, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 8, 2022

Sunday May 8, 2022 Matthew Stock

Theme: "Monsters Incorporated" - Seven different monsters are hidden the theme entries.

22A. Just okay: NO GREAT SHAKES. Ogre.

36A. Hitting the market soon: NOT YET IN STORES. Yeti.

66A. Style maven: FASHION ICON. Oni. The character of Oni can also mean ghost. Same as in Chinese.

 96A. Bread options in morning buffets: BREAKFAST ROLLS. Troll

112A. Strong ale brewed by Trappists in the Low Countries: BELGIAN TRIPEL. Giant. From "Jack and the Beanstalk

16D. Take longer than necessary: DRAG ONE'S FEET. Dragon.

60D. Genghis Khan's realm: MONGOL EMPIRE. Golem.

Monster Sandwich! Congrats to Matthew Stock on his first LAT Sunday. Very smooth 140-worder.

Matthew Stock

The last few weeks of comments have been quite interesting. Different editors and constructors bring different voices, so naturally there will be some changes in our puzzles, esp clue angles. 


1. Movie that may feature a meet-cute scene: ROM COM.

7. Components: FACETS.

13. Odysseys, e.g.: HONDAS. Minivans.

19. "God Is a Woman" singer Grande: ARIANA. My grandma believed in Ya Ya, who's genderless.

20. Inviting call from a treehouse: UP HERE.

21. Sicilian seaport: PALERMO. Mafia stronghold.

24. Generational divides: AGE GAPS.

25. One of the Big Five in Hollywood's Golden Age: RKO.

26. Name in a will: HEIR.

27. Befuddled gesture: SHRUG.

29. Golfo contents: AGUA.

30. Hip hop dance move: NAE NAE.

32. Poorly lit: DIM.

34. "Okay, that's enough from me": I'LL STOP.

40. North Carolina university: ELON. No Musk!

41. Nights of anticipation: EVES.

42. Lines from an admirer: ODE.

43. "Aaaand that's mine now!": YOINK. Originated in "The Simpsons", I think.

44. Challenges: DARES.

46. Smidge: TAD.

47. Boatloads: SLEWS.

49. Horde: HOST.

51. Wet wipes brand: LYSOL.

53. Historian Cobb who writes for The New Yorker: JELANI. Unfamiliar to me.

54. __ guzzler: GAS.

55. The Yoko of "Dear Yoko" and "Oh Yoko!": ONO.

57. Egg __ yung: FOO. Tiny clue/answer dupe: 61. Spur to action: EGG ON.

58. Madagascar primate: LEMUR.

63. Proclaims: TRUMPETS.

65. "That's my cue!": I'M ON.

69. "v funny": HE HE.

70. Film versions made by devotees: FAN EDITS.

72. Line of work for a dog walker?: LEASH. Fun clue.

73. "Misery" Oscar winner: BATES (Kathy)

74. Comedian Notaro: TIG. Right. Left is her wife.

75. __-ball pens: UNI.

76. Novelist Tan: AMY.

77. Didn't play: SAT OUT.

80. Keycard receivers: SLOTS.

82. Maker of Berryblossom White tea: TAZO. Not fond of white tea.

 84. Balm additives: ALOES.

85. Nintendo console: WII.

88. "Political Gabfest" podcast producer: SLATE.

90. Supercharged: TURBO.

93. Vinyl records, briefly: LPS.

94. "I'd rather not": PASS.

95. __ out a win (almost lost): EKED.

99. Ferrera of "Superstore": AMERICA.

101. Philosophy: ISM.

102. __ skills: PEOPLE.

103. Some political campaign research, for short: OPPO. Opposition research.

104. Ashtray debris: BUTTS.

107. South Asian rice cake: IDLI. Do you make this at home, Vidwan?

109. Ballyhoo: ADO.

110. Snag in a plan: WRINKLE.

117. Counter-counterculture folks: NORMIES. New term to me.

118. Sports venues: ARENAS.

119. Painter Diego: RIVERA.  Frida Kahlo's husband.

120. Contemptuous looks: SNEERS.

121. Fight like a country kid: RASSLE.

122. Tomorrow: IN A DAY.


1. Competed in a track meet: RAN.

2. Spanish gold: ORO.

3. Flew south for the winter, say: MIGRATED. Hope next winter is milder.

4. Valet's array: CAR KEYS.

5. Low-scoring tie: ONE ONE.

6. [I'm a goat!]: MAA. Not BAA.

