Theme: "Spa Menu"
Gray is no stranger to the crosswording world. Her puzzles have
appeared frequently in "that other newspaper." But, as near as I can
tell, this is only her second LAT entry. The first was a 2021
collaboration with Jeff Chen.
For those of you who've been asking for fewer proper names, fewer pop
culture references, and fewer "cute" clue/answers, today is your day.
The majority of this puzzle consists of straight-forward clue
definitions/synonyms. Enjoy.
I finished this puzzle and had no idea what the theme might be.
Wednesday themeless? Probably not. It finally dawned on me that
perhaps there was a reveal clue that I'd somehow failed to read. Yup.
Tucked in at 63d was SPA. -- "Place to enjoy the kinds of
pampering found at the starts of the answers to the starred clues."
Hmmmm, so there were starred clues as well. Hadn't noticed that.
18a. *Operating room assistants. SCRUB NURSES.
A spa SCRUB could be an exfoliating, exhilarating, moisturizing
experience. In any case, it usually involves being rubbed with an
abrasive product like coffee, salt, or nutshell husks. Sounds like fun.
28a. *Employ flowery language. WAX POETIC, à la Chairman Moe or
OwenKL. According to Merriam-Webster, one definition of "WAX" is "to
assume a (specified) characteristic, quality, or state : BECOME." At
the spa it's more likely to involve a bikini wax -- liquid wax applied,
allowed to dry, and then ripped off like a band-aid. Sounds like fun.
36. *Indulgent request made by Mae West in "I'm No Angel": PEEL ME A GRAPE.
A facial PEEL involves having caustic goop smeared on your
face...allowing it to "set a spell"...and then wiping it off. This
kills off the top layer of skin which you can rip off in a day or two,
like a sunburn. Sounds like fun. [Not!]

52a. #Cast celebration. WRAP PARTY.
The WRAP party is held after major movie shooting has been completed.
At the spa, a WRAP is often liquid mud which is applied, allowed to
dry, and then ripped off like a band-aid. Sounds like fun. [Not!]
Have you noticed that the spa is beginning to sound like a rip-off
61a. *Retail event with deep discounts. BLOW OUT SALE. When it comes to the spa...hmmmm...don't think I want to go there.
1. Boarding area: GATE. At the airport.
5. Sugar substitute: STEVIA.
11. Liberal group?: ARTS. Where I fearlessly sifted and winnowed, that part of the university was the College of Letters and Science.
15. Strait-laced: PRIM. And proper.
16. How stir-fry is often served: ON RICE. Rice is that fine Houston institution where Uncle Ben was converted.
17. Vichyssoise need: LEEK. Learning moment. Did not know that
LEEKs were an essential ingredient. On the other hand, I've never had
vichyssoise, so how would I know? I tend to avoid foods I can't spell.
20. Hathaway of "Ocean's 8": ANNE.
21. "__ as directed": USE.
22. "Dig in!": EAT. Grace ender.
23. __ Pueblo, New Mexico: TAOS. When we visited, dw was taken
with some pottery with a silvery-charcoal appearance. We were told that
horse manure was involved. Maybe Waseeley can elaborate.
25. Aardvark snack: ANT.
26. Dog in RCA Victor ads: NIPPER. Here he is atop the old RCA Building in Albany, just for Irish Miss.
30. Native peoples of the Arctic: INUIT. Will it be ALEUT, INUIT, or YUPIK? Only the perps know for certain.
31. React to yeast: RISE.
32. Lightning burst: FLASH.
33. Number in a 10-day forecast, for short: TEMP. Around here the TEMPs have been scary-high all month, and it's only June. I dread the next electric bill.
34. Connecticut WNBA team: SUN.
35. "Argo" org.: CIA.
In this 2012 movie a CIA operative attempts to rescue six Americans
detained in Tehran during the '79 hostage crisis. Received 96% on the
Tomatometer at Rotten Tomatoes.
41. Utter: SAY.
42. Route: WAY. As seen on your 1d.
43. Hissy fit: SNIT.
46. Come to pass: OCCUR.
49. For you and me: OURS.
51. Brief tussle: SET-TO. Without the hyphen it just means "to begin."
54. Early '90s pres., familiarly: BUSH SR. When I ventured into
the awl patch in the early '80s, I joined a company that he'd started.
Never met him; he was no longer affiliated with it.
