, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday January 6, 2020 Craig Stowe


Jan 6, 2020

Monday January 6, 2020 Craig Stowe

Theme:  LEADING LADY (58. Female box office star, and what the starts of the answers to starred clues can have) - The first word of each theme entry can follow "Lady".

17. *American independence symbol with a storied crack: LIBERTY BELL. Lady Liberty.

25. *1990 Gibson/Hawn film: BIRD ON A WIRE. Lady Bird.

35. *Pure chance, in poker and lotteries: LUCK OF THE DRAW. Lady Luck.

50. *Group of narrow bodies of water in upstate New York: FINGER LAKES. Ladyfinger..

Boomer here. 

I once visited the Lady Luck casino in Las Vegas and saw a wonderful magic show performed by (I believe her name was Belinda) a long time ago. Since back in those days my gambling was conservative nickel slot machines so I did not lose too much but Lady Luck was not near me.

Lady Luck was with P.J. Fleck and the "Row the Boat" Gophers on New Year's Day. I watched the game from my recliner chair for 3-1/2 hours and I was exhausted just watching P.J. run up and down the sidelines.  The Vikings did not "Row the Boat." They hooked up a 25 hp Evinrude to water ski past the Saints in the Big Easy. Both of our Minnesota teams were cast as severe underdogs but they proved the predictors wrong.  49ers here we come. 


1. Hired help: STAFF.  Wilson Staff is a sporting goods brand but normally takes a back seat to the specialized equipment makers.

6. Swiss currency: FRANC.  Very competitive to our $$$.  One Franc will cost you $1.03.

11. Show with a Miami spin-off: CSI.

14. With 31-Across, Spanish artist with a Blue Period: PABLO.  31. See 14-Across: PICASSO.

15. "Chicago" showgirl: ROXIE.  I believe there is a theater in San Francisco named ROXIE. I have two sisters that live out there.  C.C. and I were out there once but we did not see the theater.

16. "2001" computer: HAL.  Hal 9000 first appeared in a movie in 1968 back before anyone ever had seen a computer.

19. Civil War prez: ABE.  Until the golden dollars were minted, there were only a few presidents who had their likeness on money.  Abe made the penny and five dollar bill.  He deserves the recognition.

20. Fencing sword: EPEE.

21. "__ Haw": HEE.  I watch the reruns now and then.  Buck Owens and Roy Clark are talented but not my style. The jokes are CORNY.

22. About, on a memo: IN RE.

24. Some MIT grads: EES.  Electrical Engineers but I have never heard them acronymized.

29. Xterra automaker: NISSAN.  Seems to be a Japanese third to Toyota and Honda. I do like the looks of a Rogue but would not buy one.

32. Type: ILK.  The type M ILK comes from cows.

33. Four qts.: GAL.  The bells are ringing for me and my GAL.

34. Guy: MAN.  I am not old enough to remember MAN O'War but I know he passed up a ride in the Kentucky Derby because his owner thought the length was more that he could handle.

40. Gym exercise unit: REP.  Our Minnesota Rep is Dean Phillips, Dear Abby's grandson.  I like him but he sort of stays out of the limelight.   He is the first DFL Rep in our District in Minnesota since about 1961.

41. Peace symbol: VEE.  CNN showed "back to the 60s: films over the new year".  Lots of hippies with their VEE signals.  Timothy Leary tuned out in 1996.

42. Sticky stuff: GOO.

43. One kicked out: EVICTEE.

46. Maker of candy "Pieces": REESE'S.  And peanut butter cups.

53. European mount: ALP.  I wonder if they are sliding down one of these they holler "HALP"!

54. Waggable dog part: TAIL.

55. Deux halved: UNE.  In school I took four years of Latin and two quarters of French.  I don't know why unless it is required learning for "Jeopardy" and crosswords.

56. Shpeak thish way: SLUR.  I never was a drinker that got to slurring. but now I am on the wagon forever.  Doc says my pills and alcohol don't get along.

