Saturday, August 29, 2020, Gail Grabowski
Today's constructor is our former MS English teacher Gail Grabowski. Her puzzle is another pinwheel style like Joe Deeney's from last Saturday and has only 27 blocks
Once I got a toehold in the NE, I was sailing along and then some major speed bumps in the SE had me struggling to finish. Gail's cluing was just abstract enough to keep me searching for fill but that is what makes Saturdays so challenging.
Let's see what Gail has for us today:
1. Followed: ADHERED TO
10. Charlie Parker genre: BEBOP - My grandson is named Parker in Charlie's honor
15. Carpenter's accessory: NAIL APRON - Also used for holding cash for garage sales and admission money
17. "Perhaps": I'M NOT SURE - My thoughts as I use this new blogger site
18. Convene again: RESIT.
19. Wild: MAD - I'm just WILD/MAD about golf
20. More than a little: SOME.
21. Language class subject: TENSES - I blog this puzzle, I blogged this puzzle, I will have blogged this puzzle. Very appropriate for our English teacher
22. Changed by time: AGED - Coopers making barrels to produce AGED whiskey
24. Took in slowly: NURSED - Many whiskey drinks need to be NURSED if you are going to be able to drive home safely and legally
26. Volatile letters: TNT.
27. Sports artist Neiman: LEROY - Husker coach Bob Devaney in LEROY's distinctive style
30. Start to fill?: AUTO.
31. Green: NEW
33. Diner's grazing spot: SALAD BAR - These may never come back
35. Checked out: SCANNED.
39. Bass product: PALE ALE - Shoes? No. Fish? No. Music? No. Oh, it's ALE
40. Southwestern state symbol: LONE STAR.
42. It sells in advertising: SEX.
43. 11-time Gold Glove-winning shortstop Vizquel: OMAR - Making plays like this
42. It sells in advertising: SEX.
43. 11-time Gold Glove-winning shortstop Vizquel: OMAR - Making plays like this
50. Noir sleuth: TEC - Private eye, P.I., sleuth, deTECtive, etc.
51. Frequent fliers: JET SET.
53. Be overly sweet: CLOY - I'm more used to hearing it as a participle as in, "The cloying movie made it hard for me to stay to the end."
54. Did some course work: COOKED - Somebody COOKED that soup. Fun clue, Gail.
56. Release: EMIT.
58. Shuttle __: BUS - Here comes a Disney Shuttle BUS to pick us up at All Star Sport Resort
59. Douze mois: ANNEE - French - Douze (twelve) mois (months) is a ANNEE (year) The double EE made me uneasy for a while
60. Now: AT PRESENT.
62. What a hitchhiker aspires to be: RIDER.
63. Enclosure for dangerous underwater cinematography: STEEL CAGE - That's all that protects this diver from an 18' Great White

1. __ shelter: ANIMAL.
2. Crash or crush: DAMAGE.
3. Get in the way of: HINDER.
4. "Don't Bring Me Down" gp.: ELO - The 3-letter house band for crossword puzzles
5. "Aw, nuts!": RATS.
6. Japanese electronics giant: EPSON.
7. Devise: DRUM UP - We've all seen this way to DRUM UP a Mouse Trap
13. Avenue after Reading Railroad: ORIENTAL - Even on this earliest known version if you look carefully
14. Seller of Lab supplies: PET STORE - Not for my science lab but for a Lab dog
21. Model 3 autos: TESLAS.
25. Trade: SWAP.
28. Aches: YENS.
30. Commercial bigwig: AD EXEC - Do you know the unusual wife of this TV AD EXEC? (*answer below the write-up)
32. Soaked: WETTED.
34. Co-star of Meryl in "It's Complicated": ALEC - Meryl did star with ALEC Baldwin in that movie but this is a picture of our cousin, and my former student ALEC Bohm, whose first MLB homer was a 443' shot for the Phillies last week.
36. "Door's open": COME ON IN.
37. Amazon predator: ANACONDA.
38. Projectile with a flight: DART - It always seemed funny to me that the bullseye is not highest possible score on a throw
45. State of mind: TEMPER - Effective teachers have a more easy-going TEMPER
47. New England retailer since 1912: LL BEAN - The flagship store in Freeport, Maine
52. Ready to pack it in: TIRED.
55. Stay fresh: KEEP.
57. Snitch: TELL - Should I snitch on that guy who snitched a candy bar?
60. Shade of gray: ASH.
61. It may be natural: Abbr.: SCI.
* AD EXEC Darren Stevens was married to Samantha Stevens who was Bewitched
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