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Probably somewhat dated info |
Any lady who authors such fun puzzles and likes Siamese cats is a friend of mine. Plus, the second smartest woman I have ever known (C.C. is tops) was also a JH English teacher.
1. Mirage sights?: CARD GAMES - I'll bet you could find CARD GAMES at this Las Vegas hotel/casino but no oasis

10. Hint: WHIFF - Yeah, this WHIFF is giving her a hint
15. Puccini's Rodolfo, for one: OPERA ROLE - Spoiler alert! Mimi dies of consumption in Rodolfo's arms in the final scene of La Boheme
16. Word with society or system: HONOR - People who violate the HONOR system should not get into the HONOR society
17. Parties like there's no tomorrow: LETS LOOSE.
18. Singular: OUTRE.
19. Recipe word: ADD.
20. Utter: PURE - Triskaidekaphobia is utter nonsense to us science peeps
21. Serves, with "out": DISHES.
22. Considerable number: MASS.
23. Implore: BESEECH - Reminds me of this wonderful Godspell song - We BESEECH Thee
24. Traditional Mesoamerican fare: TAMALE.
27. Name on the 1969 album "Clouds": JONI - Ms. Mitchell's wonderful song and album.
29. Program access aids: ICONS - These are the ones we bloggers use here
30. Pop-up fare: TOAST - I TOAST my English muffins twice for extra crispness
31. Former NHL forward Tikkanen: ESA - Here 'ya go
32. Nothing more than: MERE.
33. City ordinance subject: NOISE - Around the 4th of July these ordinances are not 41. Require compliance with: ENFORCEd quite to the letter of the law
34. Bit of power: WATT.

35. Green of "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children": EVA - EVA Green as Miss Peregrine appears to be armed with a crossbow
36. Contaminate: TAINT - One bad apple...
37. Word in a marriage metaphor: AISLE - Marriage is a "Walk down the AISLE"
38. __ Aviv: TEL - "Hill of Spring" founded in 1909
39. Restraining order: HALT.
40. __ storm: WINTER - It can increase traffic to web sites to check for school closings. I think kids go there too.
43. Woven line: CORD.
44. Provoke: STIR UP and 6. Turn on: AROUSE - Is it getting warm in here?
45. Oregon's highest mountain: HOOD - Mt. HOOD from the International Rose Garden in Portland is an awesome sight!
46. Org. with Eagles: BSA - Now both boys and girls can make Eagle Scout
49. Squeezable holders: TUBES.
50. Listen: LEND AN EAR - Shakespeare put similar words in Mark Antony's mouth
52. Upstanding: ERECT.
53. Regular beach walker's resource: TIDE TABLE - The TIDE TABLES if I were taking a group to Cocoa Beach today
54. Load with jeans, say: DARKS - Every student should have to cut out the lower squares and sort them correctly
55. They don't sting: DRONE BEES - The DRONES only job is to mate with an unfertilized queen
1. Cuba libre ingredient: COLA.
3. Like many Fla. residents: RETD
4. Ones often working in small rms.: DRS.
5. Thelma and Louise, e.g.: GAL PALS - To the end
7. "Wuthering Heights" scenery: MOORS - It was hard for Catherine and Heathcliffe to 9. Make out: SEE each other in the MOORS. Yeah, I know there's a second way to construe "make out" but...
10. Response to a bell: WHO IS IT - Needed one more cell to enter SALIVATE
11. __ wine: HOUSE - A usual order for a wine know-nothing like yours truly
12. At all: IN THE LEAST - "That joke was not funny IN THE LEAST"
13. Ship's deck sometimes reduced to six letters: FORECASTLE - The F'O'CSLE of the Queen Mary is behind the bow and in front of the first stack
14. It's in ice caps and ice sheets: FRESH WATER - Where over 68% of FRESH WATER is found
21. Like urban population: DENSE - Exhibit A: Hong Kong
22. Giraffe feature: MANE - _ A _ E made me think NAPE but...
23. Talk a good game: BOAST- Joe Namath shocked the sports world when he made good on his 1969 BOAST
24. Borne out long-term: TIME TESTED.
25. Fictional detective often seen wearing an open aloha shirt: ACE VENTURA - You either like Jim Carrey's brand of humor or you don't
26. Strength of character: MORAL FIBER - See Gandhi above
27. Cooler: JOINT - Also jail, gray bar hotel, hoosegow, club fed, gaol, et al
30. Decorative fabric: TOILE - Here 'ya go

