Today we celebrate National Birding Day. If you ever have an opportunity to be in my part of the country this time of year, you should make an effort to see the annual migration of Sandhill Cranes as they rest in the Platte River on their way north. This picture on the front page of the Omaha World Herald last Saturday shows over 600,000 cranes as they roosted last week in central Nebraska. I personally dislike the overuse of the word awesome, but I will tell you the incredible sight and deafening sound of these majestic birds is awesome and will make a lasting impression on you.
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Brian Paquin |
Let's take wing and see what Brian has for us today.
1. Risk evaluation: ODDS - So don't risk too many $$ on that Mega Millions Jackpot
5. High points on a European itinerary: ALPS.
9. Tennis stroke: LOB - A beautiful LOB against an aggressive opponent
12. The Platters' genre: DOO WOP - Their best?
15. "Don't tell anyone!": NOT A SOUL
17. Creator of the language Newspeak: ORWELL - Don't say taxes, say revenue enhancements
18. Act sycophantically with: KISS UP TO - On the first episode of Grey's Anatomy, Dr. Bailey said, "Don't bother sucking up to me, I hate you already!"
19. Psychological attempts at one-upmanship: MIND GAMES.
21. Chicago critic: EBERT - He called The Da Vinci Code book preposterous and the movie preposterously entertaining.
22. Sailor's bit of obedience: AYE AYE - Do Hispanic sailors say this?
23. JFK but not LAX: PRES - This airport became JFK International 15 years later
24. Internet initialism: IMO - "Reporters" often omit that this is In My Opinion
26. Head of Britain?: LOO - Can't fool a cwd veteran
28. Part of a flooring metaphor: PEDAL TO THE METAL - CB lingo also includes "Put the hammer down"

37. Good way to wrap things up: ON A POSITIVE NOTE - For our just past winter
38. Reasons for Word getting around?: SOFTWARE PIRATES - Microsoft Word has seen more pirates than the Barbary Coast or Penzance
39. Belief system: ISM.
40. Sch. paper: RPT - Reading/grading 8th grade RePorTs can be agonizing
41. Naval post: MAST - I had to get off the HELM first
49. Opposite of mouthed: ALOUD.

51. "Six Feet Under" occupation: MORTICIAN - An HBO series
54. #80 on AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movie Quotes: YO ADRIAN
56. Make possible: ENABLE -
57. With a #2, say: IN PENCIL - Last Saturday was National Pencil Day!
58. "Feel So High" R&B artist: DES'REE - Here 'ya go
59. Classic two-seated roadsters: MGS.

1. Tony winner Leslie __ Jr.: ODOM - Here 'ya go
2. Andrea __: ill-fated vessel: DORIA.
3. Snuggle competitor: DOWNY.
4. Nobel, for one: SWEDE
5. Huber of tennis: ANKE - Here 'ya go
6. Perry's ambitious reporter: LOIS - Even I'm too young to remember these 1948 Superman movie serials featuring Perry White, Clark Kent/Superman, LOIS Lane and Jimmy Olson. Noel Neil who played LOIS here would reprise that role on the TV Superman series
7. Scoring nos.: PTS- Wilt Chamberlain is the only NBA player to score 100 PTS in one game
8. Mailer in a mailer, briefly: SASE - You can facilitate an RSVP by enclosing an SASE
9. Graceful runner: LOPER - The University Of Nebraska at Kearney shortened its Antelope mascot to get this
10. Eccentric: OUTRE.
11. Record spoilers: BLOTS - A single BLOT on their record can doom a politician
13. Contemporary of Nadia: OLGA - Nadi Comăneci's contemporary OLGA (Korbut) invented the OLGA Flip and it has been outlawed because it is so dangerous
14. Start of #28 on AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movie Quotes: PLAY IT SAM - Our cwd friend Ilsa did say, "PLAY IT ONCE, SAM" but nobody said AGAIN in this phrase
