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Showing posts with label Melanie Miller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melanie Miller. Show all posts

Sep 6, 2015

Sunday, September 6, 2015 Melanie Miller

Theme:  "Again" - A is added to the front of the second word in each theme entry.

 22A. Comedy club road sign? : CHUCKLE AHEAD. Chucklehead. The clue makes me smile.

 33A. Distaste for jury duty? : TRIAL AVERSION. Trial version. I like the big transition from version to aversion.

 52A. Digression to a cabbie? : PASSENGER ASIDE. Passenger side.

 70A. Erase? : RUB THE WRONG AWAY. Rub the wrong way.

 91A. Prize for the fastest delivery? : MATERNITY AWARD. Maternity ward. Nice change also. 

107A. Drag one's feet on the gangplank? : SHUFFLE ABOARD. Shuffleboard.

123A. Doctors' agreement? : MEDICINE AMEN. Medicine man. Nice change also.

I adore this theme & theme answers, esp those entries where the new A-words share no roots with the old A-less words.

Super smooth grid also, hallmark of Melanie Miller & Gail G. They might stump you with a twisty or  unfamiliar clue, not a strange entry.  


1. "__ the fruited plain!" : ABOVE.  "America the Beautiful".

6. "The Lion King" hero : SIMBA. No NALA today,

11. Holds : OWNS

15. Senior exec : CEO

18. Kvetch : CAVIL. I like both words.

19. Lament : BEMOAN

20. Kitchen protection : MITT. I bought a box of frozen egg tarts last week. All gone now, Jayce!

21. Type of current : AIR

24. Magnifies : ENHANCES

26. Get control of : TAME

27. Italian wine region : ASTI

28. Breakfast brand : EGGO. So I finally tried Eggo. No too bad. Egg tarts are better.
30. Two to one, for one : RATIO

31. King with fiddlers : COLE. I could only think of the fiddling NERO (46A. Emperor after Claudius)

37. Circus performers : ACROBATS

41. Four Seasons alternative : OMNI

42. Brand used in cones : EDY'S

43. Like moccasins : SLIP-ON

44. Pipe smoker's gadget : TAMP. Got via crosses.

48. Tout de suite : ASAP.  I wonder if Splynter uses "Tout de suite" in his daily conversations.
55. Immoral profit : LUCRE

56. Sonnet preposition : ERE

57. White-tailed eagle : ERNE

58. First European to sail to India : DA GAMA

61. Beer seller's concern : AGE

62. Said with a pinched nose : NASAL

65. Mollusks with beaks : OCTOPI

68. Hill worker : SENATOR. And 110D. Political employees : AIDES

74. Keeper, in a big way : PACK RAT. Boomer is one.

77. Road race city : LE MANS. Wiki says it's "the world's oldest active sports car race in endurance racing, held annually since 1923 near the town of Le Mans, France".

78. Pre-Columbian people : INCAS

82. Conspiracy theory subj. : UFO

83. Top-drawer : CHOICE

86. Discontinued depilatory : NEET

88. Trading card stat : RBI. Be careful. Some of the old-looking cards are re-prints.

89. Party co-founded by Arafat : FATAH. So what's the difference between Fatah and PLO?
96. Worry : FRET

97. Tax __ : LOSS

99. Kid stuff : TOYS

100. Original : PRIMAL

101. Seriously injure : MAIM

103. O'Neill's "__ Christie" : ANNA

105. "Honest!" : SO HELP ME

112. Assigned amount of work : LOAD

113. Zany adventure : CAPER

114. Teller of stories : LIAR

115. Luxury Swiss watch : RADO. Belong to the Swatch Group. We also have OMEGA (11D. Arch-like letter).

117. Wine cellar item : CASK

121. Like potatoes pre-prep : UNPEELED. Here is D-Otto's Potato Dumpling recipe. He and his wife Susan make those every Christmas. 
127. Opponent : FOE

128. Fully assuage : SATE

129. Electrical measure : AMPERE

130. Tell stories, in a way : WRITE

131. December purchase : FIR

132. Biggest of three '50s-'60s TV brothers : HOSS . "Bonanza". I got via crosses.

133. River through Orléans : LOIRE

134. Clothing giant Bauer : EDDIE

1. No. on a bill : ACCT

2. Island band The __ Men : BAHA. "Who Let the Dogs Out?"

3. Female gamete : OVUM

4. Squad raiders : VICE COPS

5. Caribou kin : ELK

6. Super Bowl prize? : SEAT. Got via crosses also. Nice clue.

7. Paintball cry : I'M HIT

8. Sitcom beer server : MOE. OK, "Simpsons".

 9. Petting zoo call : BAA.  And 60. Kitten's "Got milk?" : MEW. Can you imagine a blog post written by Dave, Irish Miss?

10. From Quito, say : ANDEAN

 12. Bring around : WIN OVER

13. Unspecified power : NTH

14. Van Gogh's "The __ Night" : STARRY

15. Low-maintenance plants : CACTI

16. Three-note quintet : E I E I O

17. Bean in Hollywood : ORSON

19. Harassed : BESET

23. Fitness promoter born of French immigrants : LALANNE. My juicer is Jack LaLanne.

25. New Providence port : NASSAU

29. She put the ruby slippers on Dorothy : GLINDA. The Good Witch.

32. Slim woodwind : OBOE

34. Tomato option : ROMA

35. Little patience testers : IMPS

36. Pre-1868 Tokyo : EDO. Modern sushi was invented in Edo period. Sushi rice, though sticky, is different from sticky rice, Yellowrocks. Think of Japanese rice cake Mochi, it's made of sticky rice. Trader Joe's has this sinful Mochi Ice Cream.

