, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 3, 2012

Gawd-awful Puzzle

#12 of our Curious Conundrums series.
On Thursday evening, Bill G commented on the blog: "I wonder if any constructor has tried, just for fun, to make a crossword puzzle chock full of words we all dislike. Imagine a puzzle filled with ...... "
Marti immediately created this "Gawd-awful Puzzle" with all the tired words Bill mentioned. We hope you (esp you, JD) enjoyed her effort.
Here is PDF (click on File, then Download Original).
Click here to solve the puzzle on line in Across Lite. Click the bottom middle button to print out the puzzle. Google document is having trouble uploading puz file at the moment. I'll fix it once it's back to normal. (Updated: Here is the Across Lite file. Click File, then Download.)

Spoiler: Here is the answer grid. Click here (9:11 pm) to read Bill G's word list.
Thanks for solving. Feel free to post on Comments section any "Yawner" word that's not "honored" in Marti's grid.