, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Friday, Niovember 17, 2023, Jamey Smith


Nov 17, 2023

Friday, Niovember 17, 2023, Jamey Smith

Good Morning, Cruciverbalists.  Malodorous Manatee here, after an extended absence, with today's recap.  Together with Valerie and two close friends, I traveled to Berlin, to the Puglia region of Italy and to Rome.  Berlin was not as interesting as the last time that I was there because, at that time, it was still a divided city.  Yes, it had been that long.  Puglia was nice but not as interesting (to me) as other regions of Italy.  Rome was as crowded as I have ever seen it.  We did eat well so now it's back on a diet and on to the puzzle.

Today's puzzle setter is Jamey Smith who has previously had many puzzles  published in the L.A. Times.  IIRC, Husker Gary recently noted that he (Gary) had reviewed eight of Jamey's theme-less Saturday puzzles.  Today, Jamey gives us five themed answers.  He takes familiar names and items and adds the letter Y to them to create puny, homo-phonic answers.  In each case, the "real" item or name would have an E preceding the Y.

17 Across:  TikTok videos made by athletes?: JOCKY SHORTS.  From "athletes" we derive JOCK and from "videos" we drive SHORTS.  Add a Y and we get the answer.

25 Across:  Small flute made from reclaimed farm wood?:  BARNY FIFE.  From "farm wood" we derive BARN and from "flute" we derive FIFE.  Add a Y and we get the answer.


35. Across:  Beachcombers' off-season hopes?: SHELLY WINTERS.  From "beachcombers' hopes" we derive SHELL and from "off-season" we derive WINTERS.  Add a Y and we get the answer.


48 Across:  Taverns in cloisters and abbeys?: MONKY BARS.  From "cloisters and abbeys" we drive MONK and from "taverns" we derive BAR.  Add a Y and we get the answer.


57 Across:  Banquet celebrating Ottoman culture?: TURKY DINNER.  From  "Ottoman" we derive TURK and from "banquet" we derive DINNER.  And a Y and we get the answer.


Here is how all of this appears in the grid:

... and here are the other clues and answers:


1. Become more approachable, say: THAW.  A bit of a challenge to start the puzzle . . .

5. "Let me demonstrate ... ": LIKE SO . . . . followed by another answer that could have been many other things.  Thanks, perps.

11. Rx watchdog: FDA. Rx = drug prescription.

14. Palindromic pop quartet: ABBA.  Frequent visitors with almost as many ways to clue it as OREO.

15. God often depicted with green skin: OSIRIS.  I didn't know about the green skin.

16. "Snowy" bird: OWL.  EGRET was too long.

A Snowy Owl

19. Veer back: ZAG.  ZIG being the first movement.

20. Quite the card: RIOT.  Neither a business identifier nor (for example) a poker card.  A humorous person.

21. Wine and dine, maybe: WOO.  What's step one when WOOing a geologist?  Make sure that you smell gneiss.

22. Vox co-founder Klein: EZRA.  An American "progressive" journalist.

23. Spot for a donut: TRUNK.  Eh?  Not the first thing that came to mind but legitimate.  A spare tire that is more compact, lighter (and less expensive) for manufacturers to provide.

27. Broad hat, lotion, shades, etc.: SUN GEAR.

29. Slangy turnarounds: UIES.  U-turns.

30. Tat spot, perhaps: PEC.  Pectoral.

31. Barbara Gordon's alter ego: BATGIRL.

40. Bribes: BUYS OFF.  Hand up for PAYS OFF.

41. Palindromic pop trio: AHA.  a-ha ist eine norwegische Popgruppe.  Completely unfamiliar to this solver.

43. Secular: LAIC.  Of, or relating to, laypersons as opposed to the clergy.

45. Got fit: TONED UP.

52. Like lambs and rams: OVINE.  As opposed, I suppose, to BOVINE.

53. Photoreceptor cell: CONE.  In your eye.

54. Japanese sash: OBI.  Frequently worn in crosswords.

55. Vicinity: AREA.

56. Tempe sch.: ASU.

61. Herbal beverage: 

62. Meandered: SNAKED.

The In-Laws (1979)

