Theme: "Body Language" - Hilarious quip.
22. Start of a quip: WHEN SHE LISTENED TO
30. Quip, part 2: MY RIB-TICKLING
37. Quip, part 3: SIDE SPLITTERS
59. Quip, part 4: AND MY GUT-BUSTING
68. Quip, part 5: KNEE-SLAPPERS, SHE
91. Quip, part 6: STOPPED CRYING
97. Quip, part 7: HER EYES OUT AND.
113. End of the quip: LAUGHED HER HEAD OFF
This brings back the old Tribune Media Daily days. We got a quip/quote puzzle every Thursday. But Alan P. Olschwang always used others' quips/quotes. Evan Esar quotes, Reader's Digest (Quotable Quotes), Forbes Quote, etc.
I think this quip is Morton's own creation. Pretty funny. Creating a quip puzzle is not as easy as it look.
5. Cinnamon roll appeal: AROMA.
10. Staff lines?: MEMOS. Notes to the staff. Great clue.
15. Sit-up targets: ABS.
18. Coolers that sound really cool: YETIS. The annual Graybar
retiree Las Vegas gathering had this as a raffle prize one year. They
also give us a Grizzly Grip Cup with Graybar logo every year.
19. Disgust: REPEL.
20. Trump who had a cameo in "The First Wives Club": IVANA.
21. Lousy start?: MAL. Malpractice, e.g.
25. Obamacare, briefly: ACA.
26. Was a piece of cake: CAME EASY.
27. Like brackish water: SALINE. I did now know the meaning of
"brackish". Wiktionary says it's "Salty or slightly salty, as a mixture
of fresh and sea water, such as that found in estuaries."
28. George Orwell's alma mater: ETON. And 33. Approximately 2,200 pounds: TONNE.
29. Fiery felonies: ARSONS.
36. Series of natl. concerts: US TOUR.
44. Remuneration reported in SEC Form 10-K, part 3: CEO-PAY. Maybe a gimme for D-Otto. He knows all those forms. Could not have done our tax without his advice.
48. Excessively expensive: TOO STEEP. Like some of the skincare products.
49. MLB statistic: RBI.
50. To's partner: FRO.
52. "And so on" word: YADA.
53. Perfect agreement: UNISON.
54. Author Fleming: IAN.
55. May, to Peter Parker: AUNT. Aunt May in "Spider-Man".
57. Write: PEN.
58. __ noire: BETE.
64. Cell centers: NUCLEI.
67. Trivial: PALTRY.
74. Type type: PICA.
78. Drift (off): NOD.
79. Afghanistan's Tora __ region: BORA. Always associate this place with Taliban.
80. Thieves' hideout: DEN.
81. Knows about: IS IN ON.
83. Cries of approval: OLES.
85. Tee options, initially: SML.
86. Pasta suffix: INI.
87. How a college resident advisor lives: RENT-FREE.
89. Site of Kubla Khan's palace: XANADU. Kubla Khan was the grandson of Genghis Khan. Kubla Khan founded Yuan dynasty in China. Did you see me there?
93. Overly vivid: GARISH.
96. See 14-Down: PAULO. 14. With 96-Across, Brazilian city: SAO.
103. Shabbily dressed: IN RAGS.
108. D.C.'s Pennsylvania and Wisconsin: AVES.
109. Rose hip infusion, e.g.: TISANE. Herbal tea.
110. Landlocked Asian country: MONGOLIA. Genghis Khan founded the Mongol Empire. Inner Mongolia is part of China.
112. FB upload: PIC.
116. Class-conscious gp.?: PTA. Good old clue.
117. Jeff of ELO: LYNNE.
118. Longtime senator Hatch: ORRIN.
119. What's left, in Lyon: RESTE. Rest.
120. "You betcha!": YEP.
121. Feinted on ice: DEKED.
122. Eastwood co-star in "In the Line of Fire": RUSSO. I watched
the Chinese version ages ago. John Malkovich killed this girl simply
because she's from Minneapolis. This is how I learned the city
Minneapolis in the first place.
