Theme: Colorful Songs
17. Colorful Top 10 Beatles hit: YELLOW SUBMARINE.
21. Colorful Top 10 Prince hit: PURPLE RAIN.
37. Colorful Top 10 Lemon Pipers hit: GREEN TAMBOURINE.
46. Colorful Top 10 Rolling Stones hit: BROWN SUGAR.
54. Colorful Top 10 Santana hit: BLACK MAGIC WOMAN.
Boomer here.
like a rainbow of colors in the puzzle. "Why are there so many songs
about rainbows, and what's on the other side?" (Kermit).
1. Time gone by: PAST.
While traffic is lighter than normal, Many cars are flying PAST,
driving recklessly and we had over 12 fatal accident in Minnesota last
week. Almost as many Covid-19 deaths.
5. Wedding VIPs with playlists: DJS. DJS DJS, why not just invite me to sing.
8. Shot of liquor: JIGGER. I thought a Jigger was 1-1/2 shot. But I gave up liquor in favor of chemo pills.
14. Do recon at, as an enemy camp: SCOUT OUT.
16. Collection of beehives: APIARY.
19. Apple mobile platform: IOS.
20. "When is a door not a door?," e.g.: RIDDLE. Duh, when it's ajar.
26. GPS suggestions: RTES. These days people just ask Siri on their phone.
27. Bad picnic omen: ANT. It still amazes me how they build their houses in the middle of our driveway.
28. Treasure container: CHEST. Mine contains my rib cage.
33. Vienna's land: Abbr.: AUS. Austria.
34. Delhi dress: SARI. Sounds like the voice in the phone.
36. Hamm's "Mad Men" role: DRAPER.
I am confused. Hamm's is a St. Paul beer. They sponsored a very
famous bowling team in Minneapolis. The team won a national all events
title in 1965, and two 5 man team ABC championships in 1970 and 1972.
The last surviving member of that team and a good friend of mine, Bob
Hanson passed away last month. He was 93.
![]() |
Bob and his son Gregg |
40. Open, as a present: UNWRAP.
41. "Jeopardy!" first name: ALEX.
I watch two episodes nearly every day. Remember I am stuck in the
basement with a TV set and nowhere to go. Alex is a bit boring, but I
absolutely admire him for hanging in there with pancreatic cancer.
42. Moon lander, for short: LEM. Short for Lunar Excursion Module. I think Apollo 11 left it on the moon, but I cannot see it from here.
43. English county on the North Sea: ESSEX.
44. Absorbed, as a cost: ATE. Or finished, like a hamburger.
45. A bit, in music: POCO.
49. __ of Liberty: STATUE.
It bothers me when the Statue appears in Liberty Mutual commercials.
("Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to breath
53. Granola kernel: OAT. "Mares eat oats, and does eat oats, but little lambs eat ivy. A kid'll eat ivy too, wouldn't you ?"
60. Portable HP, say: LAPTOP. Where I put my bowling ball when I'm changing shoes.
61. All tangled up: IN A SNARL.
62. Dwell constantly (on): OBSESS.
63. Home of MLB's Cardinals: STL.
Also home of a river we send them called the Mississippi. There is a
power plant dam on the Mississippi about a mile from our home. C.C. and
I have walked across it many times. It's a little less than a mile
across up here. I've been to St. Louis and it's about 4 miles across
there. Must be even wider as it heads to Louisiana.
Boomer, August 2, 2019 |
64. A few: SOME.
1. College maj. for a future therapist: PSY.
2. Trick taker, usually: ACE.
ACE hardware stores were designated essential up here and are open
during our stay at home order. We did not need any hardware.
3. Note after fa: SOL.
"SOL a needle pulling thread, La, a note that follows SOL. TI, a drink
with jam and bread ! That will bring us back to DOE. The hills are
alive, with the Sound of Music.
4. Dutch floral export: TULIPS. We are receiving temps in the 30s this week. Too early to tiptoe through the TULIPS. Tiny Tim.
