, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 8, 2014

Saturday, Mar 8th, 2014, Brad Wilber

Theme: BW

Words: 70 ( Pangram~!)

Blocks: 31

   Another solo effort in this year from one of our regular Saturday contributors, Brad is keeping pace with Mr. Silk.  This one made my brain hurt, mostly due to the proper name references, but in terms of geographic obscurity, we did get somewhat of a reprieve.  A 'reverse' pinwheel, with the 11-letter triple stacks towards the right, and 9-letter triples to start the Downs.  Some of the longer fill we have;

2d. A woodpile may be under it : TARPAULIN - I tried ---- TARP, and that wasn't working

4. Teddy Roosevelt sobriquet : TRUSTBUSTER - I tried "SPEAK SOFTLY", because I was thinking sobriquet was a catchphrase, not a nickname

33a. 19th-century bat-and-ball game : ONE OLD CAT - learned this from crosswords, altho I was looking to fit One O' Cat, and it wasn't working

57a. Delta Tau Chi, familiarly : ANIMAL HOUSE - ah, I did not recall their Greek name - it's up on the second floor railing, askew

onward - by skipping an hour tonight~!


1. Leavenworth and McHenry: Abbr. : FTs - Forts

15. Medium evocation : RAP - "I see...." did not fit; this is the knock on the table while everyone is (supposedly) holding hands

16. Like evergreens : WINTER HARDY - this took too long for me to see, especially since I had "RENO" and not "RICE" in the downs

17. "... __ the hot sun count / His dewy rosary ...": Keats : ERE

18. "I Hope I Get It" musical : A CHORUS LINE

19. Clinking currency : SPECIE - straight up definition - money in coin

21. __ judicata: decided case : RES

22. "Sorry to say ..." : ALAS

23. Sported : HAD ON

24. Mineral in pumpkin seeds : ZINC - OK, so I threw in IRON to start - the garden (24d.) fixed that

25. __ Toy Barn: "Toy Story 2" setting : AL'S

26. Prepare for a poster tube : FURL - Dah~!  not "ROLL"

27. London Philharmonic co-founder Sir Thomas __ : BEECHAM - nearly all perps, this was one of those proper name stumbling points

29. Sailor's direction : ALEE - I was fairly certain that on Saturday, it would not be EAST or WEST

30. Hidden : UNSEEN

31. Prefix with scope : OTO - an OTOscope is used to look very closely at the Indian tribes of the, actually, it's for an ENT - no, not the tree, the doctor who looks in your ears

34. KGB agent's foe : CIA SPY - Oddly, I threw in CIA MAN to start, then I figured it had to be wrong with the next clue/answer being --->

36. Beatles song with the line "There's one for you, nineteen for me" : TAXMAN - "yeah, I'm the taxman" - in 1966, the Beatles' tax bracket had them paying 95%, which makes this math correct - ouch.  We're getting closer to April 15th; I was pleasantly surprised when my "taxman" got me some money back - I had not filed for 4 years, due to low income, but I did pay for Home Inspection school, and that was my big write-off

38. Wrap : END - Pretty sure BOA was not the answer; this is the verb, not the noun

39. Like many French Quarter streets : GAS-LIT

43. Goalie's undoing : DEKE - You can say that again~! (From C.C.: Great picture, Splynter!)

44. Sextet at Woodstock : SANTANA - I liked his Supernatural album

45. Dairy aisle tub : OLEO

46. Start to amble? : PRE - Preamble, as in "WE, the People..."

48. Film villain in a Nehru jacket : DR. NO - Because Dr. Evil did not fit

49. Stifle : QUELL

50. Women : SHEs

51. Keep to oneself : HOG

52. Stuck (out) : JUTTED

53. Spaghetti sauce ingredient : TOMATO PUREE - I went with pASTe, and that was a whopping 72% correct

56. Lobbying gp. : PAC - Political Action Committee

58. Kate's role in "The Aviator" : AVA

59. Maple leaf eater : BOXELDER BUG

60. Make : NET - ah, as in the financial sense; I was trying "FIX", and "SET"


1. Talent scout discovery : FRESH FACE - I was looking for a high school/college sports player being found, not a singer/dancer/artist/movie star

3. Whiz through, in a way : SPEED-READ

4. He said, "Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to" : TWAIN

5. Powell's successor : RICE - oops, Condoleezza, not Janet; the Secretary of State, not the Attorney General

6. New England sch. with a wildcat mascot : UNH - University of New Hampshire, so we had some geography

7. They need connecting flights : STORIES - I knew this was a stairs reference, but I was stuck on FLOORS

8. Playwright Rattigan : TERENCE

9. Grilled-bread appetizer : BRUSCHETTA

10. Uncertain sounds : UHs - not UMs or ERs

11. Deep bow : SALAAM

12. Clarinetist's effect : TRILL - Guitar, too - and probably easier on the guitar

13. Author Ferber et al. : EDNAs

14. Distillery output : RYES

20. "Unforgettable" duet partners : COLES

24. __ garden : ZEN

27. Long-term investment strategy : BUY AND HOLD - great fill

28. The Ducks, on an ESPN ticker : ANAheim

31. Breakfast buffet utensil : OMELET PAN - is a pan a utensil?  Not in my house - pots & pans are cookware; the implements used in preparation and consumption are the utensils

32. Depart : TAKE LEAVE - I had mAKE, which gave me an OMOscope - which is used to...oh, never mind

35. Org. that keeps driving stats : PGA - anyone go with AAA~?

37. Marked for deletion : X'D OUT - the 'meh' fill for the day

40. Greek poetic stanza : STROPHE - a rhythmic system composed of two or more lines repeated as a unit - online dictionary

41. Lassitude : LANGUOR - listless lack of liveliness

42. Italian diminutive suffix : INO

44. Bagel selection : SESAME

46. Button on some receivers : PHONO

47. Dance version of a pop hit, often : REMIX

49. Literary captain : QUEEG

50. Skewer : STAB

52. "__, meine Freude": Bach motet : JESU - I have a few Bach Pipe Organ CDs, so I have seen this

54. __ vez: maybe, in Pamplona : TAL - Spanish

55. Abrade : RUB - fixed my PASTE to PUREE
