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Showing posts with label Katie Hale. Show all posts

Mar 3, 2025

Monday March 3, 2025 Janice Luttrell and Katie Hale


Happy Monday, everyone!

Today we have three themed answers. Each begins with a type of HUMBLE ABODE (modest home):

16 Across. Choose as a live-in romantic partner: SHACK UP WITH.

24 Across. Loose frocks with wide bottoms: TENT DRESSES.

38 Across. Count in a marching command: HUT, TWO, THREE, FOUR.

These are tied together with a two-part reveal:

47 Across. With 59-Across, what one might say when entering the starts of 16-, 24-, and 38-Across?: WELCOME TO MY.

59 Across. See 47-Across: HUMBLE ABODE.

These add up to an impressive 59 themed letters!

Sidebar: Do people say "Welcome in" when you enter a shop in your town? I mostly hear it in retail stores but last month the greeter at an art museum said it to me. It always throws me for a bit. Humorist and author David Sedaris in not a fan. In his book The Best of Me, he wrote about going shopping after the Covid lockdown:
The clerk said, "Welcome in". Civilization as we know it ends, but "Welcome in" survives? I realized I should have been grateful everyday I didn't have to hear that. 


1. "Why __ I think of that?": DIDN'T.

6. Word after folk or fairy: TALE.  The Dewey Decimal System assigns 398.2 to both folk TALEs and fairy TALEs.

10. PD alert: APB.  Police Department and All Points Bulletin

13. Frozen drinks with spoon-straws: ICEES.

14. __ boom: SONIC.

15. Big bucks or the Bucks, for short: MIL.  a MILlion dollars or the MILwaukee basketball team  
18. Logger's tool: AXE.

19. New Year's popper: CORK.

20. Fashion designer Anna: SUI.  unknown to me
This is her Spring line.

21. Desert watering hole: OASIS.

23. Hosp. areas: ORS.  I spent several hours waiting outside of a hospital's Operating Room last Monday. I found a chair next to a window with a view of a beautiful pepper tree. That helped.

27. Med. condition treated by Ritalin: ADHD.

29. Board game played on a map: RISK.  I noticed RISK crossed 26-Down RISE.

30. Sleep study subject: APNEA.

32. Foamy lather: SUDS.

34. Winter flakes: SNOW.

41. Letter-shaped beam: I-BAR.

42. Flower holder: VASE.  
Still Life:  Vase with Twelve Sunflowers  (1888)
Vincent van Gogh
more info.

43. Dorothy nickname: DOTTY.

44. Share a border with: ABUT.

46. Taj Mahal city: AGRA.

52. Fall over: TIP.

55. Simply must: HAS TO.

56. Sundial numeral: III.  The II other possibilities were VII and XII.

57. Short skirt: MINI.

58. "Kings & Queens" singer Max: AVA.  unknown to me
This is the 2020 song referenced in the clue:  

63. Replayed tennis serve: LET.

64. Great Plains Natives: OTOES.

65. "Zip your lip!": CAN IT.  Neither of these exhibit good manners.

66. Mag staff managers: EDS Magazine EDitorS

67. Brewer's oven: OAST.

68. Book report, e.g.: ESSAY.


1. 1970s music genre: DISCO.

2. Blood of the Greek gods: ICHOR.  This one was another learning moment for me. Merriam-Webster's first definition is "(noun) a thin watery or blood-tinged discharge". The second definition is "(n0un) an ethereal fluid taking the place of blood in the veins of the ancient Greek gods." The adjectival form is ichorous. I wondered if it was connected to Icarus (the character who flew too close to the sun), but I did not find a connection (in my very brief search).

3. Start of a letter to the North Pole: DEAR SANTA.

4. Head twister: NECK.  Fun clue!  
5. Scolding sound: TSK.

6. "Namely ... ": TO WIT.

7. Singer DiFranco: ANI.  Today we had SUI, ANI, AVA, and UTA ... but not Uma.

8. Like an amazing party, slangily: LIT.

9. Canyon comebacks: ECHOES.

10. Accumulate: AMASS.

11. Playful sprite: PIXIE.

12. "__ your heart": BLESS.

