After being confronted with a 4 letter addition last week, we only have one little letter and some very amusing clue/fill combinations. This is my first exposure to Joe Kidd, perhaps a Nom de Plume of a shy constructor who likes Clint Eastwood. It is also his 6th LAT to go with a single NYT, for which no picture was run. He sticks in some nice fill like HOGTIED, I MADE IT, NATALIE and TURN OFF but shines with two that are new to the Corner since the change to the LAT - CREATE A STIR and INCOME TAXES. I do not think I have had a puzzle with 5 eleven space theme fill before. Overall, it seemed easy, with many toeholds, but YMMV.
17A. Cheeky server?: FRESH WAITER (11). The base phrase - FRESH WATER - I like the cheeky server.
26A. Bro on the go?: MOBILE HOMIE (11). The base phrase - MOBILE HOME - I love mobile homie!
37A. European auto left out in the rain?: SATURATED FIAT (13). The base phrase - SATURATED FAT -Cute.
49A. Food for thought? : BRAIN MUFFIN (11). The base phrase - BRAN MUFFIN - A RECIPE. Or THIS.
49A. Food for thought? : BRAIN MUFFIN (11). The base phrase - BRAN MUFFIN - A RECIPE. Or THIS.
58A. Result of a yank prank?: WEDGIE ISSUE (11). The base phrase - WEDGE ISSUE - a divisive political issue, especially one that is raised by a candidate for public office in hopes of attracting or alienating an opponent's supporters. I have seen nothing but attack ads, with no attempt to put forth a platform. If you have never had your underwear tugged, this would be obscure.
1. Decision-making tool: COIN. I flip you for it.
5. Slips in pots: CHITS. A chit is a tab or an IOU, a record of money owed. Your neighborhood deli might give you a chit the end of each week, letting you know how much you owe for your daily bagels.
10. Assure, as victory: ICE.
13. One of four on a keyboard: ARROW. Just to the right of the letters.
15. Comics unit: PANEL.
16. Nice handle?: NOM. The French city misdirection.
19. Call from a cote: COO. I think they mean the birdhouses built for doves (pigeons) but I would prefer this cooing.

21. Hanoi holiday: TET. More Asian information.
22. "NBC Nightly News" anchor Lester: HOLT.
23. Sgt.'s underling: PFC.
29. Alienate: TURN OFF. Extreme.
31. Creator of many word lists: ROGET. Mr. Thesauras.
32. Sailing: ASEA.
33. Stately shaders: ELMS. "The stately Elm spreads its arms, rejoicing in its strength."
36. '40s Giant manager: OTT. Melvin Thomas Ott, nicknamed "Master Melvin", was an American professional baseball player who played in Major League Baseball as a right fielder for the New York Giants, from 1926 through 1947. He was a very successful PLAYER as well. His puzzle counterpart is 2D. Nine-time NHL All-Star: ORR.
41. Draw at a pub: TAP. Beer is back on Friday.
42. Weight adjustment factor: TARE. Tare weight is accounted for in kitchen, analytical (scientific), and other weighing scales which include a button that resets the zero of the scale display when an empty container is placed on the weighing platform, in order to subsequently display only the weight of the contents of the container. Dict.
43. One no longer serving: EX-GI.
45. Prove to be untrue: BELIE.
47. Late arriver's cry: I MADE IT.
52. Airport near OAK: SFO. Oakland and San Francisco are easy MSY is hard.
53. Outwit, as a tail: LOSE.
54. Taker of ppm measurements: EPA. Parts Per Million. Environmental Protection Agency.
55. Dorm room, perhaps: STY. I am so tired of this FEBREZE commercial.
57. Bad picnic omen: ANT. That seems harsh; you go sit where they live.
63. B.S. part: Abbr.: SCIence.
64. Oven setting: BROIL. I wondered why when you wanted to roast the turkey you set the oven to broil.
65. Put an end to: CEASE. And desist.
66. Rocky outcropping: TOR. A word I learned from puzzles, which is also known by geomorphologists as either a castle koppie or kopje, is a large, free-standing rock outcrop that rises abruptly from the surrounding smooth and gentle slopes of a rounded hill summit or ridge crest. Wiki.
67. AAA and NRA: ASSNS.
68. Bar shelf lineup: RYES. I have never seen an array of rye whiskey in any bar.
1. Half-__: coffee choice: CAF. Half-assed?
3. Aran Islands country: Abbr.: IREland. The Aran Islands are located just off Galway and Doolin. A true Irish experience awaits, locals, speak Irish as well as English in a setting of Celtic churches of historical significance including World Heritage site Dun Aonghasa which is set on a dramatic 300 ft cliff edge.
