Today we celebrate that lovely "fruit of the vine" - National Wine Day.
Wine provides us so many cwd fills like TUN, CRU, OENO, PORT, ASTI, SEC, ROSE', NAPA, etc.
It also can be employed as a welcome reward in solving or for drowning one's sorrows for not solving. Hmmm... what vintage goes best with a Saturday Themeless Puzzle?
Our constructor today is Daniel Nierenberg who is working on his PhD in molecular biology, Info on Daniel (Click on Read More). The empty cell you see below at 43 across/33 down shows you the location of my only error. DELORES seemed like a fine Cranberry to me and NAXES worked as well for an emery-rich Greek island. Buzz! Sorry, we were looking for an O. Thanks for playing Gary, we have some lovely parting gifts for you.
43. The Cranberries vocalist O'Riordan: DOLORES - A now deceased lead singer for this group who was born in Ballybricken, Caherelly, Ireland in the east end of Limerick County
33. Greek island known for emery: NAXOS - The island of NAXOS is the red dot from where these emery rocks were taken
![]() |
Island of NAXOS Emery rocks from this island |
Let's see what else Daniel has prepared for us in his puzzle lab today:
1. Golden __: RICE - Yeah right, I'm the only one who had _ _ _ E and put in RULE. Why this GMO rice is controversial
5. Soreness treatment: HEATING PAD - Ice first
15. Russian region rich in minerals: URAL - Nickel oxide, gold, platinum, chromite, coal , bauxite, talc, fireclay, etc. Probably no emery
16. Marketeer in the 2016 film "War Dogs": ARMS DEALER - Movie trailer
17. It's to be expected: NORM.
18. Baroque chamber work: TRIO SONATA - J.S. Bach and his son C.G.E. Bach wrote many of these for usually two violins and a bass
20. Solo on-screen: HAN - Wanna go trick or treating?
21. Epithet for Tim: TINY.
22. Attended to barking dogs?: SAT - How sore feet became known as barking dogs
23. Bump-related: NODAL - NODAL corn root development as a function of planting depth
27. "One Time 4 Your Mind" rapper: NAS
28. One may have its own tartan design: CLAN - Not just a SCOT
30. Adobe creation: ACROBAT.
32. Sitcom shoe salesman: AL BUNDY - Ed O'Neill as AL BUNDY and later as Jay Pritchett
34. Fauvism pioneer: MATISSE - Named for les FAUVES (French for wild beasts) Read all about it
38. Lively dances in duple time: POLKAS - 96-yr-old MIL can still POLKA!
39. Lusters: SHEENS.
40. Test involving reading letters: EYE EXAM - No kids, 20/200 is very bad vision! It means you need to be 20' away to see what a normal eye can see 200' away.
42. Considers closely: PEERS AT - See above
45. Trilogy, often: SAGA.
46. Super __: PAC
49. Meal involving charoseth, a symbolic fruit paste: SEDER - A good bet for a cwd meal with five letters
50. Silent welcomer?: MAT - Ours
51. Narrow shore point: SPIT - Here are several
55. Drought-stricken: SERE - An old cwd friend
56. Place with flexible classes: YOGA STUDIO
60. Get around?: COIL - The modus operandi for a Boa Constrictor

62. "Radames' Letter" musical: AIDA - From Rice and Weber's broadway musical AIDA
63. Film genre named for a supporting performer: HORSE OPERA - Clever cluing for slang indicating Western Movies
64. Went like the wind?: BLEW.
1. Online role-playing game involving magical stones: RUNE SCAPE - Guiness recognizes it as the largest MMORPG (Massively Muliplayer Online Role Playing Game). I wonder if a player can 41. Change, briefly, as game software: MOD (modify) the game
2. Steel, for one: IRON ALLOY.
3. Bridge site: CARD TABLE - Also fun cluing
4. Saint in a Brat Pack title: ELMO - Meh...
5. Old ownership word: HATH - 30 days HATH September...
6. Misjudgment: ERRANCY
7. Key with all white notes: A MINOR - No sharps or flats in the key signature
8. Chicken general: TSO - All you need to know
9. Lab coat attachments: ID'S - Dr. Frankenstein probably didn't wear one
10. "The Matrix" hero: NEO - The producer wanted Sandra Bullock for the role but she declined and Keanu Reeves got the part