33. Rights org. since 1909: NAACP.
34. Leaf blower: WIND - I am very aware of WIND in my two avocations - biking and golf
36. Fencing maneuvers: THRUSTS.
37. Show time: AIR DATE - Usually there is a three month gap between when a Jeopardy game is taped and that show's AIR DATE
40. Stiff: WOODEN - Some pols just aren't good "on the stump"
42. Eponymous vacuum brand: ORECK.
43. Many a time-share: CONDO - This company specializes in getting people OUT OF time-shares
45. Next in line: HEIR.
46. Tiny tot, in Toledo: BEBE - When Michael Buble sings Melancholy Baby in Spanish, the first line is "Ven a Mi BEBE Melancolico" (Come to my my melancholy baby)
47. Commission source: SALE - Their commission rate is why we chose this company to list MIL's house
48. Combative deity: ARES - Gods of war can be that way
50. Part of LLC: Abbr.: LTD - LIMITED Liability Company
Comment away. I'm sure Gail will overlook grammar errors:
DNF. Got the bottom 2/3rds, but the top had a scattering of white when I first gave up, then a scattering of red as well. From there I was able to finish it with only one more appeal to the red.
Fiber, they say, is what helps you poop,
Keeping your innards in a regular loop.
Make your soul lighter,
By churning dis-HONOR to make it LET LOOSE?
A old-time cowboy ate hotcakes with syrup,
Then mounted his pony with a foot in the stirrup.
And hats that were black
Had a peculiar knack
For flouting the LAW, causing trouble to STIR UP!
In the drug store, I like the AISLE
Where TUBES of skin cream stand in file.
Where sun-tanning lotions,
TIME-TESTED, give a notion
That I'm LOOSE on a topical aisle!
{B, A-, A-.}
Good morning!
Ufda! This one was definitely Saturday-worthy. Didn't require Wite-Out, because there was white almost everywhere. What made this one gettable (is that a word?) were the stacked tens east and west and stacked nines north and south. I managed to WAG at least one of 'em in each corner. My only real stumbling block was MANY/MASS. That area was the last to fall. Thanx for the workout, Gail, and for the elucidation, Husker.
OUTRÉ -- Seemed a stretch, but I see it's included in one of the five definitions of "singular."
NOISE -- Our little town recently enacted a noise ordinance. I never noticed a need for one.
FORECASTLE -- It was the ceremonial area on our "bird farm" near the bow and between the anchor chains. That's where they held the disciplinary Captain's Mast.
Good morning. Thank you Gail, and thank you, Husker Gary.
A real challenge today.
Changing from LEST to ELSE for "Apart from this" and changing MANY to MASS for "Considerable number" cleared up what looked to be an unsolvable mess in the northwest, but it took a lot of time to get there.
"One may purposely broken" - EGG to LAW. That little 3 letter change made all the difference on the eastern seaboard. First, it made me get rid of EVENT and change the phrase to IN THE LEAST, which made a lot more sense for the clue. Secondly, it unlocked the WIND, WATT, AISLE answers. That in turn gave me WATER, and then FRESH WATER.
Couldn't build anything around ALONE or AS ONE for "Singular" and the F from FRESHWATER finally gave me a hint at "Hint.' D'OH ! HOUSE wine and WHIFF. Then OUTRE was obvious, and TA DA !
Did not know FORECASTLE but sussed the 6 letter reduction had to be bridge.
Absolutely loved this puzzle.
Interesting puzzle. Are the rooms where doctors work "small rooms"? I guess that can be true in a clinic. Or does "DRS" refer to something else?
Not a fan of side-by-side abbreviations, like Retd/Drs in the NW here. The length of the answer doesn't help, and even if you know the answer, you have to get the right abbreviation.
We always point out the odd attributes of the English language. So it fun to note what 46d brings to mind for the language of Toledo, Espana.
BEBE en Toledo means: you/he/she drinks
BEBÉ en Toledo means: baby.
O.K. now go enjoy a breakfast TAMAL
A timeshare may be an apartment, but it's not a condo.
TA DA! I FIR on a Saturday. I was determined not to fail again. I took a hiatus and succeeded when I returned. Only ESA and EVA were new to me.