4. Prone to prying: NOSY.
5. Many an IRS e-file user: CPA.
6. 1492 landing site, now: HAITI. The HISTORY of this island called AYTI by the natives is more complex than most know.
7. Gathering of spies: INTEL. Not where but what.
8. Show instability: TEETER. Totter.
9. Hasselblad product: SLR. Single Lens Reflex.
10. 5-Down's concern: INCOME TAXES.
11. "Chillax!": COOL IT.
12. Act to excess: EMOTE. I have never liked this clue/fill.
14. Hula Hoop manufacturer: WHAMO.
22. Rendered immobile: HOGTIED. The hogtie when used on pigs and cattle has it where three of the four limbs are tied together, as tying all four together is difficult and can result in harm to the animal. More rodeo, see 45D.
23. Student advocacy gp.: PTA.
24. Ruckus: FUSS. Next to
25. Shake things up: CREATE A STIR. Quite a nice phrase, though all I can find online is Cause a Stir.
27. Key of Beethoven's Second Piano Concerto: B-FLAT.
28. Horseshoe holder: HOOF. I nailed this answer.
30. Merchant of 10,000 Maniacs: NATALIE. And much more. LINK.
34. Kingston Trio hit with the lyric "Fight the fare increase!": MTA. Poor Charlie.
35. Letter enhancement: SERIF. Serifs are semi-structural details or small decorative flourishes on the ends of some of the strokes that make up letters and symbols. An example would be the Times New Roman font. Sans serif does not have these details or flourishes. An example would be the Arial font.
38. Go __ smoke: UP IN.
39. End that may be untimely: DEMISE. An odd clecho with...
40. End-of-week exclamation: TGIF.
44. Midori on the ice: ITO.
45. Bouncy ride, to say the least: BRONCO. It is kind of fun when the horse wins.
46. Arab bigwigs: EMEERS.
48. Bit of tomfoolery: ANTIC. If you give in to your wild side, you will often have a ...
49. Rollicking good time: BLAST.
50. Prom night coifs: UPDOS.
51. Dickens bad guy: FAGIN. This fictional character is one of the villains in Charles Dickens’s novel Oliver Twist (1837–39) and one of the most notorious anti-Semitic portraits in English literature.
56. River in western Belgium: YSER. Made famous in World War I. LINK.
58. Org. for pugilists: WBA. The World Boxing Association is the oldest and one of four major organizations which sanction world championship boxing bouts, alongside the IBF, WBC, and WBO. wiki.
59. They, in Tours: ILS. Just some more French.
60. "Suppose ... ": SAY. These three letter fill are not simple/
61. Play for a fool: USE.
Joe Kidd was back and no Kidding around. Like I said, I went pretty fast for a Friday but had a good time. Maybe Mr. Kidd will overcome his shyness and come to the Corner to say hi. If not, we will soldier on. Thank you all and until next time- Lemonade out.
Thanks to Joe and Lemonade!
Nothing to complain about. Went quickly. Have had trouble with some recent offerings. Was too tired. Everything peachy today. Still have headache.
Have a great day!
Good morning!
Oh, you Kidd! Got the theme with FRESH WAITER. Some of the theme answers already have an I -- guess that's OK for a letter-addition theme, but wouldn't work for a letter-substitution theme. NATALIE Merchant was an unknown, as was WEDGiE ISSUE. I stumbled here and there, but found this one to be a quick Friday solve. Thanx, Joe and Lemonade.
As it turns out, today is NATALIE Merchant's birthday. AWAD listed a quote of hers: "There is one tradition in America I am proud to inherit. It is our first freedom and the truest expression of our Americanism: the ability to dissent without fear. It is our right to utter the words, "I disagree." We must feel at liberty to speak those words to our neighbors, our clergy, our educators, our news media, our lawmakers and, above all, to the one among us we elect President." - Natalie Merchant, musician and poet (b. 26 Oct 1963)
Good morning, folks. Thank you, Joe Kidd, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Lemonade, for a fine review.
This is a Friday puzzle and I zipped through it amazingly fast. Took me about an hour. Unbelievable for me. Caught theme with SATURATED FIAT. That helped with the others.
A couple unknowns: HOLT, WHAMO, NATALIE. Needed perps to complete them and and a few others that were close, ie; B FLAT.