5. Search for water: DOWSE.
6. Gravy, on menus: JUS. I thought Au Jus was just juice before you add the flour.
7. Guy's name spelled with an alphabet sequence: STU.
8. Pack very tightly: JAM IN. Anyone JAMMING IN for a party these days is asking to be a statistic.
9. Apple tablet: IPAD.
10. Encircle with a belt: GIRD. I have a Copper Fit one, But do not call it a girdle.
11. O'Grady of "NYPD Blue": GAIL.
I think I have seen every episode twice. I think Gail hooked up with
Greg Medavoy. Andy Sipowitz called his medical problem "Prostrate
12. Sea eagle: ERNE.
13. Corned beef on __: RYE. Seems like forever since St. Patrick's Day when our governor locked us down. No sauerkraut sandwich for me.
15. Home Depot purchase: TOOL. I guess Home Depot and Lowe's are still open here.
18. Petrol pumper: BRIT.
21. Czech Republic capital: PRAGUE. We have a "New PRAGUE" in Minnesota. I suppose it may have been settled by Czech immigrants at one time.
22. About-faces: U-TURNS.
No U-Turns, but C.C. and I get out for a walk now and then when our
thermometer hits 50, and we see a lot of traffic, and I don't think they
are going to a grocery store, post office or bank. Maybe they are
going to Home Depot or Lowe's.
23. Adjusts, as a hem: RESEWS.
24. __ avis: RARA. RA RA RA for SKY U MAH
25. Lively, in music: ANIMATO.
28. Central idea: CRUX.
29. Kramden laugh syllable: HAR. HAR, HAR, HARDY HAR, HAR
30. Literary wrap-up: EPILOG.
31. Five Nations tribe: SENECA. Settled near Lake Ontario.
32. Aftershock: TREMOR.
In 1968, I lived through one of these at Fort Campbell, KY. The next
day we learned that it was felt in a number of states. Anybody remember
this ?
34. Munchies, in adspeak: SNAX.
35. Novak Djokovic's org.: ATP.
36. Anonymous John: DOE. A deer, a female deer, Re a drop of golden sun, Mi, a name I call myself, Fa a long long way to run See 3 Down.
38. Before, old-style: ERE.
39. Huffed and puffed: BLEW. Who's afraid of the big bad wolf ??
44. Length times width, for a rectangle: AREA. More geometry for the weak.
45. Hoaxes: PUT-ONS.
46. Dirt road irregularities: BUMPS. We have plenty of these in MN. I guess they cannot fill the damage with tar until the weather warms up.
47. Diet-friendly: NO-CAL. I am stuck on Diet Pepsi.
48. Carpentry tools: SAWS.
49. Concrete section: SLAB.
50. Lights-out music: TAPS. This was traditional on an army base. Stop what you are doing, face a flag and salute.
51. Part of un drame: ACTE.
52. Bout enders, briefly: TKOS. Back in the days of Clay and Foreman, there were some vicious TKOs.
54. Rain-__ gum: BLO.
Never heard of this. We had Fleer and Double Bubble, but we preferred
Topps baseball card gum. This was in the 60s and 70s. I don't think
Fleer printed cards until the 80s. except they printed a small set in
1963, but no one cared much.
55. PX patrons: GIS.
We had a huge one at Fort Campbell. When I got to Hardheim Germany, the
PX was just a small room where you could buy cigarettes and aspirin.
56. Bad result for a QB: INT.
57. Cultural Revolution chairman: MAO.
58. Branch: ARM. I have two. I never knew they were called branches.
59. Phillies' div.: NLE.
I wonder if there will be a season this year. A Major League baseball
stadium is not a place where spectators can hover six feet apart with a
mask on.
FIWrong. Had 61a as ensnared first, then from perps changed it to IN A SNARe. Had no idea about sports clue at 59d that would have changed e to L.
His OBSESSION sandwich ain't a club!
It's heavy with butter, half a tub.
Then with cheddar cheese,
And pineapple if you please --
Makes a hoagie he calls a YELLOW SUB!
There once was a WOMAN, so tragic,
Who tried to find love with BLACK MAGIC.
But it came with a curse,
Her love stole her purse,
And just sends her postcards, sporadic!
