Themeless Saturday by Peter A. Collins
Today's puzzle is from Pete Collins who told us this about himself on 8/8/20:
I'm still a high school math teacher in Ann Arbor, about to start my 41st year (albeit virtually). I also still teach at the University of Michigan in the summer. I'm still married with four daughters, but now we have two grandsons as well. We're fortunate that everyone is still local, so we get to see the family a lot.
Here is what he had to say about this puzzle:

It was good to hear from you! Yeah, Michigan football has been a disappointment for years (Same for Husker FB - hg), but our basketball team is doing well.
I'm still teaching, but it's all virtual. The struggle is real...
As for the puzzle, the seeds were STAY IN YOUR LANE and FIVE SECOND RULE - a couple of 14-letter entries. Other than IER, the fill isn't too ugly, methinks. I think Rich kept about half my clues. I'm glad he kept my clue for FIVE SECOND RULE, but he nixed my clue for ANNUM [MIX, for one] Bummer! (hg - Maybe you get this, but I had to contact Pete to get an explanation for this clue/fill and I posted his reply at the bottom of this write-up*)
- Pete
1. "__ Secretary": MADAM - I like Téa Leoni and will have to check out this series
6. First Negro League electee to Cooperstown: PAIGE - In 1965 Satchel pitched three scoreless innings for the KC Athletics at age 59 to become the oldest man to pitch in an MLB game. What a pity he had to wait that long.
11. Radical '70s org.: SLA and 13. Warnings, perhaps: ARFS - Our usual 3-letter radicals are the SDS not the group that took Patty Hearst
14. Durance who plays Lois on "Smallville": ERICA - Her IMDB
15. Per __: ANNUM - My first teaching job was at $5,800 per ANNUM
16. Comparative suffix: IER.
17. Grim: STARK - Neil's words: "[The Moon] has a STARK beauty all its own. It's like much of the high desert of the United States."
18. Removes with a putty knife: STRIPS OFF
22. Where hauls may be divided: HIDEOUTS - This trail allows you to hike to one of Butch Cassidy's purported Utah HIDEOUTS
22. Where hauls may be divided: HIDEOUTS - This trail allows you to hike to one of Butch Cassidy's purported Utah HIDEOUTS
29. Tender: OFFER.
32. Warning to a meddler: STAY IN YOUR LANE - My mother used to say, "Tend to your own knitting"
34. Cote sounds: COOS - Marlon Brando and Eva Marie Saint visit his cote on the roof in On The Waterfront
35. Pilot's place: CABIN - Behind the pilot's CABIN in the new Boeing 787 the crew now has Crew Rest Compartments
37. Guideline when something is dropped from one's diet?: FIVE SECOND RULE - Very clever, Pete! Uh, no, it isn't valid
40. Eclair filling: CREME.
41. Stylish filmmakers: AUTEURS - Their fingerprints are on every aspect of their movies
42. Shepherd's pie bits: PEAS.
44. Poet's rhyme for "home": ROAM - "Oh, give me a home..."
45. Important artery: MAIN ROAD 48. Construction equipment: DOZERS - Even the DOZERS had trouble making the MAIN ROAD for the Alcan Highway
44. Poet's rhyme for "home": ROAM - "Oh, give me a home..."
45. Important artery: MAIN ROAD 48. Construction equipment: DOZERS - Even the DOZERS had trouble making the MAIN ROAD for the Alcan Highway
56. Preceding, poetically: ERE.
57. Name in 1976 Olympic news: NADIA - The scoreboard maker for the 1976 Olympics was assured there would be no scores higher than 9.99. So when NADIA got a perfect 10/10 the display only showed 1.00
57. Name in 1976 Olympic news: NADIA - The scoreboard maker for the 1976 Olympics was assured there would be no scores higher than 9.99. So when NADIA got a perfect 10/10 the display only showed 1.00
