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Jun 8, 2024

Saturday, June 8, 2024, Emily Biegas, Sala Wanetick

 Saturday Themeless by Emily Biegas and Sala Wanetick

I ran through this puzzle in very good time, finishing in the Northeast. As usual, the long fill was the key to the solve as they were all "gettable".


1. Emmy-winning sitcom created by Susan Harris: SOAP - I'm going to assume you can all pick out the young Billy Crystal who is said to be the first openly gay character on a TV series.


5. Held in suspense: BATED.
10. Eats: GRUB.

14. Mercury Prize-winning singer-songwriter Parks: ARLO - This Saturday ARLO replaces Mr. Guthrie and lists herself as a Q in the LGBTQIA+ array.

15. "She-Hulk" actress RenĂ©e __ Goldsberry: ELISE.

16. Decor do-over, informally: RENO - Some tornado victims in this season's storms have to choose between a RENO or a DEMO

17. Prosaic: UNORIGINAL - Many teachers have very prosaic day-to-day lesson plans and have merely 19. Parroted: APED what they have done or seen done for years.

20. "My pleasure": DON'T MENTION IT.

22. Stresses, in a way: ITERATES.

23. "The quicksand of reason," per George Sand: VANITY - I admire this quote. 

26. Coolers, for short: ACS - I grew up without any A/C at all. You?

27. Real mensch: GEM.

28. Lav: LOO - My sister is a hard core St. Louis Cardinal fan but told me their new uniform option makes her think of a toilet.

29. Piedmont product: ASTI - The region outlined in red is the Piedmont area of Italy. Can you find the city ASTI in this NW part of Italy? It is a 50 min drive ESE of Turin.

32. City in French Flanders: LILLE

34. Bother: IRK and 42. Wrath: IRE.

35. Question of when: WHAT'S TODAY'S DATE - Uh, ASAP?

39. Peachy: AOK - I remember NASA making A-OK common parlance in the 60's starting with Alan Shepherd's initial space flight.

40. "Tell me you didn't": OH GOD đŸ˜€

41. Singles: ONES - Who's to say the bills under that hundred are just a bunch of ONES!

43. Prefix with diversity: BIO.

44. Compass rose dir.: SSW - Here you can find SSW at 202.5
˚ on the Rose Compass

46. "Next week on ... " segment: TEASER - How about one from 70 years ago?

48. Most tidy: CLEANEST.

53. Crunchy snack: HARD SHELL TACO - Your choice

55. "Uh, no": AS IF.

57. March Madness stage: ELITE EIGHT - Omaha's Creighton Bluejays were in the ELITE EIGHT in last years men's NCAA basketball tournament. 

58. Garden veggie: CUKE.

59. Gulf of Aden republic: YEMEN - YEMEN and Somalia make the Gulf Of Aden a dangerous place for shipping

60. Idea shared by many: MEME.

61. Prefix on many Chinese brand names: EVER - Ultimate Saturday cluing. Explanation

62. Swelling: EDEMA - Better get some ice on that bad boy!

63. Winged figure in Piccadilly Circus: EROS - Also known as the Shaftsbury Memorial Fountain in Piccadilly Circus



1. Riyadh resident: SAUDI - A great deal of water for the SAUDIS in Riyadh is piped in hundreds of miles from desalinization plants on the Arabian Gulf.

2. " ... unless you think otherwise": OR NOT.

3. Solo: ALONE - A very famous solo took place 97 years ago.

4. Hanging in a drawing room: PORTRAIT - Sir Winston hated his and had it destroyed in a bonfire.

5. Brings about: BEGETS - The book of Matthew chronicles a whole bunch of BEGETTING!

6. Dress shape: A-LINE.

7. Colors: TINTS.

8. Actor Morales: ESAI - Cwd fodder

9. Cole Porter biopic starring Kevin Kline: DELOVELY 

Cary Grant took a turn as Porter in 1946 with another classic tune as a title.

10. Wood flooring feature: GRAIN.

11. Coldly calculating: REPTILIAN - Ebenezer Scrooge leapt to my mind.

12. "Ceci n'est pas __ pipe": UNE - 
The famous pipe. How people reproached me for it! And yet, could you stuff my pipe? No, it's just a representation, is it not? So if I had written on my picture "This is a pipe", I'd have been lying!
— RenĂ© Magritte

13. Compact figure?: BOD - Not all are

18. Big Apple output: IMAC.

21. William and Mary: NAMES - RenĂ© Magritte would love this clue! See two clues above.

24. Decadent cake: TORTE.

25. Joins the team?: YOKES đŸ˜€

27. Hefty alternative: GLAD - We use Hefty trash bags I'm told.

29. Keep an eye out for: AWAIT.

30. Haruki Murakami's "Kafka on the __": SHORE Quotes

31. "Beat it": TAKE A HIKE.

32. Letterhead image, maybe: LOGO - Where I sub

33. Terse oath: I DO.

36. Composed: SOBER.

37. Chakra that signifies the unconscious mind: THIRD EYE - Kids swear teachers have this gift. Chakra

Click to enlarge

38. Quiet stretch: DOWN TIME.

44. Singer dubbed the "Tejano Madonna": SELENA.

45. Prime Day event: SALE.

47. More cautious: SAFER.

48. Ring: CHIME.

49. "Who cares what they do": LET 'EM.

50. More than ready: EAGER.

51. Poor sap: SCHMO.

52. "Uh, yeah": TOTES - Adult drivers in N.C. may have to ask their kids about this sign containing slang we are seeing quite often in Crosswordville!

54. __ dog: SLED.

55. Part of LGBTQIA+ or 10-J-Q-K-A: ACE - Saturday cluing for ACE. ACE is slang for asexual.

56. Tucson or Santa Fe: SUV - Both made by Hyundai.