37. Sun Valley alternative : ASPEN. Ski resort.

38. Nurse Barton : CLARA

39. Heads up : RISES

40. Offensive smell : STENCH

45. Knife-like ridge : ARETE. This and ESKER always remind me of Spitzboov.

47. Neurofeedback readout : EEG

49. Stray dismissal : SCAT

50. 2012 Affleck thriller : ARGO

51. Equal : PEER

53. Cave : GROTTO

54. Barking up the wrong tree, e.g. : IDIOM

55. Tropical veranda : LANAI. This one looks so nice.

59. How DVDs may be sold : AS A SET

63. Early solution for bad weather : ARK. Nice clue.

64. Reel : LURCH

66. Baby barn critter : OWLET

67. Paid leader? : PRE. Pre-pay.

69. "Who is John Galt?" writer Rand : AYN

71. Word of disapproval : BAH

72. McPhee's job, in a 2005 film : NANNY. Drew a blank. "Nanny McPhee".

73. Layered rock : GNEISS

74. Locomotive output : PUFF

75. Hardly within shouting distance : AFAR

76. Refuge for a frequent flier? : COTE. Nailed it.

79. Runner's bane : CRAMP

80. Delano : FDR :: __ : Garfield : ABRAM. Middle name. Nailed it also.

81. Move furtively : SIDLE

84. Online exchange : IMs

85. Winter melon : CASABA. In China, this kind of big gourd is called "winter melon". Cantonese love their winter melon soup

87. Pacific weather event : TYPHOON

90. Cost of bread? : ATM FEE. Another great clue.

92. Sicilian smoker : ETNA

93. Drag strip sound : ROAR

94. It may be residential : AREA

95. Joker : WILD CARD

97. Tiny, in a tiny way : LIL

98. They're folded in kitchens : OMELETS

102. In a new way : AFRESH

104. Unexceptional : NORMAL
106. Nostalgia source : OLDIE

107. Oxford mark : SCUFF. Oxford shoes.
108. Red River capital : HANOI. And 122. Mekong River language : LAO. No plural form in Lao neither. Or "the", my biggest problem.

109. Has the __ hand : UPPER

111. Less soggy : DRIER

116. Piece of farmland : ACRE

118. In an atmosphere of : AMID

119. Space exploration acronym : SETI

120. Spot for a bouncing baby boy : KNEE

124. Rock genre : EMO

125. Printer spec. : DPI. Dots Per Inch.

126. Livestock lady : EWE 

I just learned that there are nine Xi'an Famous Foods restaurants in New York City. Have any of you eaten there? I pored over their menu and found their food visually authentic. Try their cold noodles and pork burgers if you happen to be there.


Jul 26, 2015

Sunday July 26, 2015 Melanie Miller

Theme: "Close Encounters" - ET is added to each theme answer.

24A. Pendant impervious to little hands? : CHILD-PROOF LOCKET. Childproof lock.

 37A. Demonstrates anti-boxing sentiment? : PICKETS A FIGHT. Picks a fight.  We also have 115D. Ref's decision : TKO

 57A. iPod holders? : APPLE JACKETS. Apple Jacks.

 79A. Pinocchio plug-in? : SOCKET PUPPET. Sock puppet.

 98A. Cross between a hound and a zebra? : STRIPED BASSET. Striped bass.

 114A. Nod off during cocktail hour? : SLEEP IN THE BUFFET. Sleep in the buff.

 3D. Promote "Pudd'nhead Wilson"? : MARKET TWAIN. Mark Twain.

 71D. Tussaud's tribute to the Bolshoi? : BALLET OF WAX. Ball of wax.

Another simple and elegant theme from Melanie, who's very fond of letter addition theme.

Her grids are very much like Gail's, super smooth and clean. Nothing splashy, and you won't encounter any unfair crossings.


1. Utmost reach : ACME. Shout-out to Andrea Carla Michaels.

5. AT&T Pebble Beach National, e.g. : PRO-AM. Started by Bing Crosby.

10. Ship that sailed to Colchis : ARGO

14. It can be baled : STRAW

19. Buyer's aid : LOAN. I was thinking of CART.

20. Icon on many romance novel covers : FABIO

21. Mess (up) : GOOF

22. Pitch with force : HEAVE

23. Clothesline, for one : CORD

27. Doctor with a losing plan : ATKINS. Atkins diet. What's hot now? Paleo?

29. Prominent periods : ERAS

30. Fades : WITHERS

31. Lamentation of Christ work : PIETA

32. Navy captain's insignia : EAGLE

35. Trial versions : BETAS

36. __ scan : PET

41. __-faced : TWO. And 101. Crab leg count : TEN.  And 106A. Undivided : AS ONE.