Liked MTA. One of my favorite old time songs. I always liked the Kingston Trio.
Cold here in Pennsylvania. I am sure it is cold in Illinois as well. I will find out Sunday when I get back.
See you tomorrow.
( )
Hello Puzzlers -
Speed bumps here and there...had tick off before turn off. We’ve probably had emeers before, but emirs is more familiar, so the former looked suspicious. Never heard of a wedge issue, but after Lemon’s explanation, it makes sense; that theme fill took a bit longer to suss.
Lucina from yesterday - every time I read of your tamale-making projects, I get all hungry. Yum!
There's no I in "team", but there is an M and an E.
I agree with Lemony that this was an easy puzzle for a Friday. FIR, but erased ale for TAP and close for CEASE. I assume EMEERS is a var. DNK chillaxe, Beethoven's key, or NATALIE Maniac. The country would be a much better place if Ms. Merchant's "American tradition" was true today. Don't you dare argue with me on that!
My pal had a yellow FIAT convertible. Great fun, but it was in the shop with carburetor synchronization trouble a lot. FIAT: FIX IT AGAIN, -T.
I loved Cheech and Chong's "UP IN Smoke" movie.
Thanks to Joe Kidd for the fun, doable (even by me) Friday puzzle. And thanks to Lemonade for yet another fine review. But if it's all the same to you, I don't want to see YAO in a thong.
Good morning, friends.
This Friday puzzle seemed easier than most. I didn’t solve it without help, but only needed a little.
Have a good weekend.
DNF. Didn't know 58+59d, and misspelled EMEiRS, so that meant I was trying to suss ?IDG?E ISSUE. Might have done better if I were familiar with the term WEDGE ISSUE, but I don't recall ever seeing it before.
Music means a lot to the inveterate HOOFER.
It guides his steps, so he's not a left-footer.
The music shop purveyor
Gave a collie with each player,
So that speakers would have a very good WOOFER!
Is it Friday? 15 minute solve. I found the extra "I" almost immediately. Only Natalie was new to me.
The pipe bombs this week created quite a stir. Create a stir seems like normal usage to me, although, as Lemon said, I can't find a reference to it on line.
I believe that ryes can mean various brands of rye whiskey. I've seen an array or line up of ryes in a shelf behind a bar.
I have seen TARE printed on the sides of semis. Weigh stations can subtract the tare to find the weight of the load.
On Monday half a block of nearby downtown businesses with apartments upstairs went up in smoke, a seven alarm fire fed by a gas line. The buildings were reduced to a pile of rubble leaving 80 people homeless. The street is still barricaded. Already there have been so many donations of food and clothing that there is no place to store it all. I believe in giving gift cards, no storing or distribution problems and gift cards pay for exactly what is needed.
For a news junkie like me, wedge issue is a gimmee. I have never experienced a wedgie, but know about it from my high school days, movies and TV. It is mostly a male thing.
Yesterday afternoon Alan and I went on our annual leaf peeping tour. Next week might have shown more color but tomorrow's nor'easter will likely knock down all the leaves. It still was lovely. We took Rte. 80 almost to the Delaware Water Gap and returned on Rte. 46, which is quite rural in western NJ and follows a lovely stream. For Alan, a highlight was eating supper in a diner along the way.
Joe Kidd? No kidding? I was onto the inserted 'I' at FRESH WAITER but with all the uber-sensitive PC BS happening lately, Rich might worry about his job with the clue and answer for 26A- Bro & HOMIE.
This is George, aka Big Easy. I have no idea what happened to cause a post to show five times. I didn't touch my keyboard. Sorry.
Getting back to the puzzle, my only unknown was NATALIE Merchant (and 10,000 Maniacs). the PFC, TURN OFF, CREATE area was slow because I had filled TICK OFF and the sarge's underling could have been CPL or PVT. Either way, all three eventually become an EX GI.
Very easy puzzle for a TGIF puzzle.
WHAMO- I have a friend whose father was the WHAMO rep in its heyday. He sold Hoola-hoops, Frisbees, and Slip-N-Slide. Those products were so hot that they couldn't manufacture enough. Many fakes were being made and they were continually suing to have them shut down.
Good morning.
I'd agree. Easy for a Friday. Much easier for me than yesterday's puzzle.
Also picked up the gimmick at FRESH WAITER.
Hi Y'all! Thanks, Joe Kidd, for a very amusing theme puzzle. Thanks, Lemony, for another stellar expo.
Yet another spelling of aMirs, EMiRs, EMEERS. Make up your minds!