63. Optimist's words: I CAN.

64. Weekly skit show, familiarly: SNL.  Saturday Night Live

Trailer for 40th Anniversary

65. Doesn't turn away: ADMITS.  As in allowing entry not as in fessing up.

66. Cheese in a Greek omelet: FETA.


1. Arabic for "crown": TAJ.  Taj Mahal can be translated as "the best" (crown, epitome) of buildings.

2. Network with programming streamed on Max: HBO.

3. Core workout rep: AB CRUNCH.  I tried to do an intense workout that consisted of 500 sit ups per day but my body could not take the AB use.

4. Coming to: WAKING.  Not as in arriving.

5. Baffled: LOST.  We see ASEA, too.

6. "... or thereabouts": ISH.

7. Native language in Oklahoma: KIOWA.  Less often seen than OTOE, UTE or CREE. . . none of which were going to fit.

8. Possible cause of an unearned run: ERROR.  A baseball reference.

9. Hold back for now: SIT ON.

10. CIA predecessor: OSS.

11. Muppet bear in a pork pie hat: FOZZIE.

12. Overshadows: DWARFS.

13. Pond growth: ALGAE.

18. Join the team?: YOKE.  Nice word play.  Join the team of oxen together.

22. Submit taxes online: E-FILE.  The first of two E-answers.

23. Cough syrup meas.: TSP.  TeaSPoon

24. Feels remorse: RUES.  You will RUE the day that the French name a street after you.

25. Donkey cries: BRAYS.

26. Shelter on the Asian steppes: YURT.

28. Without fumbling: ABLY.  Not a football reference (although it could be).

32. Deuce: TWO.  Not a tennis-score reference.  A card game reference.

33. Natural talents: GIFTS.

34. Deets: INFO.  Slang.  Details.  INFOrmation.

36. Motorized ride: E-BIKE.  The second E-answer.

37. Liu of "Charlie's Angels": LUCY.  A reference to the movie, not the TV show.

38. Bright quality: RADIANCE.

39. Blackball: 
SHUN.  What can you call an ant that has been SHUNned by its community?  A socially dissed ant.

42. Tailless primate: APE.   What do you call it when APEs battle?  Gorilla warfare.

43. Let out a bit: LOOSEN.

44. Many a garden flower: ANNUAL.  As opposed to a PERENNIAL.

46. Sushi wrapper: NORI.  Frequently consumed in crossword puzzles.

47. Supposing: EVEN IF

48. Hurdles for aspiring drs.: MCATS.

49. Like hardcovers: 

50. TV carpenter Norm: ABRAM.  From the shows This Old House and New Yankee Workshop.

51. Kipling's "__-Tikki-Tavi": RIKKI.

55. Chimes in: ADDS.

57. Airport safety org.: TSA.

58. Thus far: YET.

59. Nosh on: EAT.

60. Genetic molecule: RNA



Subgenius said...

I didn’t have too much trouble with this puzzle, which seemed fairly easy for a Friday. I got the gimmick from the first themed fill, and that helped me solve the rest of the puzzle. And all the themed answers were take-offs on well-known things and people. I found this to be a very satisfying puzzle. FIR, so I’m happy.

desper-otto said...

Good morning!

Started right off with WARM at 1a...have I ever mentioned? Mal-Man called them "puny" themers, but d-o thought they were cute. Osiris/Sarah Gardner was played by Anna-Louise Plowman on SG-1 -- definitely not green. Thanx for the outing, Jamey. Welcome back, Mal-Man. (Socially dissed ant, indeed.)

Anonymous said...

Took 6:55 today for me to get feeling like Nemo's friend in rush hour [honky-dory?].

Had no idea about the language (kiowa), Osiris, or the tv carpenter.

"A-ha" was known for it's hit in the 80s, "Take on Me". Maybe they were more so known for the video for it. MTV loved to play that one.

Jinx in Norfolk said...

