, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Saturday, January 18, 2025, Jess Rucks


Jan 18, 2025

Saturday, January 18, 2025, Jess Rucks

 Saturday Themeless by Jess Rucks 

Jess returns after a nine month hiatus and brightens our Saturday with a wonderful puzzle. I sailed through in good time and was slowed only to be amazed and amused by her skill. I found Jess on FaceBook and can't tell you what a bright, engaging person she is. She and her family recently drove through Lincoln and wanted to make a connection with me but couldn't make it work.

Jess has separated from the Air Force after five years of service where she told me served as an Urdu linguist, not interpreter. She now lives in Colorado Springs with her husband who serves in the U.S. Space Force. This is a picture with her and her then 5-year-old son having a good time on the playground. Jess assures me this is Urdu for, "I hope you enjoyed Jess's puzzle."

                                         مجھے امید ہے کہ آپ نے جیس کی پہیلی کا لطف اٹھایا


1. Music genre with roots in swing: BEBOP. 


6. Observation deck?: TAROT 😀 Oh, a deck of TAROT cards!

11. Record label for P!nk and Cat Burns: RCA.

The RCA logo is in there somewhere.

14. Vegan beauty brand headquartered in Minnesota: AVEDA ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

15. "Should I be worried about us?": ARE WE COOL?

17. Monopoly property based on a historical monopoly: READING RAILROAD - The READING (pronounced redding) RAILROAD became a huge company because it owned the mines in NE Pennsylvania and also the railroad that hauled it to Philadelphia and points south. This monopoly was broken up.

19. Write alot, say?: ERR 😀 Oops, nospace!

20. Hound: DOG.

21. Instrument whose name comes from the Latin for "heavenly": CELESTA.

Celesta are keyboard glockenspiels 

22. Anatomical pouches: SACS.

24. "Mary Poppins" chimney sweep: BERT.


26. Team that retired Willie Mays's No. 24: METS - Willie was one of the best to ever play the game but will always be a NY/SF Giant.

27. Banjo ridge: FRET.

29. Clear for takeoff?: DE-ICE.

31. Pong consoles: ATARIS - I remember being amazed with this "cutting edge" technology in the 70's!

33. Third of a cappuccino: FOAM.

34. Choose: OPT.

37. "Great, now I'm scared of this" hashtag: NEW FEAR UNLOCKED -
it implies a sudden realization of a previously unknown vulnerability.


40. Not virtually, virtually: IRL - In Real Life, a shark is not likely to ever threaten you

41. Once menos ocho: TRES - In Mexico 11 - 8 = 3

42. Lilikoi and lychee: FRUITS - Lilikoi are also know as passion fruit 

43. Rips into: HAS AT.

45. Electric __: EELS.

46. Painter Thomas of the Hudson River School: COLE.


49. Entreaty: PLEA.

51. Gin berry: SLOE.

53. Island home of the Ka Hula Piko festival: MOLOKAI - The name intimated Hawaii and I just went through the names of the islands until one fit.

55. Tiny issue: NIT.

57. Coder's concern: BUG.

58. Elaboration intro: AND ANOTHER THING - Ya gotta love Clouseau! 

61. "Voilà!": I'VE DONE IT.

62. Best: OUTDO.

63. Scand. land: NOR.

64. Tries out: TESTS.

65. Garlic __: PRESS.


1. Uncovers: BARES and the opposite 12. Covers: COATS.

2. Drew Barrymore film promoted as "A Cinderella Story": EVER AFTER.

3. Strength exercise done on all fours: BEAR CRAWL.

4. "Huh": ODD.

5. Part of PTO: PAID - Out here in farm country, it will much more likely mean Power Take Off  than Paid Time Off

6. Reached a friend on the playground?: TAGGED 😀

7. Timetable abbr.: ARR.

8. Big stink, e.g.: REACTION  - George Brett had a bad REACTION when a home run he hit was declared illegal because of too much pine tar on his bat

9. Baby bump, in baby talk: OWIE.

10. Invitation to elaborate: TELL ME MORE - It's a four minute clip but this is a fun song and ear bug where TELL ME MORE is a oft repeated lyric.