11. Thomas Wolfe alter ego Eugene: GANT - More
12. Bagel choice: PLAIN - ONION BAGEL was in our "OB-themed" Monday puzzle
13. Insurance giant: AETNA.
14. Horse-drawn wagons: DRAYS - Wagons for heavy loads usually without sides
24. Abbey title: DOM - On this Wine Day, what could be more appropriate than to mention the fine champagne developed by the Benedictine monk named Pierre Pérignon in the Champagne region of France who was a DOM in the Abbey of Hautvillers
42. Water in a green bottle: PERRIER - Another French drink but from the Gard region of France
25. Humiliates: ABASES.
26. Metal-working tool: LATHE.
29. Heated quickly: NUKED - My popcorn is NUKED in the microwave
30. Certain agency goal: AD SALE - Mad Men showed this so well
31. Levels: TIERS.
35. Cooking agent in some Indian cuisine: SESAME OIL - We would not have all the ingredients in our cupboard for this Chatpatta Channa and Potato Salad
36. Hitchhike successfully: SNAG A RIDE - Not from me I'm afraid
37. Attorney's specialty: ESTATE LAW - They are supposed to solve heir problems
44. Text file with instructions: READ ME - Uh, probably not gonna...
46. "Fooled you!": PSYCH.
47. Ohno on skates: APOLO - Most medals won by an American winter olympian
48. Relaxing smoke for some: CIGAR - Elaine and Jerry relax
52. Shooting marbles: TAWS - A shooter TAW among target marbles
54. __ song: FOR A
55. Sign of healing: SCAB.
57. Goose, e.g.: SHE - What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander
58. Asian path: TAO.
59. One making calls at home: UMP - There are those who want to use technology to take away some of those calls
On a personal note, celebrating with wine in late May is/was a tradition in my former profession. Some of the kids were even as excited as we teachers were to head out for summer. 😙
So I know that you know there is a GOLDEN RICE rule for treating those BARKING DOGS.
Of course, there are detractors and variations.
FIWromg. A WAG at a natick ruined it for me, tho considering how many WAGs I used, I suppose only one was still pretty good. NAXeS + DeLORES.
A fugitive's attempt to RUN, ESCAPE
May make an on-line game about fate.
Add some power gems in
For a savvy magician
And you might get a game like RUNE'S CAPE!
Should her movie plots often employ
Irony, well, that's just Myrna's ploy.
IRON ALLOY in her manner
Showed her STEELY banner,
That immortal actress, the IRONAL LOY!
Could an automobile get too drunk
On ethanol? The whole idea's junk!
Could it be as unstable
As a rickety CARD TABLE?
No, any CAR D.T.-ABLE is bunk!
{B, B, B+.}
Good morning. Thank you Daniel and Husker Gary. Good stuff all around !
The unfilled grid looked daunting.
Did not know RUNE SCAPE, and had to correct 4 answers to get it. Had RULE before RICE, SCOT before CLAN, ED BUNDY before AL BUNDY, and EYE TEST before EYE EXAM.
Thought I had the puzzle solved. Same error. DeLORES / NAXeS.
Interesting article on Golden Rice.
The Story of the Newspaper Prop Used in Different Movies for Over 50 Years
Good morning!
Lotsa crunch in this one. Wanted Golden AGER. Bzzzzt! I proudly entered C MAJOR. Bzzzzt! Followed by ONION bagel. Bzzzzt! Not familiar with Golden RICE, but with _ICE, L and R appeared to be the only reasonable first letters. LUNESCAPE would work, but LICE isn't particularly breakfast-friendly, so I went with the R. Whew! CSO to Spitz with CARD TABLE, and an almost CSO with SPIT. This one felt a lot like a Saturday Silky -- that's a compliment, Daniel. Enjoyed the tour, Husker.
Velly intellesting article, TTP.
One of the certainties in life is that I will learn something on a Saturday with Gary providing the tour. Today it has taken much longer to follow the links than to solve a comparatively easy Saturday. I was benefitted by studying Latin where I learned DOLOR the etymology of the name os the appropriately christened DOLORES RIORDAN. Not a name I would give a daughter. I lucked out with NAXOS one of the locations where my oldest went during his time in graduate school.
I never heard of RUNE SCAPES nor did the term FAUVISM ring any bells. The word MARKETEER rang hollow, but I now understand the distinction. I like the recipe Gary chose for CHAROSETH which is always made with wine in my experience, but since I developed an allergy to apples I do not get to eat. My boys now make a little with just the apple left out for me.