FIW with FOssIE, sAG and EsRA. Erased lessen for LOOSEN and boine (thought I had a 'V' in there somewhere) for OVINE.

Today is:
SUBSTITUTE EDUCATORS DAY (hey, we got one of those right here in the Corner!)
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS' DAY (maybe we’ll get a sub today!)
WORLD PREMATURITY DAY (can you be a preemie if you refuse to mature?)
NATIONAL TAKE A HIKE DAY (don’t worry if it makes you hungry; we have…)
NATIONAL HOMEMADE BREAD DAY (if only we had some…)
NATIONAL BUTTER DAY (even a meal of bread and butter deserves dessert of…)
NATIONAL BAKLAVA DAY (I could make a meal of this)

I wonder if Jamey knows the nautical terms 'veer' and 'back'. 'Veer' is when the wind shifts clockwise, 'back' is when it shifts counterclockwise. But you knew that.

A 3-letter word for a tat spot. Not toe. Couldn't stop think about that lady at the last bachelor party I attended, but knew that spot wasn't the answer and I waited for PEC (which was devoid of tats on the subject lady.)

ICAN? I'm more familiar with ICANN, the god of internet name schemes. It's hard to be an optimist these days.

Can't you get cancelled for saying or writing DWARF these days?

Jinx in Norfolk said...

Forgot to thank Jamey for the doable (but not by me today) TGIF special. And thanks and a welcome back to our Malman.

KS said...

FIW. It's been too many years since I had a little one watching Seaame Street and I couldn't remember Fozzie Bear. I put in Fonsie.
The theme took a while to suss out, and the NW just wouldn't fall. Finally I saw jocky shorts and the race was over.
Typical Friday puzzle, and most enjoyable.

Lee said...

Very cute offering today. Theme was nicely thought out. Never heard of the pop group Aha, but I do recall the song that Anon@6:46 mentioned; Take on me.

This puzzle won't be enjoyed by Irish Miss due to the large number of 3 letter words.

Welcome back Malman, you haven't lost your blogging touch. Thanks to Jamey for his entertaining submission.

Sugar is dandy, but see doesn't rot your teeth.


Malodorous Manatee said...

Good catch D.O. I meant to say punny not puny. Auto correct strikes again!

Irish Miss said...

Good Morning:

Not only was the theme clever, the themers were all strong, in-the-language phrases/names with an E, and comical homophonic revisions with the E dropped, resulting in satisfying tightness and consistency. The solve itself was on the easy side for a Friday, despite the several unknowns: Osiris, Batgirl, AHA, Kiowa, Fozzie, and Abram, but the perps were fair, so no foul. My only nit is Sun Gear which is green paint-ish, to my eyes and ears.

Thanks, Jamey, always enjoy your offerings, and thanks, MalMan, for the heavy dose of humor and informative commentary. You were very much missed, especially by the Dissed Ants! 🤣 Welcome back!

Have a great day.

Lucina said...


Not much time since the LB is here and must be watched at all times. He loves to play with the salt and pepper shakers when he's at the table. I finished the puzzle in a leisurely pace with not snags or stumbles.

Thank you, Jamey Smith and thank you, Chairman. I'm glad you enjoyed your travels.

Of course, it makes me jittery to see the "e" missing from their places.

Otherwise, the puzzle is a treat to solve.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!

Lee said...

Sex doesn't rot your teeth. Darn autocorrect.

RosE said...

Good Morning! Quite a workout today – thanks, Jamey.

The top was a myst(E)ry, so I went to the South and worked my way up.

The NW and N-Center: I thought starting off 1A & 1D THAW and TAJ as clued were not weekday friendly, but I finally WAG’d it when I started with JOCK and saw the missing “E”s.
I had to google OSIRIS (the green skin threw me off) and then the N-Center came together for a finish – WHEW!!
WO: what -> EVEN IF

YURT I’ve seen one re-built on Maine Cabin Masters. Kind of odd for that location.
I’ve seen Norm ABRAM on PBS many times & am in awe of his talent and patience!
Thanks, MalMan! Nice to see you’ve returned. Thanks for your recap.