44. Laborious effort : TRAVAIL

46. Pitman user : STENO. Got via crosses. No idea what Pitman is.

47. Bit of deception : TRAP

48. "Lady Jane Grey" playwright : ROWE. Got via crosses also. Nicholas Rowe.

50. Pretentious : ARTSY

52. Onetime : OLD

53. Enterprise helmsman, to Kirk : MR SULU

55. South American slitherer : ANACONDA. Great fill.

60. Descendant : SCION

61. Aching : SORE

63. Currency of Liechtenstein : FRANC

64. Book cover? : PEN NAME. Lovely clue also.

67. Sarah Palin's birthplace : IDAHO

69. It may be full of ash : WOOD BIN

74. Swiss cultural city : BASEL.Roger Federer's hometown.

76. Scoundrels : CURS

78. Dealer's offer : LEASE

84. Didactic stories : PARABLES

87. Gracious : POLITE

88. Wish undone : RUE

89. SeaWorld orca : SHAMU

91. Some are full-bodied : ALES. Been a long time since I had any ale.

92. Weekend Prep brand : IZOD. I already had ?ZOD in place.

93. Florida Aquarium city : TAMPA

95. Error remnant : ERASURE

97. Thing to rally over : NET.  Tennis or badminton.

104. Low tide sight, often : SHOAL

105. Significant strides : LOPES
108. Kandahar currency : AFGHANI

111. Water sports equipment : SKIS

113. Beams : SHAFTS

119. Hostage situation acronym : SWAT

120. Guideposts co-founder : PEALE. Not familiar with Guideposts.

121. Made laboriously, with "out" : EKED

122. Buster? : NARCO

123. Chief greeting : HAIL

124. Manorial workers of old : SERFS

125. Shower supports : RODS
126. Put an ear to the door, say : SNOOP. Vivid image.

127. Semi bar : AXLE


1. Yokum family creator : AL CAPP. My very first fill. But the whole upper left corner was the last to fall.

2. Jazz trumpeter Williams : COOTIE. Stranger to me.

4. Break up : END IT. Wish we could live in the first month of courtship forever.

5. U.S. Army E-3s : PFCs

6. Sports crowd shout : RAH

7. Japanese closer : OBI

8. Feel wretched : AIL

9. One of 15 million made from 1908 to 1927 : MODEL T

10. Yamuna River city : AGRA

11. Zoo hoppers : ROOS

12. Gunk : GOO

13. U.S. Air Force Song opening : OFF WE GO. Got via crosses also.

14. Fired on : SHOT AT

15. Data recovery experts : TECHs

16. Leaves clearer : RAKE

17. Confidently say : AVER

18. Dips in water : WETS

25. Bear down : PRESS

26. Belarus neighbor: Abbr. : LITH

28. Valley whose welcome sign contains the words "bottled poetry" : NAPA. Easy guess.

32. Holiday cyber-message : E-CARD

33. Japanese dogs : AKITAS

34. Cream alternatives : GELS. Eye cream. Eye gel. Or other skin care products. I was thinking of butter cream.

35. Paper organizer : BINDER

38. One of the Karamazovs : IVAN

39. At the crest of : ATOP

40. Was taken in by : FELL FOR

41. Factual : TRUE

42. Cartoonist Kelly : WALT. Pogo.

43. Orchestra piece : OPUS

45. Some intel : RECON

47. "You're better than that!" : TSK

48. Hoarse sound : RASP

49. Start of a reminiscence : ONCE. When I met Harmon Killebrew long time ago, he said I looked cute in my Vikings cap. So I wear the cap every summer at the flea market. Harmon is gone. My cap is now 14 year old. Both of us are beaten by long hours of sun & dirt.