ESTATE LAW is such a comprehensive term including Estate Planning, Probate and Real Estate Law which is what takes up most of my time in the work I do for my Mayor/attorney boss.
I really appreciated the history of BARKING DOGS and the magic of the real FAKE NEWS with the Ed O'Neill pics and TTP supplying the "rest of the story."
No rain for 10 days, sunshine and breezy. Be safe all
Hi Y'all! Groan! Lots of snow piled up in the north after first pass thru. But thanks, Daniel, for the challenge. The puzzle disappeared about the time I got thru reading the clues near the end. I whimpered a little and started where I was stopped because I had more viable entries at the bottom and worked my way back up. Thank you pretty little red-letters.
Thank you, Gary, for explaining the hard ones, of which there were many. I was surprised you knew Wine Day.
Hand up for Golden RulE after "girl" didn't work. Ended up red-lettering IC. Golden is not a RICE term I knew.
Very frustrating that I couldn't think of AL BUNDY. We never missed a show back in the day. Still occasionally watch it if nothing else is on. Once I perped AL B, it jogged my memory.
Sun shining after another night of rain showers. We are flood-stage soggy in many places.
I did get SEDER. Thank you Faye Kellerman novels.
STEEL is not an alloy. An alloy is a metal made by combining two or more metals – e.g., bronze (tin and copper). STEEL is made by fusing iron and carbon, the latter of which is not a metal.
Good Morning!
It's sunny in northern Cook County right now, so I need to run out and get some hanging pots of geraniums to make me feel like I have a chance at Summer before the rain returns. ;-)
Thanks, Daniel, for another double meanings puzzle. I like these. I didn't know RUNE SCOPE or DOLORES, but crosses finally worked. I was stuck on rule for RICE, after mean, girl, and gate. Took a bit to get from kilt to CLAN. Some success with long fills, ESTATE LAW and HEATING PAD began to open everything up for me.
Thanks, Gary, for another informative walk around the Corner.
Hope you have some flowers and a sunny day today.
Good Morning:
This started out slow, with lots of empty squares after the first pass, but then, little by little, things fell into place. Getting much of the long fill helped considerably and enabled me to finish in a respectable 28 minutes. Rune Scape, Al Bundy, Matisse, Dolores, Gant, and Naxos all needed perps. My Fra went to Dom, Onion to Plain, Scar to Scab, and Flew to Blew. I liked the Tso ~ Tao duo and several clues were standouts. Eye exam is timely as I see my opthamologist on Tuesday and will be subjected to the dreaded dilating drops and the tortuous field vision test.
Thanks, Daniel, for a challenging and enjoyable solve and thanks, HG, for the informative summary. It's always a treat to see Queen Lily.
Have a great day.
FIR, but the SW held me up for a while. SHE and FOR A were all perps. I let them stand, but didn't know why until Gary explained. IM, more than 28 minutes for me. Great puzzle. Interesting, blog Gary.
My mom always said, "My dogs are barking." I liked reading how that relates to Hush Puppies shoe brand.
I love General Tso's chicken, especially extra spicy.
Anonymous @ 5:38. Clever.
I never cared for Married with Children. I liked many shows with dysfunctional characters, such as I Love Lucy and All in the Family. The characters had lovable, redeeming qualities, which I did not find in Married with Children. Just not my cuppa tea.
In square dancing a TAW is a female partner.
My grandson, who is a communication major, is interning at a start up ad agency this summer.
TTP, your newspaper prop article was interesting.
I have several friends named DOLORES so I knew how to spell it. It is related to dolor (sorrow), dolorous and doloroso (used in musical directions).
APOLO, GANT and RUNE ESCAPE were new to me, although I have often heard of the skater, OHNO, just not his first name.
I am looking forward to spending Sunday and Monday with Alan. We will go to a barbeque with some of my sibs on Monday.
It is a tragedy that Alexandros of Antioch could not find an arms dealer.
Jerome, unfair to make me laugh when I’m drinking coffee.
Groan! Alexandros of Antioch sculpted Venus de Milo. LOL, Jerome.
Good morning everyone.
alloy steel noun
Definition of alloy steel
: a steel with modified properties made by incorporating with iron one or more elements in addition to carbon —contrasted with carbon steel
Tough one but sussed most of it by amply invoking WAGS. Got NAXOS after first trying Samos.