16. Order in the court: SUBPOENA - A fun one
20. Work involving recall: MEMOIR
25. Badger relative: OTTER.
26. Rose magically: LEVITATED - The secret to LEVITATED street performers
27. Seven-week period in Judaism that begins during Passover: OMER - More
28. Terminal type: Abbr.: POS - When jump starting a car, the red cable is usually connected from the POSitive terminal of one battery to the POSitve terminal of the other
29. Antacid brand since the 1800s: ENO - New to me.
30. Agency under the Secy. of Defense: DAF - Department of the Air Force
31. Talent: APTITUDE
32. Tough times: LOWS - True love is sticking with each other during these
33. More with it: HIPPER - Dads can fail miserably at trying to be this
34. Deep-fried snack, familiarly: TOT 35. Polished off: ATE - No problem!
36. Argonne article: LES - LES filles sont belles (* translation at the bottom)
41. Actress __ Bialik of "The Big Bang Theory": MAYIM 42. During: ALONG - ALONG with playing a scientist she actually is one
47. Heavenly scales: LIBRA - Now abandoning science...
45. __ wave: SINE - For us math/science peeps
46. Bitcoin, e.g.: E-CASH - A 2-minute video
48. Retail draws: SALES
50. First in a long series of movies: DR NO - The producers cast relatively unknown Sean Connery as James Bond because Cary Grant would not commit to a series of these films
51. Severely injure: MAIM - MAIM and MYIAM in the same puzzle
52. __ child: ONLY
53. Former Nair competitor: NEET - Cwd coin flips
55. I, in Erfurt: ICH - For some reason, this phrase has stuck with me since I learned it
Before you move on to comment on National Birding Day, I'd love it if you could tell me some way to get rid of grackles that clutter up our feeders from now until July 4th.
* Translation: The girls are beautiful (supplied by my granddaughter who is getting a double major, one of which is in French)
A crossword puzzle should be done IN PENCIL
Else ink BLOTS make the paper reprehensi-
ble. But working online
Is perfectly fine,
And who can see write-overs? Just you and the fence'll!
George ORWELL loved playing MIND GAMES.
Just a straight-forward story was too tame!
His book would display
A future, OUTRE --
Too much today is the same!
Thank you Brain E Paquin for this challenging Saturday CW. I FIR in 67:19 min.
Thank you Husker Gary for your excellent, informative review.
Good morning!
Challenging, but do-able. That's what Saturday puzzles are supposed to be, and this one fit the bill nicely. The NE was the toughest. With AN_E in place, I wagged ANNE Huber, and with NOT A ____ I wagged WORD. Thank you, Wite-Out. Trying to think of that 7-week period, OMERta came to mind -- not the same thing. Nice to see a new clue for ENO, which I will forget by noon. Looked sideways at DAF, but let it stand. Thanx, Brian and Husker.
"OH MY" -- Evoked George Takei.
MORTICIAN -- CSO to my dad. He operated two funeral homes, and asked me if I wanted to run them when he retired. I passed.
It's nice to be back in the LA Times, and nice to visit this blog again.
This puzzle is the last of my older ones, and I still used loads of proper names at the time. The next puzzle is noticeably different.
Clues are always heavily edited, usually for the better. Here are a few that I had hoped would stay:
28A PEDALTOTHEMETAL Road warrior's rhyme
51A MORTICIAN Exit strategist? (but maybe that one has been done to death already?)
The movie line clues at 14D and 54A don't give much away, but that is Saturday puzzles for you.
Anyone notice a duplication in the grid? I only saw it yesterday when I looked it over.
Good Morning:
This took an inordinately long time to complete, but complete it I did, w/o help. The middle grid-spanning stacks were slow in filling in but, eventually, they made sense. The NE corner (Hi, DO) was my nemesis, mainly because I was so confident that Not a Word was correct. There were several unknowns that held me up, as well: Omer, Eno, DAF, Sine, Anke, Dr No, and Des Ree. The only other w/o was Among/Along. I guessed early on with the movie quotes and was right. Oh, I just remembered another faux pas: my Serial guilty pleasures for many was Chips! (Hi, oc4beach) not Soaps. I thought much of the fill was fresh and lively.
Thanks, Brian, for a difficult but doable solve and for stopping by. I like your Road Warriors's Rhyme clue a lot. Thanks, HG, for the always delightful and detailed summary. Before I clicked on the Platters video, I guessed the song would be Twilight Time or My Prayer but they had so many great hits, it would be hard to pick any one favorite. Their music and style brings back memories of more carefree and gentler times.
