, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 8, 2015

Sunday March 8, 2015 Ed Sessa

Theme:  "Hide and Seek" - GEO is hidden (cached) in the middle of each theme answer.

 23A. *Come (to), more or less : AVERAGE OUT. This added "to" in the brackets makes the entry look like a partial. It's not.

 38A. *Subject of lengthy debate : AGE-OLD QUESTION.

 60A. *Union proposal? : MARRIAGE OFFER. Reminds me of the "Union agreement" for I DO.

 81A. *Play it safe : HEDGE ONE'S BETS

 98A. *Mitigate : TAKE THE EDGE OFF

 15D. *Sulu, for one : BRIDGE OFFICER. Our Spitzboov reached "Commander" rank. Commander Spitzboov!

 59D. *Trial movement : CHANGE OF VENUE. Two pairs of theme entries intersect in this grid. This often makes filling easier, but it takes skills & luck to make crossing happen..

Reveal entry:

120A. Hide-and-seek activity utilizing GPS ... and what is literally done in the answers to
starred clues : GEOCACHING

Very few word start with EO*, so Mr Ed's break pattern is consistently *GE O* (quite a few OF*).

Thought of CrossEyedDave immediately when I came to the reveal entry. He's into Geocaching. How's your knee lately, Dave?
Did any of you have trouble with the BLEW (15A. Left, in slang) clue? I just could not figure it out. Finally asked the "always there: Santa Argyle. He explained:

"Left, as in "didn't stay" 

The party was a drag so we blew the joint and went to the club."


1. Head up, in a way : CLIMB. Also 19. One on the trail : HIKER

6. Future MD's exam : MCAT (Medical College Admission Test). And 71D. 6-Across takers, e.g. : TESTEES

10. Pick-me-up pill : NO-DOZ

20. Short-cut pasta : ORZO. Never had it. You?

21. Windy City hub : O'HARE

22. Opposite of a pan : RAVE. Of course I was picturing a cooking pan!

25. Many a worm : BORER

26. Emphatic type: Abbr. : ITAL

27. Adjust, as a spreadsheet : RE-SIZE

28. Company VIP : PREZ

30. Observation platform : ROOF DECK

32. E Street Band guitarist Lofgren : NILS

34. "Mr. Pim Passes By" playwright : MILNE. This I learned from PIM clue.

37. "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" musical : GIGI
43. Versailles assembly : SENAT. French Senate.

46. Line partitions: Abbr. : SEGS (Segments)

47. "Friendly Skies" co. : UAL

48. Observed : SAW. And 49. Observes : BEHOLDS

51. Former red state: Abbr. : SSR (Soviet Socialist Republic). Nice clue angle. "Red state".

52. Like the bell of a trumpet : FLARED

55. Biblical shepherd : ABEL

57. South Korean sportswear company : FILA. Very popular in China. South Korean soap operas are extremely popular in China also. Lots of girls visit South Korea just for the plastic surgery.

58. Was duly humiliated : ATE CROW. Are crows actually edible?
64. IMO, in "Hamlet" : METHINKS. To answer your question, Dudley, there's beauty in symmetry.
66. Spare tyre sites : BOOTS

67. Old "Oyez!" shouters : CRIERS

68. "__ of robins ..." : A NEST

69. "Give Peace a Chance" co-writer, per Lennon : ONO

70. Colonial story : ATTIC. And 84. 70-Across function : STORAGE

72. Holds tight : CLINGS

75. Metal-threaded fabrics : LAMES.  Fabrics with "metallic threads". Metal-threaded brought up a different image for me.