Never personally had a WEDGIE, but knew some guys who used this bullying tactic on smaller boys.
CHITS was ESP. Never heard of NATALIE Merchant and I saw only a red line on the link.
I use the ARROWs a lot when puzzle solving.
Chillax? Chill out/relax compilation?
Never roasted a turkey on BROIL -- only steak. I suppose BROIL would brown the turkey skin better, but maybe over-brown with several hours roast.
YR: sounds scary having a big fire that close. I'd be wondering about your own gas lines.
I need to clarify one thing from the water discussion last night. My own farmland is NOT near the Ogallala Aquifer in the article Avg Joe linked. Nor do we use a big circle sprinkler. We flood irrigate a small portion of my land pumping water from a river below a surface reservoir built just for the purposes of flood control & irrigation. Now I think this subject is over-watered.
Good morning everyone.
Usual informative intro, Lemonade; thank you.
Seemed on the easy side for a Friday. Finally got the theme 'cadence' which helped suss BRAIN MUFFIN. 2 11 letter downs as Lemon mentioned.
PFC - Equivalent to a Navy Seaman (SN)
HOOF - German Huf, L. German Hoof, Dutch hoef.
NATALIE Merchant spoke at my daughter’s graduation at SUNY-New Paltz
BRAIN MUFFIN - breakfast for zombies?
BRAIN MUFFIN - breakfast for zombies. That is a little dark billocohoes.
Yes, I need to be more careful. I know you do not broil turkeys. My point was I am ignorant and do not understand some cooking terminology.
Fairly easy solve for a Friday, and for once even I got the theme. Thanks for the fun, Joe Kidd. Very illuminating expo, as always, Lemony. I believe that you may have told us how long it has been since you have been in a bar with that remark about ryes. Rye whiskey is making a big comeback. It makes the best manhattans, and has its sippin' neat advocates as well. On my own meager bar at home there is a bottle of Jack Daniels Rye and one Crown Royal rye. Yes, I like manhattans.
Jinx, Yao in a thong is a mental image I may never unsee.
Billocohoes, zombie breakfast indeed. Thank you.
YellowRocks (and poss. Anon T) FLN: Per your request, I typed up the recipe early this morning, but now I am in a quandary. How do I get it to you. I don't even know how to post it. Sorry.
One Final Thought: I like to cook my family and my pets. (Use commas. They save lives.)
Haven't read the Blog yet, running late.
Have to drive Daughter#2 to the train for a job interview in the city...
But I just read FLN,
and had to add:
DW and I got a giant Wok for a wedding gift 32 years ago.
It has been sitting down various basements as we moved thru the years.
Anonymous T, your post made me bookmark this page, and start digging thru a bunch of
basement junk to find that never used Wok.
I will let you know how it turns out.
In the meantime...
In Wisconsin we made manhattans with brandy. Only in Wisconsin?
I got the theme quick. But it seems to me that I MADE IT, should have been part of this puzzle's theme clue, in some convoluted way. Perhaps our editor in chief thought it was too convoluted.
Don't want to create a stir but, I took issue with EMEERS. Even though it was a Friday level, it should have had var.
Easy enough puzzle and I didn't even eat a Brain Muffin.
Oh, it's "O.U.Kid" on those valentine candies,Mr. desper-otto.
Good Morning:
This was on the easy side for a Friday, though still challenging enough. Unknowns were Whamo and, as clued, SLR and B Flat. I haven't seen that spelling of Emeers in years but I entered it without hesitation. My favorite C/A was Food for thought=Brain Muffin. I thought the theme was clever and punny/funny. Wonder if Tin filled in that dreaded three letter word.
Thanks, Joe and Lemony, for a fun-filled Friday solve and expo.
Have a great day.
Joe does not Kidd around!
I did not find this as easy as most of you; in fact, it took a lot of thought but the extra I made an early appearance.
TOR is one of those crosswordese I learned early on in solving CWs.
Nice did not fool me for NOM.
ROGET is my hero. I have three well worn volumes of his works. Two are knock-offs but useful.
HOOF and BRONCO almost lead to a western theme.
Thank you, Lemonade; I've learned so much from you.
Have a BLAST today, everyone! My sis is here so must go.
Dudley, AnonT, et al, I know you are joking but if you are ever in my vicinity, you are welcome to come and sample tamales. There will be some in the freezer until New Year's.
Bluehen, thanks for taking time out to write up the recipe. Could you attach it to an email and send it to ?
