, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Feb 17, 2008

Sunday, Feb 17, 2008 Michael T. Williams

Theme: Chicago to Canton

(Chicago Bears Hall-of-Famer. NFL Hall of Fame is located in Canton, OH)

1A & 127A: Bear in Canton since 1993: Walter Payton

24A: Bear in Canton since 1963: Bronko Nagurski

70A: Bear in Canton since 1963: George Halas (Papa Bear)

115A: Bear in Canton since 1998: Mike Singletary

31D: Bear in Canton since 1977: Gale Sayers

41D: Bear in Canton since 1963: Red Grange

51D: Bear in Canton since 1988: Mike Ditka

55D: Bear in canton since 1979: Dick Butkus

No joy today in Mudville, mighty Casey has struck out! Brutal! I don't even know which Vikings are in the HOF. OK, Alan Page comes to my mind. He is our Supreme Court Justice now. Bud Grant? Yes.

By the way, I came across Chuck Foreman at flea market several times last year. He was selling his autographed photos/helmets/footballs, etc. This guy squandered all the money he made during his career I suppose. Twins Great Zoilo Versailles was the same. He had to wash airplanes for a living when he was old. That's just so sad.

Anyway, this puzzle was too much a workout for me. I was not in good shape football-wise, lots of panting, gasping for air, wild throw and cheating. But damned it, I finished it!


7A: Handle capably: WIELD

12A: Droop: WILT

16A: Ernie of the PGA: ELS. The Big Easy. I tried to copy his lazy swing, didn't work.

19A: Take for granted: ASSUME

20A: Nine: pref.: ENNEA

21A: Type of navigation system: INERTIAL

23A: Make additional cuts: RETRIM

26A: Host of a '70s variety series: FLIP WILSON. Sorry, I didn't know you.

28A: Brand name on cakes: SARA LEE

29A: Listening device: BUG. Have you ever seen an expert debug a phone, in person? Very fascinating.

32A: Inside:pref.: ENTO.

33A: Of bristles: SETAL

34A: Hermits: LONER

39A: Quickly: ASAP

38A: Long, thin fish: GARS. Often clued as long-snouted fish.

40A: Chicken caller: DARER. I like this clue.

42A: Vesicle: CYST

43A: Called (archaic): YCLEPT. Past participle of clepe. Ridiculous looking word!

45A: Extinct bird of New Zealand: MOA

47A: Any individual: SOMEONE

50A: __ Salt: EPSOM. Great for muscle pain relief. Trust me on this one.

52A: C & W fan's channel: CMT (Country Music TV). Country & Western (C & W)

54A: Soup scoop: LADLE

55A: When it's light out: DAY

58A: "The Thieving Magpie" composer: ROSSINI. Did not know him. The title looks interesting.

60A: Pink color: CORAL

62A: Wedge-shaped piece: GIB. I put Pie first.

63A: Non-network station: ITV (Independent TV network)

64A: Diarist Nin: ANAIS. I read 3 pages of her Delta of Venus. Wow, talk about graphic S scenes.

65A: Wailed: KEENED. I lifted this one out of Keen, n/v, to wail in lamentation for the dead.

67A: End of a buck: AROO

68A: __ -Magnon: CRO. The Cave.

69A: Charles II's lover Nell: GWYN. Called "Pretty, witty Nell" by Samuel Pepys, another famous diarist.

73A: Go, in Glasgow: GAE. Scottish accent I suppose.

75A: Intervene: STEP IN

76A: Kind of cigar or sandwich: CUBAN

78A: Lilly or Wallah: ELI

79A: Main Street structure: STORE

80A: Small sphere: GLOBULE

82A: Deg. with teeth: DDS (Doctor of Dental Science)

83A: Taiwan Strait Islands: MATSU. I think our crossword editor is obsessed with this word, which has made at least 3 appearances since I started blogging.

86A: Israeli seaport: EILAT. Also spelled Elath. I only knew Haifa.

87A: Gambling: RISKING

89A: Grad. deg.: SCD (Scientiae Doctor, ie, Doctor of Science)

91A: Russian drinks: VODKA. Add Kahlua, you get your own Black Russian. Na zdorovje, Putin, for your power-grabbing prowess!