55. Hasty escape: LAM. Have you everr heard anybody say it...except Mary, of course?
56. Education acronym: STEM. I've also seen it as STEAM -- the A is for Arts.
57. Plot device?: HOE. Har-de-har-har. A little attempt at humor...very little.
58. Grammy category since 1989: RAP. Have never been a fan.
59. Black-__ Susan: EYED. Hahtoolah is a Susan, but she's not black-eyed.
64. "To Venus and Back" singer Amos: TORI. This was TORI's fifth album, a two-disc affair. It has no title track.
65. Categorize: ASSORT. Assorted chocolates does sound more appetizing than categorized chocolates, but "chocolates" never sounds bad.
66. Walk heavily: PLOD.
67. Hidden obstacle: SNAG.
68. Jackson Hole backdrop: TETONS. Visited there in the mid '60s
on a summer college road trip with a buddy. We also stayed one night
at the Broadmoor and took in a Smothers Brothers show on that trip.
69. Sax type: ALTO. Invented by Belgian Adolphe Sax back in the mid-1800s. There are at least 14 different types. You can check 'em out HERE.
1. Garmin device: GPS UNIT. No Garmin for me, mine is a TomTom, naturally.
2. Inverse trig function: ARCSINE. Arcsine(theta) is the angle whose sine is theta. This c/a is a tad arcane for the non-math-oriented. See what I did there?
3. Cyclist's accessory: TIRE PUMP. Won't do you much good, unless you also carry a tube patching kit.
4. Ostrich kin: EMU.
5. Underwater detector: SONAR. Evokes memories of a sonar lesson for Seaman Beaumont in The Hunt For Red October. Lucky for you, I couldn't find a clip.
6. Bolt holder: T-NUT.
7. Throw wide of the cutoff man, say: ERR. Sports clue, I'm guessin'.
8. Panoramic views: VISTAS. Like this one.
9. Mountaineering tool: ICE AXE. Six letters, four vowels, what's not to like if you're a crossword constructor?
10. Greek fabulist: AESOP. There's some question whether he actually existed.
11. Taking after: À LA. In the fashion of, or somesuch.
12. First name of Italian sopranos Tebaldi and Scotto: RENATA. Some might consider this an obscure proper name.
13. Wimbledon sport: TENNIS.
14. Quick drawing: SKETCH.
19. Vegetable that may stain a cutting board: BEET. You either love 'em or hate 'em.
24. Bulgaria's capital: SOFIA.
27. Joins the conversation: PIPES UP.
28. Viognier or Vouvray: WINE. I've never had either. Have I mentioned that I tend to avoid foods (and drinks) that I can't spell?
29. Ticks by: ELAPSES.
31. Mojito liquor: RUM. Brunchy. GIN or RYE could also fit...but would be wrong.
34. Shifty: SLY.
35. Shed tears: CRY.
37. O.K. Corral brothers: EARPS. Wyatt, Virgil, and Morgan all made an appearance that day. We visited Tombstone and watched the re-enactment.
38. Askew: AWRY.
39. Neon or freon: GAS.
40. Captivate: ENTHRALL. Tried ENTRANCE first. Wite-Out, please.
44. "This is all more than I can handle": IT'S A LOT.
45. Ruin, as plans: TORPEDO. In my ute these frozen summer treats were called "Torpedoes."
46. Nocturnal nestlings: OWLETS. "Nocturnal" gives it away.
47. Medium for most refrigerator art: CRAYON.
48. Shape outlined in Instagram's logo: CAMERA.
49. Vague threat: OR ELSE.
50. Absolute: UTMOST.
51. Haggis ingredient: SUET. Never had it. Have I mentioned that I also tend to avoid some foods that I can spell?
53. Baseball stat: AT BAT.
54. Matches: BOUTS.
57. Rhinoceros feature: HORN. The horn is made of keratin, the
same material as fingernails. Some folks mistakenly believe the horn
has magical/medicinal properties. Rhinos are endangered, due to
poaching and habitat loss.
60. Use a spade: DIG.
62. Court: WOO.
63. Place to enjoy the kinds of pampering found at the starts of the answers to the starred clues: SPA. This is a perfectly good "reveal" clue. If only folks would take the time to read them. D'oh.
Here's the grid courtesy of C.C. Desper-otto out.
Notes from C.C.:
1) Thank you so much for filling in the two Wednesdays in June, D-Otto! Thanks for always coming to my rescue.
56th birthday to Barry G, a regular in our blog in the earlier days.
Barry, the other day Janice, a long-time reader who never commented on our blog, mentioned you in her letter to Boomer. It made me smile. You're still remembered and missed by many.