PK the huge fire was about 3 or 4 miles east of here. The evening of the fire I went to pick up my square dance buddy, Arthur, who lives in that town. His apartment was safe, but he had no electricity. We had to detour way around the fire. The huge billow of thick black smoke closed the highway, as well as the downtown. The gas company had trouble finding the shut-off valve. Any longer and the whole block would have been gone.
-This SCI guy is subbing with juniors and seniors today in English. What a difference from JH!
-As usual, Lemon’s summative paragraph is on the money
-Wrong entries SGT and TICK OFF slowed west coast but rest made for a fun Friday
-A FRESH WAITER we had was fun for 15 seconds and then wouldn’t go away
-Two men flipped a coin to see what they would call the 640-acre clearing where they were establishing a town in Oregon. Pettygrove from Portland, Maine won two out of three coin flips against Lovejoy from Boston, MA. The Portland Penny is on display at the Oregon Historical State Museum
-If this political season doesn’t TURN you OFF you aren’t paying attention and good for you :)
-We have many PTO’s around here after they did not want to pay national dues to the PTA
-The ending of Ocean’s 11 when they realize their stolen money in the coffin had gone UP IN SMOKE (2:10)
-Here comes a bunch of juniors to learn about poets Jonson, Marvell, Herrick and Suckling. I have no clue on any of them
Regional usage of names is so interesting. Although it may be a mixed drink, here in Northern Indiana a Manhattan is an open faced roast beef sandwich- a layer of bread, sliced or shredded roast beef, mashed potatoes covered with a layer of brown gravy.
I, too, started with ticked off and quickly found that I had to find another term to vent my aggravation.
This was a great Friday for me. Big Easy had five posts- I had to change the word good to great because auto correct kept changing to an uppercase G in the word good. No, it is not the Friday before Easter, just a good day.
May this autumn weekend be a great, safe one for everyone!
TGI Friday! Thanks for the fun, Joe and Lemonade.
I got the "Added I" theme with BRAIN MUFFIN which allowed me to go back and complete the previous theme answers. I toyed with removing the I from 25D and 10D as I wondered if they might be part of the theme (no reveal today). (I also thought we had a lot of F's.) LOLed at WEDGIE ISSUE.
Unknowns requiring perps included NATALIE, MTA.
I waited for perps to decide between ELMS and Oaks, and TARE and Tret.
According to The Nuttall Encyclopedia "Tare and Tret, commercial terms, are deductions usually made from the gross weight of goods. Tare is the weight of the case or covering, box, or such-like, containing the goods; deducting this the net weight is left. Tret is a further allowance (not now so commonly deducted) made at the rate of 4 lb. for every 104 lb. for waste through dust, sand, etc."
I resisted the variation of spelling with EMEERS.
Misdirections included 5A (I was thinking of plant slips/cuttings in pots), 13A (I was thinking of a piano keyboard (associated with B FLAT).
We could have had some Canadian content with TOR and OTT if clued differently (Toronto, Ottawa).
RYES for Tinbeni and I think the use of ICE in 10A is OK for him.
CSO to our EES (is it missing from Lemon's writeup?).
My degree is a BSc not BS!
Enjoy the day.
Our house originally had coal heat and gas lights. When we moved in it had electric lights and oil heat. When we converted to natural gas heat, we had new lines run from the street to the meter, and from the meter to the furnace. Natural gas doesn't have a lot of energy, but a LOT of natural gas has a LOT of energy.
Seeing ads for the dainties young women wear these days make me think they pay good money to give themselves WEDGIEs.
WHAM-O also markets Super Balls. I may have told this true story before, but I'm of an age where everyone expects me to retell stories anyway. I had a school friend whose dad owned a drug store. He and I were fooling around in the store one day after class when a lady walked in and asked if he had Pretty Feet, a well-hyped salve back in the day. He gave her his best smile and said "about average, I guess" and looked over at us and grinned. After she paid for her purchase and departed, another woman came in and asked if he had Super Balls. He looked at us with the same grin, turned to the lady and said "aisle 3 on the right". It was a gentler time.
HG, I know Ben Jonson, but not he other poets. Misty, do you know them>?
Song to Celia by Ben Jonson
Drink to me only with thine eyes
And I will pledge with mine;
Or leave a kiss but in the cup,
And I'll not look for wine.
The thirst that from the soul doth rise
Doth ask a drink divine:
But might I of Jove's nectar sup
I would not change for thine.