123. Forest floor growth: MOSS.
2. Tabloid couples: ITEMS.
3. Sal of "Rebel Without a Cause": MINEO.
4. Okays: ASSENTS TO.
5. Greek counterpart of Mars: ARES.
6. Fall back (on): RELY.
7. Cosmetics company that began as Odontorium Products Inc.: OPI.
8. Like some breakups: MESSY.
9. Promising spot?: ALTAR. Sweet. Boomer and I were married by a judge in 2001.
10. Shuttle, perhaps: MINIBUS.
11. Shot put and javelin: EVENTS.
12. Got to the top: MADE IT.
13. Can.'s southernmost point is in it: ONT.
15. First-class strings: AMATI.
16. Symbolic food to bring home: BACON.
17. Challenge for a language learner: SLANG. For sure.
18. Fem. advocacy group: YWCA.
23. Doesn't fill, as calendar slots: HAS OPEN.
24. New Haven alum: ELI.
28. Jetson at the Little Dipper School: ELROY.

30. Citi Field player: MET. 34. 30-Down's div.: NLE. National League East.
31. Milk source: COCONUT.
32. Letter before ar: KUE. Gluey.
35. Chill in the air: NIP.
37. Theater memento: STUB.
38. Actress Skye: IONE.
39. "No more procrastinating!": DO IT.
40. Ancient Qumran denizen: ESSENE.
41. Piping, perhaps: TRIM.
42. Company with a four-color lowercase logo: EBAY.
43. Match site: RING.
45. Big __: baseball's David Ortiz: PAPI. Was a Twin once.
46. Mideast gulf port: ADEN.
47. Yin and __: YANG.
50. Party chaired by Mahmoud Abbas: FATAH.
51. Russian capital: RUBLE.
56. Original D&D co.: TSR.
59. Warning sound: ALARM.
60. The Himalayan monal is its national bird: NEPAL. Did not know the bird. Such bright plumage.
61. Onion __: DIP.
62. P.O. alternative: UPS.
63. Epitomize: TYPIFY.
65. Port letters: USB.
66. Feeling of finality: CLOSURE.
68. Fortune-filled fort: KNOX. Fort Knox.
69. "A Streetcar Named Desire" setting, informally: NOLA.
70. Prime real estate?: EDEN. Another great clue.
71. Dele and stet, say: EDIT.
72. Apt "casino" rhyme: RENO.
73. Sassy sort: SNIP.
75. Crucifix letters: INRI.
76. Either of two filmmaking brothers: COEN. From MN. Joel Coen is married to actress "Fargo" actress Frances McDormand.
77. Uncommon blood type: Abbr.: A NEG.
81. Slope: INCLINE.
82. Coerce: STRONG-ARM.
84. Wise ones: SAGES.
87. Blues-rocker Chris: REA.
88. End of a Brigham Young address?: EDU.
90. Wedding __: DAY. May 25. For us.
91. Quieted, but often not quietly: SHUSHED.
92. Opposite of COD: PPD.
94. "My performance was awful!": I STUNK.
95. Elegantly groomed: SOIGNE. New word to me also.
97. Smiling, probably: HAPPY. So happy for you, Oo. I know the amount of work involved.
98. Text with an RSVP: E-VITE.99. Sportscast staple: RECAP.
100. __ Bo: TAE.
101. Dual conjunction: AND/OR.
102. '60s jacket style: NEHRU.
104. Copland ballet with a hoedown: RODEO.
105. At __: clueless: A LOSS.
106. Natural talents: GIFTS. I'm amazed at the talents of our blogging team. They really rock.
107. One way to play it: SAFE.
110. 3-D med. tools: MRIS.
111. "Oops!": OH NO.
113. Honorary legal deg.: LLD.
114. Bit of bridge obedience: AYE.
115. Um cousins: ERS.