58. Totally remove: ERASE.
59. Palindromic song from a palindromic band: SOS - I never miss a chance to post an ABBA video!
60. Funding source: GRANT.
61. Prohibition details: DONT'S.
1. Most populous U.S. city that isn't a county seat: MESA - MESA has a population of 528,000 and is in Maricopa County with Phoenix
2. Fine things?: ARTS - Fine ARTS
3. Tuner, sometimes: DIAL - "Papa, you had to turn the DIAL on the radio?"
4. One of Yellowstone's two million-plus: ACRE.
5. Be opportunistic, metaphorically: MAKE HAY - Apropos here in farm country
8. Cross letters: INRI - Latin - IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDÆORVM (Mocking sign for "Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews") J and I were not distinguished in Latin until the 17th century
10. Largest penguin: EMPEROR.
11. Seat of South Dakota's Minnehaha County: SIOUX FALLS - It would be about a 2.5 hr drive for both C.C. and me to meet in Sioux Falls (pop. 183,000)
26. Lincoln wore them: STOVE PIPES - The Welsh hat is also called a STOVE PIPE hat. It first appeared in the 1830's in Wales
28. Pursue: GO INTO - I decided to GO INTO teaching when I was 12.
30. Köln closing: ENDE - Dies ist das ENDE der Straße. (This is the end of the road)
31. Lo-__: RES.
32. Yvette's evening: SOIR - Paris est très beau le SOIR (I'm betting you can translate on your own)
33. Foes of Buffy: UNDEAD.
39. Spread by moving dirt?: RUMORED - Dish the dirt
43. __ energy: SOLAR - Toyota is building a car that recharges itself with its own SOLAR panels and is 46. Dynamic start?: AEROdynamic
51. Sign of age, maybe: RUST - The melancholy song The City Of New Orleans tells of riding by "graveyards of the RUSTED automobiles" A cwd friend singing it
Typical Saturday. I immediately fell into the SDS/ EST trap. I vaguely knew BOURDAIN but needed five perps.
The X in ORYXprovided the SD City.
Having STAY , I filled "away from me", another inky mess. But….
Square by square I P&Ped to the FIR.
NW started easy. ZERO was HF for SE.
Hmm, Olympian ends with A starts with N. Aha, NADIA.
Ps, I still don't get the MIX clue forr ANNUM.
I just got it. I won't spoil it, I'll let others figure it out
Old Abe wore a STOVEPIPE hat.
It held his notes (and that's a fact!)
He'd ROAM around
The circuit towns,
An ambulance chaser on horseback!
(Lincoln's hat)
Conspiracy nuts say aliens, REPTILIANS,
In disguise as human civilians
Hold government posts,
But under their coats,
Their skin STRIPS OFF the SCALY villains!
{A-, A-.}
DNF :( . After yesterday's FIR, I thought I was doing pretty well this weekend, but a combination of names, misspellings, and bad WAGs got me today. Never heard of a shoulder purse being called a HOBO. Their iconic bags-on-a-stick were bindles.
Bravo on #2, Owen. A mutual friend linked the conspiracy pyramid and I noticed the "REPTILIAN" theory at the top.
Insidious, Sadistic Mankind-hating beings but surely warm-blooded. Oh,ok, cold-blooded I guess.
The ISM refers to a common "disease" self-destructive in nature.
MIX C.E. or maybe MIX A.D. might have passed.
MAKE HAY while the sun shines,
save your nights for sowing wild oats!
Seven comments so far, and only Wilbur and Owen!
Good morning!
Got the MIX clue immediately. Fell into the SDS trap. But my real stumbling block was SCRAPE OFF and GUANO (weird name for an Italian), and it was some time before STRIPS OFF and GUIDO showed up. This one could've easily turned into another DNF. Whew! Thanx for the challenge, Peter, and for the tour, Husker. (Madam Secretary ended some time ago, but it's available for streaming.)
ANTHONY BOURDAIN: We enjoyed his No Reservations series. Troubled guy. Things didn't end well.
SCALING / ASLEEP: Could be disastrous for a sleep-walker.
Good frosty morning. It took longer than usual to FIW today due to unknowns and cluing. This REPTILIAN brain had a BASEMENT window with a crank until SCALING changed it. Thought TRANSOM at first; never heard of CASEMENT. But I never finished the NE. Couldn't get my mind off STRIPS OUT & SDS instead of OFF & SLA. Kept chasing that dead end.
