Themeless by Enrique Henestroza Anguiano

Here is what Enrique told me about this puzzle: I built this puzzle around A STRANGE LOOP, which is a musical I had recently seen on tour in San Francisco. I laughed, I cried, and I was moved by its perspective on the black gay experience and on an artist's creative process. Otherwise, something I got early feedback on with this puzzle is that it only has eight answers of 8+ length. I don't see that as a problem: I think answers of every length can be interesting and combine to create a fun overall experience, and not every themeless puzzle needs to try to tick the same boxes. I love the flow of this grid and how it came together with a low word count of 70. I hope you enjoy it too. :)
I've had some quick solves in the past few weeks, uh, this wasn't one of them. I had sporadic success in the upper part of the puzzle and only got a good foothold in the SW corner where that fill came quickly and then so did BREAST STROKE (C.C. is featured in this fill). It was upward and onward from there and I got a well-earned "got 'er done". A little humility is good for us all!
1. Trap: YAP - My first thought was NET but we've seen trap as a form of rap lately but this just turned out to be slang for mouth.
4. DOMS symptoms: ACHES ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I had no idea but I suspect this is a problem with New Year's resolutions about working out more often or at all.
14. Address on a business card: URL.
15. Go toe-to-toe: CLASH - Bragging about what you'll do to Mike Tyson can all go away when you're toe-to-toe with him
16. Engage in a numbers game?: HIT ON - I was thinking of gambling and trying to HIT ON a number but was not all that happy with that idea. So, I asked Enrique and he said his intent was HITTING ON someone and trying to get a phone number. 😀
17. Spy-fi org.: CIA.
18. Low member of a quartet: CELLO - The O in SHOULD gave me _ _ _ _ O and I went for a singing BASSO first.
18. Low member of a quartet: CELLO - The O in SHOULD gave me _ _ _ _ O and I went for a singing BASSO first.
19. Out: ALIBI.
20. Frying medium: CANOLA and 31. Frying medium: PALM OIL.
22. Like art with hazy provenance, perhaps: UNDATED.
24. Pulitzer- and Tony-winning musical whose cast consists of Usher and his Thoughts: A STRANGE LOOP - A seed entry for Enrique: An usher is the main character and has nothing to do with the singer. This usher is an aspiring black queer musical theater writer.
38. Home __: BREWS.
41. Soundproofing aids: CARPETS - BAFFLES filled in like a dream at _ A _ _ _ _ S but...
44. "Does this sound like a joke to you?": I'M DEAD SERIOUS.
47. Slowest competitive swimming style: BREASTSTROKE - C.C. was kind enough to share this video of her doing this stroke in October of 2023 when she was learning to swim.
50. Strike for an umpire?: BAD CALL - Angel Hernandez has consistently been rated as the worst umpire in MLB.
53. Gadgets in Yondr pouches: PHONES - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Yondr pouches are lockable bags that keep phones and other devices out of sight and out of reach. They are used in schools and at events to create phone-free spaces.
55. HS class for aspiring premeds, perhaps: AP BIO.
58. "That can be arranged": YES - Be careful what you ask for.
63. Mate's response?: I LOSE.
1. Joshua tree, e.g.: YUCCA.
2. Artistic displays at the Met: ARIAS - Opera singing is definitely an art
3. Like a diet rich in phytonutrients: PLANT BASED - Photo is the Greek word for plant
4. Applaud: ACCLAIM.
5. Social media hashtag for nourishing one's inner neatnik: CLEAN TOK - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
TikTok videos with the hashtag #CleanTok have more than 150 billion views, with influencers broadcasting themselves scrubbing their sinks, descaling their dishwashers, and using increasingly bizarre and extreme methods to make their homes shine.
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HAL is in the middle row on the left |
8. "Auld Lang Syne" opener: SHOULD.
9. Mysterious: SHADOWY.
10. Warmwater fish: TILAPIA.
11. Working hard: AT IT.
12. Wrap after a spa treatment: ROBE.
13. "Wednesday" werewolf: ENID ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
21. Voiced: ORAL.
23. Refusals: NOS.
25. Result of crunch time?: GAIN - I told Enrique that I thought that meant a GAIN of muscle from doing ab crunches and Enrique said I was right. He thought it was funny when I told him that might cause some Delayed Onset Muscle Aches (4. Across)
26. Interweaves: ENLACES.
28. "Don't even try to pin the blame elsewhere": THAT'S ON YOU.
29. Female whales: COWS.
30. Know-__: HOW.
31. Do for a while?: PERM - They call it a permanent even though it is temporary. 😀
33. Softball stat: RBI.
35. Roller on a golf course: CART 😀
36. Word in some crunchy cereal names: KRISPIES - Packaging over 90 years
42. Cause of a bumpy ride: POTHOLE.
43. Nice bit of cash?: EURO - A crossword device using Nice as a city on the French Riviera
45. Drag queen Bianca __ Rio: DEL - We've had this name before
46. Charcuterie slice: SALAMI.
48. Doesn't spoil: KEEPS - Clarence Birdseye saw Inuit people quickly freeze fish they caught to preserve them and brought this flash freezing idea to America so food could KEEP much longer.