At home we used to say, "How did you make out?" for "How did you fare?" Think of "He made out like a bandit." I was mocked for saying "make out" in college and never say it these days.
The examining rooms in our doctors' offices are quite small.
Alan is not coming home this weekend. I am trying to lessen his dependence on me. I will have him stay at his group home one weekend a month. We talk several times every day. One thing he likes at home is cable TV. They have cable only in the common room downstairs. The agency said they would get cable for his room. I said I would pay to have it wired upstairs. There is a glitch with the cable company which the agency hasn't resolved in more than 5 months. They do not seem to be trying very hard. He does have a TV there and plays DVDs.
From NOLO.COM - A timeshare is a way for a number of people to share ownership of a property, usually a vacation property such as a condominium unit within a resort area.
Good morning everyone.
I needed a modicum of aid with the MOORS / PURE crossing but I got everything else. I was especially glad to get the remaining 9 ltr stacks and 10 ltr columned fills without help. Had HOney before HOUSE (WINE). Wanted 'nape' before MANE, too.
FORECASTLE - Don't think I ever heard it pronounced that way on our DD. Always fo'c'sle. At sea our fo'c'sle would have been too wet from bow spray to schedule a Captain's mast there; I think they were usually held on the mess decks or possible in a wider passageway. Courts martial were held in the Wardroom (Summary and Special). A General court martial would be held ashore, on a Base.
Gail's forté is earlier in the week puzzles, so I think she did a great job today.
Good Morning:
Seeing Gail's byline is its own guarantee that an enjoyable solve lies ahead. I, like TTP, absolutely loved this puzzle. The fill was fresh and lively and noticeably lacking in crosswordese and "gluey" entries. My only unknowns were Esa and Eva, both easily inferable. I stumbled over Vow/Law, Nino/Bebe, NFL/BSA, and Loki/Ares. Forecastle brought Spitz and DO to mind and Gal Pal(s) fits Tin to a T! And it goes without saying that Lucina is the Queen of Tamales. (That family joint venture tradition is coming up soon, right Lucina?) My favorite C/As were Pop up fare=Toast and Leaf blower=Wind.
Thanks, Gail, for the countless hours of enjoyment your puzzles provide and thanks, HG, for your boundless energy and enthusiasm which are reflected in every Saturday's delightful review. Your reference to the 1969 Joe Namath Super Bowl "guarantee" brought back memories of how I was teased relentlessly when I bet $100.00 on the game. It may have been a foolish and risky gamble that I could ill afford, but I guess I just couldn't resist Broadway Joe's boastful hubris and confidence.
YR, I'm glad everything is going so well with Alan and your current schedule of his visitation. Hope the cable issue gets resolved soon.
Keith, I hope you and DW are feeling better.
Have a great day.
What a Saturday slog. Some of the clues gave me a headache and a DNF.
Good morning, folks. Thank you, Gail Grabowski, for fine puzzle. Thank you, Husker Gary, for a fine review.
Great story you wrote. Enjoyed it.
Puzzle was great. A little tough to get going. I had a problem getting the short answers. However, the long ones jumped out at me after getting a couple letters.
Enjoyed BSA at 46A. I was a Boy scout in my youth and really enjoyed it. Camping, etc. I did make the rank of Eagle with a lot of work and encouragement from my parents and some scout leaders and Scouts. It is fun to reflect back on that.
Of course I entered DATE PALMS for 1A. The two As and the S made sense but nothing else. Then I though of a casino and it fell together. CARD GAMES.
Never saw or heard of the movie Thelma and Louise. With enough perps I got GAL PALS.
I am not too big on TAMALES, but I really like everything else Mexican.
Never heard of ACE VENTURA. I already had TIME TESTED and MORAL FIBER. Filling in the blanks became quite easy.
WATT was easy. Amps times Volts equals Watts.
Well, I am going to run. Lots to do. See you tomorrow.
( )
This solve for me was like HG's - SE moving up and left compared to my usual NW to SE! It went pretty smoothly, though of course slower than the rest of the week!
Most DRS' exam rooms are small as rent is by the sq foot. I'm glad one of my rooms is somewhat bigger than the others - my nurse is great about moving things around so we use that one if the person is in a wheelchair or if a whole family group comes in.
I smiled at OUTRE - it really is "out there" for one of the definitions of singular.
Thanks HG and Gail!
Very enjoyable puzzle. I liked that there was only one name (Eva). Well done.
