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Oct 21, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011, Don Gagliardo & C.C. Burnikel

THEME: Acronym meets dyslexia. Each of six theme answers are two part phrases, with the the first part of each answer two letters which are reversed from a common expression. How ironic we have this brilliant offering from our own Batman and Robin, Hard G. and C.C., when I have been commenting on acronyms for the last four weeks. As a left-hander, I am forever reversing letters, so the theme jumped out at me, and off we went. A really clean offering with lots of fresh fill and cluing. Simple but exciting to come up with this many phrases.

17A. Violent comic book protesters?: DC BURNERS. Detective Comics. Like the book burners in Fahrenheit 451, nothing like the CD burners. Compact Disc creators. DC, home of Batman and Superman was the rival of Marvel, where Spiderman, Hulk and X-Men were born in Stan Lee's brain. Marvel lovers would have burned the DCs in the 70's.

26A. The wind at Chi-Town's Wrigley Field?: HR FACTOR. Home Run. Instead of RH factor. RH actually is an abbreviation of RHESUS, the type of monkey used to discover this blood immunity factor, not quite an acronym, but very cute. We humans are 85% RH positive.

33A. Flintstone receivers?: BC RADIOS. Before Christ. Fred, Wilma, Barney and Betty lived 65 million BC based on their pets, while CB Radios, Citizen Band radios, did not become popular until the 60's.

45A. News agency's betting method?: AP SYSTEM. Associated Press, is not like a PA System, Public Address.

50A. Where horses box?: KO CORRAL. Knock Out, not the famous shoot out site, OK Corral,
Old Kindersley Corral, 326 East Allen Street, Tombstone, AZ85638, which is actually next to the alley where the Earps faced the Clantons etc.

64A. Pleasure craft loaded with Charmin?: TP CRUISER. Toilet Paper filling your craft, sounds pretty funny, as does the Chrysler PT Cruiser. Personal Transport. See above.

Okay let's do it!


1. Six-time French Open champ: BORG. You really should watch the HBO movie, Fire and Ice, about Borg and McEnroe then and now.

5. Perch, at times: LIMB. Little birdie on the tree limb.

9. Bucks: CLAMS. Supposedly, the ancients really used them as currency.

14. Couples choice: IRON. Really devilishly clever, as the clue refers to Freddy Couples the golfer. He captains the US President's Cup team this fall. They do not use the apostrophe so you know it is a name not something belonging to a couple.

15. Wells's Upper-worlders: ELOI. From our old favorite, The Time Machine, with Yvette Mimieux as the tasty one.

16. Sister's outfit: HABIT. Did you all watch Sally Field in the Flying Nun?

19. Clinton's boss: OBAMA. Hillary.

20. Pigeon: SAP. People taken advantage of by con-men, because they are plucked like a pigeon. I hear you, silly man.

21. Connection gizmo: ADAPTOR.

23. Country pro: FER. If.n ye ain't fer me, you agin me.

24. Big deer: ELK. In case you did not know it, the Elk, or wapiti, and the Moose, or Eurasian Elk are all in the Deer family.

28. Diet, usually: EAT LESS. It took me a moment to parse this as two words.

32. National Council __ Raza: Hispanic civil rights group: OF LA. A somewhat controversial group, LA RAZA, the Race in Spanish.

35. Bleeping official: CENSOR. I adore this clue, as it is the guy who inserts the bleeps.

39. French bath: BAIN. (rhymes with man, sort of; not rain) Our French lesson, even if we have misplaced Jeannie; salle de bain means bathroom, a phrase you need to know if you travel in certain countries; bring your own TP (see above).

40. Ultracompetitive sort: TYPE A.

42. Gaseous: Pref.: AERI. Be careful. LINK. (0:17)

43. Shout to an awardee: SPEECH. Has everyone seen The King's Speech?

47. Who's sorry now: RUER. I rue the day when they thought of this use.

49. Grand: STATELY. Like in ole Opry.

54. Bring forth, as 59-Acrosses: LAY. and 59A. See 54-Across: EGG. What I may do if I do not get this write up going soon.