57. Cookie container: JAR.  If you drink moonshine out of a JAR, you may start to SLUR.

62. All-hrs. cash source: ATM.  Most only give twenties, but Las Vegas gives Benjamins.

63. Break up with a partner: END IT.  Sometimes three strikes will end it.  Baseball or bowling.

64. Mountain song: YODEL. Lady Hoo

65. "I'll do it!": YES.  There's a young lady bowler named Shannon Pluhowsky that hollers "YES" after every strike she rolls.

66. Plant anchors: ROOTS.  Alex Haley's Saga was one of the best TV dramas of all time.

67. Like Oscar Madison's room: MESSY.  And the "Odd Couple" wasn't too bad for comedy.


1. Organ near the stomach: SPLEEN.

2. Taiwan's capital: TAIPEI.  Taiwan is known as the "Republic of China". The "People's Republic of China" is the mainland.

3. Monastic sister's superior: ABBESS.  This is almost as confusing as what to call China.

4. Run away from: FLEE.

5. Jump-joy link: FOR.

6. Line cook's cooker: FRYER.  I have seen this produce great chicken under pressure in about 8 minutes.  I suppose KFC uses them non-stop.

7. Dressed like a boxer entering the ring: ROBED.

8. Firefighter's tool: AXE.  Normally they would use a hose ?

9. Nothing: NIL.  1956 Game Five of the World Series.  Yankees 2 Brooklyn Dodgers - NIL.  Don Larsen pitched for the Yankees that day and allowed NIL hits.  The toughest part was he had to catch Yogi jumping on him as the game ended.  Don passed away last week.  RIP.

10. Pertaining to the abdominal cavity: CELIAC.

11. Compelling charm: CHARISMA.  You don't see this much anymore.  I know I don't have it.

12. Handheld reciprocating cutting tool: SABER SAW.  I think I sold mine.You need to handle with care.

13. Land in la mer: ILE.

18. Consider: THINK OVER.  I have thought this over, and I think if you consider something, you think IT over.

23. "Straight Outta Compton" rappers: NWA.  See more here. Used to be an acronym for Northwest Airlines until Delta bought it.

25. Pitcher's wrong move: BALK.

26. Colorful fish: OPAH.  OOPS.  I better think this over.  At first I thought Ms. Winfrey was being called a colorful fish.

27. Color named for an African river: NILE GREEN.  Is this in a Crayola box??

28. Ages and ages: EON.  Like a PGA tournament ??

30. [Not my mistake]: SIC.

33. Onetime telecom giant: GTE.  Used to be a huge telephone company.  Now it just stands for a credit union that stole the acronym.

35. Rise in the air, as in a magic act: LEVITATE.  Belinda did not levitate anything, but part of her act was a motorcycle driver who did loops on the stage.

36. Indignant: UP IN ARMS.  Please do not get "Up In Arms" but this answer reminded me of "Babes in Arms" - a musical that my High School Drama club performed.

37. Have a hunch: FEEL.  How do you FEEL so far ??

38. Bucks' mates: DOES.  "Doe, a deer, a female deer, Re, a drop of golden sun."  The hills are alive, with the Sound of Music.

39. Canapé topper: ROE.  "Row the Boat, Gophers"

40. Football official: REF.  It seems that they are ALL called "REF" even though some are line judges and back judges.

44. Cinematic FX: CGI.

45. Bank employee: TELLER.  I spent awhile at the bank on Saturday. Either they did not have enough tellers or some of the customers took a long time with their business.

47. Beet and bean: SALADS.  I had a big salad for dinner on Saturday.  The kind Elaine likes on "Seinfeld".

48. Manages to evade: ELUDES.  It's amazing how sometimes a ten pin can elude me without even moving.  I picked all the buggers up on Thursday on the way to a 576.  I am getting better.

49. In an acrobatic fashion: SPRYLY.  No, I was not bowling SPRYLY.

51. Accountant's investigation: AUDIT. April 15 always comes too early.

52. Furrows, as one's brows: KNITS.

56. Gin flavoring: SLOE.  SLOE is some kind of a British fruit.  Leave it to some wise chap to figure out how to make liquor out of a prune.

