Theme: "Drollery" - ERY sound is added to each familiar phrase, resulting spelling changes in a few theme entries.
23A. Rush hour traffic reporters? : ARTERY CRITICS. Art critics.
36A. List that includes "full," "round" and "wide"? : LIP GLOSSARY. Lip gloss.
56A. Foes with bows? : ARCHERY ENEMIES. Arch-enemies.
77A. Reason for a strange smell coming from the trunk of the car? : GROCERY NEGLECT. Gross neglect.
95A. "Chantilly Lace" and "Blue Velvet"? : FINERY TUNES. Fine-tunes.
114A. Group of sweet-talking experts? : FLATTERY PANEL. Flat panel.
3D. Hasty remark? : CURSORY WORD. Curse word.
69D. Food for thought? : BRAIN CELERY. Brain cell.
of the theme entries have second word altered. Two of the theme entries
are in plural form. So no odd man out in the theme set. Consistency is very important in theme entry selection.
This puzzle only has 138 words. 144 is always the magic number to me.
1. Tex-Mex casserole : TACO PIE. Has anyone tried Korean taco?
8. Woodworking tool : LATHE
13. Where tie-dyeing may be done : AT CAMP
19. Came to : EQUALED
20. Phylicia of "The Cosby Show" : RASHAD. Won Tony for "A Raisin in the Sun".
21. Muse of comedy : THALIA. We often see her sister ERATO.
22. Foster : NURTURE
25. Confrontation-ending device : TASER
26. What the Tin Man had : NO HEART. He thought he didn't have.
28. Krypton, for one : RARE GAS
29. Like some contracts : ORAL
31. More than cool : RAD
32. Diplomatic office : EMBASSY
34. Like auxiliary vbs. : IRR. Like "Be", in many languages. Chinese "Be" is the same for you, I, we, etc. All Chinese verbs are.
39. Hardly rah-rah : TEPID
43. One-named "I Do!" singer named for a Jackson : TOYA. OK, named after La Toya Jackson.
45. National No Socks Day month : MAY. May 8. New trivia to me.
46. 13 for Al, e.g. : AT NO. Aluminum.
47. Music genre heard in the film "The Big Easy" : ZYDECO
48. Ticket seller's query : HOW MANY
50. Happy : GAY
52. Rival of 56-Down : DDE. 56. Rival of 52-Across : AES. No-clue clues. I like when one of the cross-referenced entries is clued. The other can be "Rival of ? -Across/Down".
54. H.S. offering : DEG
55. Makes up (for) : ATONES
61. Kitchen gadget : CORER
62. Activity center : BEEHIVE
63. Lacquered metalware : TOLE
64. "Then ..." : AND SO
65. Tony's portrayer on "NYPD Blue" : ESAI. Very irrational when it came to his ex-wife.
66. Adjective for a 93-Across : OLDE. And 93. Quaintly named lodging : INNE.
68. Ready to bloom : IN BUD
72. Certain girder : I-BAR
74. More like a mountain road : SNAKIER. And 85. Like a dirt road vis-à-vis pavement : DUSTIER
76. MLB exec Joe : TORRE
81. Commercially, it started in the U.S. around the time of the Boeing 707 launch : JET AGE. Never heard of this term. Are we still in this age?
82. Pal of Harry and Hermione : RON. Just for Jazzbumpa!
83. Second-century date : CLI. 151.
84. NFL scores : TDs
86. Exceedingly : EVER SO
89. Pentagonal plate : HOME. Home plate.
92. Fr. neighbor : BEL (Belgium)
94. "__ the Beat": 1982 hit for The Go-Go's : WE GOT
99. No. after a dot : CTS. Oh, money.
100. Divulged : SPILLED
102. Hockey legend : ORR
103. Love-crazy Le Pew : PEPE
105. Go along with : AGREE TO
108. Make an error on, as a check : MIS-DATE
111. Early 20th-century Oklahoma boom town : TULSA
116. Pittsburgh skyscraper builder : US STEEL
118. Baseball's Posey : BUSTER. 2012 National League MVP. For our River Doc. Hondo follows the Giants also.
119. Hun king: ATTILA
120. Pension collector : RETIREE
121. Guides : STEERS
122. Nos from Nikita : NYETS
123. Jules Léotard and Amelia Bloomer, for two : EPONYMS. It can refer to people after whom things are named or things that derived from people.