MIX & ANNUM-like I stated before; reptilian brain here, had no idea until Gary's explanation.
Wanted STAY ON YOUR LAND before POLICE and RES changed it. STAY IN YOUR LANE- never heard it used for meddling, only in reference to another driver drifting.
ERICA was a total unknown. GUIDO was too but a logical fill after Luigi.
Took 11:21, which is significantly longer than 5 seconds.
Unknowns for me were: Erica, Koln/Ende, and the spelling of Bourdain.
Fun challenge with the usual misdirections. (Always "fun" when I FIR on Saturday. )
One major error....
The largest Penguin: Burgess Meredith, (the smallest Penguin: Danny DeVito)
FIVESECONDRULE depends on what is dropped. I'll eat an oreo even if it's the next day.
"I think Rich kept about half my clues" I'm no math teacher like you Mr. Collins but isn't that like 50 percent? 🤔
SOS from ABBA cute.
Though I never watched "MADAM Secretary" the clue in quotes indicated a title, add a couple perps, easy ...OTOH (like DO) was an avid watcher of ANTHONY BOURDAIN's "No Reservations"..For fine things being Saturday expected "speeding:" etc.
Ibex/orex/ORYX, sds/SLA...Held off on BINACA, thought it was drops not a spray. Now I can finish the rest of the puzzle with fresh breath. Out of nowhere I recalled Elton John was involved with the musical AIDA. Saw it years ago on Broadway.
Is not LO-RES an abbrev.for low resolution? Never heard the meddling warning STAYINYOURLANE. Could have never used it with my MIL (God rest her soul) she didn't drive!! AUTEURS, French for "authors" who prefer CRÈME not cream in éclairs.
To keep the doctor away _____ apple a day....AIDA.
Tumbles that lead to legal action...SIOUXFALLS.
Steers, ASLEEP: Bull ____... DOZERS
Safe weekend
Good morning everyone.
A toughie. But kept at it assiduously and cell by cell, it finally converged in the center. Had to WAG BINACA and HOBO. AUTEURS was a smart guess, too. Had 'tearing' before SEARING. MESA dropped when both MADAM and ASLEEP seemed right. SIOUX FALLS went in when ORYX appeared.
ENDE - L. German End, Dutch einde.
We have lots of CASEMENT windows; an Anderson, a few Pella's and recent replacements with quite a few Marvin's (from Minnesota)
BZ to Peter and to Husker for another stellar re-cap.
The best barometer of difficulty is the times that the posts appear. Seems that this one will rate as somewhat difficult
A good Saturday morning challenge. The printed L.A. Times version had Kln at 30 Down which Valerie repeatedly read as Kin and for which ENDE made no sense at all. We still went with that so it was an odd FIR. Here we were able to see that the actual clue was Koln with the umlaut over the O. I guess auto-correct or something similar caused the O to drop in print.
Anthony Bourdain was well know to both of us because Val is as good as chef/baker as I know and I had read Kitchen Confidential quite some time ago. In the first edition, Anthony railed against "celebrity chefs." Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.
Oddly, we had watched On The Waterfront last night so Gary's graphic was perfect.
On the MIX / ANNUM front, I use MCML on a motorcycle enthusiasts' site. At first, everyone thought that MC must have something to do with motorcycles but sooner or later most picked up on my signature line: B: MCML D: NFY
FIR, and a bit of writing over SOIR 4 Sera, STRIPSOFF 4 Scrapes__, CREME 4 CREMa, SLA 4 Sds. Not a bad outing and fun doing it.
Good Morning:
This was a very enjoyable solve with plenty of lively fill, to wit: Five Second Rule, Stay In Your Lane, Stove Pipes, Anthony Bourdain, etc. I went astray at SDS/SLA and I needed perps for Erica and Sioux Falls. Smiled at Arfs and Coos. CSO to Lucina at Mesa. Is the clue for Mesa correct? It just seems strange to me, considering the number of large cities throughout the country.
Thanks, Peter, for a fun challenge and thanks, HG, for another razzle-dazzle review and visuals. Miss Lily is the picture of purr-fect contentment.