Huskers link explained why Golden RICE was not in my wheelhouse. Couldn't think of Ohno's first name until the very end. Favorite clue was for HORSE OPERA.
LATHEs in UP's steam locomotive shops in Cheyenne were crucial to the restoration and return to the rails of Big Boy #4014 earlier this month. (Check it out on You Tube if you have the time. I've read it will cross Nebraska 3 times this Summer, so maybe HG and Avg. Joe will get a chance to see it.)
Hi D-O. I didn't enter CARD TABLE at first, but when nothing else jelled, I finally wrote it in. Same with SPIT. (German: Spitz LOL)
It was Husker Gary's picture and the caption of Ed O'Neill that piqued my interest and started me off on the fact finding mission.
Speaking of fact finding, Anon at 8:30, an alloy does not have to be two metals. It can be a metal and another element. During WW2, my home area of Youngstown / Pittsburgh alone was producing more steel than the combined output of the Axis countries.
Yellowrocks, I have a cousin named Dolores. I don't know how she spells it. Probably like your friends. She goes by Dodo. Her sister goes by Didi. I don't know her real name. One married a man named Brown, and the other married a man named Green.
Madame, I hear you. Rain, rain, go away. There's water standing in many ditches, and they reported on the news this morning that the first mosquitoes having the West Nile virus were caught in nearby Wayne. First ones found in the state this year.
Sorry, Spitzboov, I should have previewed before posting. I was paying more attention to "This Old House" on the PBS channel than to this.
FIR in several settings taking a long time.
Good morning Cornerites and Cornerettes.
Thank you Daniel Nierenberg for this impossible CW. They take a little longer. The NW cell hid on me till I dug up 19 A - ENDO. That released the squares, and eventually the NW was all black.
Last square filled was the "R" at the Natick of 63 A & 42 D. I hadn't filled the horsey part, and I could not find the last letter of the watery part. It could have been a t or an s, but it wasn't
The following is from a metallurgy site. Note the use of the word alloy, twice, in the text. It helps to understand how so much can be done with steel such as tempering, hardening, annealing, etc.:
Iron-Carbon Phase Diagram
An example of a commonly used phase diagram is the iron-carbon phase diagram, which is used to understand the phases present in steel. The amount of carbon present in an iron-carbon alloy, in weight percent, is plotted on the x-axis and temperature is plotted on the y-axis. Each region, or phase field, within a phase diagram indicates the phase or phases present for a particular alloy composition and temperature. For the iron-carbon phase diagram, the phase fields of interest are the ferrite, cementite, austenite, ferrite + cementite, ferrite + austenite, and austenite + cementite phase fields.
The phase diagram indicates that an iron-carbon alloy with 0.5% carbon held at 900 °C will consist of austenite, and that the same alloy held at 650 °C will consist of ferrite and cementite. Furthermore, the diagram indicates that as an alloy with 0.78% carbon is slow cooled from 900 °C, it will transform to ferrite and cementite at about 727 °C.
Fe-C_: PhaseDiagram
Wow, Spitz, I'd forgotten just how fast my eyes could glaze over.
It's hell when all of 1A & 1D are completed except for the first letter. After an ABC run, RICE was the only thing that made sense, only because I knew of YELLOW rice. RUNE SCAPE- new word for me. Add ERRANCY to that list.
Other perps & WAGS were DOLORES, NAXOS, MATISSE, GANT, SEDER ( as clued)
The term 'barking dogs' is new to me but SAT was the only logical fill.
PERRIER was an easy fill but the taste reminds me of sewer gas.
SHE was filled by perps before I read the clue but I would not have thought of it as an answer.
SERE- An old crossword friend; PSYCH- it may be a saying somewhere but I've only 'seen' it in a crossword as in 'fooled you'. PSYCH someone out is more familiar use, now known as 'talking trash'.
I used to think that naming a girl Sorrow was so sad. In fact, one of my friends named Dolores complained about that, but I realize it is a religious name honoring Mary, from Maria de los Dolores (the Virgin Mary, or Mary of the Sorrows.) This title for Mary reflects the trials and tribulations she endured as the mother of Jesus.
Did you ever wonder about the meaning of your given name? My name, Kathryn, in all of its dozens of variations, means pure.