51. Place for a sale : YARD

53. Vaquero's hand : MANO

54. Longtime soft drink brand : RC COLA

56. How some risks are taken : ON A BET

58. Treaty subject : PEACE

59. Prattle : JAW

62. Valvoline circulator : OIL PUMP

65. Other half : MATE

66. Psychic's claim : ESP

68. Wickiups : HUTS. Got via crosses. I did not know the meaning of Wickiups.
70. Refuse admission to : DEBAR

72. Dawning words : I SEE

73. Capone nemesis : NESS

75. Pass abroad : EURAIL

77. Few and far between : SPARSE

79. Doctor's specialty? : SPIN. Spin doctor. Great clue.

80. Exude : OOZE

81. Thicken, as cream : CLOT

82. Barnyard youngster : KID

83. Skunk seeking amour : PEPE

85. Sock away : AMASS

86. Sneaky maneuver : RUSE

90. Goodly amount : HEAP

93. Stable VIP : TRAINER. Horse trainer.

94. Ignore the teleprompter : AD LIB

96. Jell-O is its official state snack : UTAH

98. Manipulates : SHAPES. Got via crosses as well. Can you give me an example on how they're equivalent?

99. Singer Braxton : TONI. Her "He Wasn't Man Enough" was blasted everywhere in Hong Kong in 2000.

100. Deck crew leaders : BOSUNS

102. Involve : ENTAIL

103. Settle snugly : NESTLE

104. __ life : SHELF

107. White House daughter : SASHA

108. Deadly reptiles : ASPS

109. Get out of Dodge : FLEE

110. Athlete's stuff : GEAR
111. Lose : SHED

112. Classic canvas shoe brand : KEDS. Endorsed by Taylor Swift.

113. Call it quits : STOP

116. It may oscillate : FAN

117. One way to sway : FRO

118. Prefix with hazard : ECO. Eco-hazard.


Jun 14, 2015

Sunday June 14, 2015 Melanie Miller

Theme: "In It to Win It" - W is added to to the start of one word in each theme entry.

29A. Chronicle one's travels? : WRITE OF PASSAGE. Rite of passage.

44A. Pilfer Christmas supplies? : TAKE THE WRAP. Take the rap.

56A. Smith kicking back? : WILL AT EASE. Ill at ease.

82A. Belt or cummerbund? : MIDDLE WEAR. Middle ear.

91A. Roll in one's pocket? : PERSONAL WAD. Personal ad.

108A. Spell caster seen infrequently? : SEVEN YEAR WITCH. Seven-year Itch.

4D. Gingerbread house feature? : WALL YOU CAN EAT. All you can eat.

59D. Experience a links mishap? : LOSE ONE'S WEDGE. Lose one's edge.

No straying W's in the theme set. Another simple and elegant theme from Melanie Miller. She loves this type of letter addition/deletion theme.

It would be perfect if we did not have NEWT (81A. Pond denizen). That way, the only W's are the 8 ones in the theme answers.


1. Side sometimes put on a sandwich : SLAW
5. Literature Nobelist Nelly : SACHS. German poet. Won Nobel in 1966. Stranger to me.

10. Some workers : ANTS. I tried BEES again.
14. Land in the ocean : ISLE

18. Italian tourist city : PISA. Gary was there.

19. Key of two Schubert impromptus : A- FLAT. Always need crossing help.

20. Range restraint : RIATA. Intersecting 11D. Chihuahua youngsters : NINOS. So no REATA dilemma this time.

22. King or queen, e.g. : NOUN. And 102. Kings or queens, e.g. : PLURAL. Great clues.

23. "Stupidity is the same as __ if you judge by the results": Atwood : EVIL

24. Panache : FLAIR

25. Deduce : INFER

26. Fatty __ : ACID
27. Aptly named pet bedding spray brand : DE FLEA. Did not know it's a brand.

32. Garden places : YARDS. I planted kale this year. They're surprisingly easy to grow.

34. Con target : PATSY

35. Cookware cover : POT LID

36. Heat unit : CALORIE

39. Hardly all thumbs : DEFT. Great explanation to Howard yesterday about RAMBO, D-Otto.

40. Liquidation __ : SALE

41. Seek (out) : SCOUT

42. Plymouth pit stop : LOO. Oh, Plymouth, England. We have a Plymouth here in MN also.

50. Classic puppet : PUNCH. Punch and Judy.

51. Grip on a sword : HILT. Or HAFT.

53. Some McFlurry ingredients : OREOS

54. Sénat agreement : OUI

55. Purview : AREA

59. Roller target : LINT

60. "The Silver Chair" setting : NARNIA. "The Silver Chair" is the fourth book in "The Chronicles of Narnia" series, according to Wiki.

62. Big name in polio research : SABIN

63. "Primary Colors" co-star : TRAVOLTA. Watched the movie long time ago.

66. Two-time Emmy winner Stonestreet : ERIC

68. Unhealthy gas : RADON

70. Therapeutic getaways : SPAS

71. Represent : SPEAK FOR
75. Gauged : RATED. I read the clue as "Gouged".

77. __ bar : ENERGY

85. "I wasn't expecting you" : OH HI

86. Jack's predecessor : IKE. I was unaware of Jack Kennedy until I came to the US. Nixon was highly respected in China due to his historical visit.

87. Communications line : CABLE

89. "Gimme a coupla __" : SECS

90. Pry : SNOOP

95. __ resort : SKI

96. Under stress : TENSE

97. "What does __ mean?" : THAT. I asked this question a lot.

98. Chicks' hangout : NEST

100. Waist management aids : CORSETS. Never wore one.
105. Western band : POSSE

107. Word of contempt : PSHAW

111. Tarp hole : EYELET

115. It flows in Madrid : AGUA

116. Class : STYLE

117. Side problem? : THORN. Stumped me. I like this clue.
119. Field protector, maybe : DOME

120. Informal speech : TALK

121. Coach : TUTOR

122. Like the man in the moon : LUNAR. I don't get this clue. What man? There's a girl & a rabbit in the moon, in Chinese myth.