Hondo, sorry to hear your Lady Huskies lost.
We had an inch of snow yesterday. 😔
Have a great day.
I've drastically reduced the number of grackles (and squirrels) at my feeders by using only safflower seed in feeders with weight sensitive perches and I still get all my desirable birds. Good luck!
A SUBPOENA is not an order in the court; it’s an order from the court.
Olga and Nadia were not exactly contemporaries; they were born 6½ years apart, and competed in different Olympics.
Even stuff spoken ALOUD is “mouthed.” How ‘bout “Not mimed” for a clue?
“During” = ALONG? No. Foul.
What does the apostrophe stand for in “Here ‘ya go”?
Good puzzle, but, during does not mean along
Good morning, folks.
Jinx: I caught your color code comment yesterday, just for got to respond. Yes, I will never forget that. We also had the installer's Prayer: Now I lay me down to sleep
With 402 cable at my feet.
If I should die before I wake.
Blue, Orange, Green, Brown, Slate
Catch you later in the day. I have not done the puzzle yet. Off to Joliet for the day.
( )
>A SUBPOENA is not an order in the court; it’s an order from the court.
I submitted "from". I plead innocent
>Olga and Nadia were not exactly contemporaries; they were born 6½ years apart, and competed in different Olympics.
I submitted '"Russian Tigress" Baclanova'. Which is pretty obscure. But I thought that the Korbut reference had been overused.
Even stuff spoken ALOUD is “mouthed.” How ‘bout “Not mimed” for a clue?
I submitted "audibly"
“During” = ALONG? No. Foul.
>I submitted "Lengthwise"
Abejo, Earl Pickles had his own version of the same prayer which he taught to his grandson:
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If he hollers, let him go
Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe.
Are just a bit too sensitive, Brian? Relax. It’s all in good fun. One complainer does not spoil the fun for the rest of us.
>Are just a bit too sensitive, Brian?
Probably...just getting things on the record for the court.
Good morning everyone.
Nice intro from HG.
Brian, thanks for stopping by to clarify things. Interesting.
Had trouble with the middle, but enjoyed the challenge. Always learn from the lesser obvious clues.
LOPER - L. German Löper, German Läuper. Comes from the verb lopen, laufen, respectively. In German it can mean to run or to walk. Context governs. As a kid, I would hear "Loop nie so gau." (Don't walk (or run) so fast.)
LES Misérables - My French for today.
Father Mulcahy: "Now I lay me down to sleep, a bag of peanuts at my feet. If I should die before I wake, give them to my brother Jake."
Duplication on the grid?
Only thing I saw was AyeAye...
Hi Y'all! Very interesting puzzle, Brian. Tough but eventually got 'er done! (With several red-letter runs.) Also enjoyed your comments here. We're used to Rich coming up with harder clues. Liked yours better except for the gymnast.
Great expo, Gary! I've seen the Sandhill Crane migration spectacular on the Platte! Very memorable day with friends. I used to know it was spring when I'd hear the Sandhills' distinctive cry as they flew over while I hung sheets on my clothesline on the farm.
Forgot the "B" in SUBPOENA. Kept trying different letters. Thought it was double-P. I read lots of lawyer/court novels and SUBPOENAs have been in the news a lot lately. You'd think I'd be able to remember how to spell it.
DNK: OMER, MAYIM (speaking of whom, wonder if the acting gig pays better than the science?)
Boy, do I know about battery terminals with having to hook mine up to the charger often. Did I think of that? Nope. I tried "bus" and "end" (of life). ESP
From yesterday: a belated Happy Birthday to our friends Agnes & Abejo. (I didn't get to the Corner until well after midnight.)
Agnes: I could just empathize with your terror at having those night-time "gentlemen callers" a/k/a cops. I'm just glad they didn't shoot you by mistake as has been happening too often lately. So sorry about your sister Anne. Prayers for both of you.
FLN: Jinx, thank you for your kind words. Made my day (er, night).
Good Morning.