{A-, B+.}
A nice puzzle to begin the week with DRAPER for those who did not watch MADMEN and the long-departed NYPD BLUE which featured GAIL O'GRADY who recently showed up in CRIMINAL MINDS as the only possible stumbling blocks for most.
A tight theme and another great Boomer write-up. Thank you, Kurt and Mr. Bowling.
FIR, but erased tampn for JAM IN, allegro for ANIMATO (I think I used to make bloody marys with that stuff), and lo cal for NO CAL.
I typed this on a HP LAPTOP.
Bomer, I was in high school in Eastern Kentucky in 1968 and don't remember a TREMOR happening.
Not surprisingly, I had to wait on the spelling of TAMBOURINE. Wasn't there a song in the 60s that referred to a TAMBOURINE as a "money maker"? (Not now; "money maker" is synonymous with "booty" in modern music.)
Fun puzzle today, Kurt. Not a pushover, but not hard either. OK Boomer, you did another fantastic job of making me giggle with the puns.
Good morning!
Obvious theme, three of 'em grid-spanners. Even d-o managed to pick up on it. Nicely done, Kurt. Thanx for the humor, Boomer. (I think you were saluting Colors rather than Taps. In '68 I was on Guam, and we had tremors almost daily. The water in the toilet bowl was never truly still.)
Salem cigarettes were 80 cents a carton in our PX in Thailand in 1963. My wife and I watched “Yesterday” on HBO last night, where a YELLOWSUBMARINE had a significant role.
A very colorful puzzle and review.
Boomer, that would have been the ""1968 Illinois Earthquake"" along the New Madrid fault line. It still ranks as one of the largest in US history and wiki says it was felt in 23 states
Good Morning:
Well, I knew all of the artists except Lemon Pipers, but I was in the dark about Green Tambourine, Brown Sugar, and Black Magic Woman. No harm, though, as the perps were Monday friendly. It was fun to see U Turns instead of the usual Uies, Ueys, etc. I liked Blew/Blo, Aus/Jus, and the mini tech theme of IOS, iPad and Laptop. My only w/o was Core before Crux. Nice CSOs to Lemony at Lem and Misty at her birthplace, Aus.
Thanks, Kurt, for a bright, colorful start to the week and thanks, Boomer, for lots of chuckles and groans. My ear worm for the day will be Doe, a deer, a female deer, etc. My memories of The Sound of Music include taking my mother to one showing and having her sleep through most of the movie and, glutton for punishment that I am, taking a passel of nieces and nephews, age 10 and younger, to another showing. They didn't fall asleep, though.
Stay safe, all.
What is the Novak Djokovic's org. ATP stand for? Anybody?
Sherry, Association of Tennis Professionals, the pro tour
I was very young in 1943 when I first heard, "Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey. A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?" I thought they were just nonsense syllables. Later I found they were real words.
Neil Diamond sang one of my favorite "colorful" songs.
I hope you all had a fine Easter. I did. I find having realistic expectation makes these days happy. Lovely streaming Easter mass. Phone calls from my sons. E mails from four of my sibs, all except the one in the hospital. Phone calls and emails from friends. A delicious home cooked meal.
I don't care for fickle relationships, but this song is somehow apropos:
When I'm not near the girl (things) I love
I love the girl(things)I'm near.
Good morning everyone.
Mostly easy Monday. Had 'core' before CRUX, but the cross, ALEX, was firm as a concrete SLAB. Didn't really know the theme except for YELLOW SUBMARINE, but the colors were easy to suss.
CRUX - Also the constellation name of the Southern Cross which appears on the Australian and New Zealand flags. Hi Kazie.
ARM - Several body parts in English are closely related to their Germanic counterparts. German Arm, L, Ger. Arm, Dutch arm. (plural endings -e, -s, -en; respectively.)
SENECA - Ely Samuel Parker (1828 – August 31, 1895), born Hasanoanda, later known as Donehogawa, was a Tonawanda Seneca U.S. Army officer, attorney, engineer, and tribal diplomat. He was commissioned a lieutenant colonel during the American Civil War, when he served as adjutant and secretary to General Ulysses S. Grant. He wrote the final draft of the Confederate surrender terms at Appomattox. Later in his career, Parker rose to the rank of brevet brigadier general. When Grant was elected president, he appointed Parker as Commissioner of Indian Affairs, the first Native American to hold that post.