Irish Miss said...

Lee @ 8:52 ~ You're right about the high number (21) of three letter words in the puzzle. I was aware of them and I did do a count, as usual, but they didn't bother me today, maybe because they were pretty evenly mixed with real words vs initialisms and abbreviations, but more likely because I was enjoying the theme and the solve too much to react to their presence. 😉

Ray - O - Sunshine said...

Did mighty battle with the NW corner with initial mistakes like haj/TAJ,making (are you “coming to” the party) WAKING. Theme: Drop the letter Y …OK But what does SHELL WINTERS mean?

Holy JOCKY SHORTS!!! Batman I just realized I FIW , I had JOCKYSpORTS 😲

Have come to accept that “deets" (details) is CWese for INFO.
Like Anon @ 6:46: A-HA: alls I remember is one hit in MTV infancy days “Take on me”
Welcome back OBI! Was OSIRIS “Nile” green?

“Spot for a donut” First thought it meant “pay for someone else’s donut”and filled treat. Then remembered, DW just bought a car and we had checked whether the spare was a real tire or a “donut” in the TRUNK. Cool clue I guess and at least not an unknown proper name. Also liked “join the team” and that’s no YOKE (well actually it is). “Oklahoma” OSAGE from “Killers of the Flower Moon” was alas an ERROR….KIOWA, (and not KIAWAH, an ethnic culture in SC)

Thought HBO simply changed its name to MAX. Must be more to it than that. UIES has been reanimated and just won’t stay dead 😱

“Beyond-the-theater-district” award in Tokyo: OBI
Tahoe is nice but Erie is a great ____ LAIC
Lightly fry and stew a donkey….BRAYS.

Since I’m not as astoot as IM I tend to welcome 3 letter answers. A series of them can help me with the longer perps.

Parsan said...

Fun puzzle! Slow going at the NW, but NE and SE filled in quickly and the clever SHELLY WINTERS set the idea for the other long clues. Did not know ABRAMS, EZRA, raj for TAJ, and thought JOCKY was going to be someone named Jacky (Jacky Shorts? - who is that?). Ah, HBO, JOCKY SHORTS!

BARNEY FIFE also graduated from WVU and he came back to speak at a conference for drama department students. He was funny, humble and made a great impression.

Destruction of the CONEs in your eyes results in macular degeneration, a burden for many older people.

Thank you MM for explaining TRUNK - had it right but didn’t get it. Duh!

Happy day, all!

waseeley said...

Lee @8:55 AM It has an automatic bad word detector. 😁

Husker Gary said...

-TRUNK filled itself in but I needed MM for the explanation. Doh! I’m still claiming a “got ‘er done!”
-A sign of financial issues: Driving on a donut with most of the tread gone
-Capone BUYS OFF the jury but the judge switches the juries and he still winds up at Alcatraz
-Sheep ranchers in early Nebraska had a small settlement they called OVINE, NE
-Nebraska’s Tatanka Golf Course has cart paths that SNAKE through the Sandhills
-Before I say I CAN, I check with my lovely bride
-When you buy a used car, you don’t know what INFO the dealer is SITTING ON
-Huskers lead the nation in fumbling. They could easily be 9 – 1 without them instead of 5 – 5
-This substitute teacher had his gig for today cancelled.

Big Easy said...

After filling my first theme fill- BARN-Y FIFE- my first AHA (never heard of the group) was a puzzle a few years ago that had no E in the entire puzzle. The Dakota region was the last to fall, as I didn't know KIOWA, OSIRIS was green, and kept thinking LISTEN instead of LIKE SO.

But it was a FIW for me. I thought it was FONZIE instead of FOZZIE and didn't change NAG to ZAG. Careless.

PAYS OFF changed to BUYS OFF, WARM before THAW, ARM to LEG to PECtoral fin,
EZRA Kline & VOX, Barbara Gordon & BATGIRL, Norm ABRAM- unknown as clued and perped.
LAIC is a word I've only seen in crosswords

Jinx-DWARF, MIDGET, RETARD, DUNCE (with a duncecap CONE on his head in the corner)- those will have the PC Police all over you.

