, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Jun 23, 2013

Sunday June 23, 2013 Pawel Fludzinski

Theme: "Now Showing at the Colosseum" - The number in each movie is replaced by a Roman numeral.

23A. 1993 drama for which Stockard Channing got an Oscar nomination : VI DEGREES OF SEPARATION. "Six Degrees of Separation".

40A. 2009 sci-fi Best Picture nominee : DISTRICT IX. "District 9". Unfamiliar to me.

71A. Kurosawa period film remade into a Western in 1960 : VII SAMURAI. "Seven Samurai". No plural ending S, Yellowrocks?

74A. 1988 baseball scandal movie : VIII MEN OUT. "Eight Men Out". About the Black Sox Scandal. Shoeless Joe's role is rather limited, to my surprise.

119A. Grant/MacDowell romantic comedy : IV WEDDINGS AND A FUNERAL. "Four Weddings and a Funeral". I guess A is not a number.

7D. 1960 Rat Pack film : OCEANS XI. "Ocean’s 11". I only saw the remake.

31D. Hitchcock thriller remade three times : THE XXXIX STEPS. "The 39 Steps". Big number conversion here.

36D. Academy Award-nominated 1949 war film : XII O'CLOCK HIGH. "Twelve O'Clock High". Never saw it.

93D. 2003 Penn/Watts drama with "The weight of a hummingbird" in one of its taglines : XXI GRAMS. "21 Grams"

105. 1995 Tom Hanks docudrama : APOLLO XIII. "Apollo 13".

I figured out the gimmick immediately, you? Constructing crosswords has greatly improved my solving ability. I even know words that Barry G is unfamiliar with. 

Very skillful theme entry arrangement. Amazing intersections. 10 are not easy to grid, esp with 2 grid spanners & those X's and V's.

Argyle dug out this information about Pawel Fludzinski last time. I think it's our constructor.


1. Pianist Argerich : MARTHA. Gimme for Pas de chat. Wiki said she won the seventh Chopin Competition in 1965,

7. Counterbalance : OFFSET

13. Burdensome : ONEROUS

20. "... there's __!": Hamlet : THE RUB

21. Trounces : CREAMS

22. Forwards, say : RE-SENDS

26. Now, in Nicaragua : AHORA

27. Fish with bobbing bait : DAP. For Dave, though he might not solve this puzzle today. The "Fist bump" meaning of DAP stumped some last time.

28. Golden number : OLDIE

29. D-Day transports : LSTs

32. Columnist Coulter : ANN. I do like her hair. That's about all.

33. Soothsayers : ORACLES

35. Let go : AXED

39. Nicole Kidman's birthplace : OAHU. Nice trivia.

42. Trattoria starters : PRIMI. Plural of "Prima"?

43. Onetime "SNL" regular Cheri : OTERI

45. Thermal opening : EXO. "Outer".

46. Can plan : ESCAPE. Can = Prison.

48. AOL backs-and-forths : IMs

49. Points of view? : PIXELS

51. Islamic leader : IMAM. And 54. Islamic leader : EMIR. Do you how many times Allah appears in Koran?

55. Yiddish laments : OYs

56. Word with fair or opposite : SEX. Fun comments yesterday on Splynter's bed, PK. Totally agree with Linda. You do have a way with words.

57. Andean stew veggie : OCA. Haven't seen this word for a long time.

59. In need of wiping up : SPILT

62. Coterie : CIRCLE

64. Kane's estate : XANADU. Rosebud.

67. Effort before the effort : PRE-WORK. I guess you can Pre anything.

70. North Carolina university : ELON

76. "Devil Inside" band : INXS

77. Nobility : PEERAGE

79. Like the West Coast's U.S. Route 101 : SCENIC

80. Guinea pig : TESTEE

82. Prepared to propose : KNELT. Did you actually kneel down to propose to your wife?

84. Cabinet dept. created in 1965 : HUD

85. Spy org. until 1991 : KGB. What's Russia's CIA now?

88. Subway line to Columbia Univ. : IRT

89. Muffin choice : BRAN

92. Engels collaborator : MARX (Karl)

94. More upscale : POSHER

96. Bore, as a cost : ATE

97. Inclined : ASLOPE

100. Time-saving phone no. : EXT

102. Madrid monarch : REINA. Queen.

103. Two sheets to the wind? : TIPSY

109. Farming prefix : AGRI

110. Alleviate : EASE

111. Held lovingly : CRADLED

112. Rental car feature, briefly : GPS

113. First word of the Declaration of Independence : WHEN. "When in the course of human event...."

114. "Spider-Man" director : RAIMI (Sam)

