, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Monday, June 12, 2017 Ed Sessa


Jun 12, 2017

Monday, June 12, 2017 Ed Sessa

Theme: Witch Doctor - is missing but you can find three other doctors to choose from. Choose wisely.

20. Challenging response to provocation: "YOU AND WHO ELSE?". Doctor Who

33. Ruthless strategy: TAKE NO PRISONERS. Dr. No

39. Nestlé chocolate chip treat: TOLL HOUSE COOKIE. Dr. House

49. Words on Lucy's "Psychiatric Help - 5¢" sign ... and a hint to 20-, 33- and 39-Across: [THE DOCTOR IS IN]

Argyle here. Interesting mix today. Some newbies might not recognize some of the old crosswordese we take for granted. Two grid spanners. A lot of music; the muse, Erato, must have been busy.


1. Aesop's lazy grasshopper, for one: IDLER

6. One of many in an ovation: CLAP

10. Critter catcher: TRAP. Alliteration clue.

14. "Stars and Stripes Forever" composer: SOUSA. #1 Clip(3:27)

15. __ Hashanah: Jewish New Year: ROSH

16. Beatles meter maid: RITA. #2 Clip(3:05)

17. Classic violin: AMATI

18. Eight-armed mollusks: OCTOPUSES. Octopuses or octopi, InfoPlease

22. Like many a villainous fictional scientist: MAD. Or villainous fictional Doctor.

23. Baseball tool: BAT

24. Strut on a runway: SASHAY

28. Newsman Huntley: CHET. "Goodnight, Chet"

30. Word with chick or split: PEA

36. Operatic highlight: ARIA

37. America's National Tree: OAK

38. Fish-catching bird: ERNE

44. George Carlin hosted the first one, briefly: SNL. (Saturday Night Live)

45. Yours and mine: OURS

46. Warned, like a cornered cat: HISSED

47. Appropriate: APT

48. Actor Mineo: SAL. He died in 1976.

56. Always masked one's true self: LIVED A LIE

58. Fuming: IRATE

59. Cheese in a red wax coating: EDAM

60. "Cheerio": "TATA!"

61. Father-son senators from Tennessee: GOREs. Jr. and Sr.

62. Jupiter and Neptune, e.g.: GODS

63. Like Mr. Hyde, e.g.: EVIL. #3 Clip(4:19)

64. Phishing nets?: SCAMS


1. Words to an old chap: "I SAY ... "

2. "__ arigato": Japanese "thanks a lot": DOMO. #4 Clip(5:34)

3. Bash with tiki bars: LUAU

4. This, to Juan: ESTA

5. 1988 Hoffman title role: RAIN MAN. "One minute to Wapner"

6. Ballpark filler: CROWD

7. With 55-Down, monster's lake: LOCH 55-Down. See 7-Down: NESS

8. Regarding: AS TO

9. Ditzy "Friends" friend and singer Snow: PHOEBEs. I was confused because Phoebe Buffay was a "singer", too.

10. Bond between friends: TRUST

11. Stand up: RISE

12. Chowed down: ATE

13. Kent and Kettle: PAs. They never met. More alliteration though.

19. Aristotle's teacher: PLATO

21. "The Banana Boat Song" word: DAY O. #5 Clip(3:07)

24. 755 HRs and 2297 RBIs for 25-Down, e.g.: STATS

25. Slugger Hank: AARON. Hammerin' Hank had a mastery with a BAT.

26. Mastery: SKILL

27. Recover from wounds: HEAL

28. Tactless: CRASS

29. Walk on a trail: HIKE

30. Exec's extras: PERKS

31. Bert's buddy: ERNIE

32. Plant __: start something: A SEED. Every time that I plant a seed
He said, "Kill it before it grows"

34. Do the honors, at a winefest: POUR

35. Modernists, briefly: NEOs

40. Wished: HOPED

41. Render obsolete: OUTDATE

42. Transportation secretary Elaine: CHAO

43. Drillers at sea: OIL RIGS

47. Throat-clearing sounds: AHEMs

48. Take unlawfully: STEAL

49. Plug on the small screen: TV AD

50. Norse king: OLAV

51. __ Field: Mets' stadium: CITI

52. Camaro __-Z: IROC. (International Race of Champions)

53. Poet Teasdale: SARA

54. Tabloid couple: ITEM

56. Chicken serving: LEG

57. Altar vow: "I DO"

One more Doctor.