7. __ box: FUSE.

8. Leaf-eating pests: APHIDS.

9. Many a tax-exempt organization: CHARITY.

10. "Jeepers!": EEK.

11. Uno y dos: TRES.

12. Brief meeting?: SESH. Sessions.

13. Argued over prices: HAGGLED. I've seen it all during our years of flea market dealings.

14. La Liga cheer: OLE.

15. "No siree": NEGATORY. Not a word I use.

17. Energize: AMP UP.

18. Argentine singer Mercedes known for "Gracias a la Vida": SOSA. Another learning moment for me. From Wikipedia: "Sosa performed in venues such as the Lincoln Center in New York City, the Théâtre Mogador in Paris and the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, as well as sell-out shows in New York's Carnegie Hall and the Roman Colosseum during her final decade of life."

21. See 113-Down: PAUL. 113. With 21-Down, guitarist in the National Inventors Hall of Fame: LES.

23. "How could you even sugGEST that?": THE IDEA.

28. Puts on the line: RISKS.

30. Bossa __: NOVA.

31. Bikini, e.g.: ATOLL.

33. __ juice: MOO.

35. Sinuous ski race: SLALOM.

36. After taxes: NET.

37. Currency: NEWNESS.

38. Musician honored as a National Hero of Barbados: RIHANNA. And 94. 38-Down, notably: POP DIVA.

39. Mireille of "Big Love": ENOS.

45. Console: SOOTHE.

47. Spanish 101 verb: SER. To be.

48. [What a relief!]: SIGH.

50. Fatty tuna, to a sushi chef: TORO. Gimme!

52. Topples the Jenga tower, say: LOSES.

53. Summer month: JUNE.

54. Like undercooked brownies: GOOEY. Got Boomer a few more Bismarcks with pudding in the middle.

56. Many a "Call the Midwife" character: NUN.

58. Brings up: LIFTS.

59. Inbox fillers: EMAILS.

62. Surname well known in Stars Hollow: GILMORE. "Gilmore Girls".

63. "Black Panther" role for Chadwick Boseman: TCHALLA.

64. "Cool," in dated slang: PHAT.

66. Fiver: FIN.

67. Quarreling: AT IT.

68. "Insecure" star Rae: ISSA.

71. Feather __: DUSTER.

73. Mass-transit option: BUS.

76. Bleu hue: AZUR.

78. Curveball element: TOPSPIN.

79. Sunset dirección: OESTE.

81. Big A-ha moment?: TAKE ON ME. From the band A-ha.

83. Trip to the plate: AT BAT.

85. Clobbered: WALLOPED.

86. __ of Wight: ISLE.

87. Mag. unit: ISS.

89. Food: EDIBLES.

91. Antioxidant beverage brand: BAI. Chinese for "white".

92. Thumbs-up gestures: OK SIGNS.

97. Radio knob: FM DIAL.

98. Make quite an entrance: ROAR IN.

99. Splatter guard: APRON.

100. Sticks by the pool table: CUES.

103. Possesses: OWNS.

105. Retro ski lift: T BAR.

106. Blood fluids: SERA. I'd be so lost without Nina's feedback and guidance.

108. Cut with a surgical beam: LASE.

111. Cassis apéritif: KIR.

114. TNT part: TRI.

115. Time period often named for an art movement: ERA.

116. __ down the law: LAY.

Boomer had another blood draw last Monday. His white blood count was good, unfortunately his PSA spiked to 531 (0-4 is normal). It was 445 on April 5th. So the 4th chemo infusion did not work either. His new oncologist canceled the 5th infusion scheduled for May 5th.

Tomorrow morning Boomer is having more x-rays at the VA hospital in Minneapolis, then we'll meet with the orthopedic doctor to see if a surgery is needed for his broken left shoulder. After that, we'll meet with the new oncologist to discuss the next steps.

Thanks for continuing to keep Boomer in your thoughts and prayers.