1. It's pitched : TENT
2. Blue shade : AQUA
4. Genre featuring big hats : OATER
5. Deer or elk, sometimes : PLURAL. So irrational. They can be counted, why can't they take plural forms?
6. Court suffix : IER. Courtier.
7. Adam's first home : EDEN
8. Texas border city : LAREDO
9. Hollywood canine : ASTA
10. What's left : THE REST
11. Clinton imitator on "SNL" : HARTMAN (Phil)
12. Big name in ice cream : EDY
13. Gillette razors : ATRAS
14. Dry : THIRSTY
15. Having good night vision : CAT-EYED
16. Sacha Baron Cohen alter ego : ALI G
17. Flaky mineral : MICA
18. Hand at dinner : PASS. Please hand/PASS me the wild rice.
20. 1986 Indy champ : RAHAL (Bobby). I don't follow racing. Is the Letterman/Rahl team good?
24. Supercomputer maker : CRAY. Drew a blank, TTP!
27. Wild revelry : ORGY
30. Depicts in words : LIMNS
33. "Homeland" terrorist Nick : BRODY. JD likes the show. Read more here. Fascinating series.
34. Ivy League city : ITHACA
35. Encourage with cheers : ROOT ON
37. Fork over : PAY
38. Greet with two letters? : SAY HI. Great clue.
40. Cab starter : PEDI. Pedicab.
41. Slush Puppie maker : ICEE
42. Shepherds, perhaps : DOGS
44. Inclined to forget : AMNESIC
47. Greek known for paradoxes : ZENO. The guy from Elea.
49. Oxygen-dependent organism : AEROBE
50. Stubborn stain : GREASE
51. Sore : ACHING
53. Thwart : DETER
57. Called forth : EVOKED
58. Bits of antiquity : RELICS
59. Privileged classes : ELITES
60. "Amahl and the Night Visitors" composer : MENOTTI
62. New Hampshire state mineral : BERYL. Minnesota does not have one. See here. Just learned from D-Otto's comment last week that we don't have State dog either. What's wrong with us? So cold here right now. I thought of Dr. Zhivago & Lara while walking through the thick snow & biting wind last Thursday night to attend a party.
67. Lt. Columbo, e.g. : DET
70. Pressing : URGENT
71. Some farm machinery : DEERES
73. Gas station acronym : ARCO
75. Trim to fit : ALTER
77. Sprouted : GREW
78. Travel randomly : ROVE
79. 10 C-notes : ONE G
80. It's nothing to Nero : NIHIL
81. Cocktail with a sprig of green : JULEP
85. Scout group : DEN
87. Prize ribbon feature : ROSETTE
88. Noted gatekeeper : ST. PETER
90. Almost out of gas : ON EMPTY
91. Try to make peace : MEDIATE
92. Actor Reynolds : BURT. Of course I thought of RYAN first.
95. Señorita's blossom : FLOR (Flower)
96. Alpine tunes : YODELS
97. Merry refrain : TRA LA
98. Gets busy with : SETS TO
101. Anatomical canals : ITERS. Learned from doing xwords.
104. Applied (for) : PUT IN. Tricky clue for me. Tricky tense too.
105. Homes for B-52s, briefly : AFBs
106. Superfluity : GLUT
107. Demolish, in Dorset : RASE
109. Bad mood : SNIT
110. __-et-Loir: French department : EURE. According to Wiki, Eure-et-Loir is named after the Eure and Loir rivers.
112. Come across as : SEEM
113. Many microbrews : ALES
115. TV chef Martin : YAN.
He was born in Guangzhou also. The real Cantonese food is very light.
Fresh veggie, fresh seafood, lightly steamed or sauteed. Most
restaurants have live fish, snakes, etc. You pick what you want, the
chef will then cook for you..
117. Pennant race mo. : SEP
Today we celebrate the birthday of Jazzbumpa (Ron), who always gives us all he has every time he blogs. Click here
for more pictures of his talented grandchildren. Amanda the ballet
dancer spent a week with the Rockettes this past summer. Nate is a great
baseball player.
(Updated later. Click here for 3 updated pictures Ron just sent to me.)
(Updated later. Click here for 3 updated pictures Ron just sent to me.)