Thanks, Brian for a doable toughie. I was really slow in the middle after becoming over confident with ODDS and ALPS up front. I stumbled so wanting some sort of house flooring.
Duh! Stumbled on TOTs. I forget they are fried, since I always baked them for the kids. Thanks for stopping by also.
Nicely done, Gary. Thank you. I see some sandhills, but never that many. The flyway here tends to be a little northwest of me. I see them a lot at my daughter's house. Still not as many as your photo. My son-law does a perfect call. One of these days they're going to think he's inviting them for lunch. Last year I saw a loner in the Cook County Forest Preserve near my house. Shocking to me. I hope he made it back South. I took a picture, but it was pretty blurry. I stayed too far away as I didn't want to frighten it.
OMK: Hope your knee is feeling better.
Lucina: from Monday--I do pay my bills electronically, but I don't allow the biller to be in charge so I pay them through my bank. I deduct all my regular bills for the month on the first even if I don't send them off until later. It's probably busy work, but it makes me feel like I'm in charge. I also check my credit cards very frequently to make sure nothing unusual is going on.
We are still experiencing a few hovering clouds after a foggy morning, but the sun is to arrive soon. Better late than never. I hope it's sunny for you. IM, you'll need the sun to met that snow!!
Oops! Belated Birthday wishes to Abeyo and Irish Miss!!!
I see a hint of duplication with POS crossing ON A POSITIVE NOTE.
Tough, but almost doable. Loved it. Half way through I had one red letter which I quickly corrected. Then I had a Natick, not solved with an ABC run, MA-im and -O ADRIAN. Peeking gave my the Y and YO Adrian gave me the A for SOAP. I don't watch soaps and so didn't think of them as pleasures. Fun puzzle, but could have done without the AFI 100 year quotes, even though I got PLAY IT SAM with only a few perps.
DO @ 7:20, so you passed? Luckily you were reincarnated as a nice guy. LOL Speaking of morticians brought this sense of passed to mind.
Have a nice day.
The duplication I mentioned was indeed
Some editors would have me run out of town for that. Except that POS can be clued as PostOfficeS, which fixes the problem.
SUBPOENA has a simple definition:
SUB means below.
POENA is a latin reference to the penis ...
Therefore SUBPOENA means "They got you by the balls"
National Birding Day? I think Brian shot the "bird" at me today. The top and SE fell easily but the spanners were the stumpers. I got DESREE & ODOM by perps but have never heard of ENO, ONER, DAF, or MAYIM. I tried USN(avy) & USA(rmy) but I think it's USAF, not DAF. But it's a DNF today.
Microsoft Office 365? I'm still using Office Professional 1998 and for my purposes it works fine. I still have the disk and I can use Word if I start the program but every time somebody sends something in WORD, it won't open. So I forward it to my gmail and Google Drive opens it. Ditto for EXCEL.
We saw the cranes near Kearney about 10 years ago - you're right, as overworked as it is, awsome is the only word to describe that sight.
I gave up on Microsoft Office when I was forced to switch from Windows XP to W10. I've been using download-for-free Libre Office for several years. Out of guilt, I make an annual contribution to their foundation.
Wow, this was a tough - but fair - Saturday puzzle.
Right off, if ENO has been around since the 1800’s then they desperately need a new ad agency or campaign....I’m going to be 66 in a couple weeks, have never heard of it ever.
HH...the Lady Huskies....when Katie Lou missed the easiest shot in her career, the easy put in right under the basket, then lost the rebound and ND went down and shot the was a 5 point swing, and they never recovered from that. They missed too many of those shots right under the basket. They made it look easy in the 1st Q and never kept up that pace.
Have a great weekend.
-Thanks for the puzzle and input, Brian. Nits are in season and we have plenty of people picking them.
-Every school where I have taught has, uh, supplied me with a personal copy of Office
-I used to teach a course called Office For Educators using Office ’93 which would still work today
-80˚F today, snow in two days!
-Jessica Shepherd from here in Fremont, NE had 30 PTS for the lady Irish last night. She left the Husker program after two years.
Hi All!
Chalk it up to a "learning-day." I needed HG's help to get started and fix NOT A word crossing Crazy [Eccentric - a word for rich crazy people].