57. Leno on TV: JAY.  I always liked him on the Tonight show.  I don't care much for his garage.  My garage is full of baseball cards.

59. Rock producer Brian: ENO.

60. Excitement: ADO.  "Adieu, Adieu, my friends adieu, yes adieu.  I can no longer stay with you."

61. Workout facility: GYM.


Notes from C.C.:

Here is the hummus recipe from our foodie Steve.

He said "This sounds like a lot of work, but it really isn't. The blender does all the work, and all you're really doing is peeling an onion, separating a bub of garlic into individual cloves and boiling some water."


Jinx in Norfolk said...

FIR, but erased splIT for END IT and Nas for NWA. Forgot to check the theme fill.

CSO to Abejo and me at GTE.

I liked the fill GAL followed by the clue "guy".

One night about closing time a guy holding out a car key staggered up to a cop and SLURred "ocifer, they shtole my car". The policeman asked where he last saw the car. "It wash right here, at the end of thish key." The cop opined that maybe it was a good thing that he wasn't driving, then checked him out with his flashlight. "Hay, Mac. Do you realize you are exposing yourself?" The guy looked down and replied "Oh my God, ocifer! They shtole my girlfriend too!"

Thanks to Craig for the fun, easy start to the work week. And thanks to Boomer for the fun review. 600 is right around the corner!

desper-otto said...

Good morning!

Crunchy for a Monday, but remained Wite-Out-free. Yay. Thanx, Craig and Boomer (Acronymized? Really?)

REF: We tuned in to watch Texas Country Reporter on Saturday, but the Texan game was still on with seconds to go and the other team, I forget who, ahead by three. Or maybe it was the other way around. Dw decided she wanted to see who would win, so we watched...and watched...and watched. It took foevah! Geez, how do folks stay awake for this stuff?

ROXIE: Boomer, I'll bet that theater was the "Roxy." Lotsa towns have one.

OwenKL said...

A strange man was PABLO PICASSO,
His artwork was so jig-saw-so!
Realism abandoned,
Eyes and noses at random,
Placed by the LUCK OF THE DRAW, so!

Are a MAN and a GAL of the same ILK?
They sometimes seem like petrol and milk!
He's so immutable,
She's so inscrutable,
They're as like as sandpaper and silk!

Lemonade714 said...

The actual beginning of the new year is today, as things get back to normal (sort of). 5 day work weeks, no holiday- oops MLK day is almost here. Ah well, fun Monday puzzle and Boomer's wake-up wit are a good way to go.

We hit 49 degrees here overnight so I must look through my closet for something to wear - I really like LEVITATE near UP IN ARMS . SABER SAW and NILE GREEN are cool.

Thank you, Boomer and Craig

Hungry Mother said...

I couldn't get at yesterday's puzzle until I was in bed last night. I got about half of it done before nodding off. I did another third in the bathroom this morning; TMI, I know. I finished it before my oatmeal and then got into my morning ritual of the NYT and LAT xwords. Not a horrible addiction, but one nonetheless. Doing today's puzzle my iPad reloaded the website and I couldn't get my half-done puzzle back. I had to start over on my wife's iPad and finished in PR time, since I already knew half of the answers. It's in the high 40s here in SW Florida, so I'm ready to get to the New Yorker grid before heading out the door.

Hahtoolah said...

Good Morning, Boomer and friends. This was a speed run today. Several of the clues were filled in before I read them.

TAIPEI must be the word of the week.

QOD: Love your neighbor as yourself; but don’t take down the fence. ~ Carl Sandburg (né Carl August Sandburg, Jan. 6, 1878 ~ July 22, 1967), American poet

inanehiker said...

Monday speed run - except I had LISP before SLUR until perps made me change it!

THanks Boomer and Craig!

Just a mention, if you're like me and record most things I watch on TV to watch without commercials - tomorrow night there is a prime time Jeopardy show down with some of the all time champions! I think it's on ABC!