123. Ready for anything : GAME

124. Greatly amuse : SLAY
125. They carry charges : IONS

126. Black shade : EBONY

127. Dutch export : EDAM


1. Really moved : SPED. And 2. Really enjoy oneself : LIVE. Made me think of Jayce, whom I really really like.

3. "Not a chance!" : AS IF
5. Jungle activity : SAFARI

6. '60s sports org. : AFL. American Football League.

7. Relatives of nails : CLAWS

8. Bangs on the head? : HAIR. I've had bangs since 1984, yet I still could not see the clue!

9. Bumblebee feature : STRIPE

10. Short song : ARIETTA. A short ARIA.

12. Chewy treat : TAFFY

13. Course of action : STEP

14. Distressed : IN A STEW

15. Area served by LAX : SOCAL

16. Fiat in the movie "Cars" : LUIGI. Nice to meet you, Luigi!

17. Nipped in the bud : ENDED

21. Tribe in the 1876 Great Sioux War : ARAPAHO. I know the Sioux Wars, but did not know the Arapaho tribe was involved.

28. Third of eight : EARTH. Third planet.

30. Last president to keep a White House cow : TAFT. New trivia to me as well. Fresh milk.

31. Pump bottoms : SOLES

33. Indian territory : DELHI. I was thinking inside US.

36. Political channel : C-SPAN

37. U.S. auto since 1986 : ACURA

38. Independent sort : LONER

39. Namibian currency : DOLLAR. Their official language is English.

40. Guides : STEERS

43. Many museum hangings : OILS

45. Chain used by campers : KOA. Kampgrounds of America.

46. Once, long ago : ERST

47. Make turbulent : ROIL

48. Reunion attendee : AUNT

49. Bread with tabbouleh : PITA. Do you like tabbouleh?

52. Knight's outerwear : TABARD. Look who's here.

56. Jo in Dickens' "Bleak House," e.g. : WAIF

57. __ pool : TIDAL
58. Modern missives : E-NOTES

61. Exasperate : IRK. I always feel sympathetic for girls who do silly things for love, but not for this prisoner worker who helped the escaped murderer.

64. Simon Says player : APER
65. Airport shuttle, often : VAN

67. Fight against : COMBAT

69. Least worn : NEWEST

71. Cut : SNIP

72. Toy with long hair, briefly : PEKE

73. Vase-shaped vessel : EWER

74. Shallow channel : RILL

76. Spot for lounge chairs : DECK. Marti's looks very relaxing.

78. Avignon's river : RHONE

79. Haunting memory : GHOST

80. "Good heavens!" : YIPES

83. Possible cause of glistening blades : DEW

84. Sports footwear brand : ASICS. Just remember it as BASICS without the B.

87. "Yankee Doodle Dandy" subject : COHAN. George M. Cohan.
88. Wall Street employee : ANALYST

90. Go off on a tangent : STRAY

92. Inconsistent : STREAKY

93. Comebacks : ANSWERS

94. "Too Many Girls" co-star, familiarly : DESI. Not familiar with ""Too Many Girls".

99. Clear up : SETTLE

101. "The Ransom of Red Chief" writer : O. HENRY

102. Exams for sophs and jrs. : PSATs

103. Not bootlegged : LEGAL

104. It may be involved in snoring : UVULA

105. Money order order : PAY TO

106. Wrinkle-resistant fiber : ORLON

107. Mono player : PHONO

109. Case for small tools : ETUI. Oh, hello. Long time no see.

110. Fish used for bait : CHUB

112. Prepare to shoot : LOAD

113. Watson of "Noah" : EMMA

114. Swarm : TEEM

118. Made a break for it : RAN

The fourth Minnesota Crossword Tournament will be held today at the Landmark Center. Come join us for fun.

Husker Gary is going to have his important reversal operation tomorrow. Let's send positive thoughts his way. We want to see you very soon on the blog this time, Gary!

Joann, granddaughter Elise & Gary

May 15, 2015

Friday, May 15, 2015, Melanie Miller

Theme: It is all about that GROSS not the NET. (MUSIC plays in the background).

Well hot on the heels of her latest Sunday, MM makes her Friday debut with an 'add a three letter word' puzzle, where NET is added to in the language phrases. Melanie who has become a bit of a Sunday specialist, here provides a Monday looking grid, with lots of blocks and short average word length, but some very hard clue/fill to make this a challenge. She did begin her publications at the LAT with Argyle blogging her work. Some of the cluing really slowed me down,  not knowing if it was her clue or Rich's, makes it hard to tell her intentions. Not much in the way of non-theme long fill, but we do have : ANKLES,  DANGER,  IF ONLY,  MORE SO, ENWRAPS,  I MEAN IT,  TACTFUL, TOPPLES, MANNERISM,  TOTEM POLE.
I do like the theme consistency where 1/4 take a single word and by adding NET you get two words, while 2/3 are two word phrases to begin with. Well lets get our Friday feet a movin'g

16A. Sign posted on an office computer? : NETWORK OUT (10). I remember when network only referred to TV companies.