Tournament Notes from C.C.:

Below is a picture of all the constructors for the Sixth Minnesota Crossword Tournament. You can click here for a few more. Marcia Brott's team won the Team champions. Alyssa Mondelli is the Amateur Division champion and Carl Voss is the Expert champion. Congratulations to all the winners!

Thanks to Victor for his tireless work editing all the puzzles, esp for helping me with my theme. His puzzle this year is very clever, like all his puzzles.

Andrea Carla Michaels and Mark McClain (not present) made another smooth puzzle despite some difficult letter combos. Andrea is coming to MN next week and I look forward to our lake walk.

George and Chris elevated a common puzzle gimmick. Wonderful local tie-in.

David Hanson's puzzle has a tight and consistent theme set. Great title too. Ages ago, David used to comment on our blog as Rosebud.

Andy's theme is lovely. Sparkly theme entries, fill and thoughtful clues.

Jeffrey the Artist was busy working, but we had a few quick spurts of chat. He's truly passionate about puzzle making and constantly challenges himself.

David Liben-Nowell's puzzle is another masterpiece. Just amazing!

Tom's puzzle is a crowd-pleaser. Incredibly clean (his trademark). One solver walked up to him afterwards marveling at the middle theme answer.

Andrew's themeless has a gorgeous stagger stack. He also had the tough job of writing three different sets of clues for the finals.

Thanks to the Friends of the St. Paul Public Library for hosting this event every year. Thank you, Liz, all the sponsors and volunteers!

Thanks also to Argyle & D-Otto for test-solving my puzzle and giving me constructive feedback. I love you guys!

Left to right: George Barany, Jeffrey Wechsler,Victor Barocas, David Hanson, C.C., Andrew J. Ries, Chris Adams, Tom Pepper &  David Liben-Nowell


Lemonade714 said...

One of these years I am going to make it to Minnesota for this wonderful event.

This Monday was not a speed run as my solving skills appear to have eroded with my body. I did wonder about the MAD scientist and the EVIL one in a puzzle with Dr. No.

Thanks Mr. Sessa and Argyle.

desper-otto said...

Good morning!

Nope, didn't get the theme, even with the reveal. I could have looked at that grid all day and still wouldn't have gotten it. Nothing too difficult in the solve, but some stumbling was in order: MAS / PAS and ORBS / GODS. At one point I think I saw Lucina SASHAYing through this one. With OIL... I wanted MEN or something similar. RIGS perped in. D'oh! I retired from an offshore drilling company. So soon we forget.

TTP said...

Good morning. Thank you Ed and thank you Argyle.

Speed run on Ed's puzzle, and Music Monday in Argyle's review. Two # 4s. Reminded me of Anon-T's bullet point enumerators from the other day" First, B, 3, IV.

Didn't see many of the clues until the write up.

Had one type over. Had arm before BAT. Avid baseball fans will argue over who the true 5 tool players are/were. A player has to be great, not average, in each of the tools. The 5 tools are: Hit for power, hit for average, arm, legs (speed) and glove. A few of my top choices would be Willie Mays, Dave Winfield and Ken Griffey Jr.

Roberto is my favorite player, but he lacked the pure speed on the paths. George Brett also didn't have the legs. Bo Jackson didn't hit for average and struck out too much. Barry Bonds didn't have the arm. Mike Schmidt didn't hit for average. All were great, but not the true 5 tool players.

Dead ball era ? Tris Speaker and Ty Cobb. They had it all.

Oh well, big day at the dentist again. Gotta get moving. Later !

Jinx in Norfolk said...

No help or erasures today, but it IS Monday. Didn't know DOMO arigato or that Carlin hosted the first SNL. I remember him from Carson's show - "I'm your hippy-dippy weather man with your hippy-dippy weather, man".

I wasn't crazy about "lake" as a clue for LOCH, and didn't get the theme (hi D-O).

When I was a TV engineer at Marshall University, the folklore included that a local station developed a way to switch between studios in different cities (Huntington and Charleston, WV), and that this breakthrough was the technical foundation for the Huntley-Brinkley Report from New York and Washington. (Nerd alert - the challenge was that the signals had to be not only frequency synchronized, but phase synchronized as well. Most impressive was that this was accomplished in the vacuum tube era).

Thanks to Santa and Ed for a nice Monday puzzle and tour.

FIRed yesterday's puzzle too, but too late to chime in after putting it down a handful of times.