Yellowrocks said...

I needed the reveal to get the theme. I never would have thought of LADY.
NWA was completely unknown, as was the movie, so with perps and a WAG for the W, FIR.

Wiki says about Oprah, "Her first name was spelled Orpah (not Oprah) on her birth certificate after the biblical figure of that name in the Book of Ruth, but people mispronounced it regularly and "Oprah" stuck."

I am eagerly awaiting the championship Jeopardy!show.

TTP said...

Good morning.

That was quick. LADY, LEADING into the first word of the the theme answers, wasn't obvious until the reveal.

Couldn't get the WaPs site to load properly. When it finally loaded, all of the clues were listed underneath the grid instead of to the right. Weird.

Thank you Craig and Boomer.

Husker Gary said...

-LADY LUCK has abandoned the New Orleans Saints. Another season just ended with a controversial “no call” on pass interference
-VEE sign – Churchill’s victory sign got rotated 180˚ to mean peace
-END IT – Tis the season to fire football coaches
-Boomer, I know what that N stands for on Shannon’s shirt
-Is an Air FRYER any good?
-I don’t go to the GYM (the Y) anymore since I bought equipment for the basement

Ray - O - Sunshine said...

Quick one today. One correction with perp help.. Had Euros for 2A forgetting that the Swiss are FRANCly independent.

We used to live on Owasco Lake a minor FINGERLAKE.

With current events as they are we may be unfortunately UPINARMS soon again


Today is Epiphany

12th day of Christmas. The official end of the season.

Can finally get rid of all those lords a leaping making a mess of the house. They already broke a lamp!!..

And take those fiddlers with you. Plus those noisy birds (partridge, doves, hens, calling birds etc, ...darn just stepped on a goose egg.....stop laying!!)

But wait ..leave the 5 golden rings!!

And a couple of maids

We can use the milk.

Irish Miss said...

Good Morning:

I breezed through this so easily that I missed many of the down clues and answers. My only stumble was Lisp/Slur (Hi, inanehiker) but no unknowns at all, although Celiac is a tad Monday unfriendly, IMO, for a newbie. I appreciated the cleverly hidden theme and the AHA reveal, not too easy a feat with an early week offering. I’m pretty much convinced that Rich is relaxing the heretofore taboo of a clue containing a word in the grid: today’s example is Gym. This doesn’t bother me in the least, as long as there aren’t a lot of repeats. I liked Gal next to Man and the related entries of Yodel and Alp. Nice CSO to Madame Defarge (who has been AWOL recently) at Knits. Finger Lakes was a gimme to all the New Yorkers.

Thanks, Craig, for a pleasant start to the week and thanks, Boomer, for your usual witty and wise review.

I have an appointment this afternoon with my ophthalmologist as my left eye has been bothering me since Saturday. I really don’t know how to describe what’s wrong; at times, there is a pressure sensation, then there might be a burning sensation, and other times, it just hurts, not a lot but enough to be uncomfortable. We shall see what the good doctor has to say.

Have a great day.

Spitzboov said...

Good morning everyone.

Epiphany today.

Got it all without aid. No searches were needed. Got the theme with the reveal. OK I guess.
PABLO means Paul in English. I see that in Spanish, the accent is on the first syllable in Picasso. Not sure that Picasso has an English translation unlike Giuseppe Verdi aka 'Joe Green"

Have a great day.

Abejo said...

Good morning, folks. Thank you, Craig Stowe, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Boomer, for a fine review.

Jinx: Back at you for GTE! I got 36 years with them. And wound with Lucent on the last few months. Oh well.

Hahtoolah: Liked you Q.O.D. Lot of truth in that.

No Cruciverb this morning. They are out to lunch again. Printed from L A Times.

Yes, Taipei, we just had that. Been there.

CELIAC is a new word for me. Thank you, perps.

I thought EVICTEE was going to be EJECTEE, but I held off because the J did not look right on the Down word.