22A. Attractive legumes? : MAGNETIC BEANS (13). I guess they have great personalities. Magic beans was hard to suss.

50A. Dark-haired brigade? : BRUNETTE FORCE (13). Brutus was the alternate name for the big guy in Popeye; I like the clue/fill very much. Is MM a brunette?

60A. Blaze at a hat factory? : BONNET FIRE (10). A slightly sexist view but I like this one as well.

And the reveal,
36A. Taxable amount ... and a hint to the four longest puzzle answers : NET GAIN (7).


1. Unit of volume : LITER. QUART fit, so this was a slow start.

6. One of the Twelve Olympians : ARES. Also hard, as both GREEK and ROMAN deity are considered OLYMPIANS. We have ZEUS, HERA as other Greek gods, JOVE, JUNO and MARS in the Roman pantheon. Then we have a four letter god from Scandinavia 18A. Ruler of the Valkyries : ODIN. With 17D. Russo who plays Frigga in "Thor" : RENE.

10. Factory container : VAT. Okay maybe the downs will be easy.

13. Inexpensive opening? : ECONOlodge?

14. Bering Sea port : NOME. Just south of the Bering Strait.
15. Subterranean critter : MOLE. Kinda cute. not at all like Spiderman's molemen.

19. Venison source : DEER. Cool! A 100% easy fill!!!!!

20. End of basketball? : ELS. Oh the the deception!

21. Exasperated : IRKED. Don't let it get to you.

26. Overthrows : TOPPLES. Like governments.

28. Omegas, to a physicist : OHMS. A quick  PRIMER.

29. Sprang (from) : AROSE. An A word that actually gets used.

30. Train station stat : ETA. Arrival.

31. Its national anthem is "Peace to the Sultan" : OMAN. All perps. LINK.

35. Chum : PAL. I do not believe either of these words are in popular usage any more

40. Diamond standout : ACE. baseball diamond.

41. Winter vehicle : SLED. No Tin, golf cart only works in Florida.

43. Find, with "up" : DIG. What 'journalists' do these days generally bad things about people..

44. Italian white wines : ETNAS. Never heard this term and since the Mountain is in Sicily, are the grapes from Italy or Sicily?  QUESTION?

46. Deuce follower : AD IN. Tennis.

48. Unequivocal statement : I MEAN IT. Confusing letters to parse, but nice fill when done.

54. Thigh-toning exercise : LUNGE.

55. Stick : ROD. careful now; juxtaposition is tricky. It could be a ...

56. Decoy : TRAP.

59. Pot enhancer : ANTE. Glad this was not a drug reference. It might cause a...

63. Furor : STIR.

64. Labor long hours : TOIL.

65. Turns red, maybe : RUSTS. Is rust really red? I asked this man...LINK.

66. Frostbite victim : TOE.

67. Cheese manufacturing byproduct : WHEY. Showing you the WAY.

68. Wes Craven film locale: Abbr. : ELM ST. If you saw these letters without the clue, you could go elmst meaning the most elm?


1. Allow to use : LEND.

2. Arctic Blast maker : ICEE. BBT's Sheldon and the ICEE vs. Slurpee.

3. Tlingit feature of Seattle's Pioneer Square : TOTEM POLE. Just an educated guess.

4. Completely surrounds : ENWRAPS.

5. Joey of fiction : ROO. Kanga's kid is back.

6. Places for electronic monitors : ANKLES. To keep tabs on people.

7. Chick bar? : ROOST. Nice literal clue/fill, not a pick up bar.

8. Grounded Aussie : EMU. Flightless birds, why?

9. Unbendable : SET. As, set in your ways.

10. Bloody Mary ingredient : VODKA. Along with Screwdrivers, my introduction to Vodka.

11. "The War of the Worlds" character : ALIEN. How cool, coming so soon after Jeffrey Wechsler's Orson Welles tribute puzzle in the NYT Wednesday.

12. Minds : TENDS. Like a flock.

15. To a larger extent : MORE SO. Good two word fill. Also, 48D. Wishful words : IF ONLY. 51D. Eagerly head for : RUN TO.

21. Lenovo acquired its PC business in 2005 : IBM. The DETAILS.

23. Rural valley : GLEN.

24. Smidgen : IOTA.

25. Beverage flavored with cinnamon and cardamom : CHAI. Actually it is black tea that is flavored to make Chai tea.

26. Bugs : TAPS. Listening devices.

27. Like film narration : ORAL. Why film? All narration by its nature is oral?

30. Person, slangily : EGG. really? I know a good egg is an accepted phrase, but egg by itself? Is this a yolk?

32. Individual way : MANNERISM. Like Johnny Carson and David Letterman playing with pencils? Crossword puzzle no no. 49D. Manner : MODE.