Yellowrocks said...

I liked the theme, but had to search for the doctors after the reveal. Seeing HOUSE made it easier. HOUSE, WHO and NO were whole words, rather than spanning two words.
I, too, saw Lucina sashaying through the puzzle.
"Take no prisoners" is my favorite type of square dance. The traditional calls or steps are put together in very non-traditional and unexpected ways. This is not for newbies or inflexible thinkers. Love it!
Speaking of inflexible, octopuses or octopi? Either. "I say toe may toe. you say toe mah toe. let's call the whole thing off." My research shows that tomato is pronounced both ways, depending on the geographical area. It is hard for inflexible people to accept that frequently there is more than one correct answer. I was listening to a discussion on the car radio about egoism. It was entitled The Big AH. Huh? The Texan speaker was saying the The Big I.
Rainman is one of my all time favorite movies. Hoffman's mastery of his autistic character was awesome.
When I taught, we checked off levels of different reading skills. The highest level was MASTERY.

BunnyM said...

Good morning all

I cruised through this fun puzzle with only a couple of unknowns (which were good learning moments) : DOMO and SNL - had no idea George Carlin was their first host. Thanks, Ed and thanks Argyle for the write up . Enjoyed the link for OCTOPUSES/OCTOPI.

I didn't get the theme until the reveal. THEDOCTORISIN/ Lucy from the "Peanuts" brought back good memories of Charlie Brown and the gang :)

I liked the mini baseball theme : BAT, CROWD( ballpark filler), STATS, AARON, CITI Field, and even STEAL( bases) Fun stuff for this baseball fan.

The heat is upon us here but I don't mind it. Not looking forward to the predicted storms for the next few days, as we have a lot of outdoor activities planned: nephew's ball game tomorrow (he may be pitching- this is a highlight for me watching him in action with the arm he's got!) and helping daughter #1 with yard work at the fireman's house on Wed/Thur. He's out of town and she wants to surprise him with cleaning up the flower beds that the previous owners left in disarray. He just bought the house a couple of months ago and neither of them know what to do with the mess. I have been asked to supervise the cleanup using my gardening knowledge. DD and my nephew will be doing the labor, as my back is too bad right now. Should be fun, though especially since we're having lunch together, too.

Have a great day everyone and be well :)

Husker Gary said...

-A Japanese word, a Spanish word and an Italian violin maker to start!
-CLAPS of thunder are keeping me off the course this morning
-By golly, that SOUSA march does not contain the lyric, “Be kind to your web-footed friends”. Surely every piccolo player knows that wonderful descant.
-Historian Daniel Crosswell wrote, ”(General) Patton was MAD. Not barking at the moon or falling down and eating the rug MAD, but MAD nonetheless.” 
-I graduated H.S. in 1964 with a girl who LIVED A LIE in those days. Now I sub at a school where a transgender girl invited her girl friend to prom.
-As a sub I had a boy whose behavior was very similar to RAINMAN and the teacher reported me to the principal for telling her that. BTW, my friend, his grandmother, said the same of him.
-Want a Hank AARON BAT?
-My MIL’s neighbor will never HEAL from his agent orange exposure
-It amazes me how fast mine became OUTDATED
-TV ADS for at least five auto insurers tell you theirs cost the least
-Carlin’s Al Sleet made me laugh until I almost cried with "The radar is picking up a line of thunderstorms. But it's also picking up a line of Russian ICBMs over Greenland. So I wouldn't sweat the thunderstorms."

Yellowrocks said...

DOMO ARIGATO reminds me of the happy years spent studying Japanese. One of the former students and his partner, the sensei and I will be getting together soon. It is a difficult language to master. Because I was a senior citizen by then I didn't retain it. All that is left is our lovely friendship. I actually retained more of my college German.

To all those with building skills: My condo building and its neighbor were the first ones built in this project. After thirty years, many of the units in these two buildings are leaking due to improper (absent?) sheathing, insulation and window flashing. The engineers say that extra flashing around the windows (more than comes with replacement windows) is needed to make them leak proof. The assn. plans to have all the siding removed and replaced. They also plan to remove all the windows, flash and replace the same windows. This project will be paid from reserves. They advise those with original windows to buy new ones at the owners' expense, but installation will be part of the project. My windows are only 8 or 9 years old and I have no leaks of any kind. The renovator will put them back in. If they cannot stand the move, I will have to replace them with windows in the project's specs, not ones matching mine. Your reaction, please. Should I worry about this drastic building surgery?

thehondohurricane said...