Saturday Stumper. Thanks for the fun, Daniel and HuskerG.
My newspaper is full of inkblots today, and I arrived here to discover I FIWed. Hand up for Delores and Naxes. Sigh!
The whole west coast was the last to fall. I required 3 Google helps; one to confirm RUNESCAPE (not Lune), one for TAWS (I remembered seeing it here previously after I LIUed), and one for Ohno's first name (on my first G-look I saw his middle name, Anton, and that held up the SW corner).
I thought of Golden State (too long) but amazingly Rule did not enter my mind. RICE eventually perped but I am not familiar with the Golden kind.
I immediately entered C Major for the "Key with all white notes"; HAN changed it to A MINOR. Technically, only A natural minor has all white notes; the harmonic and melodic minor have accidentals (which makes C Major a slightly better answer IMHO as I was thinking of the actual notes played, not the key signatures which are the same).
On the same musical note, we had SONATA today and not Etude.
This Canadian is not familiar with the "Barking Dogs" expression, and I had to come here to understand SAT.
A relaxed smoke for some in Canada (and some American states) would not be a CIGAR now that cannabis is legal.
At first (when I had PER), I thought the "water in a green bottle" was Perfume (thinking of Eau de Toilette), but I wondered why a green bottle?? Lightbulb moment when I saw PERRIER.
Favourite clue/answer today was that Silent welcome, Door MAT.
I smiled at the PLAIN bagel today.
Least favourite was 54D, FOR A song. Answer could have been a million kinds of songs. Gluey fill as C.C. says.
Wishing you all a great day.
I think I like this clue better:
Thirty-nine across:
“Actors Martin and Charlie;
Not Emilio”
Especially with the Brat Pack reference in four down ...
Well, I got all excited when I started this Saturday puzzle and the entire northwest filled right in. Got HATH immediately, followed by HAN. Then trying ERRA for the down gave me Heat. And of course, I got TINY Tim right away, and before long, MATISSE filled in and so on. But that corner was pretty much it, before the cheating began for the other parts of the puzzle. Did get AIDA and guessed SEDER. Didn't remember AL BUNDY, but I love Ed O'Brien on 'Modern Family,' one of my favorite TV shows. And, like CanadianEh, the Welcome MAT made me laugh. Anyway, fun way to start the weekend--many thanks, Daniel. And your write-up was great, Husker Gary.
I finished watching the Farrah Fawcett documentary last night, and found it really extraordinary and moving. What a brave soul she was, battling cancer with such determination and courage for so many years. Inspiring.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
Thank you, Daniel Nierenberg and Gary for a super Saturday!
In twenty minutes I had all but the SW corner finished then I froze! Even YOGA stumped me though STUDIO was in place. I saw CLAWHAMMER in my mind's eye but just could not SPIT it out. HORSEOPERA and PAC were also filled.
Thank you for explaining the origin of the name DOLORES (sorrows). I've met someone who spelled it DeLORES which would never happen in Spanish since all vowels are pronounced.
My other downfall was at golden RICE. Since I have no idea about RUNESCAPE, DUNESCAPE/DICE looked fine to me. Sigh. So much learning. Current electronics and gadgets will surely conquer me.
Sptiz, I thought of you at CARDTABLE.
ALBUNDY perped itself. I never cared for that sitcom, either. Too much negativity, whining and criticism. I've never understood its appeal.
Have a lovely Saturday, everyone!
Interesting looking grid. With those three crosses made of black squares I thought I might be facing some sort of Christianity theme, but then I remembered Saturday puzzles are themeless. Still a cool looking grid, though. I had to work hard to solve this puppy, and needed red letters to see RULE, ENTR, CMAJOR, ONION, GALT, and EPIC were wrong. So were ARID and FOLK song. Once I erased all the red letters I went back to "Master" level and successfully solved the whole thing. Very enjoyable.
Not being familiar with RUNE SCAPE I parsed it as RUN ESCAPE. I see Owen based his first verse on that parsement.
At least I knew how to spell DOLORES, and the OS ending of NAXOS seemed nicely Greek to me, so no hiccup there. The ETH in charoseth seemed nicely Hebrew, too, so the 5-letter SEDER plopped right in.
OH, and speaking of DOLORES and Jerry Seinfeld ... well, you can look it up, Mulva!
I love the barking dogs clue. I also love that "supporting" performer clue. Good stuff.