11. Crow bar?: ROOST 😀

13. "Clear+Vivid" podcast host Alan: ALDA - Science and Alan ALDA, what's not to like?

16. "Spirit Rangers" voice actress Summer: CREE - She's very big in the voice actor genre 

18. Noodle: NOB - Euphemisms for someone's head

23. Peasant: SERF.

25. No: REFUSAL.

28. Join a union?: TIE THE KNOT - Very uniquely in some cases.

30. Leg muscle: CALF.

31. Righteous Babe Records founder DiFranco: ANI.

32. Singer-songwriter Bareilles: SARA ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ A Saturday SARA

34. Cautious invitation to elaborate: OK I'LL BITE 😀

35. 1966 pop album with cover art of band members feeding goats: PET SOUNDS.

36. Scores that often result in dances: Abbr.: TDS.

38. Timeouts: RESPITES 😀

39. Signs to act?: CUES.

44. Principles: TENETS.

46. Chat sesh: CONVO - Slang for conversation

47. "The __ I get, the better I used to be": John McEnroe: OLDER 😀

48. Mutual fund fee: LOAD.

50. Make public: AIR.

52. Some quick toasts?: EGGOS 😀
53. Primary: MAIN.

54. Prime: A-ONE.

56. Muscle car roof: T-TOP.

59. Hot single: HIT.

60. "Ben-__": HUR - An 1880 first edition with an autograph - $8,950.



Subgenius said...

I got this, after I “tweaked” a couple of answers (like changing “celeste” to “celesta” and “Oh” to “Ok”). It didn’t strike me as too difficult a puzzle either, particularly not for a Saturday. FIR, so I’m happy.

desper-otto said...

Good morning!

Is it really Saturday? This seemed too easy. Only needed my Wite-Out to correct gOOd to COOL and NOg to NOB. Enjoyed it. Thanx, Jess and Husker. (I thought it was Power Take-Off, too.)

Jinx in Norfolk said...

Finished a Saturday! Finished it wrong, but finished it! ARE WE gOOd, AdDe instead of ALDA, and naG instead of DOG were my WAGs gone bad. Just couldn't get away from power take off, even though we've recently had the PTO discussion here. I blame decaf. ODDly, only two erasures - cees for FOAM (c'mon, three of the nine letters are cees. Oh wait - there's ten letters in cappuccino? Never mind.) Also MOLiKAI->MOLOKAI. UNTIE!

Don't quite understand why the METS would retire Say Hey Willy Mays' number.

Haven't we had this discussion about T-TOPS and muscle cars? And a 'Vette has plenty of muscle, but it's not a muscle car.

I really appreciate my RESPITE worker. I was loath to spend the money, but my stepkids convinced me that I couldn't take care of their mom unless I take care of myself. (I think of them as my kids - I'm closer to them than to my own.)

Thanks to Jess for letting me play with the smart kids this Saturday. And thanks to H.Gary for the fun roundup. I see what you did when you snuck in NE.

Anonymous said...

Took 13:11 today to unlock this one.

I also had "nog" before "nob" as I've heard of neither.

I didn't know today's (or any day's) voice actress (Cree), the painter, celesta, or the Saturday puzzle staple of obscure food (lilikoi).

Irish Miss said...

Good Morning:

On the plus side, I appreciated and enjoyed some of the clever cluing and fresh and lively fill, e.g., Ever After, Bear Crawl, Tie The Knot, Molokai, etc. However, the numerous proper names and conversational phrases detracted from the flow of a smooth and satisfying solve, at least for me. Celesta was unknown, as was Pet Sounds and the never-heard of before New Fear Unlocked. Chat Sesh=Conv=

KS said...

FIR. But i was really surprised I did. The bottom long answer had me baffled, because what I saw was "and a not her thing" instead of "and another thing".
4D seemed "odd" to me since the clue was "huh". I find that somewhat of a stretch.
But overall this was a lot easier than most Saturday puzzles. Not all that enjoyable, but it's done, so there's that.

