, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Our Past Bloggers


Sep 1, 2020

Our Past Bloggers

Here are the sherpas who used to guide us.

1) Al (2009 - 2010) - Thursday blog.

Al is a database administrator based in Green Bay, WI.

2) Marti  - Thursday blog 

Left to Right: Marti, Dudley, Hondo & Montana

 Marti is based in MA. She has her own company. She loves skiing.

 3) Splynter (2012 to 2018) - Saturday blog.- Rejoined on June 19, 2023.

 Splynter is based in NY. He loves hockey and music.

4) Argyle (2008 to 2019) - Monday and Tuesday

Spitzboov & Argyle
Argyle was our dear Santa. He passed away on April 30, 2018.

5) Steve (2012- 2020) - Thursday blog. Rejoined on June 16, 2023 for a few posts.

Steve and Jill, June 12, 2016
Tea at The Queen Mary

Steve is a Brit based in LA. Adventurous foodie. World traveler.

6) Lemonade (Jason) - Friday blog (2012-2023). His passion for crossword blogging is unrivaled.

Lemonade and his Wife Oo

 7) Boomer (2018-2022) - Monday blog. He blogged until he was too weak to use the keyboard.

Boomer & Tony Oliva

Boomer obit here.

Thank you for the hard work, guys!

C.C. & the Team

1 comment:

Lemonade714 said...

Thank you C.C. It is good to be remembered.