33. Popular palm fruit : ACAI. All you ever wanted to know about this wonder FRUIT.

34. Hornet hangout : NEST. Alliteration always welcome.

37. Doctor, perhaps : EDIT.

38. Color variant : TINT.

39. "What, will these hands __ be clean?": Lady Macbeth : NE'ER. Nope, sorry they never will be.

42. Jeopardy : DANGER. Knowing this to be true, did you ever wonder why Merv named the game show?

45. Aptly sensitive : TACTFUL.

47. Welsh/English border river : DEE. It is also in both countries.

50. Verbally assault : BLAST.

52. Remove, as a cravat : UNTIE.

53. Bath-loving Muppet : ERNIE. Does he love the bath or his rubber ducky?

57. Culinary pursuits : ARTS.

58. Unwelcome garden visitor : PEST.

60. Texter's "I almost forgot" : BTW. My phone has taken to translating my texts to the full words.

61. Wowed one's word : OOH. One who is wowed often goes....

62. "I __ Piccoli Porcellini" : TRE. I am sure marti knew but I was unaware of the highbrow music for the Three Little Pigs.

I am very curious what you all think; recently if the puzzles are easy not many comments and if they are hard lots of complaints. Enjoy. Lemonade out.

Note from C.C.:

D-Otto (Tom Uttormark) and I made today's puzzle for the Chronicle of Higher Education. You can click here (the very first puzzle) for the puz file. Click here to solve online. Click here to read pannonica's writeup.

Brad Wilber, crossword editor for CHE, came up with the fantastic "Waffles, Anyone?" title and greatly improved our fill & clues. Brad is a total pro and another unsung hero behind so many puzzles.

This is the very first puzzle Tom & I made. Just like he is on the blog, Tom is super fun to work with. Extremely efficient. Congratulations on your CHE debut, Tom!

May 10, 2015

Sunday May 10, 2015 Melanie Miller

Theme: "L-iminated"- L is removed from each theme answer.

23A. Comment after a big raise? : THE POT THICKENS. The plot thickens.

42A. Faux furs left out in the cold? : FROSTED FAKES. Frosted Flakes.

60A. Chicago athlete in Denver? : MILE HIGH CUB. Mile high club.

84A. Gem named for a dinosaur? : BARNEY STONE. Blarney Stone.

99A. Fair-haired castaway? : BEACHED BLOND. Bleached blond. Lots of girls sported silver hair last summer. Not easy to be DYED (Covered the gray, say) in silver gray. Very complicated procedures. 

120A. Running buddy's question? : YOUR PACE OR MINE? Your place or mine?

33D. Green Giant deal? : PEA BARGAIN. Plea bargain.

56D. Slacks for the boardroom? : POWER PANTS. Power plant.
The stray L's in MILE HIGH CUB  and BEACHED BLOND might bother some purists, but they're fun phrases.

Lovely grid arrangement. No cheater square! Hard to do that on a Sunday.


1. Padlock part : HASP

5. Boldly forward : PERT. 18D. Gets boldly forward with : SASSES. Clue echoes.

9. Yrs. before college : EL-HI

13. Only major league team without a no-hitter to its credit : PADRES. I did not know this trivia. I asked Boomer. He answered "Marlins". We're no good.

19. Polynesian getaway : OAHU

20. Small number : A FEW.

21. Aslan of Narnia, e.g. : LION. As Marti linked last week, Met Gala featured a China theme this year. So much fun for me to watch each red carpet interpretation of various Chinese flowers/animals.