-Five themers with three grid-spanners on a Monday. Very nice.
-Seeing video of huge PAST crowds seems strange today
-Custer’s Crow and white SCOUTS warned him of how big the Sioux and Cheyenne camps were
-There are six Apollo LEMS left on the Moon (no HOAX!)
-I blogged recently that Emma Lazarus’ “Tired, poor…” is a septet (7-line stanza) from her larger work The New Colossus
-Our town’s historical society hired my friend to DOWSE for old grave sites in a city park
-I live near Prague (Prayguh not Prahguh) and Colon (COH lun not however the Germans pronounce it), NE
-I guess knowing of Ralph Kramden is a trade-off to not knowing a very recent cwd singer
-Many houses we see on HGTV are built on SLABS with no basements
-My golf partner is ex-Navy and shops the PX at SAC Air Base when he goes for an exam
Great Monday puzzle. Nice and neat, no ugly inkovers
Finally 5 solid song titles that any boomer worth his love beads should recognize as easily as a tie-dyed t shirt. Not the usual...."what is the third cut on this weekends top 40 second most popular RAP CD?"
Rain-BLO gum? Huh? Candy flavored cocaine bubble chew? ..Little Boy Blue BLEW his BLO
So to make things worse:
"Required for a successful smooch"......TULIPS
"Irish dancer Michael Flatley"......JIGGER
"Eagle-like moutain gorilla home"....APIARY
"Acronym for upper part of a western state"......NOCAL
(Reverse CLECHO)
"Ignore global warming, seas rise, eventually"....NOCAL
A portmanteau..."petition the divine for relief from the epidemic".....PRAGUE
I'll have to cease and desist now. DW has just.covered the puzzle with her Honey Dew list.
Off for two weeks but cold temps and lack of SOL leave me feeling POCO ANIMATO.
Hello all,
Finally have the opportunity to make some comments.
After getting the puzzle back in my local paper, The Oregonian, I've been able to do Monday through Wednesday correctly for the most part. The other days, not so much. It is a larger puzzle than what I've been doing over the years away, and the cultural pop references are out of my wheelhouse for the most part. I don't do movies, pop music, sports...
FIR. Got the theme correctly with the Beatles reference, but had to rely on some perps to get some of the other theme entries. Very nice to have so many.
There are more folk here than when I left, and the blogger is up way too early for me. I can remember when C.C. and I would try to suss out the theme and there were only a few who had made comments. I think I was up and about at a ridiculously early hour in those days.
Thanks for the write up, Boomer.
Stay home, stay safe.
Forgot to add that the tulip industry in The Netherlands is really hurting according to a newspaper report today.
Marvelous Monday. Thanks for the fun, Kurt and Boomer.
I FIRed and got all the colours, with just one inkblot - LoFat morphed to LoCAL to NOCAL.
The whole SE corner held me up; my QB was dreading a Sack before INT (interception), and my non-military brain did not know what PX meant. (Learning moment courtesy of Google about Post Exchanges.) Thankfully the perps filled in the blanks.
I saw the CSOs to Lemonade (LEM) and Misty (AUS).
Favourite today was clue for 7D STU. (Better than a Simpsons' clue.)
Hand up with Jinx for almost misspelling TAMBOURINE. (Ironic for this Canadian to leave out the U!)
And while we are on spelling, this Canadian spells EPILOG as Epilogue (French origin).
YR - thanks for the Song, Song Blue link.
Welcome back Crockett1947. Re TULIPS: our greenhouse industry has been reeling from lost orders for Easter flowers. Many creative ways being used to try to sell all the spring flowers but there will be a great loss of revenue.
Re APIARY: I heard this morning about a special planeload of workers from Nicaragua to help manage the spring hive-building season.
Wishing you all a good day. Stay safe.