Thanks Brian for the grid and stopping by The Corner w/ some inside-baseball. It took a few peeks at HG's grid to keep-playing [in ink, in the paper].
Thanks HG for some WOs providing extra-play. Wonderful expo.
WOs: [see above] plus Lane b/f LOIS.
ESPs: Not many 'cuz I cheated a bit [ENO, DAF, OMER] and 2x-checked w/ HG before filling LOO [Bee also "heads" Britian].
Fav: ORWELL; prescient...
{A, A}
D-O: "Oh, My" has become Takei's brand on-line. A real Libre Office user in the wild? - I'm impressed [have it on my Linux box].
YR - Mayim on Wait, Wait explains acting got her health insurance.
Welp, I gotta get a nap as DW got us tickets to The Wier for tonight.
Cheers, -T
On top of a miraculous FIR(I hope) Gary comes out of the box with one of my all time favs, Only You.
The Outlook wasn't brilliant for the Wilbur brain this day...
30 minutes and the horror of a DNF staring me.. lots of wasted ink although looking back not so much
Whaddya mean not science. I've always liked Magenta
I just finished saying "If it's nae ink it's nae Xword"
Richie Hebner of the 70s Pirates dug graves in the off season
Brian P., I got the METAL and still was looking for something to stand on.
I too had WORD +* SOUL and CHIPS
We love the outdoor birds but having lost our crimson** bellied conure we purchased a GCC***
Oops, time for church
Posting. I'll explain footnotes later
Nailed it...and shot 75 this morning. Off to find a bar stool with my name on it!
As a native Nebraskan and one who has seen the Sandhills Crane migration at least a dozen times, I'd add a hearty second to Gary's suggestion. And add emphasis. It's a bucket list item that people from around the world make the trek to see. And it's worth it.
But there is a "light" version that's also worthwhile. This past January we visited our son in Sacramento and saw their local version at the overwinter grounds, about 35-40 miles south of the city. The numbers aren't nearly as large overall (perhaps 30,000), but the sound is the same, and that's the most unforgettable aspect of the experience. And it had a bonus we'd never seen at home. We arrived a half hour - hour before sundown. The noise didn't rise to the level of cacophony, but it was the same. There were also a lot of other birds in attendance, including thousands of swans. We soaked it all in, and waited until the tail end of dusk (side bar, this, was on January 19, 2 days before a full supermoon, so the sky was well lit.) Just as the last rays of day were fading, there was an enormous flight of Cranes arriving from the north. There had to be at least 10,000 birds in that one flock. Our group of 6 watched for at least 5 minutes, and not a word was spoken. It was....well....awesome! So, if anyone in the Bay area or nearby wants to get some idea of what it's like to see the migration without the travel, check out your local version and you'll have a pretty good feel for it.
I loved this puzzle, except for DAF, since I served in the USAF, a branch of the Armed Forces or Armed Services if you will, but definitely not an Agency. I also have to say I liked your original submissions, Brian, far better than Rich's "improvements." Sometimes I wonder why he sticks his meat-hooks into a puzzle; I think it's a control thing.
Owen, I loved your verses today.
Tinbeni, excellent!
Good wishes to you all.
P.S. I looked it up; there is the "Department of the Air Force" under the Department of Defense. See
The best known "Agency" in the Department of Defense is the good ole NSA.
* +=< To avoid http
** Green Cheek Conure
Mme Defarge ~
Thank you for the kind wishes. My knee is (knock wood!) feeling much better. I'm pretty sure part of my cure was the good advice I rec'd here on the Corner about using the crutch on the opposite side to my injury.
I hobbled around on the crutch leaning left (opposite my sore right knee), then graduated to a cane, and now I can manage short distances w/o any aid!
An appropriately difficult puzz today. Hard to do w/o looking up the AFI quotes. But they were fun to read. (My very favorite is "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.")
Jayce ~
I'm with you. Didn't like DAF. Maybe it's OK on a technicality. But I think it's akin to my wife's objection to thinking of the Marines as a branch of the US Navy. (She was born and raised on Marine bases; her dad was a lifer.)
DR: One nearside diagonal.