I sent thee late a rosy wreath,
Not so much honouring thee
As giving it a hope that there
It could not withered be
But thou thereon didst only breathe
And sent'st it back to me:
Since, when it grows and smells, I swear,
Not of itself but thee.
Roast beef Manhattan is new to me.
At a Manhattan restaurant I drank a Manhattan cocktail while I waited for my order of Manhattan clam chowder and a roast beef Manhattan.
I loved this Joe Kidd puzzle, and had to cheat on only two small items to get the whole thing! Yay! Many thanks, Joe. I even got the extra I theme early on and that helped with some of the solves. Was surprised that NATALIE filled in for that merchant--don't know my music, I guess. Desper-otto, thanks for that Natalie Merchant quotation. Anyway, just a lot of fun, doable and clever, a great way to end the week. Thanks for the helpful write-up too, Lemonade.
Sorry to hear you still have headaches, Fermatprime.
Funny poem, Owen.
What a lovely fall outing you and Alan were able to enjoy, Yellowrocks.
Have a great weekend, everybody!
I love that poem! And speaking of wine, last night we went to Outback for dinner and had a red wine called Save Me San Francisco. Though I don't usually like red, it was delicious and full bodied! A real treat not acidic and ultra dry. I'm planning to buy a few bottles to take as hostess gifts since most people I know like red.
I beg to differ, (I Kidd you not...)
I found this to be one of the hardest Friday puzzles for me ever...
Must be a wavelength thing, but this puzzle has me kicking myself
for not getting the most obvious of clues.
Decision making tool = coin (totally stumped!)
One of four on a keyboard = arrow (I can feel them sticking out of my back for not knowing this...)
anywho, before I forget, Anon-T! Don't forget to season that Wok!
Don't look at one video on how-to, look at them all!
One I watched burned in the Wok after washing it with soapy water?
(who wants a soapy burned Wok?)
But all of them seem to agree that frying an onion in it till it is burn't
is standard procedure.
Note: The oil used to burn the onion should be strained and saved
to use as the base of an excellent sauce.
I would give you the recipe, but then I would have to kill you...
One thing I found, by looking for Pita Bread recipes,
is an excellent reference source that makes gourmet cooking easy.
It's called Food Wishes.
Check it out...
Well, thanks for an easier Friday than normal....but that usually sets up,a monster Saturday, we'll see.
Almost had ANOTHER triple write over...CPL b4 PFC, but PVT almost made it in there. Other write over was FORA b4 UPIN (smoke).
Another themed puzzle with no giveaways, appreciated.
Musings 2
-Irony of ironies (coincidence with our constructor?). Today the juniors are reading The Devil And Tom Walker which is a Washington Irving story where Tom is a man who sells his soul to the devil to be able to find Captain KIDD’s treasure. I made the comparison to Damn Yankees to show the kids how literary themes get recycled. I hope the teacher doesn’t mind.
-Owen, in Downton Abbey, Lord Crawley refers to Catholics as “left-footers”
Ta~ DA!
This was fun. Thanks, Mr. Kidd!
It's the kind of pzl to be solved by recollection of things you didn't know you knew, familiarity with older Xwds, and some stretches of the imagination.
In other words, perfecto for this old cruciverbalist!
My fave among the theme answers is SATURATED FIAT. It may be because I once owned a Fiat. It was a little white four-seater that got me across country a couple of times - until it was smacked by a big caddie along the PCH.
"Sorry! I didn't see you."
When I had it towed to the nearest garage I got a call from the head mechanic.
"Sorry," he said, "We only service automobiles."
I don't think that was called for.
DR: One on the mirror side. The deciphered anagram reads...
I dunno. Does anybody here see a purpose for this "hidden message"?
HuskerG ~
Except for Suckling (John), your English poets are a fine lot. Jonson has already been recalled by YellowR. I'll put a bid in for my favorite (as poetry goes) among the group--Andrew Marvell.
I'm sure I'm not the only Cornerite who realls "To His Coy Mistress"--
(and if you don't know it, this one is really worth the reading, all the way through!):
Had we but world enough and time,
This coyness, lady, were no crime.
We would sit down, and think which way
To walk, and pass our long love’s day.
Thou by the Indian Ganges’ side
Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide
Of Humber would complain. I would
Love you ten years before the flood,
And you should, if you please, refuse
Till the conversion of the Jews.
My vegetable love should grow
Vaster than empires and more slow;
An hundred years should go to praise
Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze;
Two hundred to adore each breast,
But thirty thousand to the rest;
An age at least to every part,
And the last age should show your heart.
