thanks for the Oxford Comma. My cup runneth over!!
Completed this lovely CW this morning but didn't get here until tonight. Thanks for the fun C.C. and TTP.
WEES by now but wanted to wish a Happy Birthday to Spitzboov and John28man.
Also, glad you are OK now Bob Niles.
Take care Picard.
Becky 7:52 pm: How nice to hear from you! Please stay on the blog--it's a wonderful community--I've been part of it for a decade, or so, I think. (I'm 73).
Thanks to each and everyone for your kind thoughts and praise, but...
It's a temporary gig until Argyle comes back. We should all hope that it's soon.
To wit, on a different thread, I responded with what I thought was the correct reveal to a solution. It was correct, but not complete.
Argyle explained the second layer that was not apparent.
Then it was DOH ! Why didn't I see that ?
We want Argyle back as soon as he is able.
TTP - Are you taking about the Kink in your expo? Don't get your hose in a bunch. Or is it the cute-ness that IVs DRIP'd their C.C.s down? I missed that too. No Worries mate! It made the after-party even more fun as folk called out the subtleties (and I'm sure they felt extra-smart about it :-)) and the layers added up. Thanks for hosting the after-solve party with links galore. Salute. -T
PK: Good questions about my TURTLE Dreams photos. I don't think I have an answer to any of them. It was fifteen years ago and I may not have known at the time. Yes, that is quite a mystery how turtles can stack up. I have seen that, too.
SwampCat: A Natick is fine if there are crosses that are reasonable. Misdirection is also fair. "Unfair" is when two Naticks cross. Yes, the goal of a good puzzle is to challenge creative thinking. Not to test for obscure knowledge. Learning moments are a bonus if crosses are fair.
Michael and CanadianEh: Thanks for your concern. Actually, we live near the University of California, Santa Barbara Campus. We are in a fairly safe area with regard to the rain that is falling now. This storm is expected to continue for a few days and will probably cause problems in areas all around where we live. Part of Montecito is already under mandatory evacuation.
No, Dash T, that discussion was off the premises of this venue. It was a few weeks ago, but typical of other sidebar exchanges. I would describe Argyle's style as clear and succinct. He nailed in a few words what I missed. WHOOSH ! Double DOH !
Time for beddy bye. See all y'all later n'at !
Lucina at 9:31 AM
Wrote "ESL students find idioms very difficult." When I was in PT school the landlord of my apartment was an older man from Vietnam. Each month he would bring the Playboy magazine, and ask me to explain what made the jokes funny. It was a pleasure helping him see,
WikWak at 10:06 AM
Wrote about Robocalls. I get the same one at least twice a day. "This your last chance to extend your car's warranty. Would you like to talk to an agent." I know better than to say "Yes." I do say something, and the call disconnects. BTW I have a 2000 Mazda Protege that I wish to sell. I am at a point where I should give up driving.
Picard at 11:36 AM
PIC P6130603.JPG shows 2 live frogs, and 1 plastic frog in a girl's hair. Please 'splain.
AnonymousPVX at 1:18 PM
Why do I feel like I am at yet another Dr,'s appt. "What's your date of birth?" May 3, 1944, and yes I am 73.
Anonymous at 7:52 PM
Becky, Please give yourself an Avatar name so we can know who is writing.
SwampCat at 8:46 PM
The way a-t wrote the "Oxford Comma" I thought it was another KitchenAid appliance, not the last comma in a series.
Whew, I though you would never stop posting.
D4 - but did you catch the iSLIP joke or (what I forgot to link) being a dog on the Internet? :-) -T
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