Got it done, but it sure was no picnic. 1A & 2D. were both unknowns. Too many moons have gone since I read Aesop & do not remember our Japanese licensee ever saying DOMO Arrigato. They always said good night.

If there was extra space I would have entered two "esses" for OCTOPUSES.

On the rare occasions I was behaving, my mom would bake TOLLHOUSE COOKIES as a reward. Best I've ever eaten.

Thought CITI Field was spelled City.

TTP, I would add Mr Aaron to your list & remove Winfield. A lot Hank's skills were not recognized universally. Hank always played in a small market and that hurt him. Mr "May" was good, but not good enough IMO.

Unfortunately, have some errands that will put me out into the HH & H. UGH.

Spitzboov said...

Good morning everyone.

Easy theme fill today, but Argyle set the table nicely so as to understand it better.

Straightforward solve. No searches. Hastily wrote in Strad before seeing it wasn't going to fit with LUAU. Switch to AMATI took care of that. I look forward to Ed's puzzles and this one did not disappoint.
PHOEBE - PHOEBE Snow is also the name of a crack passenger train operated by the Lackawanna Railroad between Hoboken and Buffalo until the late 60's.

MJ said...

Good day to all!

Enjoyable puzzle, but I didn't get the theme until coming to the Corner. Have never heard of Dr. House. I also thought of Lucina with SASHAY. Thanks for the expo and links, Argyle.

Enjoy the day!

Yellowrocks said...

Domo arigato means thank you very much. It is not a greeting.

As a general rule:
ohayo gozaimasu is good morning, 1:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Just ohayo, informally.
Konichiwa is the basic hello, good day, 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Konnbanwa is good evening, 7:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Often said when greeting or leaving, but not leaving your own home.
Oyasumi nasai is good night, but is usually reserved for just before going to bed.

Bill G said...

Hi everybody. Konichiwa. I enjoyed this puzzle. Thanks Ed and Argyle.

I was especially proud of myself for figuring out the theme before I had "THE DOCTOR IS IN" filled in from crossing letters. I remembered Lucy's sign and figured out the doctors after about five minutes of cogitating. BTW, isn't there a TV doctor called Dr. Ken? He can be found too right before Dr. NO. I wouldn't have been surprised to find Dr. Phil and/or Dr. Oz hidden in there too, but no, they were absent.

Irish Miss said...

Good Morning:

I love Ed Sessa's puzzles and today's shows why: clever theme, fresh fill, smooth execution, all adding up to an enjoyable solve. Needed perps for some not so obvious answers, such as, Live a Lie and a few others that added a little crunch. Had Tern/Erne for the only write-over. I bet almost everyone filled in Sashay and immediately thought of Lucina, Stats and Aaron side by side was cute.

Thanks, Mr. Ed, forgetting our week off to a great start and thanks, Mr. Argyle, for your snazzy summary.

Just got back from an appointment and glad to be out of the HHH and under the AC. We are so lucky to have AC as I well remember what it was like without it.

Have a great day.

Irish Miss said...

Sorry, should read "for getting."

CrossEyedDave said...

Now, if only the T-shirt said YellowRocks instead of Grammer Dalek...

Yellowrocks, being a non-conformist, I would not last 5 minutes in your Condo.
So I hesitate to give you any bad advice...


When delivering the Ikea couch to Daughter#3's Co-Op NYC apartment last Thursday,
I was told, not only did we need an appointment, we could not go through the front doors.
The delivery entrance on the side of the building led to a very long flight of stairs that led down to the basement. Upon arrival at the bottom, we were told we could not continue
as my neighbor helping us, not being kin, was not covered by their insurance.

We worked out an agreement eventually,but after assembling the doo-hickey I tried to leave with the two remaining empty hand trucks through the front door. The Doorman/desk clerk
tried to stop us saying I had to exit via the basement stairs!
I resisted my temptation to flip him the bird. and held my tongue from saying "sue me,"
and walked out the front door anyway!

So, in light of the above story, here is my Doctors advice...

Also, When your Doctor is your friend...

PK said...

Hi Y'all! Fun puzzle, Ed! Thanks, Argyle!

Interesting picture, C.C., you and all the guys! Sounds like a most challenging and enjoyable day.

