, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Dec 31, 2010

LA Times Daily Crossword 2010 Info

Below is some interesting data from Rich Norris, editor of LA Times Daily Crossword.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Rich for his daily entertainment, education & V8 moments. His dedication, professionalism and care for his solvers are beyond expectations.


"It's a summary of who did what in the world of LAT puzzles this year.

* We published 109 different constructors in 2010: 91 men, 18 women.

* The women averaged nearly 3 puzzles each. The men averaged nearly 3.5 puzzles each.

* 25 constructors made their LAT debut in 2010.

* The top 10% of constructors accounted for more than 40% of the puzzles.

* 52 constructors were published only once.

Here are the top 10 (12 including ties) constructors for the year with the number of published puzzles for each:

Dan Naddor, 30; John Lampkin, 18; Donna Levin, 16; Don Gagliardo, 15; Barry Silk, 15; Gareth Bain, 11; Jeff Chen, 11; Jack McInturff, 9; Mike Peluso, 9; Gail Grabowski, 8; James Sajdak, 8; Bruce Venzke, 8.

The top Sunday constructors were John Lampkin, 8; Don Gagliardo, 5; Pam Klawitter, 4; Dan Naddor, 3.

To all our constructors, my deepest gratitude and appreciation.

To our bloggers and blog readers, thanks for your wonderful and insightful comments, and for keeping us on our toes!

Happy holidays to all!

Rich Norris"


I'd also like to share this great data sheet from JimmyB, who has meticulously kept a record of the names of constructors and the time it took him to solve each puzzle (Monday to Saturday) since March 23, 2009 when most of the papers were switched to LA Times crossword.

You can click either the LAT 2010 & LAT All button at the bottom of the page to read his complete list. Thanks for sharing, Jim!