, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Sep 9, 2008

How to Post a Comment

1) At the end of each blog post, you will notice the word "Comments" (in blue ) besides a mail box sign: click on it and you will enter a new page titled "Post a Comment on".

2) On the left side of this posting page are all the comments already made by other fellow TMS crossword solvers. You have the option to hide their comments just by clicking on "Collapse Comments".

I strongly suggest that you lurk around and get yourself "acquainted" with other commentators before you jump in.

3) On the right side, you will see "Leave your comment" and a text box. You can then type in your comments about the puzzle. Please always double check your spelling before you press the PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT button. The PREVIEW button on the right side allows you to see what your message looks like when it's published, so you can edit the contents if you spot a grammar mistake or want to add more content. Please don't capitalize all the letters. No politics, no religion and no personal attacks. Please limit your posts to FIVE per day.

4) You will need to "Choose an identity" when you publish your comments. If you dot "Anonymous", no identifying information will be displayed. But it's always polite to sign your name so others can identify you. If you dot "Name/URL", you can enter your name or your website link. The best and most fun way to mingle with others is to sign up for a Google/Blogger account. It's easy, all you need is a private mail account and it does not have to be Gmail.

5) Once you have a Google/Blogger identity (click on your "View My Profile" button, then "Edit Profile" for photo-inserting or other addition to your personal profile), you can come back and comment regularly. Just make sure you put the black dot to the left of Google/Blogger. Enter your email address (NOT your display name) on the "USERNAME" line. Enter your Google password on the "PASSWORD" line. Then type, preview and publish your comment. Your comment headed with your blue underlined display name will show up on the left side of the screen after the previous posts. You may need to refresh your page to see your post.

6) You will see a garbage can sign at the end of your comment. It allows you to delete your published message. However, please do not abuse this "Delete" button. The "PREVIEW" button is set up specifically for you to spot mistakes.

Good luck and have fun!


1) Added on Jan 23, 2013

Captcha will be used in blog Comments section from now on. Here are a few tips:
  • Please always save your comments in a Word document or in an email draft. In case you lose your comments to the blog black hole, you can always copy and paste.
  • You don't need Captcha to Preview. It's needed only when you hit "Publish Your Comment" button.
  • You only need to type in the letters. Just ignore the numbers.
2) Added on Feb 19, 2013. 

Click here to see how to set up a Blogger account. Or here (Thanks, Dave!)
3) Updated on March 23, 2016

Click here for threads on how to shift from Google Plus to Blogger.