Gloria & Ron |
Happy 80th Birthday to Misty's husband Rowland as well! Hope it's an extra sweet day for both of you.
I remember Martin YAN from Wok with Yan on CBC.
I didn't do the puzzles for Saturday and Sunday. It's discouraging when you finish the puzzles for Monday through Wednesday and can't finish the puzzles for Thursday or Friday.
Thursday's was tough. I thought "How soldiers may lie" was going to refer to a place because it started with IN A. Then I wanted IKE for ABE and SHIEST for ICIEST. I did get all three theme fills though.
Friday's was tougher. I got three out of four theme fills and then drew a blank on MIRE SERVICE. For culture medium I had DISH instead of AGAR. At least I had the right idea.
The theme was "ERY" .... 3 down ... CursORY does not fit the theme. Sloppy editing.
Wow, everyone is so old.
Thanks for interesting puzzle and expo, Jean and CC!
Happy birthday to Ron and Rowland!
As theme was not consistent, I got a good brain-cell workout. FINERY TUNES was especially problematic, because you only take out the RY. EURE, RAHAL and YAN completed by perps. No cheats but nearly an hour.
Have a good Sunday!
Did you notice that the theme entries were paired up alphabetery? A=ART & ARCH, C=CURSE & CELL, F= FLAT & FINE, and G=GROSS & GLOSS. But B, D, & E got skipped over. We might have seen a puzzle with these entries:
A power source with surges, crashing whatever is using it?
Delayed in a district in Manhattan?
Books about chewing gum?
A place for incinerating breakfast grains?
Desire to find an illness that causes people to dance -- badly?
Cause of a briny delay?
A Gay couple in Eden?
Dorothy's anthropomorphic fingernail file?
Oh, you want to know the results of those clues? Battery out of Hell, Tied up in a Bowery, Chicory Lit, Crematory of Wheat, Discovery Fever, Dilatory Pickle, Adam and Avery, Auntie Emery.
Morning, all!
Fun puzzle today. I thought I had the theme after getting ARTERY CRITICS, but eventually discovered that the theme was adding the ERY sound and not the actual letters ERA. That messed me up a bit with LIP GLOSSARY, since I knew that 11D was HARTMAN and LIP GLOSSERY couldn't be right. It was only when I got to CURSORY WORD that I realized what was going on.
AMNESIC was a complete outlier today along with BRODY and EURE. The last two didn't bother me, since I don't expect to know characters from TV shows I've never seen and names of French departments. The former, though, just really bugged me.
I know Martin YAN from his TV show, "YAN Can Cook." He is also locally based, although I have never been to his restaurant.
Hand up for trying RYAN before BURT. I'm very ashamed of myself.
Forgot to wish a Very Happy Birthday to our very own Jazzbumpa! Have a great one, Ron!
Good morning C.C. et al.
I figured I'd better drop in before starting my day, because by the time it's over I am totally drained and brain-dead. So, first things first:
Happy, happy B Day Ron!! Hope it's full of fun for you!
I got the theme at ARTERY CRITICS, and thought they would all end in "ery." Then when LIP GLOSSARY appeared, I realized it was just the sound that was added - ery, ary and ory all made an appearance. What, no PIG PENURY?? (Destitution in the sty?)
Fun theme, though, and nicely executed. My hang up was in the SE, since I put SEeS TO instead of SETS TO. Made it very difficult to see TULSA…until I finally had eULSA and the light dawned.
Have a relaxing day, everyone!
Good Morning, C.C. and friends. This puzzle didn't do too much for me this morning. There were lots of clever clues, however.
I never heard of a TACO PIE and wanted El Paso instead of LARADO for the Texas Border City.
I really wanted Remains instead of THE REST for What's Left.
C.C. ~ That TOLE tray is exactly like the one that my grandmother owned, which my mom now has.
Instead of Tie-dying our Tee shirts AT CAMP, we did our tie-dying in the back yard.
Zachary Richard is a ZYDECO/Cajun musician.
Whenever I see B-52's, I think of Rock Lobster.
Phil HARTMAN was tragically murdered by his wife in a murder-suicide many years ago.
I was listening to Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me as I was doing today's puzzle, when ST. PETER was discussed. Peter Segal noted that St. Peter is the ultimate Bouncer!
Happy Birthday Jazzbumpa and Rowland.
A Belated Happy Birthday to my dear friends, Lucina and Windhover.