Laughter has been in short supply for quite awhile, but I enjoyed some last night while watching Murder By Death, a silly, campy, far-fetched movie, written by Neil Simon. It’s a spoof of the five greatest literary detectives that ever lived: Sam Spade, Hercule Poirot, Nick (and Nora) Charles, Charlie Chan, and Jane Marple. Of course, their names in the film are Sam Diamond, Milo Perrier, Dick and Dora Charleston, Sidney Wang, and Jessie Marbles. The stellar cast included Eileen Brennan, James Coco, Peter Falk, Alec Guinness, Elsa Lanchester, David Niven, Maggie Smith, Peter Sellers, and Nancy Walker. The character who brings them all together is Lionel Twain played by a rakish and diabolical Truman Capote. I can only imagine how much fun that group had making this madcap movie but I had a lot watching it.
Have a great day.
Bit by bit by agonizing bit this merged like molasses. Got a few right out of the staring blocks like Madam, Paige, Nadia, but needed to change scrapeoff to stripoff, soaring to scaling, and Rome to roam. Reptilian and auteurs came more slowly by perps. Proud to claim a sticky Saturday FIR.
What a challenging Saturday! I struggled long in the top section, first thoughts put in, taken out, and put in again (MADAM). Others put in and left too long before seeing they were wrong (SDS). Like other solvers, thought of ibex before ORYX. It finally looked good until I read Husker Gary's review when I saw an error near the ENDE. One wrong square where NADIA crossed NAT. Should have looked again when I filled in an e (lack of sports knowledge hurts again) to think about the spelling of NADIA. But I feel good about the puzzle in general and what I was able to do. Thanks, Peter. (I wouldn't have gotten MIX.) And many thanks, Husker Gary, for your greatly appreciated review and conversations with Peter.
Besides taking a longer time to finish the puzzle, I slept in, getting a later start. Others may have also enjoyed that pleasure today. Hope the rest of the day goes well for all of you. I look forward to reading your comments.
Not exactly a Saturday stumper so thank you, Peter A. Collins. Once a few letters appear on the long fill, a good guess will finish it and so it happened. However, The NE and SE corners were the first to complete followed by the SW corner.
REPTILIAN makes me shudder. Ibex preceded ORYX and GUIDO was a pure guess.
CSO to Anon-T at ANTHONY. But sorrow for Mr. Bourdain whose show I always enjoyed.
Initially the clue for ACRE made me think of animals but the more I thought of it even all the elk, buffalo and even birds would not equal two million.
It doesn't surprise me that MESA is in that category. Every time I drive on the freeway I see new construction of homes, apartments, condos, etc. It's also the home of a Mormon temple so I'm sure that is an attraction for some. I believe the town of Gilbert will soon follow since a temple was built there a few years ago and already the housing developments have begun to fill the landscape where once ranches and farms existed.
DOZERS appeared in a puzzle recently so that was the key to filling that area.
Really nice job, Gary, thank you.
Have a sensational Saturday, everyone!
I.M. 2 10:31 Who can forget the address: Two Two Twain!?
Lucina @ 11:01 Do you solve the Saturday Stumper (Newsday) now renamed the Themeless Saturday (and they say it has been made a bit less difficult to solve)?
What is Newsday? So, no, obviously I don't. Besides the LAT I solve from a puzzle book. My reference to Saturday non-stumper was simply for today's which I found easier than many other Saturday puzzles.
Just a request for all your blog managers and blog posters, I know its smarty and cutesy to put in ACRONYMS, but please remember, not everyone knows or is familiar with all of them, most of them, all of the time.
So, please, give the explanation for the acronyms,- although it sounds like explaining a pun or an inside joke, - many or most of us, will either just overlook it, or have to Google it - and in any case, we'll promptly forget about it later on in the day. Private inside items like private jokes, make most of us looking stoopid or under some sort of an inferiority complex. Did you actually want us to feel like that ?
If you're so h--l bent on writing strange acronyms for private purposes, just send a private email. CAPPISHE ?