97A: Robert and Alan: ALDAS

99A: Yen: URGE

102A: Sports venues: ARENAS

105A: Flags: TIRES

107A: Jedi teacher: YODA

109A: Half of B.S.: SCI

110A: Mid-ocean: OPEN SEA

112A: Work by Horace: ARS POETICA (The Art of Poetry)

117A: Whole lot: TUBFUL

121A: Partly: IN A SENSE

122A: Roofing material: TERNE. I only knew "slate" for the roof.

123A: Cosmopolitan: URBANE

124A: Confirmed: SET

125A: Blue-green color: TEAL

126A: Mighty mount: STEED


1D: Simple card game: WAR

2D: Peer Gynt's mother: ASE. I forgot her name.

3D: D-Day craft: LST (Landing Ship Tank)

4D: Greensward: TURF (sorry about the mistake earlier)

5D: French writer Zola: EMILE

6D: "Bronco Buster" Sculptor: REMINGTON (Fredric). It looks majestic.

7D: Destructive caterpillar: WEB WORM

8D: Calvary inscription: INRI. I mixed it up with Cavalry. These two words are so close.

9D: Tautomeric compounds: ENOLS. Why in the world should I know this?

10D: Filmed, slangily: LENSED

11D: Badlands states: DAKOTAS

13D: Claire and Balins: INAS

14D: Authorized by law: LEGAL

15D: Cornwall town: TRURO. It's in the UK.

16D: Anthony of "Hawaiian Eye": EISLEY. Never heard of him.

17D: NBA team: LAKERS

18D: Crafty to the max: SLIEST

22D: Hypnotic state: TRANCE

25D: Streaking: ON A ROLL

29D: Hound sound: BAY

30D: Trojans of sports: USC

34D: "Champagne Tony" of golf: LEMA. 12 PGA wins. Pretty impressive. On the Eve of his first win, He joked to the press that would serve champagne if he won the next day. Hence the nickname. I want K. J. Choi to win Masters this year.

37D: Stomach enzyme: PEPSIN

39D: Mia Hamm's game: SOCCER

44D: Greek letters: PSIS

46D: In the company of: AMONGST

48D: Medleys: OLIOS

49D: Moses's mount: NEBO

53D: Christmas star's place: TREE TOP

56D: Of an entrance court: ATRIAL

57D: Actress de Carlo: YVONNE

58D: Tattered: RAGGED

59D: Ahead: ONWARD

61D: Sticks: ADHERES

66D: Dawn goddess: EOS. Just for your information: Io is a moon of Jupiter, also from Greek Mythology.

71D: Quick impression: APERCU. It also means short summary.

72D: Daybreak song: AUBADE. Pronounced as Oh Bad. Sung at dawn to compliment someone.

74D: Actress Moore: DEMI Surprised that her marriage with Ashton Kucher is still solid.

76D: Neighbor of N. Mex.: COLO.

79D: Daytime timepiece: SUNDIAL

81D: Was extravagant: LIVED IT UP

84D: Riverbed deposit: SILT

87D: French city in Bretagne: RENNES. Never been there. Did not know it.

88D: Attics: GARRETS

90D: Tearless: DRY-EYED

92D: Circle segment: ARC

93D: __ disant (so called): SOI

94D: Judd and Campbell: NAOMIS. Naomi Campbell knows how to throw a blackberry tantrum.

95D: Sempervivum: ORPINE. Unknown to me, both the clue and the answer.

96D: Sneak a look: PEEK AT

98D: Part of a sonnet: SESTET

103D: Selling point: ASSET

104D: Cast net: SEINE. Can you seine in Seine?

106D: Let live: SPARE

108D: Legend automaker: ACURA. I love the clue.

111D: Latin handle: ANSA. It's a looped handle. Ansa is the Latin word for handle (Thank you Hugh Brown). By the way, Asian apricot is ANSU, so similar to ANSA.

113D: Caen's river: ORNE

114D: "Dear" columnist: ABBY

116D: Solidify: GEL

118D: Love-handles content: FAT

119D: One in Toledo: UNO

120D: Sportscaster Berman: LEN. Did not know him. Probably will forget him again. Love Joe Buck though.

Alright, now I am going to devour my high-carb breakfast.


(Added later: Please let me know if you see any mistake or have any question. You can either Comment or Send me an email. Thank you.)