, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner: Doug Peterson and Brad Wilber


Showing posts with label Doug Peterson and Brad Wilber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doug Peterson and Brad Wilber. Show all posts

Sep 1, 2012

Saturday, Sept 1st, 2012, Doug Peterson & Brad Wilber

Theme: None

Words: 68

Blocks: 30

Triple tens and triple nines make up the corners of today's challenge from two of our regular constructors; their last duet was on the fourth anniversary of this blog, back in January. One grid spanner -

35A. Poet's liberty : ARTISTIC LICENSE

and two 12-letter entries -

27A. "M*A*S*H" dramatic device : GALLOWS HUMOR - never heard of it, but then again, it does make sense when you create a comedy with the Korean War as your setting

42A. Left nothing in the tank : WENT WHOLE HOG - I found this on the origins



1. Eugene O'Neill character? : APOSTROPHE - This " ' " character, in his name

11. Without gaps in coverage : A TO Z

15. Orbital position nearest the sun : PERIHELION - Speaking of orbits, Science Channel had "Moon Machines" on last night - I knew the LEM was made right around the corner from my house by Grumman; I plan on watching the Neil Armstrong tribute tonight

16. Capture, in a way : TAPE - Like this - it's quick~!

17. Commercial identifiers : TRADE NAMES

18. "The Tourist" author Steinhauer : OLEN - Not the Tourist I thought it was

19. Run like the wind, e.g. : SIMILE

20. More than equaling : UPPING

22. Strike setting : LANE - ah, bowling - Boomer knows....

23. Confused : AT SEA

26. Oldies syllable : SHA

30. Graphic designer's deg. : BFA - The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree

33. Spurious : FALSE

34. King Faisal's brother : SAUD

39. Passing remarks? : YEAS

40. "__ Plays Fats" (1955 jazz LP) : SATCH

41. R.I.'s Sheldon Whitehouse, e.g. : SENator, Rhode Island

46. Brown, for one : IVY - the university

47. Paul or Lloyd of Cooperstown : WANER - as always, I defer to our baseball fanatic, C.C. (From C.C.: Paul Waner was nicknamed "Big Poison". His younger brother Lloyd was nicknamed "Little Poison". Wiki said they hold the career record for hits by brothers (5,611), outpacing the three Alou brothers (5,094) & the three DiMaggio brothers (4,853). No wonder the "Poison" nicknames.)

48. Hebrew letter before shin : RESH - for those who care for a "cheater" link....

51. Mythical Aegean Sea dweller : NEREID

53. Short drop-off? : CAT-NAP

55. Farm hauler : DRAY

56. Not blown up : ACTUAL SIZE

60. Bone: Pref. : OSTE

61. Cleese role in "Monty Python's The Meaning of Life" : GRIM REAPER - see below

62. Work on a bed : WEED - like one's 14D. Zen Garden - shoulda used some Weed Stop©....oh, that's one of those 17A's

63. Picasso medium : OIL PASTELS


1. Complex gp. : APTS - apartment complex - nailed it

2. Thin ice, say : PERIL - now this is what I remember John Cleese for; @6:05

3. Slangy advertising suffix : O-RAMA - here on LI we have Sign-O-rama, and Windowrama - uh, well, that's not quite it....

4. Short stretch of track : SIDING - Railroad track, sometimes called a "spur"; I love to design model railroads, I just don't have any space to get to building one

5. Air Canada Centre team, informally : THE LEAFS - Toronto, of the NHL; we are now less than a month from pre-season - gets my 39A~!!!

6. Peace Nobelist Cassin : RENE

7. Ipanema greeting : OLA

8. Milne's "Mr. __ Passes By" : PIM - This mister missed this Tuesday's treasure

9. Earth mover : HOE

10. Results : ENSUES

11. Overlying : ATOP - A to P~??? No, wait atop, I get it....

12. Curse repellers : TALISMANS

13. Realtor's come-on : OPEN HOUSE

14. Where gravel may represent water : ZEN GARDEN

21. Tuba note : PAH - the other note it can play is Oom....

23. NASCAR Hall of Famer Bobby : ALLISON

24. How most maps are drawn : TO SCALE - or AutoCAD drawings

25. Bake : SWELTER

28. Map coordinate: Abbr. : LATitiude

29. Exhaust : USE

30. Balcony alternative : BAY WINDOW - I could spend all morning looking at cool structures for such a construction, but I stopped at this one

31. Like playing tennis with the net down, to Robert Frost : FREE VERSE - I was not sure exactly what this meant, so I went Wiki-ing

32. "Be that as it may ..." : "AT ANY RATE..."

36. Novel conclusion? : IST - novelIST

37. Frankfurter's pronoun : ICH - seen below in the title

38. Bach hymn arrangements : CHORALES - interesting take on a musical visual....

43. Four-yr. conflict : WWI - World War One, the "Great War", and the "War to End All Wars" - if only....

44. Tried it : HAD A GO

45. Doesn't quite reveal : GETS AT

49. Marsh bird : SNIPE

50. Light golden brown : HAZEL - followed by....

52. Watched : EYED

53. "Flashdance... What a Feeling" lyricist : CARA - we usually see IRENE in puzzles. Earworm~!

54. Head of a PIN?: Abbr. : PERSonal Identification Number - great clue/answer~!

57. Dernier __ : CRI

58. Shop sign word after open, maybe : TIL - "Open til midnight or later", e.g.

59. One stationed at a base : UMP - how fitting, to close with a baseball clue for our host - thanks for the great NY Rangers find, C.C.~!

Answer grid.
