, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Saturday March 1, 2025, Dr. Ed Sessa


Mar 1, 2025

Saturday March 1, 2025, Dr. Ed Sessa

 Saturday Themeless by Dr. Ed Sessa

What a fun puzzle by the good doctor. How cool is it that he has three horizontal and three vertical grid spanners? Wow! As you can see in the colored grid, those spanners were pretty unique. 

You might remember that Dr. Sessa had his house on Sanibel Island wiped out by Hurricane Ian in 2022. Since then he has moved back to the mainland and this is what he told me.

Hi Gary,
We live now in Fort Myers just east of I75 which is out of the flood zone from the Gulf and Caloosahatchee River. Returning north just proved too much of a major move at this point in our lives. Warm regards to everyone at Crossword Corner.
Ed and Penny


1. Part of an underground network: SEWER.

6. HQs for F-16s: AFBS - These are parked at a Turkish AFB

10. Miles off: AFAR.

14. Opt out of a traditional union: ELOPE 😀

15. Plant: MOLE - Klaus Fuchs was a MOLE for the USSR at Alamogordo, NM where the Manhattan Project was building the atom bomb.

16. Lone: SOLE.

17. Like a land baron: ACRED - Hmmm...

18. Former attorney general Holder: ERIC - This first black US Attorney General called himself Obama's "wingman".

19. Chi-town pub: TRIB - This pub means publication 

20. Comes on the scene: MAKES AN ENTRANCE - Chandler and Joey do just that (:07)

23. Unlikely donor: MISER - A famous one in literature.

Bah Humbug!

24. Device with a rotating handle: VISE. 😀

25. Cruet filler: OIL and perhaps vinegar

26. Storage container: BIN.

27. Word on a coeur de bonbon: AIME - My granddaughter's translation of the text below is, "I love you more than candy"

29. Punic tunics: TOGAS B - Love the rhyme!

31. "Young Frankenstein" role: INGA - It's mandatory to include this scene

33. Vassal: SERF.

35. Yoko from Tokyo: ONO - Things were falling apart for The Beatles before she showed up but she accelerated it.

36. Parlor choice: DOUBLE SCOOP CONE - I first got the word DOUBLE and thought this was about a betting parlor but not so much. Butter brickle is my favorite. 

41. Chess, for one: PIE ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

42. Pahlavi dynasty title: SHAH.

43. Cheese often served with pale ale: EDAM.

44. Ranchero rope: RIATA.

46. Designer Schiaparelli: ELSA - She and Salvador. Together they made the famous (to someone) Lobster Dress.


48. Road houses?: RVS ðŸ˜€

49. Anthology series that begins with "Murder House," familiarly: AHS ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

50. Option in Hawaiian-style fried rice: SPAM - A pineapple, fried rice and SPAM. What says Hawaii more than this? 😀

53. London road of pop fame: ABBEY.

55. Workplace perk for pet owners: PAWTERNITY LEAVE - Some companies allow employees to get time off to adopt a pet or take one to the vet.

59. Concept: IDEA.

60. Danish shoe brand: ECCO.

61. Stand in front of an audience: EASEL 😀 Stand as a noun.

62. Citation abbr.: ET AL.

63. Herring kin: SHAD.
64. Coin collectors: SLOTS 😀

65. Learning method: ROTE - Sometimes it is good but sometimes...

66. Brought on board: SOLD - If you are SOLD on something you might be brought on board.

67. Like fans during a tight championship game: TENSE.


1. Clothes line: SEAM.

2. "Breaking Bad" epilogue: EL CAMINO - The sequence.

3. Toiling away: WORKING UP A SWEAT.

4. Pentathlon gear: EPEES.

5. Waters in the Great Rift Valley: RED SEA 

6. Devotional period?: AMEN The end of a printed prayer can be a period 😀

7. Pervasive environmental hazard: FOREVER CHEMICAL.

8. Smoked salmon accompaniers: BLINI.

9. Schism units: SECTS.

10. "Black Clover" action hero: ASTA - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Nick and Nora's dog? Not so much...

11. Just because: FOR NO GOOD REASON.

12. Vikander of "Irma Vep": ALICIA 

13. Enemies of the Galactic Empire: REBELS.

21. Pop up: ARISE.

22. Pave over: RETOP.

26. Use a paddle, perhaps: BID - Yeah, I'm the only one who first put in ROW

28. MASH potatoes, etc.: MESS - M*A*S*H was where we had an army MESS that served mashedpotatoes 😀

30. As soon as: ONCE - Do it at ONCE!

32. Not too much: A BIT.

34. One with a stable upbringing: FOAL 😀

37. Rental agreement: LEASE.

38. "Y'know, I've been thinking ... ": OH SAY.

39. O'Hare and JFK, e.g.: NAVY VETS - Edward (Butch) O'Hare and JFK are two NAVY VETS who had major airports named after them

40. Pair in gin rummy?: EMS - Meta clue ruMMy

44. Slender sword: RAPIER.

45. "What other choices were there?": I HAD TO.

47. Most fit: ABLEST.

51. Clear clothes lines, in a way: PRESS 😀

52. Dried poblano: ANCHO - When a poblano pepper is dried, it becomes an ANCHO pepper

54. Memphis street of blues fame: BEALE - You'll find this statue of Elvis at 117 BEALE Street

56. Fish story: TALE - "You should'a seen the one that got away!"

57. Maiden name of an 1860s first lady: TODD.

Mary TODD Lincoln
58. "Or __ what?": ELSE.


Subgenius said...

The three grid spanning entries made it interesting, as did trying to fit “paternity” into too many spaces. However, I finally got “working up a sweat” which broke that area open to me. It took me a little over half an hour to solve this challenging puzzle, but I thought the effort was worth it. FIR, so I’m happy.

desper-otto said...

Good morning!

When I saw Dr. Ed's byline, I knew I had to try this Saturday Stumper. It was slow to start, but the six gettable grid-spanners brought it home. The Wite-Out was required only for RETar/RETOP. Thanx, Dr. Ed and Husker.

YooperPhil said...

Impressive layout with six spanners in a 15X15 grid! As per a usual Saturday it took me much cogitation, major perp help, and several corrections along the way to arrive at a FIR in 37:16. Airports became NAVY VETS, aptest became ABLEST, Olga became INGA. Unknowns included the anthology AHS, and the chess PIE among several others. PAWTERNITY LEAVE?? First day of the month and I already have a nomination for worst clue - “Vikander of “Irma Vep”. All in all, a good Saturday challenge which may have some WORKING UP A SWEAT, thanks Dr. Ed for today’s construction (I’m your wintertime neighbor up the road here in SW Florida). HG - thanks for your detailed expo, liked all the graphics, especially the Young Frankenstein clip.