QOD: If my poetry aims to achieve anything, it’s to deliver people from the limited ways in which they see and feel. ~ Jim Morrison (Dec. 8, 1943 ~ July 3, 1971)
I forgot to wish your DH a happy birthday, Misty!! 80? Really? He doesn't look a day over 39!! Hope the day is filled with joy and laughter for you both!
Maybe high schools on Krypton offer degrees, but here on Earth they offer diplomas.
You couldn't think of a better clue for "DEG"?
C'mon, Jean.
"QOD: If my poetry aims to achieve anything, it’s to deliver people from the limited ways in which they see and feel. ~ Jim Morrison (Dec. 8, 1943 ~ July 3, 1971)"
Morrison's chronic abuse of alcohol and cocaine were to deliver himself from the limited ways in which he saw and felt.
Was everyone on this blog an adolescent in the 60s?
Happy Birthday Jazzbumpa and Rowland.
Have a great day,
Googling clue 99 across led me to your blog. It is amazing; thank you for creating it. Someone commented on 54 across that high schools offer diplomas, not degrees; exactly what came to my mind while doing the puzzle.
Hi Y'all! I enjoyed this puzzle except for having it disappear several times. Since I can't get anyone to tell me why, I'm assuming I'm the only one who has this problem? Great one, Jean! I caught on early and found the theme fills very amusing. Thanks for a great expo, C.C.!
Most of the names were new to me. All perps & red-letter runs. I tried "taxi" before PEDI cab.
No Socks Day! Good grief! I didn't know and committed the sin of wearing some every day in May. Well, I'll know better in 2014. (If I can remember it that long.)
Greet with 2 letters? But SAY HI has five letters.
I didn't even see TULSA in the puzzle or expo until Marti mentioned it. Pay attention, PK!
Happy Birthday, dear JazzBumpa! Imagine that as a rousing chorus for you.
Lewis at 6:01: "Everyone is so old." Honey, it happens if one is lucky.
Anonymous at 8:53: I was an adolescent in the 50's. Do you have a prejudice against old people? There are a lot of nice ones here. I didn't start doing crosswords until retirement because I didn't have the time or room in my thoughts before.
Good Morning:
This is one of those puzzles that offers too little reward for too much work, IMO. It was a DNF for me due to the NE corner, especially the Ali G/rare gas crossing. I guess the brain isn't awake yet.
Thanks, Jean O, for your Sunday offering, and thanks, CC, for your always-informative write-up.
I hope everyone stays safe and sound during the nasty weather conditions heading toward a lot of us.
Very Happy Birthday wishes to Ron and to Rowland on his 80th. Hope you both have a terrific day.
Good day, friends!
Happy, happy birthday, Ron! You have such a beautiful family and I know they will do something special for you today.
Happy birthday to Rowland!
Go Sagittarians!
Well, Jean, I'm sure I don't have full appreciation for your puzzle. It was full of really obscure clues and a plethora of three letter fill that just irk me. But those are my limitations, of course. The puzzle is brilliant.
Believe me, I can forgive CURSORY. It has the same sound as -ERY.
I'm also not a big fan of cross referential clues, but once I had AES I knew that DDE was there somewhere.
And I don't know a thing about Sasha Baron Cohen so had to Yahoo that one.
The theme entries were clever and I was amused especially with LIP GLOSSARY; I guess that's because my grand daughter constantly applies lip gloss.
Yes, I had RYAN first and had forgotten all about BURT.
Thankfully, C.C., you could throw light on this for me. I plead tiredness because someone consistently calls at 4:00 A.M. with one ring only so I can't trace it.
As PK said, you should be so lucky.
In the 60s I was well into my teaching career.
Have a special Sunday, everyone, especially the birthday celebrants!
Boy, Sunday puzzles take me a long time and this was no exception. I started late last night, got back to it after some breakfast and just got finished. I liked it very much after the V-8 set in. (I do often drink it for breakfast.) I've never heard of TACO PIE but it sounds like something I would like. Tamale pie, yes. Lucina? I like ZYDECO music. It makes me want to dance.
Happy birthday JzB! I hope it's extra-special good.
Lewis (6:01), yep. Old, good-looking and smart.
Happy Sunday everybody!
Just too tough for me today. I grokked the theme at LIP GLOSSARY and BRAIN CELERY, but those were the only themes for Da Doc....