Donut spares- designed to go 45mph or less and yet I see fools going over 70 with one of those tires on the car.

CrossEyedDave said...

Yes, it was a hard start. But it got going by halfway down and across...

never realized the "y" was so important to the theme...

Learning moment: zig and zag reference time components?

Aha? Take on me? oh, that song! cute little ditty, and the video is entertaining too!

I'm more familiar with Catwoman. Perhaps an excuse to link Anne Hathaway in her Cat Suit from Dark Knight Rises...
but, Y is everything so dark?

CanadianEh! said...

Funny Friday, thanks to Jamey and MalMan (welcome back).
I found this CW to be a workout, requiring Google help for KIOWA in the NW, but I did get the theme.
Many inkblots and a FIW since this Canadian had HOCKY SHORTS!

Hand up for ASEA before LOST, and not understanding TRUNK when it filled in.
My body was Tuned up before TONED. Plus we had AB CRUNCH and PEC.
EVEN so changed to IF, Til to YET.
I waited for perps to decide between UIES or Ueys (I might have known that the theme outlawed the EY choice! - but JAMEY’s name has the EY- hmm!)

The clue for AHA was Friday level and did not elicit an AHA from me.
I smiled at the difference between “nosh on = EAT” and “ wine and dine, maybe? = WOO”.

Wishing you all a great day

Ray - O - Sunshine said...

B E @ 10:09

Most midgets suffer from a condition called achondroplastic dwarfism. Our special daughter doesn’t like being called a retard. The wife spent 30 years teaching kids with learning disabilities, (Dunces? I guess). It takes little effort to belittle someone when one doesn’t have that particular disability.

Anonymous said...

Good job, Ray-O.
The ignorance is repeatedly shown by that one.

Acesaroundagain said...

Changed "lessen" to "loosen" and thought I had FIR, only to find I didn't pay attention to tense and put "saton" instead of "siton". Not hard for Friday but I enjoyed it. GC

Anonymous said...

Before Osiris filled in I could only think of Shrek being green. Thank goodness the perps were fair and solid.

A fairly easy 🏃‍♀️ run through the park today with just two speedbumps.. Kiowa and FoNzie.. but a humorous and satisfying puzzle.

Thanks Jamey and MM…. kkFlorida

Charlie Echo said...

A very do-able friday...but not by me. FIW at the junction of MSAT/SONE. Win some, lose some. Didn't care for SHUN for black--ball. To me, shun is when a group turns its back on one, while black-ball is a way for someone to anonymously bar someone from becoming a member of the group

Chairman Moe said...

Puzzling thoughts:

FIW with my lone hiccup @ 28 down

CLever theme by Jamie Smith; MalMan, welcome back

Lucina @ 8:54 --> Joseph (today's blogger) is MalMan; I (your across town Cornerite) am the Chairman. MalMan does "dad" jokes; Chairman does Moe-ku's. But I know that you know this!! 😉

Finally enjoying some weather here that fits the season. High's in the low to mid-70's and lows in the 50's. It even rained a little bit last night. Yea!! There is a certain morning smell here in the desert that accompanies an overnight rain ... hard to describe but very pleasant

sumdaze said...

Thanks, Jamey, for your fun puzzle! I had a one-box FIW at KaOWA X OSaRIS. A vowel seemed correct but I guessed wrong at which one. FAV: BARNY FIFE

Welcome back, MalMan! Great to read you again! I missed your humor (AB use & dissed ANT).
Inlaws clip -- worst shots ever! SNL clip -- felt like my life 'flashed before my eyes'.

C-Moe @ 11:59. Love, love, love the smell of the desert after a rain!!

Anonymous T said...

Hi All!

That was a fun puzzle, Jamey! BARNY FIFE was my first "get" and that helped with the other themers.

However, OS_RIS xing K_OWA was pure evil ;-) I guessed an E for the FIW.