NWA, never heard of that group. I am more into HEE HAW music. And I loved that show. Jr. Sample and his phone number: BR-549.

I wanted NILE BLUE, but that would not fit so I tried GREEN. Worked.

Back to guarding the crossing this morning. Crossed 70 kids in a half hour. Most of them were in a 15 minute window in the middle of that half hour. Busy Busy.

See tomorrow.


( )

Irish Miss said...

Ray @ 9:23 - Too funny! Thanks for the chuckles.

Lucina said...


Thank you, Craig Stowe, for a nice and easy Monday puzzle. LIBERTY made sense with all the themers. My only write over was LISP for SLUR.

I visited Philadelphia and the LIBERTY BELL many years ago. It's surprising how small the meeting rooms are where those eventful decisions were made.

FINGER LAKES immediately made me think of Irish Miss. Is that near where you live?

My NISSAN Maxima served me well for over 12 years until my granddaughter rear-ended someone.

Since Friday I have been unable to finish puzzles due to overwhelming demands brought on by the damages incurred by the DirecTV installer just before Christmas. Friday I was on the telephone for almost three hours.

Finally, now the hole in the wall has been repaired, the water drained from the carpet and life is almost normal. Painting will have to wait until the wall is completely dry.

However, last week's rain bore through the roof and now that needs repairing. Insurance will cover only the ceiling on the inside and I have yet to report it.

For me, the year ended on a distressful note but all will be taken care of in good time. I have a large bill to present to DirecTV!

I hope life has been easier and smoother for all of you.

Have a splendid day, everyone and enjoy Epiphany!

desper-otto said...

IM, I had eye symptoms similar to yours (plus light-sensitivity) about 30 years ago. The opthamologist diagnosed it as a "deep eye infection" -- he said it was nothing to fool around with, and prescribed some heavy duty eye drops.

Lucina, I wish you luck with DirecTV. Most of their installer/repair folk are subcontractors. I hope DirecTV steps up and takes responsibility for your house woes. Did the roof leak occur where the DirecTV dish is installed? That'd add insult to injury.

Misty said...

Woohoo! A great beginning to the week--got the crossword puzzle, Sudoku, Kenken, and Jumble--all perfectly. My only anxiety was whether NWR would be correct since I don't know rappers--thank goodness it worked. I got PABLO PICASSO very quickly, and loved seeing the word CHARISMA in the puzzle. And, of course, it's always nice to have HAL back to visit us. So, many thanks, Craig, and you too, Boomer, for your always fun commentary.

Hope you get good help from you eye doctor visit, Irish Miss.

So sorry to hear about all your house problems and repairs, Lucina. A tough way to start a new year.

Thanks for reminding us that today is the feast of the Epiphany, sunny Ray. That means the little Christmas tree and Christmas lights must come down.

Have a great week coming up, everybody.

Yellowrocks said...

Lucina, sorry to hear of your DirecTV woes. Good luck with getting them and your insurance to pay up.What a nuisance and expense.
IM, I hope your eye problem is easily remedied.

I just activated my first Smart phone, sharp learning curve for me. I think I adapted more easily to my computers and my Kindle. I switched from a MAC to a Dell and went through many versions of Microsoft Word without much angst. I learned two versions of Kindle. I have no confidence in learning this new phone. I guess my antipathy is holding me back.

Lemonade714 said...

Lucy, how awful; also so many all over the world have suffered from natural and unnatural disasters already this year. I am not talking just about Patriot fans or Tom Brady; be safe everyone.

AnonymousPVX said...

This Monday XWord had just a bit of crunch, but no issues.

Good NFL games over the weekend, no way that was pass interference when they each mug each other.

Vikings will see some real defense against SF. IMHO.

CrossEyedDave said...

I had Lisp until I hit the Gin...
Pardon the F-Bomb...

Who is your favorite Leading Lady?

Lucina said...

No, thankfully, the leak and the DirecTV problem are far apart from each other though in the same room. My daughter has a friend who is a contractor and one of his workers came to repair the hole in the wall. He did an excellent job. Now, for the roof . . . . . .