No bloody clue: TOYA, BRODY, NIHIL, and EURE....
Had APIS for ALES, TEAL for AQUA, AT HOME for AT CAMP, and PARER for CORER....
On the bright side, this old fart had BURT, not RYAN Reynolds....
Hahtoolah, I also thought of the Athens, GA B-52s at first....
Favorite answer, of course, was BUSTER (thanx for the shout out CC!). SEP was also a gimme, but am embarrassed at not getting HOME....
Finally, HBD to JazzBumpa and Mr. Misty...!
Hi gang -
Thanks for all the good wishes.
I don't usually do the Sunday puzzles, and this one beat me up pretty badly. Quite a few nits, but I won't go there.
Today's birthdays: Diego Rivera, who has me by 60 years, Kim Basinger, 1954; Sammy Davis, Jr., 1925; James Thurber, 1894; and Eli Whitney, 1765.
Famous Whitney quote: "Keep yer cotton pickin' hands off my gin!"
"Let It Snow" was a hit song the year I was born. Lions are in Philly, playing the Iggles in a blizzard. Lions up 8-0 in the 2nd Q.
Cool regards!
Happy birthday, Jazzbumpa & Rowland!
Thank you Jean for a fun puzzle, and C.C. for a great review!
This was a challenging puzzle for me. It took well over an hour even with red letter help, but thankfully no Googles.
The -ery sound theme is OK with me, even with some variation in spelling. That just makes the theme answers more challenging. I enjoy the solving process, so no nits for me.
I agree with several commenters – in many ways it is tough getting old, but it sure beats the alternative! And we seniors have a lot of wisdom & experience on the “underclassmen”.
Thank you, Jean, for the challenge, which was well over my solving ability. Thanks, C.C., for the excellent write-up.
Happy Birthday, JzB! Hopefully the Lions will serve up a win for you!
Happy Birthday, Rowland. I hope it's a special day.
Anon.@8:53--Yes, I was an adolescent in the 60's. Do you have an issue with that?
TACO PIE is a new one for me, too. It must be exclusively from Texas. Now, tamale pie, is something else. I love it almost more than tamales because it requires less work and tastes just as good. Bring it on!
Good afternoon everyone.
Happy Birthday to Misty's husband.
Boldog szülinapot! to JazzBumpa
We keep seeing DDE in cw's. Avatar was classed as a DDE from 1951 to 1962, which includes the time of yours truly's service on her. Before and after that period she was classed as a DD. The DDE designation came about when she was configured with a strong (for the times) ASW suite.
Many happy returns of the day Jzb and Misty's Rowland.
I did not care for the theme, not because of the inconsistency, if it were there but the clue/fill did not sparkle for me. The other fill was however nice.
Before casting stones, bear in mind the editor changes many clues each puzzle.
Be safe in the snow and thing about your vacation, 82 and breezy
Quite a few delays for me due to weather, church and the NW corner that almost had me yell uncle but I got ‘er done except for one bad cell. Educated guesses were the order of the day.
-There is big interest in ARCHERY, especially to girls, due to Hunger Games
-Concession stands now have these Tex-Mex pies
-TASER’s have become the go-to nonlethal weapon of choice
-Judge Judy laughs at claims of ORAL contracts
-The idea of an FSU/Auburn national championship game is TEPID to some
-DDE/AES was devious
-Very tidy and safe apple CORER
-My Christmas cactus is IN BUD and will soon explode in color
-Early next year Virgin Galactica will take us into The SPACE AGE for everyone
-I think I SPILLED the beans about something I shouldn’t have last week
-Bloomers were RAD in their day
-I pitched IDEA, BALL and SALE before TASER gave me TENT
-Very funny THIRSTY dialogue interpretations
-ST. PETER doncha call me cause I can’t go. Next line?
-HDB to Ron and Rowland.
Playing in the snow; one reason soccer will never replace football!
Cell phone manners in a movie theater.
Gary, every year in October, Manhattan Beach has a Hometown Fair. There are arts and crafts booths, game booths and food booths including those Frito creations you pictures called Pepper Bellies.
Next line? "I owe my soul to the company store."
I love the football game in the snow.
Sunday Morning was excellent as usual. One segment was about Katz's Deli in New York. Another I'm looking forward to was about the Free Masons. And there was more...