55. Kerfuffle: ADO. Scottish in origin.

56. Following: RETINUE. Nowadays we call it our posse.

62. Nick of "Arthur" (2011): NOLTE. Russell Brand is no Dudley Moore. TRAILER (2:33)

66. Rice, for one: GRAIN.

67. Put in a magazine: LOAD. For your automatic weapon.

68. Sushi wrapper: NORI. Seaweed. Yummy.

69. Quarterback's accuracy, say: ASSET.

70. Name meaning "hairy" in Hebrew: ESAU. How Jacob tricked Isaac.

71. Use needles: KNIT. Did you see see the surprising guest on Regis and Kelly who knitted?


1. Nods, sometimes: BIDS. Auctions.

2. Walrus hunter: ORCA. Killer whales think walrus is sushi, even without the Nori.

3. Fictional writer on the fictional "Alan Brady Show": ROB PETRIE. Carl Reiner, Mary Tyler Moore and the incomparable DICK VAN DYKE.(1:58)

4. Bearded bovine: GNU. Who knew I would look like you?

5. Conditionally give: LEND. "Neither a borrower, nor a lender be."

6. Intestinal section : ILEA. Not to be confused with ilia; we each have only one and it is the terminal portion of the small intestine extending from the jejunum to the cecum. I bet that clears it up.

7. Change, in sci-fi: MORPH. Kafka cockroaches, anyone?

8. Casual eatery: BISTRO. More French, these developed in Paris to serve to not so wealthy.

9. Sunday number: CHORALE. Not numerical, vocal.

10. Hyde's birthplace?: LAB. Dr. Jekyll's to be precise, at least in the mind of RLS.

11. Sailor's back?: ABAFT. Did not know but it was filled by perps so I still do not.

12. Old copy: MIMEO. The lovely blue product of the mimeograph.

13. '60s Green Bay hero Bart: STARR. LINK. (1:24). The first of many great Alabama QBs, Joe Namath included.

18. Did a croupier's job: RAKED. My chips, dammit!

22. Discarded: OFF CAST. Cast off?

25. Venezuelan herder: LLANERO. Learning moment ONE.

27. Game with melding: CANASTA. Pinochle did not fit.

28. Marine retreats?.: EBBS. Nice change up for some crosswordese.

29. Put __ on: limit: A CAP. Whatever couple puts on spending, or every major sport except baseball puts on salaries.

30. Chair patter's words: SIT HERE. Nice visual, sit here my dear, heh, heh.

31. Milk source: SOY. Not COW.

34. Day __: SPA.

36. Catch sight of : SET EYES ON. Sparkly, fresh and visual.

37. '80s-'90s ace Hershiser: OREL. You know C.C.will get her BASEBALL (1:31) in.

38. Frosted: RIMY. Robert Frost liked the Rime in his rhyme.

41. Bottom line for stockholders, briefly: EPS. Earnings Per Share.

44. Juice: CURRENT. AC/DC, alternating or direct, or BOTH?(3:20)

46. Conn. school: YALE U. The abbreviation for Connecticut told you this was going to be different. Yale is in New Haven, and many relatives attended.

48. Disconcert: RATTLE. Orel Hersheiser never looked rattled on the mound.

50. Whence Roo?: KANGA. Mommy?

51. Stable emanations: ODORS. Stable like in Horse poop, not steady.

52. War adversaries since the '70s: COLAS. Pepsi vs. Coke; I am strictly a Coke guy, from my childhood soda fountain days.

53. Procedures involving suction, familiarly: LIPOS. Suctions. ewwww.

57. School sports regulatory org.: NCAA. ooh, another one, National Collegiate Athletic Association, likely to be destroyed by the super conferences.

58. Pakistani language: URDU. The nice man who works at the liquor store across from my apartment is Pakistani. Hamid.

60. Spice Girl Halliwell: GERI. SONG (3:25).

61. Pluck: GRIT. Yes, it is TRUE.

63. Sudden death cause: TIE. No dying, it is just a game; they tried to change it to sudden victory but it never caught on.

65. Publicity: INK. I wonder if LiLo believes any publicity is good publicity?

Answer grid.

A workout, but a really nice ride Time For Me To Go Until Next Friday. Fall fell, 60's at night, 70's daytime and breezy. anyone else want to come and fall in love?

ciao chow, enjoy a few words from our creators.


Constructors' note:

This puzzle branched off from an acronym project Don and I embarked last Thanksgiving. We originally had a few three-letter acronym conversions (PGA CHAMPIONSHIP to GPA CHAMPIONSHIP, e.g.). Rich suggested that we limit to 2-letters since the switch is easier to spot. Don thought it would be fun for solvers to get six entries in the grid by concentrating on short theme answers. The three-letter consonant clusters in DC BURNER & BC RADIOS posed some unexpected challenges in our filling process.