, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jan 12, 2009

Notes from Constructor John Underwood

Opera has always been one of my passions, ever since my sophomore year at UNC when I took an opera appreciation course. Then living in New York at various times gave me the opportunity to see so many of the great singers at the Met: Birgit Nilsson, Joan Sutherland, Pavorotti, Domingo, Tebaldi, Price - though I never saw Callas, just missed her! It truly was a golden age of singing. So I was delighted to see that the OPERA was published today.

Thankfully the editor wasn't so ruthless with his changes this time, except I have to agree with one of your readers who said the theme clues were bland. I didn't like just clueing them according to the composer. Here are my original definitions:

10A: LULU: Streetwalker is murdered by Jack the Ripper (Alban Berg)

20A: FAUST: Scholar makes pact with the devil (Gounod)

25A: CARMEN: Gypsy is stabbed by rejected lover (Bizet)

41A: MADAMA BUTTERFLY: Japanese girl marries US Navy officer (Puccini)

63A: NORMA: Druid priestess loves Roman solder (Bellini)

71A: AIDA: Ethiopian slave betrays Egyptian lover (Verdi)

Though perhaps a little awkward and probably too long.

Also, for 52D OPERA, I had: Subject of this puzzle.

John Underwood