For, lady, you deserve this state,
Nor would I love at lower rate.
But at my back I always hear
Time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near;
And yonder all before us lie
Deserts of vast eternity.
Thy beauty shall no more be found;
Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound
My echoing song; then worms shall try
That long-preserved virginity,
And your quaint honour turn to dust,
And into ashes all my lust;
The grave’s a fine and private place,
But none, I think, do there embrace.
Now therefore, while the youthful hue
Sits on thy skin like morning dew,
And while thy willing soul transpires
At every pore with instant fires,
Now let us sport us while we may,
And now, like amorous birds of prey,
Rather at once our time devour
Than languish in his slow-chapped power.
Let us roll all our strength and all
Our sweetness up into one ball,
And tear our pleasures with rough strife
Through the iron gates of life:
Thus, though we cannot make our sun
Stand still, yet we will make him run.
I can't think of a better sustained use of the four-beat line.
I recall the Kingston Trio performing "MTA" when I saw them on stage in San Francisco. At the Scottish Rite auditorium, I believe - with Peggy Lee as their opener. She sang "Fever."
(Could that have been true?!)
OMK, I don't see why not. We saw them perform once also. I especially loved "Scotch and Soda." We enjoyed The Limelighters doing "Have Some Madeira M'Dear."
Didn’t anyone else think Bronco truck for 49 down?
CrossEyedDave @ 12:53,
I've subscribed to Food Wishes since July of 2013, so every time a new video gets posted, I get a copy of it. The narrator's voice and quirky humor gets to me after awhile, but I've picked up some great tips and techniques watching those videos.
Hi All!
I zipped (in a Friday sense) right through this grid... Until, that is, I got to the bottom where things CEASE'd in a hurry. JoeK, Thanks for the puzzle, but, ya got me.
Thanks Lem for ending the madness [just wait...] and the informative expo.
WOs: I put Emirs in @48d [D'Oh!, that's 46d's clue].
ESPs: This is where things get messy:
I didn't know @58d so, w/ -BA, I figured ABA (are pugilists lawyers? Or some lawyers pugilists [figuratively]?)
I didn't know FAGIN and had FA-I- (67a was waiting for ASSOC or ASSNS)
I didn't know 59d and just had -LS (after settling on ASSNS)
EMMEiRS @46d I spelt wrong (Hi OKL!)
So, I'm looking at: AID--E ISSUES. The AI out front fits the pattern of WAITER & BRAIN, so those must be the gimmick squares, right?
A(I)D --E ISSUS, must be something to do with publishing. Are there Ad PRE Issues? Nah, that wouldn't work with 59d. AD Fee? Arggg!
//Ad-FREE would work if I split a square!
Madness ensued!
This line of "thinking" [put it in quotes, 'cuz obviously I wasn't] went on for at least two hours while I drove to the gym, worked out, went to the store, got home, and really focused: AD --E ISSUES?
Is the Yank a baseball player? A Brit? A northerner?.... Are AID--EIS gonna get SUE'd as a result? [If I re-parse it] Is yank tug-of-war or yanking the table cloth out from STEM'd glasses in a final act of magic (and broken glass?)
Finally, I cried Uncle. LEM! TELL ME!!!
Oh, Total BRAIN-fart, er, MUFFIN //funny, Zombies, billocohoes
Too many wrongs to make it right :-(
Fav: OTT & ORR in the puzzle. That's r(R?)ich.
PK - Oil Turkey w/ peanut oil, BROIL for 25 min, then roast as normal. That'll give you the crisp skin (be sure to foil the wings' & legs' tips).
CED - Sadly, I have an electric range. Thus, I made sure DW got a "Wok appliance" b/c there's no way in hell a convection cook-top could heat a Wok to the proper temp. It, the wok, is pretty slick (literally, it has no-stick ceramic), and heats nicely (yeah, I've f**'d w/ it). I don’t think it will take to a seasoning though. It will get it's first wo(r)k-out Sunday - by then I'll be brave enough to try ;-)
Bluehen - Cut and Paste? (or my email in the profile). Oh, and in the vein of commas: "Time to eat Gramma!"
Lucina - Careful... You know Steve and I, among others, have air-miles we'd gladly cash-in for a Tamale :-)
Fun Diag Report OMK. Actually, it's kinda funny as I read it as an oxymoron.
Jinx - LOL. I first heard, "Fix It Again, Tony" from Click & Clack. ++UP IN Smoke w/ yesterday's LABRADOR. [@2m]. //BTW, Super-Balls turn blue after a while...