State Farm Insurance will send someone tomorrow morning to inspect the ceiling and hopefully it will soon be repaired. It's not how I wanted to start this new year!

Good luck with your Smart Phone. I am confident you will learn to use it quickly.

Spitzboov said...

YR - Good luck with the smart phone. I'm intimidated by mine, too. Suffer from FFS - fat finger syndrome.

Anonymous said...

Surely the "maker" of Reese's Pieces would be "Reese" and not "Reese's"? Or Hershey if we're being literal

Irish Miss said...

Lucinda @ 11:18 ~ What a frustrating way to start the New Year, all due to someone else’s carelessness. I hope all your problems are resolved soon and that you won’t have any more angst with DirecTV or State Farm. The Finger Lakes region is a couple of hundred miles west of Troy; I have never been there. Troy is right across the Hudson River from Albany.

DO, Misty, YR ~ It appears that my eye problem is due to dryness and, hopefully, will be eased and eliminated by using artificial tear drops 4 times a day. My appointment was at 1:40 but Little Miss Punctuality got there at 1:20, was seen immediately, and was out the door at 1:40! It was quite a relief to hear the problem is so benign and simple to treat. Thanks for your concern.

Ol' Man Keith said...

Hearty congratulations to Misty for her quadruple victories today!

I agree with Surely at Anonymous @ 1:58. REESES should be singular: REESE. We do not eat REESES'S Pieces, not at our home.
You can find a single diagonal in today's grid--if you look in the mirror.
It reveals an anagram that tells of another growth in the Garden of Eden, eating the fruit whereof removes one's incentive for productive labor.
I mean, of course, the infamous...

UAAlum72 said...

Lucina, no, the FINGER Lakes start about 100 miles west of Albany/Troy, spread out for another 100, and point south almost to the Pennsylvania border. Great wine country. I think Ithaca (Far above Cayuga's waters") was in a puzzle last week.

CanadianEh! said...

Marvelous Monday. Thanks for the fun, Craig and Boomer.
I FIRed in good time with only two inkblots- Tar changed to GOO and Erg changed to REP.
Plus I got the LEADING LADY theme (but not until the reveal clue).
NWA was unknown but filled with perps.
I gritted my teeth and entered SABER SAW.
Hand up for thinking of MadameD with KNITS.
Of course I knew ALBANY (hello IM) (even if I pronounce at Al not ALL!), and I have visited the FINGER LAKES many times. Beautiful area.
I thought about Lisp but had enough perps to give me SLUR.

CELIAC is more commonly associated with Celiac disease (gluten-sensitive enteropathy). There is also a CELIAC artery which supplies blood to the SPLEEN (and other organs).

I smiled to see ALP and YODEL just a few rows under it. (Ditto for GAL and MAN.)
I also saw ILE and ILK.
Special smile for ADO after my comment on Saturday about Kerfuffle meaning ADO.

My house is MESSY right now because I am putting away the Christmas decorations. I may not be moving too SPRYLY tomorrow.

I'm with Anonymous@1:58 and OMK re REESES. The maker is H.B. Reese Candy Company (now Hershey Chocolate Corporation). Small nit.

Wishing you all a good day.

Bill G said...

Hi everybody,

Boomer, the electrical engineers at Cornell were definitely called EEs.

I used to enjoy climbing the many dusty stairs of the clock tower at Cornell. From there you could get a beautiful view of Lake Cayuga and the surrounding countryside. Also, it was a treat, two or three times a day, to watch the chimes masters push the wooden levers with their hands (and feet) to play tunes on the large set of bells. Talk about ringing in ones ears...

Yellowrocks said...

IM, I had a similar eye problem and used the drops, soon tapering off to PRN for many months. Great relief. Now PRN does not do it. I will need to go back to the three times a day regimen.

Spitz and Lucinda, thanks for the support. I suffer from FFS on a computer keyboard, so even more, I am always correcting on the phone. My home router WiFi allows me to Google and read email on the phone, but I cannot get voicemail. The phone says there is a lack of connectivity for voicemail. I paid for the Verizon insurance for a short time, allowing me a live coach. Tomorrow I will call the coach.

