, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Feb 9, 2008

Saturday, Feb 9, 2008 Ed Voile

Theme: NONE

I got bogged down by 15A: Wild way to run? (AMUCK). I had no idea that AMOK can be as wild a variant as AMUCK. I just did not know 9D: Capital of Macedonia (SKOPJE).

I gave up the fight very earlier on, and started googling without shame. I am convinced that I am simply not capable of finishing a Saturday puzzle without cheating. Right now, my targets are Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Here are the recaps:

10A: Gun maker: COLT

14A: Gospel singer Winans: CeCe (BeBe & CeCe Winans)

15A: Wild way to run? AMUCK. Did you get this one easily?

18A: Calgary Stampede, e.g.: RODEO

19A: First name in denim? LEVI

20A: River of Venezuela: ORINOCO. Never heard of it. It flows into Atlantic Ocean.

22A: Formed into a ball: SPHERED

24A: Chita of "West Side Story": RIVERA. Remember the multi-talented Rivera clue on Feb 1?

25A: Shove aside: JOSTLE

25A: Clairvoyant: SEERESS. Female clairvoyant.

28A: Refer to incidentally: MENTION

29A: Greek letter: OMEGA

31A: Complete extent: GAMUT

32A: Hors d'oeuvres spread: PATE

36A: Military tactic: SIEGE

38A: Jazz sessions: SETS.

39A: In an upright position: ON END

41A: "The Prisoner of __": ZENDA. Come here for more information on this adventure novel.

43A: Sea lavender: STATICE. Unknown to me. They look so pretty.

45A: Superlatively ventilated: AIRIEST

50A: Actress Wright: TERESA. She is the wife of Lou Gehrig in "The Pride of the Yankees." Great movie. Watch 61 if you are a baseball fan, it's about Yankees' 1961 season when Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris try to break Babe Ruth's home run record.

51A: Plowed but left unseeded: FALLOW

52A: Pub patron: DRINKER

54A: Course outlines: SYLLABI (plural of syllabus)

55A: Questionable contraction? AIN'T

56A: Mount of Moses: SINAI

58A: Face features: EYES

59A: Carryall: TOTE

60A: Dress up: ADORN

61A: Annoying fit: SNIT

62A: Love god: EROS

63A: Mark sale items: RETAG

64A: Vietnamese holidays: TETS (Feb 7 this year, the same as Chinese Spring Festival).

Down Clues:

1D: Players: ACTORS

2D: Sweet-'ums: DEARIE

3D: Moving here and there: ACTIVE

5D: Cutting bits of wit: SARCASMS

6D: Melville's "Typee" sequel: OMOO

7D: Failure: DUD

9D: Capital of Macedonia: SKOPJE. How can I remember this word? Slavic words are strange.

10D: Keyboard percussion instrument: CELESTAS

11D:Worker's additional income: OVERTIME

12D: Flatten: LEVEL OUT

13D: Three-pronged weapons: TRIDENTS

23D: __ Kong: HONG. I put KING first.

27D: Confiscate: SEIZE

28D: __Carta: MAGNA

30D: Turn right!: GEE. Turn left is HAW.

32D: Follow in time: POSTDATE

33D: Located on the front: ANTERIOR.

34D: Rip open: TEAR INTO

35D: International understandings: ENTENTES. I tend to confuse Detente with Entente, a lot.

37D: Encouraging intellectual improvement: EDIFYING

40D: Data storage item: DISK

44D: Roman autocrat: CAESAR

47D: Comic Boosler: ELAYNE. I think I blogged her a few days ago.

48D: Amen!: SO BE IT!

49D: Plot surprises: TWISTS.

54D: Gilbert of Teasale: SARA. Sara Teasale is a poet. Sara Gilbert is Melissa Gilbert's sister.

Now I am famished. Need some power breakfast. Have a good weekend everyone.

C. C.