10,000 Maniacs' Because the Night [MTV Unplugged - 3:50]
Cheers, -T
Loved this puzzle. Gotta go, busy day.
Lucina, which of the several red wines from the Save Me San Francisco winery is the one you had and liked (and bought a bunch of)?
Best wishes to all.
It was the cabernet. Yum!
I mean it so if you're up for a quick turn around, let me know. I'll have some ready.
Fun theme! Fairly smooth fill.
NATALIE Merchant was my first fill. I liked her and 10,000 Maniacs enough to buy their CDs back in the day. Stuck thinking 10A had to be ACE. Never heard of ICE used that way. Anyone else? Last to fall was NW.
Slow to figure out ARROW. Was thinking music KEYBOARD. Glad that was the same for you, too CanadianEh!
Hand up CHILLAX totally unknown.
Here are my Rodeo photos and videos including quite a few involving BOUNCY RIDEs on BRONCOs!
By the time I lived in Boston, the MTA had been renamed to MBTA. I have photos there, but I would have to dig for good ones. The MTA song was about a most unusual aspect of the Boston transit system: If you went far outside the city, you had to pay an extra fare to get OFF! Has anyone ever heard of such a thing anywhere else? I love the song, by the way!
I have visited the INTEL headquarters in the Bay Area and have photos there. But I am having trouble finding them. They are fanatical about no photos in some places. But other places are OK.
From yesterday:
CanadianEh thank you for the very kind words about my MONTREAL photos! And for a bit of back story, too! Glad you enjoyed the maple leaf flag! I really enjoyed that city. I was in France that same year and it was a pleasure to have a bit of France so close to home!
Wilbur Charles glad that you enjoyed my MONTREAL photos. I never owned a car when I lived in the Northeast. In that case I took a flight from Boston where I was visiting friends. So... I did not get to see the places in between. Perhaps another time when I am back East!
As I understand it, MONTREAL is a variation on "Mount Royal". I rode that heavy rental bicycle up to Mount Royal Park for those views of the city from above. It is a beautiful park in a beautiful city.
AnonT thanks for the further info on your sandbox. There are plenty of times I would like to be able to take a risk without having to take a risk!
Picard, a team may score extra runs late to ensure the win, to ICE it or “put the game on ICE”, as in either from putting the celebratory champagne on ICE, or maybe you’re done cleaning fish and you can lay it on ICE and relax until dinner.
I didn't, and still don't, see how ICE means assure, as a victory. (not necessarily the last word, of course, lol) has as a slang example, "We'll ice the deal tomorrow."
SandyAnon - yep, ICE it - we're done w/ a win. I'll admit I was looking for FIX at 1st but XMOTE(? the remote-control for X-Finity?) wasn't gonna work...
C, Eh! I don't know if you get the programme Coast to Coast AM (aka The Crazy People Show) up your way but my favourite guest-host, Ian Punnett, is on tonight.
Often, Ian reminds the aliens, ready to invade from just beyond the moon, "Go North and eat the Tasties* first." Tonight he likened Canadians to the full-sized candy bars you get at Halloween from the rich peoples homes -- just so the Aliens know where to trick-or-treat...
I like Ian, he has the same skepticism (and dry wit) of the bizarre as Art Bell did.
Cheers, -T
Tasties to the North == Canadians w/ all that back-bacon & maple syrup in their blood :-)
CED - I just caught your Animal House Easter egg in the Good-Eats - Double-Secret Probation. Thanks mate. -T
Picard, Montreal is French and the English translation is Mount Royal; not a variation but two different languages.
I'll take a shot at ICE for ensure victory.
In sports lingo, ICE can mean both "freeze", and "seal the deal" as in ensure victory, especially in football.
Say there's 3 seconds left in the football game, and your opponent is about to attempt a long field goal try. You call a timeout, or perhaps two, in an attempt to make the kicker think too long about kicking the football. It's a psych job. "Ice the kicker !"
In a different scenario, say your opponent is down by 5 points with 10 seconds left and attempts a pass that your defensive player intercepts and returns for a touchdown. It results in an 11 point or 12 point lead with 3 seconds left on the clock. You've just put the icing on the cake, or sealed the deal. It would be impossible for your opponent to score 11 points in 3 seconds. You've iced the game.
Thanks Sandyanon, Anon-T and TTP. So, inside sports slang/lingo. No wonder it doesn't make sense to me.
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