HG--"I owe my soul to the company store".
I owe my soul to the company store
I have owned and replaced several of those apple corers because they break after a few uses. If anyone knows of any stronger ones, please, let me know.
Lions turned back into the Lions, and lost badly.
Spitz, - Köszönöm szépen.
And it's "company sto'e."
Yes - I was an adolescent in the 60's.
Ummm, are the Patriots the modern-day Phoenix? How can a team come from behind in the final minutes like that??
-Yes, that was Tennessee Ernie Ford’s line about the guy who loaded 16 Tons of #9 coal and made the strawboss say, “Bless My Soul”. Unfortunately, he “owed his soul to the company store” and so he couldn’t even afford to die and meet ST PETER.
-Lucina, we broke some of those CORERS too but got two all metals ones and really enjoy how they facilitate making apples into bite size snacks.
-Yeah, a lot of us are “old” but not rude
-I was an adolescent in the 60’s too and am always happy today when I hear our music in movies, ads, tv shows, high school concerts, etc. I’ll take Beatles over Nas and Mylie any day.
-Bill, those Frito Pies look nasty to me
-The “sound alike” theme completers could not be any less of an issue. I’ll criticize when I write my first puzzle. Rich runs a nice shop here.
-Argyle, playing football in 8” of snow was very cool!
-Lemon, I don’t need you AND Tin gigging me about the weather ;-). I hope I can golf again before Easter!
-Marti, nobody asks how, they just ask how many
Gary, can't you golf with orange balls. Or maybe they turn blue instead, I dunno...
I won't be golfing but I'm heading out for a short bike ride and espresso wearing a sweatshirt and shorts. The temperature is in the low 50s. Manhattan Beach doesn't do fireworks on July 4th because of all of the rowdies it would attract. Instead, they put on a Christmas show, scheduled for tonight at 7pm. When I had my motorscooter, we would squeeze in a parking area right near the pier. Now, we find a street on a hill overlooking the pier. Almost as good as up close.
Husker, those snacks are called Traveling Tacos in my area. They are good moneymakers for student organizations when they sell them at outdoor sporting events.
Not trying to do anything but remind you all there is a place in the sun, where there is hope for everyone.
Yes an adolescent in the 60s. And now I am an adolescent in my 60s. HG, many of us are not rude, but there are plenty of rude old people, no stereotype is without reason or completely true.
Relax, we all know youth is wasted on the young. JK kiddies. Birth is a beginning, life a journey, death a destination. Enjoy.
Just got back from seeing Kinky Boots on Broadway. Haven't done the puzzle, or read the comments yet, I just wanted to say:
HBD Jzb!
10 - 4 Lemon.
Rudeness knows no min or max! It's just that after a certain age it becomes less tolerable! 10 year olds at recess can be forgiven and redirected!
I hope we can play 18 some winter day!
Lemonade, your invitation is much appreciated. How many of us can bunk at your house? I'm too old to sleep on the beach.
I told my Florida niece that I'd be down to spend the winter with her once, joking of course. She looked absolutely terrified. She was living in an efficiency apartment with only a pull-out couch, no bedroom. I felt so bad at scaring her. She's married and has a baby now. Maybe I could get a job babysitting.
This teenager through the 60s will join the fray. Ahem. Anonymous @8:53: Welcome to the blog! I hope you stick around! We need youngsters like you to give us perspective, and also to keep the discussions going as older members drop out!
Taco pies aren't the same thing as Frito pies, but the are similar. And Frito pies were FRONT PAGE HEADLINE NEWS here in Santa Fe for about 3 days running a month ago!
Thank you for the link to that article. Today is the first I had heard of TACO PIE/Frito pie. I'll have to research to see if it's sold in AZ.
Lucina, as I said, here it's called a Pepperbelly. Start with a bag of Fritos cut open lengthwise; add chili, sour cream, onions (I skip them), grated cheese (Jack or cheddar), Jalapeño peppers slices (optional) and guacamole.
Happy Birthday, JazzBumpa! And, my goodness, thanks for posting the pic of my Rowland, C.C., and thank you, everybody, for the sweet birthday wishes. This will be the best birthday he ever had, I think!
Finally got around to doing this one and thought it was very difficult. How does one get DEG (degree) for HS offering. I know of no high school that gives a degree. Diploma,yes.
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