Irish Miss said...

Sorry, I hit Publish by error. Anyway, Chat Sesh=Convo=🤐 Also on the plus side, the perps were fair and an enabled a successful, if not enjoyable, completion.

Thanks, Jess, and thanks, HG, for the great photos and the cute Coder’s Bug illustration. Your analysis is always a pleasure to read and our author’s mini bios are, as well. Thanks for going the extra step to provide those personal insights.

Have a great day.

RustyBrain said...

I took a ride on the Reading and passed GO! Please send me $200, thank you.

Pretty easy for a Saturday. Last to fall was 16A Hound which could be DOG or NAG. Couldn't come up with what PTO was so PAIn seemed almost as good, but chose correctly.

Liked the clues Observation deck (TAROT) & Scores that often result in dances (TDS). Baby bump gave me a pregnant pause.

RustyBrain said...

I wanted CEES for cappuccino for a while as well. On Saturdays, I'm on the lookout for misdirection, but this one turned out to be straight forward.

Jinx in Norfolk said...

Just worked this week's DAB puzzle. His genius was evidenced by a new way to clue the Ektorp ACAI.

Tehachapi Ken said...

Today's puzzle by Jess was an otherwise worthy Saturday challenge. But I have one or two reservations.

First, the puzzle contained several verbalisms--those annoying and petty conversational nullities like "OK, I'll bite" and "Are we cool?" I do not think they belong in a legitimate crossword puzzle.

Second, 26A is one of the most preposterous and misleading clues ever. Willie Mays is considered one of the greatest baseball players in history. His stellar career (twenty years) was with the NY/San Francisco Giants, except for his last two years, when he was over 40, with the NY Mets.

So this is a baffling clue on two counts:: first, Mays' Hall of Fame career was as a Giant, their franchise icon; and second, there are thousands of legitimate clues for METS. Why not "Amazin'," or mentioning Shea or Citi Field, or one of the great Mets players like Tom Seaver or David Wright or Dwight Gooden?

The majestic statue of Willie Mays is at the Giants' stadium in San Francisco, not in New York.

Back to the positive, and notwithstanding the above, I mostly enjoyed doing Jess' puzzle. It was largely free of gimmicks and cuteness, and the fill was lively and creative. It was entertaining, and I felt comfortable, feeling that this constructor knew what she was doing. It was a challenging puzzle, but I sensed that Jess was attuned to the best interests of the solvers (us) and not just trying to show off.

So thanks, Jess, for an admirable and enjoyable Saturday workout. And thanks, Husker Gary, for your usual amusing and thorough leadership this morning.

Anonymous said...

Yooper Phil here, reporting from airport ATW awaiting a direct flight to Punta Gorda FL just in time to escape the arctic blast descending on the U.P. and most of the country. As per a typical Saturday puzzle I had my doubts when I couldn’t fill till 19A, but it came together pretty quick after that, FIR in 22:06. Perps were again a big help and I had three blanks which I successfully WAGed on, the intersections of CELESTA/CREE, NOB/BERT and COLE/LOAD. I know ALDA but not by that clue. The vertical 9’s and 10’s required perps. All in all a fun puzzle from Jess and another great review by HG, thank you both!

Ray - O - Sunshine said...

Hopes dashed when a few letters kept me from a finish in the NW! Right off the bat wanted disco then changed to the equally incorrect tecno completed my downfall with crabCRAWL. The l “write alot” clue which had me baffled. Really obscure, but I guess alls fair on a Saturday 😏

PTO: our hospital refers to it as PDO “paid days off”

With all respect to Mrs Rucks’ DH I didn’t realize that the US Space Force was a thing. But it’s kept us safe from Martian and Venusian invasion.

Inkovers: eta/ARR, milk/FOAM, okay/COOL

Still don’t like ”sesh” or CONVO. Was trying to squeeze PETShopboys into not enuff squares.

