Theme: Word Jumble - In the circles, various formations of the word, SPARE.
17A. Microsoft Excel tool: SPREADSHEET
24A. Like lutes and mandolins: PEAR-SHAPED
36A. Gentle hose setting: FINE SPRAY
49A. Stain remover for wrinkle-resistant fabric: PERMA-PRESS
58A. Pocket coins, or what can literally be seen in each set of puzzle circles: SPARE CHANGE
Argyle here. So one jumble forms a word, (pears), and one is a prefix, (après-); three span two words while one is wholly contained in one word. It has some strong columns in the corners; all-in-all, a satisfactory third LAT puzzle from this duo.
1. Ruin: SPOIL
6. Pesto herb: BASIL
11. NYC financial newspaper: WSJ. (Wall Street Journal)
14. Dodgers and Giants: TEAMS. Both former NYC teams.
15. Spanish girl: CHICA
16. Boo follower: HOO
19. It's found in lodes: ORE
20. Disc in the dishwasher: PLATE
21. Parish residence: RECTORY
23. Mount sacred to Judaism: ZION. Mount Zion is a hill in Jerusalem just outside the walls of the Old City.
rare snow |
27. Splinter groups: SECTS
29. Beer drinker's option, briefly: IPA. (India pale ale)
30. River from Lake Victoria: NILE
31. First animal rescue vessel?: ARK
32. Ex-Yankee Martinez: TINO. Both a third baseman and first baseman, Wiki.
34. John of Monty Python: CLEESE
38. Shoot for, with "to": ASPIRE
41. New Mexico art hub: TAOS
42. Chicken __: itchy malady: POX
45. Paper mishap: TEAR
46. Building wing: ELL
47. Yankee manager Joe with four World Series wins: TORRE. He serves as Major League Baseball's chief baseball officer since 2011.
53. Close by: NEAR
54. Gets away: ESCAPES
55. When many take coffee breaks: AT TEN
57. "__ you listening?": ARE
62. Animation frame: CEL
63. Prohibit, legally: ESTOP
64. Fencing swords: EPEEs
65. Masthead VIPs: EDs. (Editors)
66. Small and large: SIZES
67. Actress Streep: MERYL
1. 42nd and Wall: Abbr.: STs. NYC, 42nd is mid-town and Wall Street is down at the tip.
2. More lively: PEPPIER
3. Dinghy attachment: OARLOCK
4. "That is to say ... ": "I MEANT ... "
5. J.D.-to-be's exam: LSAT. (Law School Admission Test)

6. Former NCAA football ranking sys.: BCS. Bowl Championship Series, a system that selected matchups for major college football bowl games between 1998 and 2013.
7. Spa sigh: [AHH!]
8. Mountain chain: SIERRA
9. Fruity frozen drinks: ICEEs
10. Fastening device: LATCH
11. __ pie: cream-filled chocolate cake: WHOOPIE. My sugar spiked just looking at them.
12. Reddish-brown horses: SORRELS
13. "Peppermint Twist" lead singer: JOEY DEE and the Starliters.
18. ATM transaction: Abbr.: DEP. (deposit)
22. Dred Scott decision Chief Justice: TANEY. Bio.
23. When doubled, a Gabor: ZSA
25. German article: EINE
26. Biblical disciple: APOSTLE
28. Verb in a recipe: STIR
33. Suffix with chlor-: INE
34. Zagreb's country, to the IOC: CRO. (International Olympic Committee/Croatia)
35. Bringing up the rear: LAST
36. Terra __: solid land: FIRMA
37. Friends: PALS
38. Content (with): AT PEACE
39. Becomes incensed: SEES RED. I guess peace didn't last.
40. FedEx deliveries: PARCELS
42. Feather-fixing bird, e.g.: PREENER
43. Like a bad fake tan: ORANGEY
44. Gen-__: millennial preceder: Xer
46. Fake: ERSATZ. Thank you whoever used it in the comments the other day.
48. Already recorded: ON TAPE
50. Church recesses: APSEs
51. Cola choice: PEPSI
52. Anatomical pouch: SAC
56. Those folks: THEM
59. Fish eggs: ROE
60. Mini-albums, for short: EPs. (extended play)
61. Subj. for immigrants: ESL. (English as a Second Language)
Notes from C.C.:
1) Let's continue keeping our Texas regulars in our thoughts and prayers. D-Otto has not replied my email either. Hope he just lost his internet. Thanks for the updates, Anon-T, Peg and TX Ms.
2) Here are two pictures from JD.
The picture is from her recent vacation with Dick (an old blog regular) and his wife Irene in Switzerland. They take vacations together every year. JD said "We couldn’t go up in the gondola (today’s CW entry) to the Matterhorn because of high winds, so we took a tram up to the 2nd highest peak: Gornergrat... it was very windy with snow, dust and gravel blowing."
1) Let's continue keeping our Texas regulars in our thoughts and prayers. D-Otto has not replied my email either. Hope he just lost his internet. Thanks for the updates, Anon-T, Peg and TX Ms.
2) Here are two pictures from JD.
This one was taken on Sunday night when her
grandson Truman celebrated his 10th birthday. How time flies! JD joined
our blog shortly after Truman was born.
JD and her husband Bob |
The picture is from her recent vacation with Dick (an old blog regular) and his wife Irene in Switzerland. They take vacations together every year. JD said "We couldn’t go up in the gondola (today’s CW entry) to the Matterhorn because of high winds, so we took a tram up to the 2nd highest peak: Gornergrat... it was very windy with snow, dust and gravel blowing."