116. "__ Crazy": Paul Davis hit : I GO

117. Riveting icon : ROSIE

127. Stinkers : MEANIES

128. Rear : BOTTOM

129. First in line, perhaps : ELDEST

130. Deep down : AT HEART

131. High-hats : SNOOTS

132. Gave lip to : SASSED


1. "Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll" launch of 1981 : MTV

2. Yellowfin tuna : AHI. 18. Side for 2-Down : UDO. See here for more info.

3. Common color in national flags : RED

4. Cherish : TREASURE

5. Actor Laurie : HUGH. So talented. Genius doctor. 

6. Using a passport : ABROAD

8. TV sites, in realty ads : FRS.  No idea. Argyle said it's "Family Rooms".

9. Russian basso Chaliapin : FEODOR. Stranger to me.

10. Honeymoon adventure : SAFARI

11. Typographic measure : EM SPACE. I wonder if PK got this quickly. I just could not see it.

12. J.A. Prufrock's creator : TSE. And 122. Literary monogram : GBS. George Bernard Shaw.

13. Degree requirement, maybe : ORAL EXAM

14. Dorks : NERDS

15. Actor Morales : ESAI

16. Injure again, as a ligament : RE-TEAR

17. Covert maritime org. : ONI. Office of Naval Intelligence.

19. ID in MDs' records : SSN

24. Banks on a diamond : ERNIE. Mr. Cub.

25. Enforcement group : POLICE

29. Froot __ : LOOPS

30. Composer of gnossiennes : SATIE (Erik). I don't even know what "gnossiennes" means.

34. Pennies: Abbr. : CTs

37. Country singer Harris : EMMYLOU. Is she your type, D-Otto?

38. Minority opinion : DISSENT

41. Some cats : TOMS. We have a few TOMs on the blog. Nice cats.

42. Prefix with scope : PERI

44. Actress Massey : ILONA. Long time no see.

47. Double espresso, say : PICK-ME-UP

50. Darts : SCAMPERS

52. Rome's __ Way : APPIAN

53. Salyut successor : MIR

58. In unison, in music : ADUE

60. Parking garage section : LEVEL A

61. Light opening? : TWI. Twilight.

63. Baroque painter Guido : RENI

65. Part of ADA: Abbr. : ASST

66. Portrait finish? : URE. Portraiture.

68. Grafton's "__ for Outlaw" : O IS

69. Sumptuous : RICH

71. Spoil : VITIATE. New word to me.

72. Subject of Newton's first law : INERTIA

73. Ararat arrival : ARK

75. Ewok's planet : ENDOR

78. Masterpiece : GEM

81. Auction site : eBAY. I'm just so distrustful of those Lady Gaga pink lipsticks on eBay. Too bad Mac discontinued the product.

83. Cretaceous giant : T-REX

86. Class : GENRE

87. Jellyfish's lack : BRAIN. Wow, I don't know. I liked pickled jellyfish.

90. Chicken Little, notably : ALARMIST

91. Half a workout mantra : NO PAIN

95. Common coastal arrivals : SEAWEEDS

98. Okra unit : POD

99. "Invisible Man" author : ELLISON (Ralph)

101. "It's on the __ my tongue" : TIP OF

104. Composed : SERENE

106. Smooth, musically : LEGATO

107. Tooth: Pref. : ODONTO. A rather long prefix.

108. Promulgates : ISSUES

111. Drink from a press : CIDER

115. 1998 Sarah McLachlan hit : ADIA. I love her "I'll Remember You". So beautiful.

118. At Staples Center, briefly : IN LA

119. "__ little teapot ..." : I'M A

120. Lab inspector? : VET. Lovely clue.

121. Crib cry : WAH

123. Period, for one : DOT

124. Hi-__ monitor : RES

125. "Peer Gynt" widow : ASE. His mother. Learned from doing Xwords.

126. Inc., in Ipswich : LTD

Boomer and I attended a local constructor gathering last Wednesday. The beautiful Andrea Carla Michaels was in town. 

Left to right: Tom Pepper (He has a puzzle in Rich's queue); Marcia J. Brott (Hope to see your LAT soon); George Barany (He made that amazing Turing tribute puzzle last June); David Hanson (He had one puzzle published by the NYT); DK (Andrea's friend, a psychologist); C.C. (sleeping); Andrea (She is so caring and sweet); Boomer & Victor Barocas (He's made a few brilliant puzzles for NYT, LAT and CHE).

 I woke up in this one.