YR, I agree with you regarding fickle relationships. But there isn't any argument that Crosby, Sills and Nash had a beautiful hit song with Love the one You're With. Just hope folks taking that advice are quarantined with someone who isn't a blood relative.
Ray, you are so nice. I would have repeated the sophomoric mot "Roses on the piano aren't nearly as nice as TULIPs on the organ".
Jinx...sorry but the CW police have already threatened to revoke my "poetic license"
Was that the one that hit on the morning of December 10th?
Watched prerecorded Easter mass from our parish online... When Fr.Tom (God luv 'im) started cracking his corny jokes during the homily I went for the Fast Forward button and DW slapped my hand. So much for a Sign of Peace!!!
Drat! I just lost my entire post.
What a colorful way to start Monday! I loved it and recall all the songs except BROWN SUGAR.
Thank you, Kurt Krauss and Boomer. I love your puns, Boomer.
In my opinion your grading is reversed, B+, A.
Have a safe rest of the day, everyone!
Good morning, folks. Thank you, Kurt Krauss, for a fine puzzle. Thank you, Boomer, for a fine review.
No cruciverb today. Printed the puzzle via L A Times.
Went through this easily. The only slow part was the SE. But I got them all.
I only knew one of the theme songs. YS. The rest I figured out with perps and common sense.
Took the dog out this morning. It was 36 degrees. Of course I had shorts on.
ANIMATO is a new word for me. I do play music, but do not know all the tricky terms.
Done for now. See you tomorrow.
( )
Jinx, yes I have always liked that pretty song.
Maybe Nellie in South Pacific says it better.
(BTW. Mitzi Gaynor looks younger every year.)
Not easy to do a puzzle on a wet newspaper since my delivery guy forgot to wrap it in plastic. Anyway, a smooth sailing FIR Monday with the only perps being Draper and Gail. Shout out to CanadianEh for reminding me of my 7 years working in Toronto and Kitchener, Ontario having to incorporate the "u" in various words. Hopefully, tomorrow will find a dry paper at the door.
Boomer's mention of feeling a tremor in Kentucky in 1968 produced TTP's response about the 1968 Illinois Earthquake. Having lived in Southern California for the majority of my life when I was younger, I've felt my share of quakes and I studied geology in college as my first real scientific love, so I often forget about the Illinois quake because it was "only" a 5.4 magnitude. But so many people felt that quake in so many different states who had never before had the experience before or since, it remains a real landmark event. Not only that, it was a "New Madrid Event", meaning it was associated with the New Madrid Fault Zone, which produced a couple of quakes in the same area estimated at between 7.2 and 8.2 on the Richter Scale in 1811 and 1812. You can read about those quakes on Wikipedia. Very interesting, thanks for the detour, TTP and Boomer :-)
'au jus' means 'with juice'. 'With au jus' means the writer/speaker doesn't know what 'au jus' means.
I loved this Kurt Krauss Monday puzzle--what a treat--many thanks, Kurt. Got PAST right off the bat, and within minutes had YELLOW--yes, yes, YELLOW SUBMARINE. I ended up getting the colors of all the other songs, even if I didn't know the rest, but it all filled in. Nice to see PRAGUE, and I found the SNAX and ESSEX crossing fun. And I love brave ALEX Trebek and am always happy to see him turning up a lot in puzzles these days. Delightful write-up, Boomer, with such great music. Enjoyed your bringing up the lovely sounds of "The Sound of Music," which brought back memories of AUS, and Irish Miss kindly remembering that I'm from AUStria. I also really liked your APIARY picture, Boomer.
Sorry about the wet newspaper, Shankers. And welcome back, Crockett.
Have a great week, everybody.
Just read that an ER doctor working in "Floriduh" has had her shared custodial rights of her 4 year old daughter suspended indefinitely and given to her ex husband becasue of her work. She tests neg for COVID. If she were married COVID would be no issue at all. Since there is obviously no end date to the epidemic who knows when she will see her daughter again?
There is already an increasing shortage of medical professionals available during the pandemic.
Legal decisions are based on precedent and Florida has just introduced a new one.