No real problems with the puzzle but it took about five minutes longer than my usual Monday speed. Don't know why. Strad before AMATI and tern before ERNE.

YR: A remodel is only as good as the workmen's skills and the materials used. Worrying won't help. I know because of my MASTERY of the pastime.

Jayce said...

Enjoyable puzzle. I smiled at CLAP TRAP. For a long time I couldn't figure out the S after PHOEBE. In fact, lots of words ending in S today. I didn't see the doctors until reading Argyle's fine write-up. Hand up for immediately thinking of Lucina when filling SASHAY. And I thought of Ray Hedrick at RAINMAN.

Misty said...

I loved this crunchy Monday Ed Sessa puzzle, and pretty much sailed through it except for a little hesitation in the top Northwest corner. Got LUAU right away, but had STRAD before AMATI, and it wasn't until ESTA that I remembered SOUSA (and I even played French horn in the marching band when I was in high school). But then it all fell into place, and I even got the theme and theme answers without any trouble. So, many thanks, Ed, and you too, Santa, for your always fun write-up. I didn't catch how many music references there were until you pointed that out.

I'm embarrassed to ask, since I seem to be the only one who doesn't know--but what does Lucina have to do with SASHAY? I too really liked Hoffman in RAIN MAN, by the way.

Many thanks for your detailed account of the Crossword event, C.C.. Loved the cool picture of you with the guys.

Have a great week, everybody!

CanadianEh! said...

Not a quick walk in the park today but I "got ''er done". Thanks for the fun Ed and Argyle.
Back after a beautiful weekend in Stratford (Romeo & Juliet anyone) and I thought perhaps I was out of practice. But I got the theme and found the Doctors. But officially a DNF because of the cross of IDLER and DOMO - I missed that D!

I too saw the CSOs to Lucina and Ray. Smiled at the phishing nets clue for SCAMS.
Hand up for Strad before AMATI.

Warm day here.
Have a great day.

Jayce said...

Misty, Lucina is known for frequently describing her puzzle solving experience as a sashay. "I sashayed through the NW area with ease..."

Anonymous T said...

Hi All!

Thanks Ed for the referral to Dr.'s not qualified to cure (maybe there's a gurney in the Tardis?). Fun puzzle and I didn't see the Dr.'s until the reveal.

Thanks Argyle for the great musical interludes. Methinks you forgot Robert Palmer.

WOs: CHoO fixed by SAL; The C in CITI started as the S in Shae; SpAMS b/f SCAMS.
ESPs: crossing of 4d w/ 14 & 17a. I WAG'd ST right! CHET.

Fav: RITA above Octopus' (Garden)

TTP - Glad someone caught my little homage to Click & Clack :-). B) I'd add Biggio to your list. Even after blowing out his legs as catcher he stole 24 bags/season on average. I'm not sure his arm was out-field quality by the time he was positioned there but he had a cannon from behind the plate and range at 2B.

YR- Re: windows; I'd worry more about the line of Russian ICBM's radar detects over Greenland :-). [Love it HG!].
If they were your windows put in post-original; I'd just leave the windows in and then, if necessary, pull a CED on their A**

Misty - Lucina oft says "a fun SASHAY through the grid."

Jayce - I didn't pickup on CLAP TRAP; LOL.

I'd never heard of
but, loving Carlin, had to go look it up. I guess George was beyond the cheese by the time I encountered him at the tender age of <10 in '78 or '79.

Cheers, -T

Ol' Man Keith said...

A nice Monday warm-up for our pens, with Mr. Sessa helping us to get ready for the new week...

I could have sworn there was no theme to this one - with four separate long fills bearing little relation to one another. Thank you, Argyle, for pointing to my error.

I enjoyed listening again to Mr. Belafonte's Banana Boat Song. It was an enormous hit and an eye- (ear-?)opener when it introduced America to Calypso back in the '50s - long before Reggae or Ska. And wasn't/isn't Harry Belafonte a beautiful man with a beautiful name?
Still, I missed a chance to watch the fantastic revival of the number in the film Beetlejuice! <== Here it is for all you would-be parodists out there.

Tinbeni said...

D-N-F ... didn't know 1-a, 1-d or 2-d ... oh well, S**T happens, even on a Monday.

I'm with you D-O, I never figured out the theme either, though I got them all.

Closest thing to a fave was LUAU since there probably would be some booze there.


Ol' Man Keith said...