Thanks for the review and welcome back MManatee! You didn't lose a step.

ESPs: EZRA, [see: FIW]
Fav: RIKKI-Tikki-Tavi - I loved that mongoose!
Other sparkle: FOZZIE Bear (the Muppet of Dad Jokes), SIT ON (it) [think the Fonz], LAIC is a fun word, TRUNKS clue was fun as was YOKE's.

Pop & I would watch Norm ABRAM on This Old House (with Bob Vila) every week on PBS. Then New Yankee Workshop would come on. Eventually, we'd meander down to the workshop and build and/or fix something.

LOL Honky Dory @6:46a. Take on Me was a great video & story //and CED beat me to the link.

I introduced SNL to one of our Jr. Analysts (who grew up in India) because one of our Execs made a joke referencing "Time To Dance. It took a bit to tell her the history, the talent that when through Lorne Michaels, etc. I think she's binging YouTube vids this weekend ;-)

Enjoyed reading y'all!
Cheers, -T

Jayce said...

I enjoyed solving this puzzle and found it to be rather fun.

Anonymous T said...


If I only watched Spaaaace Neewwwws [Colbert] earlier, I'd know OSIRIS's letter pattern [@4:03] :-)


unclefred said...

Very little time to post. I got my eyes done yesterday, both in one day. Damn expensive because insurance doesn’t cover this technique. Anyway, new lenses inside my eyes mean no glasses. As for the CW, got ‘er done in pretty good Friday time to FIR. DNK ABRAM, so that area was last to fill. Thanx JS, nice CW. Thanx, MalMan, terrific write-up. Now for a siesta.

Jayce said...

Congratulations on getting your eyes done, unclefred.

Jinx in Norfolk said...

Well done, U.Fred

TTP said...

A really fun puzzle today, expertly explained by MalMan. BTW, welcome back.

I didn't have any probs w/ the puzzle, but I did have an ERROR. I had FOnZIE, and never read the perp clue. For that one, my answer was nAG, which would have been legit for a different clue. Oh well.

Today's stumper for many was KIOWA. Not for me. I got it with the K and the W. Very familiar with that name for a couple of reasons.
1) I first heard of that name for the KIOWA helicopters we had at Coleman Army Airfield in Sandhofen (Mannheim) Germany where I was stationed. While we mostly had HUEYS and Chinooks, we had just about every army helicopter of the era there at one time or another, as we were also a a rotor wing maintenance battalion. The Kiowa was mostly a recon copter, but could be fiited with a Gatling style "minigun" that could unleash up to 6000 rounds per minute. I don't recall if it also could be armed with the TOW missles like the HUEYS or others that also served as gunships. It was an impressive helicopter for its small size. They called the version the Kiowa Warrior as an homage to the Kiowa warrior tribes.

2) For many years, we drove to the Temple, Texas area and then back home to the Chicago area. We'd get off the interstate in Big Cabin, OK and take US 69 down to Texas. On both ways, we'd often stop at the Kiowa Farmer's Market for fresh fruit and vegetables, depending on the season. Through the years, we stopped in just about every small town on highway 69, and spent the nights in McAlester or Muskogee on a few trips. I believe that it's good to get off the interstate and see America and talk to people. As a rule, Oklahomans are good down to earth people.

Kiowa is a small town in SE Oklahoma. Kiowa County is in SW Oklahoma, and the area where many of the Kiowa people live. The town of Kiowa had a sign on the road that proclaimed "Home Of Reba McEntire", as did the town of Atoka just to the south, and as did the city of McAlester, just to the north. She was born in McAlester, but lived and graduated from high school in Kiowa. I'm not sure why Atoka lays clain, but if you look up all three, they all list Reba under "Notable People."

Uncle Fred, I wish you well with your eye surgery. Maybe I should get it. I wonder if it would help my declining golf game...