Gary, thanks for pointing us in the direction of so much interesting information. My eyes didn't glaze over. You ask "... what vintage goes best with a Saturday Themeless Puzzle?" How about a themeless red blend?
Good wishes to you all.
Wow, Spitzboov, as a former welding engineer for an ASME certified company, I knew that!
And then English has the homonym? and similar meaning to Dolores:
dolorous adjective
do·lor·ous | \ ˈdō-lə-rəs also ˈdä- \
Definition of dolorous
: causing, marked by, or expressing misery or grief
TTP: I DID think of you, Abejo, and WikWak when I heard that news. My sibs and I went to Niles West HS, so we always call it the Niles West virus. No joking matter though. My daughter in TX had it; it took forever to diagnose.
I did get my hanging geraniums for the patio. It took forever to find three that fit the bill. I also bought a New Guinea impatiens pot for the front step. Since I live in a townhouse, the garden, yard and patio are one and the same. Varieties of hostas complete my landscaping projects. The weather still looks a little iffy, but I made up my mind, come hell or high water, I was going to buy those pots today. Mission accomplished. Over and out.
Today is the 40th anniversary of the AA 191 DC10 crash at O'Hare. That was quite a day. I was at my parents house in Niles with my toddler and baby. We knew something was seriously wrong: the scream of sirens from every direction was very eerie. Sigh.
“Expressing misery or grief” — Spitz, that sums up my experience today. After going through the whole thing once, there were more empty squares than full. And quite some few that were filled ended up having to be changed. Kilt -> CLAN, eye test -> EXAM, don -> DOM. Probably more that I can’t remember. I did manage to FIR in 30 minutes, a bit longer than usual.
I filled in (blank), M, (blank) (blank), O, R and let the perps fill in the rest of A MINOR.
I had no idea who AL BUNDY is until I came here.
All in all, thanks to Daniel for causing the skull sweat and to Gary for all the extras he throws our way each Saturday. Always interesting.
Well, it may be sunny in north Cook County but it’s sure cloudy here in DuPage. Feels like a great time for a nap or three. Have a great day all!
WEES, except I started out with Golden GATE, which led to GUN ESCAPE, ALLOY ????, TABLE ????, and ELMO for the downs.
I have a question for you all. Do you have a Chamberlain or Liftmaster garage door opener? Specifically the Liftmaster 8550W with the MyQ phone app?
The reason I ask is: we just got a new garage door and it has the Liftmaster 8550W opener. I'm thinking of maybe enabling and connecting it to our home WiFi so we can use the iPhone MyQ app to open it, close it, and check whether it is open or closed. But I cannot understand the setup process. Is it worth it? Do any of you know anything about it?
It's OK, Lucina ~
DICE looked mighty fine to me too, especially as you note it yielded DUNESCAPE at 1D. We've all heard of "Dune," of course, so unless we're gamers, we deserve a pass on that nexus.
Whew! Today's pzl -- Again, with the clever cluing! A Saturday toughie, following yesterday's mental hurdles. But they are certainly fun, and that's what we're all here for--right?
The fact that PLAIN has the same number of letters as ONION isn't Mr. Nierenberg's fault. Same with FRA and DOM, TAX and LAW.
Fave clue? My vote goes to 63A. (In synch w/ Spitzboov.)
Fine work again, Husker G; many thanks!
Wishing everyone a lovely and memorable Memorial Day weekend...
I always get my Ectos and ENDOs mixed up
I was going to go to my go to gamer source Phil, but I'm vaguely familiar with RUNE SCAPE with a bunch of perps
Posting, it's Time for church
35 comments? I thought it was pretty hard
I thought COIL was clever, too, as clued, get around? COIL as in Slinky reminds of my toddler daughter playing with one while scooting herself downstairs one step at a time.
Another learning moment for me was LATHE as a metal-working tool. I thought it was for wood only. Good illustration, Gary.
Until I started shopping at Sprouts I would have doubted SESAME OIL but they have numerous shelves of every conceivable kind of OIL in stock.
The only reason ONION bagel didn't occur to me was that HEATING PAD was already in place. NAS would have been problematic if it hadn't perped itself.