This is an onimous warning to all divorced or single parents working in hospitals. You may have to chose between your work trying to save lives or your reward for fighting this virus may result in losing custody of your minor children who knows for how long.
Having lived in Illinois for 35 years and the mention of New Madrid reminds me of a number of Illinois towns that are not pronounced like their namesakes. Madrid is pronounced at MAD-RED. Peru is pronounced as PAY-ROO. Milan is pronounced as My-Lin, and Cairo is pronounced as KAY-Row.
Kind of a crunchy Monday grid.
No write-overs today.
I was roused from sleep to the sound of the Tornado warning alert on my phone. No damage to my house, but there was loss of life and lots of damage nearby. I guess the next thing will be the rivers running red. Then frogs fall from the sky.
Gail O’Grady has been married 6 times. No judgement, but do you think she might be difficult to live with?
“Love the One You’re With” is actually a Stephen Stills song featured on his first solo album.
Here in SC there is a fault line that is about a mile from me...on Fault Line Drive. Would you move to a place on that street?
See you tomorrow. Stay safe.
TAPS? Colors as D-O points out. 1968? OK. There I was , a freshly commissioned 2nd Louie and I'm Officer of the day. I'm to preside over the lowering of the flag at exactly, precisely 807 pm. The General watches this and times it by his watch. But….
There's a storm blowing in, it's about to pour �� & �� s. At 805 I say "Go for it" to the shock of the MPs. The denouement?
We stayed dry and I kept my bar.
So, IM, your earworm won't be "Mersey doates…"?
The ATP was formed when "Professionals" were finally admitted to Wimbledon etal.
PVX, I saw that weather map last night. Quite severe I've since heard to say the least.
TB-Times is now inserting into Sunday's paper the full week of xwords. Somehow I did Tuesday and found out when I came here. After quickly doing Monday I'd say this one had more crunch.
And, FLN; Bobbi if Sunday was out of your league then stick to Monday- Tuesday. How in the world did you ever solve Saturday???!
YR, yes that is another beautiful song from South Pacific. I had forgotten that one.
IIRC, there are accounts about the Mississippi River running backwards as a result of the New Madrid quake. Yes, 5.(anything) doesn't seem big to California residents, but that's because building standards are much more resilient to quakes than they used to be. I saw a special by Dr. George Fischbeck, the famed weatherman in LA, detailing the devastation in Long Beach before building codes were modernized. It was a relatively small quake, but almost all of the masonry buildings failed. Google doesn't list it - I hope it isn't gone forever.
After going through 9 acrosses, without getting a single answer,
I was starting to wonder what day it was...
Luckily, as of Sunday, The LA Times website has corrected
the layout of the clues so that acrosses and downs are next to each other.
(about time...)
Perps to the rescue!
(& The theme was definitely Monday(ish)
Yellow Rocks! Tx 4 the Blue song!
Crocket1947, you reminded me of a picture in (yesterdays?) puzzle
write up of Tulips growing in rows of different solid colors.
Which makes me wonder how they keep growing specific colors?
Doesn't the wind cross pollinate them all?
This is one time the internet failed me-no answer so far...
Boomer, Tx 4 the Kermit pic!
It is my favorite (one of) song, so I have to link it.
Here is a version with Kermit & Blondie!
Wait a sec!
This was in the Rainbow Connection sidelinks!
(Steve Martin looks like he wants to say some colorful words!)
Misty, I had to fudge #1: eg "As Gandalf rode off past the gulch Bilbo had much
To ponder.."
I'm trying to get Bilbo and the dwarves into Mirkwood forest.
Ode to a tomato was brilliant. Or as Gandalf would say: "A tour de force".
Wow. So nice to see you again!
Loved the theme of this one! Thank you,Kurt K. Excellent expo, Boomer.
Write-overs: mcS/DJS, tAMp?/JAMS IN.
I got YELLOWSUBMARINE/PURPLERAIN/GREENTAMBOURINE immediately, needed 2-3 letters for the other two to pop up.
Chilly and windy today. For the first time in forever the dog doesn't want to o for a walk. She has Cushings Disease which has caused her fur to get thinner and she isn't as warm as usual. She's spent a lot of time on Mom's lap and next to me today. That's fine. Hopefully tomorrow she'll feel better.