I'm more with Charlie Echo about shun. I grew up in Amish country, and I knew a couple of people that were shunned. To me, it's entirely different than someone who has been blackballed. Blackballed? You are not getting a job or a promotion or some such. Shunned? At least in the Amish sense, you are totally banished or ostracized. I've personally seen Amish people in my home town literally turn their back to someone that I know that have been shunned. It is if they no longer exist. Pure avoidance, exemplified.

waseeley said...

Thank you Jamey. I always approach Friday puzzles with some trepidation, as it is the day before the dreaded Saturday puzzles. But after SNAKING around the today's grid for awhile, I finally figured out the half of theme that I needed to fill a FIR.

Welcome back MalMan, It's good to read you again! Thanks for filling in the other half of the theme -- not being a TikToker (or even just a Toker), I came up SHORT on that side. IIWY I'd put off the diet til after the first of the year because you'll probably be having TURKY DINNER for Thanksgiving next week and it'll be Chanukah, Christmas, and New Years before you know it.

A couple of things I liked ...

14A ABBA. My all time favorite clue for this was "Mamma Mia Quartet" for a 3 letter fill. After convincing myself that Patti had made an ERROR, perps revealed that the answer was "EMS".

15A OSIRIS. Egyptian gods were much in vogue in the 18th Century and Mozart even had an aria to OSIRIS and his main squeeze ISIS in his opera The Magic Flute.


waseeley said...

Lee @8:55 AM A correlary to that is "Candy's dandy, but liquor is quicker"'. 😁

Vidwan827 said...

Thank You Jamey Smith for a challenging Friday puzzle ... Initially, I was filled with trepidation and fear .... and it was justified, when I could not even solve one clue of the upper left quadrant !!!

I slowly moved through the rest of the puzzle, and approached the 1st quad again, and started aking some educated guesses. I just learnt that TAJ means 'Crown' in Arabic ... I did not know that ! And I'm supposed to be a resident 'scholar' on all things mideastern, around here ... talk about the one eyed leading the blind ... or the cataract leading the blind ... I always thought TAJ meant 'the illumination, the aura or the shining ... or the prestige or fame;'.. Anyway, now you all know how limited in knowledge, I am...

UncleFred good luck for now and the future on your eye surgery(-ies). I've had ore operations in both my eyes, than I care to remember... BUt, never both at the same time !!! Thats a new one ... I never thought that Opthalmologists or other professionals were allowed to take such risks ...!!

Thank You Malman, for your very interesting and informative blog. Welcome back !

I am not familiar with Jamey Smith puzzles, and add a letter/miss a letter etc., sort of answers. I had a tough time understanding the 'misspelled' letters, but ... it being a FRiday, I just moved on, with a sigh...

I've had a long day today, with nothing much to add, so I wish you all a Good Night, and you all folks, take care and have a great day, Friday, tomorrow ... which starts in just 90 more minutes ...

waseeley said...

Uncle Fred @3:23 PM You just got cataracts removed in both eyes and FIRed a Friday? You da man Frederick!

Anonymous T said...

Just found a note-to-self say....

Picard. Youngest went to DW's Community College (where DW professes) and is now at UT. Next semester she'll be in Madrid and then back at UT to finish off her undergrad.

Then, she wants to hit a school in NYC or Harvard for law. Her goal* is to be an international human rights atty. The kid is smart and has had a sense of fair since she could talk [but doesn't know a damn thing about how computers (fundamentally) work. ;-)]

Mr. Smarty (Vidwan) Alec - don't feel too bad. I equated 1d to a building in Agra when perps filled :-)

Cheers, -T
*I kinda shot down her original idea (when she was 9yrs old) of being a Supreme Court Justice (she did all the research and Yale or Harvard is where ~89% of Justices graduated) -- "there's more folks in MLB than SCOTUS", I said. #BadDad #DreamKiller

Anonymous T said...

Didn't refresh b/f posting say...

Seriously - Blogger needs a heart or +1/thumbs-up emoji reaction so I can agree with waseeley's 9:47p w/o burning a post.

Heal well, Unclefred!

Cheers! -T

waseeley said...

-T @10:01 PM 👍👍