14. Like a spiderweb: SPUN.

17. Like most donated clothing: USED.

22. Requests: ASKS FOR.

24. Defrost: THAW.

25. Beats Electronics co-founder: DR DRE.  AVA sports a pair of this brand of headphones in the 58-Across video.

26. Get out of bed: RISE. ...and shine! 🌞

28. Take away (from): DETRACT.

30. Tuna variety: AHI.

31. Alehouse: PUB.

32. Illinois or California: STATE.  Hmmmm, could these be Janice's and Katie's home states?

33. Sounds of uncertainty: UHS.

35. Jottings in the margins: NOTATIONS.  article about doodles in medieval margins

36. No longer cool: OUT.  The answer was not hot because hot would also be cool.

37. Dryly humorous: WRY.

39. Egg cell: OVUM.

40. Jittery: EDGY.

45. Sarcastic "So sad": BOO-HOO.

46. Parisian friend: AMIE.

47. Ocean giant: WHALE.  This video of a mother humpback WHALE and her calf was taken in Monterey Bay last October.  

48. Like a roof with an overhang: EAVED.

49. Exams for future attys.: LSATS.

50. Bhutan neighbor: TIBET.     and     53-Down. Bhutan neighbor: INDIA.  
51. Spa supplies: OILS.

54. Saintliness: PIETY.

57. Degs. sometimes paid for by corps.: MBAS.

60. Tony Award winner Hagen: UTA.  (1919-2004)

61. Mar. and Sept.: MOS.  Hmmmm, could these be Janice's and Katie's birthday MOnthS?

62. Low card in gin rummy: ACE.

The grid:

My apologies for the slim pickings today. DH had (crossword favorite) ENT surgery last Monday for a deviated septum. All went well but my priority this past week was 
to be a good caregiver so I did not have much time for solving, commenting, or blogging. Today I am taking him back to (another crossword favorite) Palo Alto so his doctor can remove the little breathing tubes in his nose -- which I expect will unleash more ICHOR.  😬
Have a good day! I'll read you later....

Jan 26, 2025

Sunday January 26, 2025 Amy Johnson & Katie Hale

Theme: "Quality Time" - Common phrases that start with the synonyms of "top quality" are reinterpreted as "Quality of good ...", matching the second word in each theme answer with the profession in each corresponding clue.

23. Quality of good mediums?: PREMIUM CHANNELS.

33. Quality of good photographers?: PARAMOUNT PICTURES.

53. Quality of good pyrotechnicians?: GREAT BALLS OF FIRE.

70. Quality of good detectives?: BEST-CASE SCENARIOS.

91. Quality of good gourd farmers?: SMASHING PUMPKINS.

108. Quality of good politicians?: FIRST CLASS TICKETS.

124. Quality of good architects?: EPIC PROPORTIONS.

Hmm, I thought the answer for "Quality of ...." would be an abstract noun, no? 

Otherwise, the theme entries are all consistent and sparkling. Notice how few proper names and abbrs in this grid. Not surprising from two of our best Sunday puzzle makers.


1. Faculty leader: DEAN.

5. "How dull": BLAH.

9. "Hot Shots!" or "Hot Fuzz": SPOOF. "Hot Shots!" is a parody of "Rambo". What about "Hot Fuzz"?

14. Harden of the NBA: JAMES. With the Clippers now.

19. Hankering: URGE.

20. Garter trim: LACE. I've never worn a garter.

21. Amp input: AUDIO.

22. Grove fruit: OLIVE.

26. Lower arm bones: ULNAE.

27. Click a magic link: LOG ON. Magic link is password-less.

28. Seed cover: ARIL. The seeds of a pomegranate are called ARILS.

29. Puts into play: USES.

31. "Curious": ODD.

32. Italian time piece?: ORA. Italian for "hour".

39. Sojutsu weapon: SPEAR.

41. Ten hundos: ONE G.

42. "Stay" singer Lisa: LOEB.

43. Colorful reef fish: WRASSE. We also have 135. Move like a fish: SWIM. And 4. Pixar fish: NEMO. Tom Pepper was just snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef last week.

47. Tap annoyance: DRIP.

49. Cutoffs material: DENIM.

59. Like some romance novels: RACY.

60. Playroom detritus: TOYS.

61. Grape also known as shiraz: SYRAH. I want to taste them.

62. Is more efficient, in a way: SAVES GAS.

64. Have a bond with?: OWE TO. In the sense of "I owe it all to him", right?

66. "A Dream Within a Dream" poet: POE.

68. Wild house party: RAGER.

69. Formicarium pet: ANT. Formicarium is an ant farm.

76. In the way of?: ALA.

78. Landlord's document: LEASE.

79. Life game piece: CAR.

80. "__ of the Dead": zom-com starring Simon Pegg: SHAUN.

83. Embers: HOT COALS.

85. Warmest temps: HIGHS.

89. Some fried pods: OKRA.

90. Soft repetition: ECHO.

96. Stroll: MOSEY.

98. "Crescent City" novelist Sarah J. __: MAAS. Don't know her. But happy with the new clue angle.

99. Desert north of the Sahel: SAHARA.

100. Innocent one: NAIF.

103. "Modern Family" dad Dunphy: PHIL.

105. Point __: Northern California cape: REYES.

115. Homer's "neighborino": NED.

117. Biomolecule in some vaccines: RNA.

118. Palette shades: HUES.

119. Actor Rickman: ALAN.

120. Talent show host: EMCEE.

122. "They were with me all day," e.g.: ALIBI.