Have a great rest of your day.
I actually knew all the songs! Sherry I did not know ATP, either. Nor DRAPER or GAIL. FIR with easy perps.
Yellowrocks my mother sang that Mairzy Doats song to me as a child. What made you think of that? Good link to Song Sung BLUE which indeed fits the theme. Lots of other color songs.
My brilliant artist friend Ann created this Treasure CHEST with a giant octopus for our Solstice parade.
The theme that year was "Splash". Prince died in 2016 and he was also honored in the Solstice Parade.
Here my friend Emiliano is Prince and he danced with my co-worker friend Tiff to PURPLE RAIN music in the last photo.
BROWN SUGAR is similar to the Black Boys/White Boys songs in "Hair" expressing the allure of the "exotic". It may not be politically correct to say it now, but I can vouch for it being true in my case.
Lucina "Drat! I just lost my entire post."
Are you able to copy and paste before you post? I always do this. It is indeed very frustrating to compose a post and lose it.
From yesterday:
Spitzboov thanks for the clarification about the Chocolate Hills that I photographed from the Bicycle ZIPLINE. It is certainly a unique formation.
Here it is at the UNESCO World Heritage site.
It offers this explanation: "These were the uplift of coral deposits and the result of the action of rainwater and erosion."
In other words, they are claiming that the coral formations were pushed up and the surrounding softer materials were eroded away. Could be. Not sure why it would lead to
over 1,500 of those unique shapes.
Thank you all for taking the time to look at the photos and videos and to ponder this mystery!
Picard, didn't Boomer mention Mairzy Doats?
Thanks, Boomer for reminding us of the song, "Mares Eat Oats."
When I was a kid, it was my mom's favorite ditty for a while, and so it became mine too. In the same class as "Fwee Widdle Fiddies."
Man, those were the days.
APIARY reminds me of my Boy Scout merit badge in "Beekeeping."
I signed up for the badge at Camp Royaneh in No. California. Uncle Ed was the Scoutmaster in charge of the bees--and our taskmaster.
I can't remember much about it, except we all had to learn to hold still while bees crawled on us.
Uncle Ed was constantly being stung, but he was used to it.
I didn't get stung--then.
But I never kept a bee afterward.
It has not occurred to me to save my posts in any way. This is my first loss so maybe I should copy and paste.
It is so impressive how your town goes all out for those festivities. When the time comes that we can again leave our homes I would like to attend one of those events. One of my sisters lives in Highland so it might be possible to travel to Santa Barbara from there. Only time will tell.
Pat, I left you a message a few days ago - we have 3 photographs by your brother, Ken Scott. Ought them in Sutton’s Bay several years ago.
Hope you get this.
Nice puzzle today. Not as much of a slam-dunk S many Monday’s, but more interesting.
Yes, I always thought marzy dotes and dozy dotes were the real words. I think I found out the real words at age about 40!!
Thank you Kurt for an easy solve, and thank you, Boomer, for .... everything.
Wenybird, yes, I saw your comment and responded on April 7th at 2:43pm. I emailed Ken your comment and he liked learning where his work ended up.
After her evening meal, Maggie finally agreed to go for a 2 mile walk with me. I feel better now. The outing helps mentally, physically and emotionally.
Shankers@11:39 - Yes, I'm sure the folks here on the blog are sick of me mentioning all the missing U's! Glad it brought back good memories for you.
AnonPVX: glad you are safe. Natural disasters on top of this virus make for stressful times.
Ridiculously hard for a Monday. :p
Canadian Eh, No. I am humoured when you, as our neighbour to the north mentions the missing U's and when you cite the misspellings of words like metre and litre. I take no offence.
I have been getting weird emails which I don't open. Some are from a friend who died last fall, but the emails have the current date. He writes every two weeks or so. Another one that comes every two weeks or so on the same day as the one from my dead friend is from a current friend. That subject line is out of character for her. Today I got one from an acquaintance I have not been in touch with for more than 15 years with a very strange subject line.
