, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 10, 2009

How to Create a Link at Comments Section

<a href="url">Link text</a>
Copy and paste the above gibberish link syntax into the Comment section.
Then, erase letters url (keep the quotation mark), and insert whichever website you want to link (copy and paste the website from the Address Bar). Then erase words Link text and replace them with whatever words you want your link to be named. Please bookmark this page, the nerds' nerdy but accurate explanation. The "Link syntax" box under "An HTML Link" is what I'm babbling here. Also, if you want certain words/sentences of your comments to be bold or italic, here are more fancy commands for you. Use the same principle as "How to make a link". Very simple, copy and paste. Additionally, I suggest you download Firefox. It has automatic spell-check function for comments. Much better than Internet Explorer. C.C. PS: If you still have problems with the link, please email Bill. Click on his avatar, you will find his email address. Bill mentioned these instructions work on PC & Mac. 
PSS: Thanks a million, Barry G. You are my hero! ("&") →, — >, << >>! PSSS: For those who wants to link a picture, go to Google Photos and upload your picture. Then click on the picture, and copy the link as you would with any other link.