Once again, the print edition of the LA Times deals with a diacritical mark by completely dropping the affected letter, this time at 30 Down. The D in OLDS and ENDE was a WAG for me, but FIR. Thanks for the workout, Peter, and thanks to Rich for bringing the clues within my reach. H-G, a fine job on the review. Wishing a good weekend to you all.
MalMan @@ 11:30 ~ Apparently, me, because that went right over my head until you just pointed it out! I’m sure I missed some other humorous morsels as the dialogue, at times, was fast and furious. Thanks for enlightening me. 🤗
I’ll take a CSO for being from Ann Arbor, where Peter lives. I have a feeling our families might know each other.
Tough puzzle for me, but it was certainly ly fair. My one beef is with the LA Times for the misprint at 30D. Like MM’s Valerie, I read it as KIN and couldn’t make any sense out of the answer.
I loved the ABBA clip. I never get tired of them. Thanks, Gary, for that and all the other entertaining stuff.
It is 75 degrees and sunny today at the beach - what a treat in January!
A slow start, but the pace picked up, and the finish was just fine! A very enjoyable Saturday challenge from Mr. Collins!
Owen ~ Fine poems today. You are back on a roll.
I was happy to be contacted by my university yesterday with an invitation to get my first dose of the COVID vaccine. I secured an appointment on campus for next Friday!
But now I read in the morning paper that the present supply of vaccines may run out soon.
Oh, no! I hope I--and the MANY others in my group--aren't about to be disappointed.
"the five greatest literary detectives that ever lived: Sam Spade, Hercule Poirot, Nick (and Nora) Charles, Charlie Chan, and Jane Marple.". Somehow leaving off THE "greatest" Sherlock Holmes*.
Here's a list of US Cities over 100k Mesa is #35.
Of course"City" vs Metropolitan area allows Atlanta to be understated
Ok, AEE, I threw out HF for Hanging Fruit eg a xword gimme like ONO. That hasn't been added to the olio (yet?). Nobody mentioned NAT vs Met. And, PAIGE is a bit obscure ("Don't look back, something may be gaining on you". Btw, if KC then Charlie Finley must have signed him for that game. Charlie threw 100k at a teammate of mine that same year. How'd he miss me?
*But that does sound like a great movie. I'll have to find it. Roku search can find just about anything.
Saturday Stumper. Thanks for the fun, Peter and HuskerG.
Above my pay grade today; I finally sent out a SOS and Googled a few unknown names, but unlike Spitzboov, I never “converged in the center” (centre for me). But it is Saturday . . .
Hand up for Ibex before ORYX, cream before CREME, Scrapes . . before STRIPS OFF.
I had APBS before ARFS, Esr before IER.
I wanted my pilot to be in the cockpit or at the helm. CABIN finally fit.
My cupboard has no SOYFLOUR.
I fought entering NAT because the N. In the clue means National! Old (FIVE SECOND) RULE doesn’t seem to apply any more.
AUTEURS crossing UNDEAD was my Natick. (Googling gave me BIG BAD for the Buffy foes.)
My newspaper managed to get 30D with the o and umlaut; ENDE was a WAG (ACRONYMS@11:47 please see the blog main page on right, OLIO, COMMENTS SECTION ABBRS., for explanation. Like texting, these save our typing fingers😁)
Ray’o also saw the ASLEEP -DOZERS connection.
Do those Buffalo ROAM on the ACREs of Yellowstone?
Wishing you all a great day.
The bottom two thirds of this fine puzzle went well today, but I had to pause at the top. After a little chit chat with a neighbor my mind awakened and I easily finished. I believe that social distancing and lack of interaction dulls the brain. It was amazing how refreshed I felt after actually talking to someone.
I like the actress, Téa Leoni, and watched Madam Secretary regularly for several years. When the plot became formulaic I stopped.
I understand that in the UK shepherd's pie uses ground mutton or lamb and cottage pie uses ground beef. In the US many of us use beef and still call it shepherd's pie. Alan and I prefer to use onions and red and/or green bell peppers instead of carrots, peas and corn. We love it topped with loads of shredded cheddar cheese.
