, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Feb 3, 2013

The Second Minnesota Crossword Tournament

Boomer and I attended the second Minnesota Crossword Tournament yesterday. We did not stay to watch the finals as I had pulled my stupid hamstring on Thursday night, and it's painful to even sit there. 

I just checked the website, the winners have not posted yet. (Updated later: The results are in. Congratulations to all the winners!) The puzzles will soon be available for purchase on line. They're all made by constructors with Minnesota ties, and all constructors have been published by the NY Times.

I had fun watching people solving the Team Division puzzle II Don G & I made. I also teamed up with Boomer and solved the Team Division puzzle I Andrea Carla Michales created. (Added later: Here is a St. Paul Pioneer article on Andrea. Great photo!)

Below are a few pictures. The tournament was held in James Hill library, which has the heaviest door I've ever seen. Very warm and friendly. They even had free beer! A bit dark inside, so some of the photos did not turn out clearly.

Victor Barocas, last year's champion and this year's organizer. Great editor!
Team Solving. Look at those books!
More Action.
Michael David (who made this awesome SIDELINES puzzle last December for the NY Times) and his mother
Michael & the cheerful Tom Pepper, who made Puzzle I of the Amateur Division
I look dazed. I took an Aleve before I left home.
The Tournament is also part of the St Paul Winter Carnival.
Boomer, with his 830 series jacket