77. Diminished : LESSENED

85. Fit to __ : A TEE

86. Of no consequence : MOOT

87. London borough : SUTTON. Not familiar to me.

89. Network with a three-box logo : BBC. Never thought of them as three boxes.

90. Admission of error : I GOOFED. Lovely 7-letter fill.

92. Swipe from : ROB

95. Cedar Rapids college : COE

96. Fountain order : SODA

97. Chief Powhatan's son-in-law : ROLFE
102. Reproductive cell : OVUM

104. Lee __, first African-American to play in the Masters : ELDER. I confused him with Calvin Peete.

105. Bearing a grudge : SORE

106. Scroll key : PAGE DOWN. So, what keyboard are you using? Mine is an old Microsoft Comfort 5000. Love it.

109. Where lines may be read : PALM. Nice clue.

112. Pity-evoking quality : PATHOS. Like what?

116. St. Patrick's land : ERIN

117. Medical co. in the DJIA : J AND J. Big plant in Shanghai.

122. In __ of: replacing : LIEU

123. "Shaq Diesel" rapper : O'NEAL

124. Regarding : IN RE

125. Standing tall : ERECT

126. Facility : EASE

127. __-Croatian language : SERBO

128. Word with waffle or sugar : CONE. Are you familiar with Kakigōri? So popular in Japan.

129. Bros : DUDES


1. Scorch : CHAR

2. Like many old soaps : LIVE. Soap operas.

3. Turner and others : IKEs

4. Soft-wool sources : MERINOS

5. 2014 World Cup site : BRAZIL.  And 106. Sports legend of 5-Down : PELE

6. Comedian Howard with a bowl-cut hair style : MOE. Hi there, Chairman Moe!

7. Whip handle : CROP

8. Bleu shade : AZUR

9. Aboriginal emblems : TOTEMS

10. Noodle : NOB

11. "What do we have here?!" : OHO

12. __ Criss, who plays Blaine on "Glee" : DARREN. He looks very familiar.

13. Twistable treat : OREO. National Oreo Day is March 6.

14. "Gravity" effect : ZERO G
16. Well beyond one's prime : LATE IN LIFE

17. FEMA concern : EVAC

18. Old TV host with an accordion : WELK

24. Neuter, as horses : GELD

29. Comic strip about a high schooler : ZITS

31. Flounder, e.g. : FISH

33. Complains : SQUAWKS. Another snazzy 7-letter fill.

35. __ Fáil: Irish "stone of destiny" : LIA. We just had it last Monday.

36. "Don't go yet" : NO, WAIT

38. State in northeast India : ASSAM

39. "Beau __" : GESTE

40. Heron relative : EGRET

41. Former Mideast org. : UAR.  Don't google. Guess who is the second Most Powerful Arab Woman in 2015?

42. K-5 or K-6: Abbr. : ELEM

44. Freud contemporary : ADLER

45. Nicholas and Alexander : TSARS

49. Mooch : BEG

50. Puts in, as a political office : ELECTS TO

52. __ benefit : FRINGE

53. Like the town in a Ricky Nelson hit : LONESOME. "Lonesome Town". Unfamiliar to me.

54. Tops, slangily : DA BOMB. For Jayce! I Really Really Like You.

56. Fundamental : BASAL
61. Blakley of "Nashville" : RONEE

62. Digs for bats : ROOSTS. "Digs for..." is a great misdirection.

63. Prayer : ORISON. I learned from doing crosswords. Same root as Orate.

65. Canonized fifth-cen. pope : ST. LEO

72. Offer to a guest : CHAIR

73. Move on : LET GO. I've learned to let go.

74. Guiding doctrines : IDEOLOGIES

76. Starlike : ASTRAL

78. Jar Jar Binks' home planet : NABOO. We had this before.

79. Staff sequence : EGBDF

80. "Unleaded" drink : DECAF

82. Sign of approval : NOD

83. "We are __ stuff / As dreams are made on": Prospero : SUCH

88. Tot's piggy : TOE

91. Duel precursor, perhaps : FEUD

93. Signed off on : OK'D

94. Road alert : BEEP

96. Sexy, in a way : SEE-THRU. I linked this before. Fake see-thru skirts.

98. Sawbuck : TENNER. Not a word I use.

99. Lamentable : TRAGIC

100. L-__: Parkinson's treatment : DOPA

101. Honored : GRACED

103. Magic charms : MOJOS. Argyle has magic power!

107. Musical highlight : ARIA. Still waiting for the "Vegas luxury hotel" clue for ARIA, Steve!

108. Taper off : WANE

110. Fallon's predecessor : LENO

111. Poetic time : MORN

113. Ran, old-style : HIED

114. Fairy tale start : ONCE

115. Mil. base drillers : SGTS

118. Small application : DAB. I've concluded that we don't really need eye creams/eye gels.  Moisturizers are enough.

119. "Idol" judge, familiarly : J. LO

121. Central opening? : CEE