It seems since I hit 80 two years ago, I have a big loss of confidence, emotionally. I cannot justify the loss rationally, except that my processing time is longer. My friends and family do not seem to notice. What golden years?

Wilbur Charles said...

Gary, I thought "levitation" was a "Street Air Friar"

Love Boomer Monday. I couldn't sleep after waking up at 230 am. Watched "Mom" for awhile and found the Evan Birnholz Post that's inserted in tbtimes on Sunday.*

Lo and behold, my friend invited us in for coffee and on the kitchen table is said XW. I had to keep mum but hints were on the tip of my tongue.

FLN, I thought YR might be fascinated by a Grammar error intruding into a big NFL game. Or any Bills fan .


* Four of them at least. His wife does them. I kept mum.

Jayce said...

Ahh, a lovely soft Monday start to today. I liked the clue for TAIL. I learned the sister's superior is not MOTHER (as in Mother Superior) but ABBESS. Our grandson definitely has CHARISMA, the silver-tongued little devil. He could charm the warts off a hog.

Anonymous T said...

Hi All!

Thanks Craig for the fine Monday puzzle to ease-in the first full work-week of the year.

Thanks Boomer for kicking off the after-party.
//we call ourselves EEs and our degree program EE (pronounced 'double-Eaze' and 'double-E', respectively - sometimes I do hear 'E-E').

WO: S in SLUR was an L b/f perps were checked.
Fav: CHARISMA [@0:44]

{A, A}
DR: Some days it feels like I've eaten from the not-as-forbidden tree :-)

IM - Aye! Good eye news.
C, Eh! mentioned why I don't think CELIAC is too hard for a Monday - we hear it a lot with Gluten-free stuff.

Lucina - What a time of years for such a PITA! Glad it's getting fixed.

YR - who's smart phone? Is it Apples? If so, don't worry, even Pop was able to get the hang of it in a day (OMG!, he's texting emojis now!)

HG - I pay the guy at my GYM to train me. That's the only way I'd show up / work out :-)
//he's actually really good at physical therapy; he's fixed my back and now we're working on my left shoulder & knee.

Thanks C.C. for posting Steve's hummus recipe [and thanks Steve for sharing!]. My understanding of the recipe (which I built for New Years Eve) was lacking all the savories in the bean-boiling process. I can't wait to try this when my current batch is eaten. BTW, folks, I read that you can freeze hummus; if a 1lb is 'too much' fill some sandwich bags and toss 'em in the freezer. Also, hummus is a great dip with cru de te - our vegie intake is way up (so far) this year!

Cheers, -T

Michael said...

I see that some Cornerians are afflicted by the "12 Day Syndrome" -- the 12 days of Christmas are up so that I have to take everything down on Epiphany or else feeling....

I've got great news for you! Theophany ('Epiphany' in the West) has a post-feast lasting until January 14th! Relax, you have 8 days to take everything down!

Ol' Man Keith said...

We used to host a 12th Night Party on Jan 6 (or as near a date as reasonable). That made it hard to get our used Xmas tree collected by our regular trash trucks.
They weren't used to trees staying up so late. We'd have to get them to make a special pickup.

We gave up the parties when I retired five years ago. Now our tree joins the other trees, the common ones that hit curbside in the week after New Year's Day. In such ways are our citizens gradually trained to conform to standardized behaviors.

Anonymous said...

This puzzle was so easy that even Bobbi could solve it !

Lucina said...

Our tree went down the Sunday after Christmas. I merely mentioned to my granddaughter that it would soon be time to do it and it was done! She's quick, that one and I'm grateful. I'm much too slow these days to accomplish what I'd like.

Yes, slowly but surely the repairs are getting done.

Did anyone else see Pat Sajak's daughter on Wheel tonight? She's a lovely girl and did a good job. Vanna seems more vibrant now that she is in charge, so to speak.