Do they grow “lilikoi” on MOLOKAI?. Our own Utica/Syracuse St. Marianne Cope a Franciscan nun canonized in 2012… Once her ministry was done in our area travelled to the leper colony in Hawaii. Became better known as St. Marianne of MOLOKAI. She worked closely with Father Damien (“Damien the Leper” 1937 biopic) who died of the disease she never contracted considered a “miracle” in itself.

DW just plopped her errand list in my lap. Off I go 🚗

Monkey said...

This the worst kind of CW for me: loaded with names and verbalisms. Since I was getting frustrated I TITT.

Thanks HG for your nice review. And kudos to those who persevered and FIR.

Jfromvt said...

Very doable Saturday. Got the long answers fairly quickly which helped with the solve.

Ray - O - Sunshine said...

Our Munson Art museum is home to the Thomas COLE group of four magnificent monumental paintings collectively called “The Journey of Life”

Picard said...

It was OK. No idea about AVEDA, CREE, SARA. Yes, clues for TAROT, FOAM and EGGOS were amusing.

Our Santa Barbara Swing Dance community has many of us named Robert or Bob. One friend calls himself BEBOP Bob for unique identification. He taught me aerial moves.

From Yesterday:
I really enjoyed the snack theme and was impressed with the construction. Except for "AIGHT".

From Thursday:
I was not so fond of the Ps and Qs theme. I am not so impressed with themes involving the clues.

From Tuesday:
That clue/answer really bugged me:
"One that might get turned into stone?: SCREW."
I found the perfect joke that expresses how annoying it was:
What's red, hangs on the wall, and whistles?
A herring
“But a herring isn’t red!”
I painted it red
“But a herring doesn’t hang on the wall!”
I hung it on the wall
“But a herring doesn’t whistle!”
Ohhhh, that was just to confuse you.

Monkey said...

I love that joke. It’s á keeper.

CrossEyedDave said...

Clear sailing! I'm not used to such a smooth ride on a Saturday. Could be a wavelength thing, like, PTO was a no brainer since I have a lawn tractor. But I always had a nose twitch with the use of "PTO," probably because I do everything backwards. To me it's the lever I use to "engage power" to the cutting blades. Since EBP would be even more confusing, (Engage Blade Power) why not just call it the PUP switch, as in Power-UP...

Why are they called Lychee nuts then?
I looked it up, and when the started with the Frawnch background, I lost interest. But, then again, I guess a lot of fruits have something like a nut in them, but the nut in Lychee is inedible...

Oh, and I LOL'd at the pic for coder's bug! There are a few people I would like to send that to...

Speaking of bugs, from last nite, thank you Sumdaze for the Alexa/YouTube suggestion for soothing orchestral music. Sounds like a great idea! So I tried it out, and Alexa goes "searching YouTube..." and never comes back! Just dead silence forever... I tried all different ways of saying it, but Nada... I wonder, did you pay for Ad free YouTube? Or maybe there's a a special App for YouTube to engage with Alexa? I dunno, I have some more research to do...

Picard said...

I just remembered that I have a SWING dance aerials photo with BEBOP Bob.

I am in the center with my then lady friend Barbara. BEBOP Bob is the shaved head guy behind Barbara with his dance partner Nancy highest up in the air. Both of them have moved far away in opposite directions. But, by coincidence, both are in town right now visiting.

Picard said...

Monkey Glad you like that joke that captures the absurdity of the ROCK and SCREW! It is in a wonderful book called "Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar".

Picard said...

Husker Gary Hand up loved the BUG "joke" that is no joke at all.

Misty said...

Delightful Saturday puzzle, many thanks, Jess. And your commentary and pictures are always helpful, Husker Gary, thanks for those too.

I loved all the conversation that went on in this puzzle, starting with "ARE WE COOL?" We sure are, I'd say. "TELL ME MORE," I'd respond with--OK, I'LL BITE. "AND ANOTHER THING"--I would have loved to hear what that other thing she wanted to tell us was. There were a few items that made me laugh or annoyed me a little. I don't ever want to have to watch anyone doing a BEAR CRAWL. But it was cool that after passing all the TESTS, the writer said "I'VE DONE IT." Yes you have, I'd say. And thank you so much for all this lovely effort!