129. Red Sea republic: YEMEN. 34. Many 129-Across residents: ARABS.

130. "The Birds" actress Hedren: TIPPI. Dakota Johnson is her granddaughter.

131. Check, as a cake for doneness, e.g.: POKE.

132. Composer Satie: ERIK.

133. Reek: STINK.

134. Sneer at: SCORN.

136. Volleyball fixtures: NETS.


1. Lego brand for younger children: DUPLO.
2. Typos: ERRORS.

3. Sibling statistic: AGE GAP.

5. __-ray disc: BLU.

6. "Poetic Justice" rapper Kendrick: LAMAR. He won the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Music.

7. Ghana's capital: ACCRA.

8. Pronoun pair: HE/HIM.

9. __ Marino: SAN.

10. Basis of many a popsicle stick joke: PUN.

11. Reverent poem: ODE.

12. Prepare to shine in a bodybuilding contest?: OIL UP.

13. Mary Anning find: FOSSIL. I don't know this lady. Wikipedia says she's a fossil collector and a paleontologist.

14. Participated in a Renaissance sport: JOUSTED.

15. __ or nothing: ALL.

16. Inconsequential: MINOR.

17. Slip by: EVADE.

18. Crunchy salad toppers: SEEDS. I like macadamia nuts.

24. Not completely: IN PART.

25. __ paratha: Indian flatbread: ALOO. With mashed potatoes,

30. Friendly prefix: ECO.

35. Revert to a previous version: UNDO.

36. Football brand: NERF.

37. Quittin' time letters: TGIF.

38. Taxi alternatives: UBERS.

40. Discarded Apples?: E WASTE. Capitalized Apple.

44. "You can __ that again": SAY.

45. Camera shop purchase, briefly: SLR.

46. Slip by: ELAPSE.

48. Like Galileo and Fibonacci: PISAN.

50. "Madama Butterfly" setting: NAGASAKI. Literally "Long Cape" in Japanese. 

51. "Not if __ help it!": I CAN.

52. PC adventure game: MYST.

53. Old Pontiac model: GTO.

54. Verbal spat: ROW.

55. Optic solutions: EYE BATHS.

56. Pump or clog: SHOE.

57. Framework for Indian classical music: RAGA.

58. On any occasion: EVER.

63. Judgement of Paris pot-stirrer: ERIS. The goddess of discord. She started the Trojan War.

65. Northern European capital: OSLO.

67. "Close this pop-up" key: ESC.

68. Puts a sail back up: RE-RIGS.

71. 73-Down exports: TEAS. 73. Northeast Indian region: ASSAM.

72. Feeling after a deep breath: CALM.

74. "It's Magic" lyricist Sammy: CAHN.

75. "Well then, fine": OH OKAY.

76. "If I may ... ": AHEM.

77. Motion opening?: LOCO. Locomotion.

81. Hot water holder: URN.

82. Grammy winning rapper Lil __ X: NAS. Known for his fashion sense.

84. Joel and Ethan of Hollywood: COENS.

86. Valedictorian stat: GPA.

87. "I didn't catch that": HUH.

88. "I like your thinking!": SMART.  And 97. "Thanks, Captain Obvious!": YA THINK.

92. Suckers: SAPS.

93. Skeptic's laughs: HAHS. And 94. Skeptic's question: IS IT.

95. Activate at a designated time: PRESET.

101. Post-op ward: ICU.

102. Battleship groups: FLEETS.

104. Whopper maker: LIAR.

106. Last song at a concert, often: ENCORE.

107. "I watched that already": SEEN IT.

108. Shreds at the edge: FRAYS.

109. Sound of the sea?: INLET. Not the noise.

110. "Spider-Man" films director Sam: RAIMI.

111. Meaty jelly: ASPIC.

112. Trotting noises: CLOPS.

113. "Smack!": KAPOW.

114. Long mushroom: ENOKI. The Chinese way. Very cheap in China.


116. Classroom furniture: DESKS.

121. Outward manner: MIEN.

123. "Paddington" voice actor Whishaw: BEN.

125. Mkt. debut: IPO.

126. First aid training, for short: CPR.

127. Brooch: PIN.

128. Sleep acronym: REM.


JD sent me this loving picture of her birthday celebration. Surreal to think that Truman was a only a baby when JD first joined us.


A few pictures of the Chinese New Year office lobby decoration and the flower market from my friend Lesley in Guangzhou.

Dec 28, 2024

Saturday, December 28, 2024, Annemarie Brethauer, Katie Hale

 Themeless Saturday by Annemarie Brethauer and Katie Hale

Annemarie worked for twenty years at a local government access channel as a writer/director/producer and was also used to being strictly behind the camera (Documentaries like "Know Your Zoning Code."). She is now retired and freelancing as a puzzle creator. 