I was thinking back to a comment Misty made a few days ago about having been drawn to James Joyce and I wanted to see for myself what the attraction might be. I learned something that kinda struck me and am sharing it here with you. In Finnegan's Wake he wrote that Catholic means "Here Comes Everybody." And yet Joyce was a self-described "exile" and also wrote "I make open war upon it by what I write and say and do."
For some reason I found that tidbit to be profoundly interesting, perhaps for no other reason than that it shows how complex and even self-contradicting the human mind can be.
Misty, you probably have studied this in depth and know all about it.
I still lost a post
With a link to Seinfeld trying to remember Dolores...
Hi All!
You know what stinks about solving in ink? Being so stubborn you don't give up perfectly good fill. See: ONION [hi D-O!] and AREA OF LAW. The former lead me to a SOAK for soreness... Oh, well.
Thank you Daniel for the puzzle to while away the day. Thanks HG for a fine expo leading to TTPs interesting article on the infamous newspaper. Something Learnt, Something Gained. //I'm sure to bore someone with that at the next cocktail party.
Significant ERRANCY --- MINE CRAFT for 1d. Once I got my EYEs checked, I was less stubborn with that ink'd fill.
{B+, B+, A-}
Jerome that's so funny 'cuz it's so wrong :-)
D-O, in response to Spitz's @11:02 treatise, LOL!
WikWak - that's also how I ink every "in key" c/a. :-)
Jayce - If you like anything in your garage, I wouldn't expose the door-opener to the Internet. It's just a matter of time before it shows up on
Cheers, -T
Jayce, there is a character or figure in 'Finnegans Wake' named (among other names) Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker, who is also called HCE--which is sometimes interpreted as Here Comes Everybody. So if you think of 'catholic' (without the capital C) as a word, it also means all-embracing, which fits HCE's name. Nice to be reminded of this--thanks for posting it.
Dolores from Seinfeld
I had FLEW and wanted SCAR leaving RLEW. ??? Yes, the ? was the key. SCAB is never a pleasant word as Union organizers quickly grok'ed.
Phil plays Dota2, gamer Bridge to DUNESCAPE Whist.
You didn't like the clue for ELMO? Water themed BP title?*
Not only ONION but DRAYS just recently
Having barely watched it I was aware of the sitcom with the shoe salesman. BUNDY is an interesting choice for a name
* OceansII(11)
PS. That wiki article on Ted Bundy is fascinating
I should add that this was an interestingly clued xword. It seemed very difficult while solving but V8 material after. I solved with black pen in SW, NE and blue in the rest.
A satisfying FIR
Anonymous T, good point. Maybe I won’t enable internet access for the garage door opener. We don’t need it.
Misty, exactly.
YR & Lucina: re: AL BUNDY. I don't apologize for what I think is funny. However, one of the reasons we liked the show is that on the farm we had a TV antennae with access to only two channels. Now I have cable and turn off the TV and read most nights. Tastes vary & change.
I think the lack of admiration for the humor of Al Bundy & company directly correlates to the sometime misunderstandings of my antics. I will try to remember this in future posts. For the record, it should come as no surprise that Married With Children ranks way up there in my list of favorite sitcoms. Not necessarily in the top ten but definitely in the top 20. It was pre-PC days ala All In The Family or The Jeffersons. Poor Al, the lovable loser who once scored 4 touchdowns in a single high school football game, was one of the first bumbling dads to offset previous perfect dads like Mike Brady, Ward Cleaver and Cliff Huxtable*.
I bit of trivia:
The Bundy's resided on Jeopardy Lane!, Chicago, IL
The opening credits included a clip from National Lampoon's Vacation where the Griswald family truckster is merging into I-55 south of Chicago heading to St. Louis.
Good friends and family members often have different tastes. Many homes today have more than one TV, so to each her (his) own.
Some of us on the Corner are fans of James on Jeopardy!and some do not care for him. I doubt that he will break Jeopardy. Look how much Ken Jennings won. These block buster winners bring in big ratings.
One thing I am not is judgmental; in my opinion everyone is entitled to his/her own tastes whether it's from circumstances, firm belief or background.
You are a lovely, unique person and I'm so glad you are part of this Corner!
As for TV, I rarely watch it in the daytime and limit myself to only certain programs at night. Just now I finished watching reruns of Downton Abbey which I love. I also would rather read!
No, James will not break Jeopardy! During the championships they gave away millions and will continue to do so in the future.
Spitzboof and TPD: Re "alloy," you two are not using real dictionaries.
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