An antiquated anagram! It refers to an oldtime Lothario, one of those handsy creeps who used to chase skirts and ...
I did manage to FIR. I think SUBPOENA has a dipthong in the penis oops I mean poena, Tin has me going.
These always seem easy when complete.
Nits? The above has to be IN the court to be FROM the court. Also for PtoM I really liked the clue.
I'd been hoping for a CC Saturday but Brian had a very entertaining XW
I'm very late to the party today. Parts of this puzzle were a slog for me; no offense meant, Brian, my brain was simply on a slow gear. I got the NW corner quickly, The SW corner, too and the SE but the NE gave me fits as did the long center spans. PEDAL TO THE METAL came to me early, though.
Not knowing ANKE slowed me considerably so I LIU and that cleared things then changed NOTAWORD to NOTASOUL. LOPER also held me up since I was looking for something specific like an animal.
In the end I DNF it right. SOFTWARE completely escaped me but by then I was too tired to think.
I also noticed that POS and POSITIVE were repetitive.
MORTICIAN made me chuckle. One of my friends was one before he became a priest and he knows some grave humor. Pun intended. He sometimes travels with us and keeps us in stitches.
Couldn't we say that Nadia and OLGA are contemporaries because they live in the same time period?
Thank you, Brian and Gary. Today was not a triumph for me but I enjoyed it anyway.
I hope your day has been joyous, everyone!
PVX, I am 70 and never heard of ENO. Do I hear 75?
I am very sorry Jessica Sheperd transferred...
Thanks to all for the comments. They are all very useful, positive and negative.
DAF was just an unavoidable entry. I clued it in reference to the European vehicle brand, which is as bad as anything else. I wish that a clue like "The answer is DAF" would be acceptable when there is no good choice.
I'm 81 and have never heard of ENO.
Brian, most constructors never appear and those that do don't stay long. Thank you for staying with us. I appreciated all your comments and am an ardent admirer of constructors. Your is a complex job and we solvers enjoy the fruits of your labor.
That view of the cranes is impressive! It's certainly worth a trip to see them.
In my 74 years i never heard of ENO . Most antacids are rantidine. Aloe vera may help .
In my 81 years I never heard of ENO. Since it was developed in the London area, I wonder if is primarily a Brit thing.
I didn’t do the puzzle but came along for the ride ...
Brian, the Constructor ::::
you tried very hard and you seem to be a constructor who really cares .... and I hope you got some tips ... but you shouldn’t have to care THAT much !!!!
Take it easy and let it go.... you tried your best and most of these people ( and these are probably the best there are - ) were generally very appreciative !!!
I would also agree whole heartedly with Lucina’s feelings.
I know of ENO better than Alka Seltzer ... because I am Indian and familiar with British proprietary meficines like Dettol etc. ENO is fifty- fifty % Sodium bicarbonate - baking soda and fifty % Citric Acid for effervescence. Unlike Alka, it has no aspirin component. I generslly use it as a yeast substitute, for baking, rather than as a patent medicine. (!) ( I generslly don’t suffer from indigestion).
Have s nice day all.
I thank Brian for revealing the critical role of the editor in the final cwd construction. Perhaps they should be cited on the title line so they can bask in our esteem or feel our ire. As a newbie I don't usually do Saturdays. But the NE corner sucked me in and once I unraveled the middle the rest came quickly. My only lkup was Dr Bialik's first name. I'm not a Big Banger.
Spitzboov Wilbur Charles, Lucina, Lemonade and everybody else who had never heard of ENO. Neither have I.
Wilbur- most antacids are NOT ranitidine (aka Zantac). They are usually Calcium Carbonate (Tums & Rolaids), Aluminum-magnesium Hydroxide (Maalox), Sodium Bicarbonate ( baking soda). Zantac & Tagamet work after the fact and Pepcid, Prevacid, Prilosec, and Nexium (proton pump inhibitors) control the production of stomach acid.
I hadn't heard of ENO and I managed a wholesale drug company and was the buyer for 28 years. So it is definitely not an in demand item. I started in the warehouse in 1970, so I go back 49 years when it comes to pharmaceuticals and OTC items.
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