Katie Hale, originally from Houston, is now a stay-at-home mom in London and Patti's assistant editor for the LA Times puzzles. We have seen her in a collaborative role quite often. In fact, this is my fourth Saturday Themeless collaboration with these two constructors.

After a run of very difficult solves, this one proved to be much easier and fun to do although some of the cluing...


1. Skip-the-line status: TSA PRE - No hint of abbreviation 

7. Ambulatory access: APSE - New use of ambulatory for me. It can be a noun denoting the passageway used to access an APSE

11. Out of sorts: OFF.

14. Wartime partners: ALLIES - In 1945, I doubt my dad and uncles would ever have perceived that Germany and Japan would become our ALLIES and Russia would not

15. "Golda" subject: MEIR.

16. Links target: PAR.

17. Heckles: BOOS AT.

18. Taylor Swift hit that begins, "I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser": ANTI HERO.

20. Take revenge: SETTLE OLD SCORES - Do politicians really do this? 🤔

22. Base runner's assertion: I'M SAFE - Shohei Ohtani pleads his case

23. Whac-A-Mole move: BASH.

24. First name in boxing: LAILA.

27. Penalty area in rugby, familiarly: SIN BIN.

30. Mantra sounds: OMS.

31. Sleeve element, for short: TAT - Howard and Raj got fake, slip-on TATS on Big Bang Theory to attract goth girls 

33. Mexican-inspired casserole: TACO PIE - or a Frito Pie


37. Tusked pinniped: WALRUS.

39. Full-bodied: ROBUST.

40. "Ta-ta!": CHEERIO.

42. Disco guy on "The Simpsons": STU.

43. Univ. that sends acceptances on Pi Day: MIT  Â¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but interesting

44. Turn down: REFUSE - Henry turned down a famous role that went to John

46. Tibet's capital: LHASA - McDonalds took its business to new heights at this restaurant in LHASA at an elevation of 12,123'

48. Title fellow in a 1922 Broadway hit: ABIE.

51. Spanish store: TIENDA.

                      "I want a bag    "What color?"

53. Competition for queens: RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE.

59. Wade Wilson's alter ego: DEADPOOL Â¯\_(ツ)_/¯

60. "Shaun of the Dead" genre: ZOM COM - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ A zombie comedy

61. Terminate: END.

62. Hill partner: DALE - Before the U.S. Army used the phrase...

63. "Take a chill pill!": COOL IT 

64. Figs.: NOS.

65. FanDuel list: ODDS - Here's how FanDuel sees the betting on today's Pinstripe Bowl. The Huskers are a 2.5 pt. favorite. On the Moneyline, you have to bet $132 straight up to win $100.

66. Makes invalid: ANNULS - Carmen Electra and Dennis Rodman had their Las Vegas post-partying marriage ANNULLED nine days later


1. Window openings: TABS 😀 I always have too many open

2. Blackthorn: SLOE.

3. Lazy answer to "How many stars are in the sky?": A LOT.

4. Ovary plus stigma plus style: PISTIL.

5. Response to a puerile joke: REAL MATURE.

6. Newbery Medal winner Eleanor: ESTES 

7. Coastal town at the foot of Monte Cerreto: AMALFI.

8. Suspended: PENDENT.

9. Gets ready to drive: SITS.

10. NFL Hall of Fame running back Dickerson: ERIC.


11. Work traditionally performed without microphones: OPERA 😊

12. Uber passengers: FARES.

13. Ninth grader: FROSH.

19. Mix (with): HOBNOB.

21. Brewery kiln: OAST.

24. Note played by covering every hole on a recorder: LOW C - We called them tonettes when I was in school

25. Eastern nanny: AMAH.

26. __ of Man: ISLE.

28. Syst. that connects to Caltrain: BART - Bay Area Rapid Transit connects at Millbrae, CA.

29. "Do you need more reasons?": I COULD GO ON.

32. "Please.": AS IF.

34. Big cat: PUMA.

35. Goddess of the Pyramid Texts: ISIS - Four letter goddess and pyramids, hmmm...

36. "Don't Go to Strangers" singer Jones: ETTA.

38. Go over again: REREAD.

41. Won an ad war, perhaps: OUTSOLD.

42. Fortuneteller: SEER.

45. Crab-walks: SIDLES.

47. "NCIS: Origins" narrator Mark: HARMON.

48. Elizabeth of cosmetics: ARDEN.

49. "¡Qué __!": BUENO - How nice! In Español 

50. Procreate devices: I-PADS -  ðŸ˜€ For amateurs too!

52. South American culture known for geoglyphs: NAZCA - 2,000-yr-old lines that have to be seen from the air to be comprehended 

54. Beehive, e.g.: UPDO.

55. Freight weight: LOAD.

56. Rights org.: ACLU.

57. Kinky curl shape: COIL.

58. Some FD employees: EMTS.