, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


May 16, 2012

Father's Day Crossword Puzzles

Don G and I decided to make another set of 3 puzzles to celebrate Father's Day. We think you'll enjoy the fun twists and gimmicks in this series.

For $3, you'll get the puzzles in PDF or Puz files & the answer grids. There's also an answer page with constructors' notes on each puzzle and interesting discussions about four entries in each grid.

It'll be a great gift for your father or for yourself. Our PayPal email address is If you want to pay by check, please email for our address.

To thank those who helped launch our Mother's Day puzzles, we're sending complimentary puzzles.

Thanks for your support. We also want to thank Dennis, Barry G, Argyle & Splynter for test-solving and giving us constructive feedback.

C.C. & Don

Added later: For $5, you can get both our Mother's Day and Father's Day puzzles.