Have a great weekend, everybody.

NaomiZ said...

FIR at breakfast, in spite of half a dozen unknowns (not counting unknowns as clued, like MOLOKAI). okay --> COOL, nag --> DOG. A fair Saturday challenge from Ms Rucks, and an excellent exposition from Husker Gary. Thanks!

I'm glad Jinx is getting some help, with encouragement from the bonus kids. That's what I call the offspring that come free with a second marriage, and they can be a great gift in one's life.

Picard, thanks for the swing dance photo demonstrating aerial moves. I wondered what you meant until I saw that!

Enjoy the weekend, everyone.

Charlie Echo said...

Clever puzzle, but too clever for me. Pretty much what IM said about the annoying "verbalism" non-clues. Never heard anyone say " My car has a T-Top". It's T-TOPS, and why anyone would think of any team other than the Giants (NY or SF) with Willie Mays is a wonder to me! Nice try, Jess...but no cigar!

Copy Editor said...

I knew I’d come up with the Monopoly property and the 1966 album cover eventually, and MOLOKAI launched me in the SW, so it didn’t take forever to overcome the extremely convoluted cluing and overabundance of paraphrases in this puzzle.

NEW FEAR UNLOCKED? A ridiculous clue for ODD? Not just “I’ll bite,” but OK, I’LL BITE? The Willie Mays clue would have been “OK” if it had said “A team that retired Willie Mays’ No. 24,” instead of making it sound like “the team” that did so, which was the Giants. Why NOB, instead of knob? CONVO! I could name a dozen other annoyances.

I didn’t see the CELESTA clue early on, so I wonder if I’d have gotten it without perps. A lot of people have heard of BEBOP but don’t really know what it is. I’m on an EGGOS kick this month. I was intrigued by the Hudson River School item, because the Fairbanks-endowed Athenaeum in St. Johnsbury, Vt., my favorite small town, has quite a collection. But I need perps for COLE.

Copy Editor said...

I also had CEES before FOAM, but cappuccino has 10 letters, not nine.

Charlie Echo said...

PICARD...Great joke! That herring sure sums up some of the cluing here lately. As far as "verbalisms" go, the latest one from SpaceX is a classic..."Unscheduled rapid disassembly"=EXPLOSION.

Picard said...

NaomiZ Thank you for the kind words about my SWING dance aerials photo with BEBOP Bob. That was a posed still shot at the end of the class. Some of the moves are a lot more "aerial" than that! I wish there were videos of our amazing moves. But this was before shooting video was common. I can probably still do most of the moves, but I would need a partner who weighs about 100 lbs or less.

Picard said...

Charlie Echo Thank you for the appreciation of these absurdities. Yes, here is that official SpaceX statement.

AnonymousPVX said...

I’ll take “crosswords” for $2000…

Answer: What a great Saturday crossword!

Question: Something you thought you’d never say.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree! While parts of this puzzle were moving right along for a Saturday, there were several stretches for answers and the NE corner was killer due to unknown perps crossings! Sure, RCA is well known but there are tons of labels, celesta was unknown as some form of cellos was tried all the while knowing that heavenly equals celestial! No clue that Alan Alda has a podcast and while there must be a ton of great ways to clue the Cree Nation Tribe, instead she finds a voice actress no one knows?! Seriously! If I’ve got Cree everything else falls into place. Nasty perps in that corner IMO.

Anonymous said...

Agree that odd is a stretch too far for huh!

Kelly Clark said...

I think this is probably one of the best Saturday LAT crosswords I've solved in the Patty Varol era. Beautiful long entries, fair perps...thank you so much, Jess Rucks. And thank you, Husker Gary for the fun review!

Lucina said...

My family is here cleaning my house and changing my sheets! In the meantime, I can solve the puzzle and comment here. For a Saturday, it was almost easy. I finally got Drew's movie, "Evermore" which I've not seen.
BTW, it was fun seeing both Drew Barrymore and Drew Carey on Squares last night. They commented on it, too.
MOLOKAI brings memories of my nephew's wedding there. We all stayed at some very nice condos. One of my nephews cooked for all of us and we met at their place to eat. The wedding took place on the beach. The groom had chartered planes to take us there from Honolulu. A good time was had by all though the marriage did not last.