We had a lot of rain today, but dodged the highly destructive winds that plagues others. I hope you all are safe. No, the rain was not purple.
Stay safe.
Yellowrocks ~
Remember this one? It was about the same time as "Mairzy doats."
In partial translation:
"Fwee liddo fiddies in an iddy-biddy pooh,
Fwee liddo fiddies an' a mama fiddie too.
'Fim,' said the mama fiddie,
'Fim if you tan!'
An' dey fam an' dey fam
Right ovah da dam!
"Boop boop diten datem whatem CHOO!
Boop boop diten datem whatem CHOO!
Boop boop diten datem whatem CHOO!
And they swam and they swam
Right ovah da dam!"
-T, maybe you can chime in on Yellowrocks' comment. I'm getting those obvious fake emails too. Here's an example with the dot changed to comma and slash to backslash. I know it's not from the shown sender (my kin in this case), but Outlook shows (bracket) (probably fake as well). The email body is just the link:
My guess is that it isn't my kin's computer with a virus, but some infected machine that has a received a cc of an email between the two of us.
TTP and 9mileskid. Thank you for remembering. I would call it a tremor in Kentucky. We were right on the Tennessee border. Funny how stuff sticks in your mind. (Most days I cannot remember what I had for breakfast.) But I will never forget that tremor. Our unit was on the third floor of a large building so it shook pretty hard for about 20-30 seconds. Have a great week.
Often scammers get personal info by hacking into Facebook and similar sites
They know the names of your friends and relatives.
Always check the url before opening anything suspicious.
The chocolate hills
Lovely Monday easy puzzle! Thanks!
Owen, A and A!!!
I never had a problem with Mairsy Doats. Wasn’t one one the verses the explanation of mares eat oats... etc
Thanks boomer for your usual fun!!
Re: ghosted e-mail. I get what Jinx describes, too. It's like some mutual cc's mail processor has been compromised. Most are unknown, so I just delete, but I double check the domain part of the email address. Usually it is quite fractured.
I, too, seek Anon -T's counsel.
Hi All!
Thanks Kurt for a rockin' Monday Puzzle. Thanks Boomer for a rollickin' review.
ESPs: GAIL, ATP (thanks BillO!) POCO, ACTE, ANIMATO [funny cocktail Jinx!]
Fav: HAR as clued.
Runner-up DJs JAM'IN' the colorful tunes.
Never heard GREEN TAMBOURINE until after doing the puzzle - Far out man...
Lucina's right, {B+, A}
Mares eat OATS: I learned it from my maternal great grandmother while she was in the nursing home w/ dementia. When Grandpa would visit, mom would say "Grandma, Ray's here." That's when great-grandma would sing the song for her "baby." She thought I was Ray because she, with failing capacity, had no idea that that "old man" in her room was her son.
New Madrid Fault: At paternal Grands in SPI, well after dark, I 'rode the wave' sitting on the couch watching TV. This was '85 or '86. It's the only earthquake I've ever been in and was so weird it took a while to sink in.
Jinx - send the suspect email as an attachment, email it to me, and I'll take a look.
Dinner time. Play later.
Cheers, -T
Further to my 2003. I took CED's idea before he deleted. I use Apple's Mail so invoked "raw source" under View. Clear as mother's milk. May be helpful to some, but bottom line is it's junk anyway.
45a: I wanted Paint it black, but too many letters.
Here is how to view an emails source for Outlook.
I suggest you look up the method to view source for your own particular provider,
Outlook, Gmail, Aol, Yahoo etc...
I use Optimum,
When I select an email, I can click on 3 bars for more options,
one of which is view source. This will open a lot of info,
but the 1st line is usually the return path (or source)
Here is the source info from an Email I got from a local pet shelter:
I assume you know the email addresses of your friends,
if the above does not match exactly, you know it is bogus...
The return path is actually the reply to address
which can sometimes be different than the "FROM" address which is listed lower down.
if it is one of your friends, I am pretty sure the reply to and from addresses will be the same.
Another color song: Mellow yellow
Right after Mellow Yellow Google dropped me into Black and White Night
C.C., Thanks for the welcome back!
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