DO, I expect Luigi's friend would prefer to be called GUIDO instead of guano @ 6:53, seabird and bat poop. Makes you want to scrape it off.
Always look forward to your blogs, Gary.
I was shot at 3:30 on Thursday.
I wrote a better post than this early this morning, but I hit a wrong key and it disappeared.
I love how....someone complains about abbreviations, someone else writes about the list of abbreviations - which apparently is never read, and then another complaint, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.
Plus....right above this comment box is yet another note about the Comments Section Abbrs. Which no one reads as well.
But hey, a nice Saturday puzzle just crunchy enough to challenge.
That NW corner was tough, and the NE corner started bad with SDS and STRIPSOUT, but I sussed it out.
Good FB games to watch today.
Stay safe.
Peter, I almost forgot to add GO BLUE.
I.M. you're welcome. There was as you pointed out a lot going on in that movie.
Oops. I forgot to post a DR (Diagonal Report).
There is one main diagonal today, running on the near side, NW to SE.
It offers an anagram using 11 of the 15 letters. It is a reference to a fine fellow of a courageous temperament. Or, depending on your PoV, perhaps not so courageous as obnoxious.
Using the alternate Anglicized spelling, I mean a...
(Yes, the spelling is dictionary-correct.)
Wilbur @ 1:41 ~ I’m afraid only Neil Simon can explain Mr. Holmes absence from that august group. I taped the movie which was on TCM earlier in the week. It’s a 1976 release so you may have to do a lot of your own sleuthing to find it. I wish you success because it’s certainly an entertaining movie. One of the most comical vignettes is what ensues when the blind butler (Alec Guinness) hires the deaf and mute cook (Nancy Walker).
Annotate ACRONYMS: There is a note above the reply box that says "Please click on Comments Section Abbrs (under Olio on blog main page) for some blog-specific terms." but it really needs to be changed.
First off, it's 8 lines above the reply box, but only the bottom 4½ lines are visible unless the poster decides to scroll up.
Second, it makes the poster first search through all the stuff on the right of the web page which is so crowded it can take a long time, and once it's finally found, it just makes one have to click to another page yet! Why not just put the link there directly? People don't like crossword clues the say 'see 45 down', why are they expected to make two extra steps when the link could be right there?
Third, the abbreviation question gets asked so often, a direct link to the explanation page ought to be at the very top of the left-hand column, not buried in a cryptic location on the side that's not visible on a cell phone.
And while I'm at it, the lloonngg lists of Interviews and Crossword Links ought to be moved to dedicated pages and filed under the Olio. And 'olio' is crosswordese that new or infrequent solvers aren't likely to understand (even spellcheck doesn't recognize it) so ought to be replaced with a more descriptive title.
I enjoyed this puzzle but was unable to solve it without resorting to Google. Looking back on it, maybe I wouldn't have needed Google if I had had more patience.
As much as I like puzzles,
(If some one shows me the answer...)
I have never seen murder by death.
So I just watched the trailer,
And I think it was the Butler...
(Or maybe not...)
But this is definitely on my Netflix list.
Wilbur ~ Thanks for the link to the cities over 100K.
I was shocked--Shocked, d'you hear?!--to see that my current home, a suburb which I last heard was a little over 100K, now has nearly 300K inhabitants!
This positions it right between two well-known towns--it's just a little smaller than Orlando and a tad larger than Newark.
And we're just a suburb!
I first came here in 1953, with the Boy Scout Jamboree, when it was part of the Irvine Ranch, and NOBODY lived here but some rabbits, coyotes, and a few stray cows.
We are now much larger than Richmond, the capital of VA, where I used to live.
Will wonders never... ?
As I said, the list is misleading as it has Atlanta at 300k whereas Atlanta has to be over 2 million. I'm more familiar with Boston which is surrounded by a dozen locales over 50,000.
Did you catch what I did at the J? Or should I say Who?
Back in November I suggested on the Abbreviations page "If someone is really ambitious, it would be nice to have a newly alphabetized list."
I see no one has accepted the challenge.
>> Roy
Hey, I am also an Ann Arbor teacher who lives in the mighty A2! Great to see a "neighbor" on here!
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