22. Parthenon dedicatee : ATHENA

26. Range ropes : REATAS. Or RIATAS.

27. Mosaic part : TESSERA. New word to me. Its plural is Tesserae. Not *S.

28. Didn't let go of : KEPT

30. Takes the wrong way? : ROBS. Fun clue.

31. Scholarly piece : PAPER

34. Assign : ALLOT

37. Express sorrow : CRY. So is SOB.

38. Garden annoyance : MOLE

39. Dark clouds, perhaps : OMEN

40. Prison canary? : RAT. Nailed it. We also have 77. Field scurrier : MOUSE

45. Row : SPAT

46. Recess retort : AM SO

48. Cargo unit : TON

49. "Pshaw!" : FIE

50. Dwindle : SUBSIDE

52. Start of many a tribute : ODE TO

54. Pertinent : APROPOS

59. Greenhouse gas regulator: Abbr. : EPA

63. Pad : ABODE

64. Satisfied, as a debt : REPAID

66. Yucatán native : MAYAN

67. Arrived suddenly : BLEW IN

68. Bit of kelp, say : ALGA. I eat Wakame often. Kelp is too tough. It's good for veggie miso stock though.

70. Come down hard : TEEM. Like rain. Not a word I use.

72. Asian cuisine : THAI. Lemonade is lucky.

74. Do a farming job : SEED

75. Uncouth : COARSE

81. One hoping to find a school : ANGLER. School of fish!

83. Skylark sound : TRILL

86. Life : PEP

89. Physically aware : SENSATE. Not a word I use.

91. Fathered : SIRED

92. Unprocessed information : RAW DATA. Big gimme for all of us.

94. Hatch, e.g.: Abbr. : SEN. Orrin Hatch.

95. Helena-to-Lincoln dir. : ESE

96. Islamic official : IMAM

98. Rural roadside stops : INNS

105. Don Ho's instrument : UKE

106. Doctor's order : STAT

107. Bonnie Raitt, for one : ALTO. Got via crosses.

108. Gathering that may involve a wagon : TEA. What wagon? We call it tea cart. 

109. Calls for : NEEDS

111. So last week : PASSE

112. Captures : NABS

113. Sea raptors : ERNS

115. Computer output device : PRINTER. What printer are you using? Ours is HP Envy. So so.

118. Food label reader, perhaps : DIETER. I cook by feel and instinct.

126. Preposterous, as an idea : INSANE

127. Shipbuilding tool : ADZE

128. Little red schoolhouse lady : MARM

129. Steady : EVEN

130. Brahms' symphonies, e.g. : TETRAD. No idea. I'm a classic music idiot.

131. Tenderfoot : NAIF

132. Shampoo additive : ALOE. I tried this clue for ACAI once. Rich did not use it.


1. Like some wings : HOT

2. Warm-bath reaction : AAH. I'll say "Ahh" only when it's hot.

3. Yachting pronoun : SHE

4. Out-of-style Boy Scout shelters : PUP TENTS. By the way, do any of you remember the big Chinese earthquake in 1976? Over half a million people died. I have faint memory of sleeping outside in a big tent. Wiki mentioned under Damage that "Tremors were felt as far away as Xi'an approximately 760 km (470 mi) away."  I was 5 at the time.

5. Gently touches : PATS

6. Little newts : EFTS

7. Zaps : REHEATS

8. Dancer's move : TWIRL

9. FDR was one : ELK. Unknown trivia. Because the clue is an abbreviation, I though the answer might be DEM.

10. Moment of dishonesty : LIE

11. Protest on the road : HONK

12. Cricket, for one : INSECT

13. Bowlful next to the chips : PARTY DIP

14. Put away : ATE. I put EAT first. Fooled by the tense.

15. Hindu duty : DHARMA. How do they decide where to put H? I have trouble spelling Gandhi also.

16. Seized again : RETOOK

17. Allow : ENABLE

24. "... sadness comes __ me": Longfellow : O'ER

25. Baby moose : CALF

29. Factory-built home : PREFAB

31. Western chasers : POSSE. And 99. 31-Down quarry : BANDIT

32. Energize : AMP UP. I tried PEP UP.

35. Former Sandinista leader : ORTEGA

36. Like the Cheshire Cat's grin : TOOTHY

40. Send forth : RADIATE

41. 2001 French romantic comedy : AMELIE. Loved the movie.

43. Tracked winter vehicle : SNO-CAT

44. Wild : FERAL

47. Trick reaction : OOH. Did you try "Doh"?

51. Bart Simpson, e.g. : IMP. Hi there Spitzboov!

53. Reduce in intensity : DIM

55. Quite hefty : OBESE. And 117. Hefty volume : TOME. One of our blog readers read "Dream of the Red Chamber", a hefty Chinese classic. I was totally impressed.

57. Jim Davis canine : ODIE

58. Summon, with "for" : SEND

61. Buildup of fluid : EDEMA

62. Tip a tam : UNHAT. Not a word I use.

65. British noblemen : EARLS

67. Standout : BIG NAME. I just learned that our Steve lives in the same area as Miley Cyrus. And he sees her from time to time at their local coffee shop & Trader Joe's.

68. 97-Down pair, frequently : ACTS. And 97. Play with songs : MUSICAL

69. Passed-down learning : LORE

71. Smidgen : MORSEL

73. Inuit wear : ANORAK

76. Cut back : SLASH

78. Choral parts may be sung in it : UNISON

79. Not agitated : SERENE

80. Discriminating ability : EYE

82. Jack __, treasury secretary since 2013 : LEW. Known for his loopy signature.

84. Spree : BENDER

85. Cold War missile prog. : SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)

87. Old lab heaters : ETNAS

88. Kid's adhesive : PASTE

90. Struggled for balance : TEETERED

93. Removed pieces from : DISARMED

100. Five-time Tony nominee Stritch : ELAINE

101. Ideally : AT BEST

102. Marquee partner : CO-STAR

103. Fig tree variety : BANYAN. Have you seen fig trees in person?

104. "Transcendence" actor : DEPP. Never saw the movie. Johnny Depp & Brad Pitt are not my type.

110. Many a TV series : DRAMA

111. In accordance with : PER

114. Vending machine buy : SODA

116. First-century emperor : NERO

119. Bambi family member : ENA. Aunt Ena.

121. Israeli weapon : UZI

122. Field official : REF

123. Creeping evergreen : IVY

124. Wedding page word : NEE

125. Stamp out : END