Sometimes singular means one and only. But, it can also mean extraordinary, or even odd. Another idiomatic phrase, "out there" often means strange or very different. I see these and outre in print quite often.
When I think of outre I think of the outfits on the models during Fashion Week.
outre, singular, out there
"As much as the exhibit is a display of classic Kelly style, it's also a case study of changing tastes from the demure 1950s to the increasingly outre '60s and '70s." Seattle Times, Sep 1, 2010
"She surely embraces every outrageous costume, outre wig, truism, business card and, indeed, every last theatrical moment." Chicago Tribune, Dec 28, 2010
"Your outre outfit might be fine to wear to a Halloween party but less appropriate for a job interview."
DRS work in ORs, ERs, and ICUs -- all
'small' rooms.
eggos > Tarts > TOAST
"Taint" unlike a typical Saturday challenge. An inky mess but finally finished. The southwest half had the most corrections.
Stuck too long with "mute" for the giraffe feature. Thought I was so clever. Knew "neck" would be a likely answer for a Monday but never a Saturday puzzle.
Put "Dyson" first for the vaccuum clue. My Mom had an electrolux shaped like a bullet on runners. Lasted "only" 30 years.
Put "a wiff" before changing to Whiff. Then changed white wine to "house" wine.
A "tide table" is helpful at our time share "condo" on Florida's Sanibel island's beaches to do the best shelling.
Sunny but 50s with leaves still changing in Central NY
I liked this puzzle MASSively. So many good things about it, as mentioned by most of you. For the fictional detective I so wanted somebody like Magnum P.I. but it was not to be; I had forgotten ACE VENTURA. Count me among those who do not like Jim Carrey's sense of humor. Like Gary, I wanted SALIVATE. Having NENE instead of BEBE got me royally messed up in the SE, and having DYSON instead of ORECK, not mention that Magnum PI obsession, got me royally messed up in the SW. I had to look up ESA Tikkanen before the NE began to emerge. Aaaaand, I fell for the NECK temptation. Excellent puzzle, Gail.
AROUSE. Second time I've been reminded of the ol' Beep Beep joke
"Gail's forté is earlier in the week puzzles". Yep, I saw GG and thought we'd have an easy Saturday. Uhuh. Loads of white. Didn't dare ink in anything- I really started to think about wite-out or an eraser.
The Singular Holmes
SW was my last too. I'm surprised the neurology profession hasn't studied xword solving. Probably like others each Saturday I conclude that "this one will never be solved". An hour or two later? "That wasn't so hard"!!! Our rear cerebellum is working the whole time.
Oh yeah? How is ORECK a eponymous vac?
Finished this one correctly in about 25 minutes AST (Actual Solving Time). Total time between starting this one and finishing it: around 5 hours. The pattern seemed to be put down the few things I’m fairly sure of, give up on the rest, and finally come back to it to find I now could get some more. Rinse and repeat. Thanks, Gail, for a fun Saturday puzzle and Thanks, HG; you know I always look forward to your writeups.
Some fill I was able to dredge up from the bottom of what I’m pleased to call my mind without much difficulty (like FO’C’SLE) but lots held out until the long’uns fell..
Favorites to day were Leaf Blower = WIND, Hint = WHIFF, and Mirage Sights = CARD GAMES. I also liked Load With Jeans = DARKS. It took me waay too long to see that “load” here wasn’t being used as a verb.
D-O @ 7:08: If you’re like me (and a lot of others here, I would bet), it’s not that there isn’t that much noise—it’s that you can’t hear it the way you used to could. The older I get the worse my hearing gets.
Wilbur Charles @ 6:47: the ORECK vacuum cleaner was first produced in1963 by David Oreck (from the company’s website).
Abejo @ 10:53: Me too on the Eagle Scout award. Also my dad. Also both of my sons.
That’s it. I actually finished at about noon, but I’m just now getting around to posting. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
FIR with Carol and me working together.
Good evening Cornerites. I have been finishing the CWs so late that all the good comments had been taken.
Thank you Gail Grabowski for your impossible Saturday CW.
Thank you Husker Gary for your excellent review.
There are countless timeshare condos. Google "timeshare condos."
Good work, Dave. You stayed with the beast until it was done. I thought it might take all week, myself.
I thought an eponymous vacuum cleaner would be one created by Stanley Suckup
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