PS. Watching the Beetlejuice rendition of Banana Boat, I have to applaud the writers and director Tim Burton for capturing the essence of farce in this one clip. There have been many definitions of farce, mainly to distinguish it from ordinary comedy, but my favorite is "when plot controls the characters." This clip offers only one aspect of a nutty plot, but its control of the characters couldn't be more pronounced.

Misty said...

Thank you, Anon T, for explaining Lucina's SASHAY. I'll enjoy looking for it in the future.

Yellowrocks said...

An alternate title today could have been Which Doctor?

The problem with the condo renovation is that we owners do not own the exteriors of our units. The community does, so decisions are entirely up to an elected Board with whom we have input, but not consent. We have no legal footing to refuse to participate and can be sued if we do not. We own the windows, but the Board has to agree on their appearance and suitability to the community. My question is, "Has anyone ever heard of removing windows and reinserting the same ones?" "How vital and normal is the extra window flashing?" I fault the Board for not giving us sufficient input, but what they are doing is legal.

We are having AC problems at our dance venue tonight. I am doing the best I can under the circumstance, but there is a lot of flack. Probably few will attend.

desper-otto said...

Yes, I've heard of removing/reinstalling the same windows. This Old House does it all the time. You should know that the insulation around replacement windows is normally not as good as new construction. Since they're also going to be replacing the siding and window flashing, that should also provide an opportunity to properly insulate them. I would ask about that. If your windows are still in good condition, I wouldn't hesitate to reuse them.

Abejo said...

I am in Livonia, MI, for a couple days. Just was able to pick up a WI Fi link and download the last wo days crosswords via cruciverb. We are staying in a church and their WI Fi does not work. If I get these puzzles done, I will report in if I can.

We are working with our hutch Mission group in Detroit?

Jazzbumpa, we will be going to a Tigers game tomorrow. I will root for them.

Best regards,


( )

Wilbur Charles said...

Anyone miss me? I had this all done with an all white NW. The Y in DAYO got me 20a and I finally ditched RATSO.

So Ed slipped a Wednesday by us disguised as a Monday. Argyle filled in what I missed, specifically Dr NO.

Misty, thx for asking about Lucina SASHAYING.

As for Sunday, I chuckled when ol' Reliable chimed in about GEE and BY GOD.
It was a long slog but I ACED IT.

Thank GOD for the long theme fills.


PS. Owen. Just throw us some C- bones

Oh yeah. Hondo might have mentioned Frank Robinson. The most perfect 5 tool of yore was Joe Jackson of Black Sox infamy.

Hitting for power was a non-starter until Babe, lively ball and shorter fences.

Musial is another. Power worked against speed because Managers wanted to save the legs.
OMG. How did the ultimate five tool guy get left off these lists.

I'll check later. He was just talked about in here


Yellowrocks said...

DO, thanks for the reassurance that this is a normal repair.

Bill G said...

What about Micky Mantle?

PK said...

YR: I didn't mean to be facetious in my answer to you before. Do you have a chance to see one of the replacement windows the assn. is putting in? Maybe seeing a sample and determining the quality of theirs and yours would help. There are so many different types of windows, it is hard to know how to go. I am astonished that they would take yours out if they are not leaking. I would have thought they could just put on the siding around them. I haven't replaced windows since 1987 & 2005 and I was in full charge both times. We left the old windows in place that didn't need to be replaced, caulked and repainted. We replaced the ones that were giving problems. The first job was in my stone house built in 1878, so window replacement was much different than in my current wood frame house built in 1950's. None of the 10 windows I replaced were salvageable -- rotten frames. The first set of 2 windows I ordered for replacement came made to my dimensions and were not returnable. They were so crappy, I ordered from a different company and didn't rue my loss. The better quality windows were worth it. Good luck with it all.

Misty said...

Jayce, thank you for the SASHAY explanation too. Yours came to quickly, I missed it until now. Again, many thanks.

Anonymous T said...

Abejo - just reading your schedule exhausts me! Have fun in MI.

WC & Bill G. I'll go w/ Micky, but don't forget my hero growin' up...Ozzy Smith. I did everything sans the backflip to emulate him as I covered Short in Little League.

OMK - 'Tis a great movie; take the time. The last scene of Beetlejuice is is also fun Calypso. I've not seen that move with the Girls for quite a spell. #SummerList.

With all the great music [Men Without Hats was too! fun Argyle] where's tawnya?

Cheers, -T