Sandy Schuckett said...

Amen!! your first paragraph

Anonymous said...

Saturday puzzle. Couldn’t concentrate….partly solved…maybe later.
Husk guy, I’m sure you understand….FOOTBALL! Go Lions!
Greet the day.

sumdaze said...

CED@10:54. No, I do not pay for Ad free YouTube. Also, I don't go through alexa. I was talking about directly typing the search into my computer then opening a tab and letting it play in the background. (I have aux speakers so the sound is good.) Here's one to try:

Anonymous said...

Love his free puzzles!

Jinx in Norfolk said...

Thanks, NaomiZ. I've been blessed with a wonderful wife and gifted with her offspring. Kinda hard remember that they are hardly kids - both have received their "welcome to AARP" letter.

Anonymous said...

Jess here - thanks for solving & for your kind words. I always love reading the blog that Gary writes & popping in here to see how the solve went for folks. Cheers! :)

Anonymous said...

"Are we good" sank me and the Cree/Alda clues were sufficiently obscure that they didn't save me from my own stupidity.

unclefred said...

Well, eventually I managed to finish this CW, but only with red letter help and several alphabet runs, so can't award myself a FIR. Way too many names that I DNK. 14 names total, 10 of which I DNK. Oy! Also DNK "CELESTA". Or "CONVO". Never heard anyone say "convo". How would that be used? "Let's have a convo about that"? Never heard it. Anyway, several comments that this was easy for Saturday. Well, not for me. :-( I did like the quote though, it is SO true: "The older I get the better I used to be." Yes indeed! Clever CW JR, thanx, but too much for me, as are most Saturday CWs. Thanx too to HG for the excellent write-up! What, no BDs today? I hope all are doing well, and those healing are healing quickly.

Big Easy said...

After being out of town for ten days, I was faced with my first Saturday crossword puzzle and I almost FIR. I blew it in the NE, confidently writing CELESTE, an instrument I know; never heard it called celest-A.
ALDA and any podcast host- all are unknown.
Spirit Rangers and CREE- both unknowns and filling ARE WE 'GOOD', instead of COOL. The CA didn't make it after R was on the grid for the music label.

I also messed up on PAID, NOD and BERT (unknown). Somehow I managed to fill PAIN and NAG crossing NAG. PTO for paid time off was an unfamiliar abbr.

NEW FEAR UNLOCKED was 100% perps. I had no idea what it referred to but it fit. Anybody else know of the saying?

Anonymous said...

Misty, about 60 years ago the football coach made our entire team (with a few exceptions), BEAR CRAWL from goalpost to goalpost (120 yds.) after we lost a football game. We were ahead by 21 points at halftime. It was a long night

Big Easy.

Anonymous said...

A more doable Saturday. FIR with perps but did not, do not enjoy verbalisms and so many names. Had fun with it anyway.

Prof M said...

DABs are great CWs.

Anonymous said...

Like @BigEasy, I was outta town, so didn’t get to this until today (Sunday, which is “tomorrow” for this one…), so apologies for the late post. But after reading all the commentary, I just wanted to toss in my 2¢-worth…

I actually enjoyed this workout from Jess; although some of the entries left much to be desired (as many of y’all felt: CREE, ODD, METS), I find the verbalisms to be fun. Maybe they truly should not be in a CW — but before I’d trash those, I’d want to be spared from the obscure-pop-culture-names torture. At least most of us have heard the verbalisms, but how many of ya know any voice actresses? 🤮

“PETSOUNDS” has often been called Brian Wilson’s best album, fwiw. IMO, his best piece ever is “Good Vibrations”; it’s hard to find a tighter-composed song in any modern genre if you ask me.

Anyway, off to the Sunday puzzle now — after I read the comics!! 😎 And thanks for the fun, HG. Bug indeed!

====> Darren / L.A.