, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 5, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008 Philip J. Anderson

Theme: All About Eve (Update: Forget about what I wrote about the Rapper Eve. I made a mistake in connecting the dots.)

17A: Eve's address on her rap sheet: The Garden of Eden

35A: Notation on Eve's rap sheet: First Offender

52A: 17A, on Eve's rap sheet: Scene of the Crime

I nearly aced this one. Made 2 mistakes only. I filled in DETERS (rather than DEFERS) for 23A: Postpones, and I put TAROS rather than TOROS for 41A: Some lawnmowers. So my 25D Feudal lord's domain became TIEFDAM (rather than FIEFDOM). OK, that's 3 mistakes, but technically only 2 wrong fills.

I am not a fan of Rap Music, too gangster/angst driven. My realm of RAP knowledge is limited to Dr. Dre, Ice T, Kanye West, Snoop Dogg, Jay Z, Eve, and the phrase they coined "Bling Bling".

Eve, the so-called Gangster Goddess, made news early last year when she was ordered to wear an alcohol-detecting ankle bracelet after her DUI. And she (and Lindsey Lohan) made the bracelet monitor a fashion necessity for the summer of 2007.

Terry Gross of Fresh Air had an interesting interview with Rapper Ice Cube last year. I was amazed by the tough life he went through. All those rappers seem to have a very hard childhood.

OK, here are the Across Entries

4A: Unbroken: SOLID. Don't like the clue. Unbroken means "whole" or "intact" to me.

9A: Aromatic Wood: CEDAR

15A: Eccentric: OUTRÉ. Hmm, that's Kim Jong Il of North Korea. He carded 34 on his first round of golf.

16A: Pain pill brand: ALEVE. Or Tylenol. Or tough it out.

20A: Paramount: MAJOR

21A: Fountain of Rome: TREVI. It's located at a junction of 3 roads (Tre Vie).

22A: Art sch. course: ANAT (Anatomy)

23A: Postpones: DEFERS

26A: OSS successor: CIA. OSS is Office of Strategic Services (WWII intelligence Agency).

29A: Napoleon's marshal: NEY (Michel). Got his name from down clue.

30A: Fanatical: RABID

31A: Indonesian island: BALI. Sometimes it's Java.

32A: Literary category: GENRE. For your information, there is a publication called GENRE magazine.

33A: Hang around: LOITER

38A: Lavishly showy: ORNATE

39A: Knight's wives: DAMES

40A: Noblewoman: LADY

41A: Some lawnmowers: TOROS. I shouldn't have botched this one. I used to have a Toro Promotional bobblehead.

42A: Bell and Barker: MAS. I knew Ma Bell and Baby Bells, never heard of Ma Barker.

45A: Indigo or woad: DYE. Both are blue dyes. By the way, the rock band Indigo Girls duo are Crosswords fans.

46A: Bizet opera: CARMEN. I lucked out on this one. Got it from down clues. I know nothing about opera.

51A: Eagle's nest: AERIE

48A: Welsh dog: CORGI. Cute.

58A: More inadequate: LAMER. Lamer, Solider, I don't know, you tell me.

61A: Parisian school: ECOLE. Its student is Eleve.

Down entries:

1D: Robin's partner: BATMAN. Who still has their original Batman lunch box (1966)?

2D: Constituent of natural gas: ETHANE

3D: Record player?: DEEJAY

5D: James Coburn movie, "___ Man Flint": OUR. I dodged the bullet once again. Never saw this movie.

8D: Pockmarked: DENTED

10D: Hgt.: ELEV (Elevation). Hgt stands for Height.

11D: Name an inspiration: DEDICATE

12D: Old Roman greeting: AVE. Ave Caesar!

13D: Stimpy's pal: REN. The Ren and Stimpy Show.

19D: Hockey defensive great: ORR. Boy, who paid over $100,000 for his nude picture?

23D: "Divine Comedy" poet: DANTE

24D: Spanish river: EBRO. If it's three letter, then it's RIO.

25D: Feudal lord's domain: FIEFDOM. Tough for me to pronounce this word.

27D: Robert of "The Sopranos": ILER. He is "A. J. Soprano". He seems to be a very troubled actor.

28D: Melodic tune: AIR

32D: Go-with-anything color: GRAY. Also Botanist Asa.

35D: Ravel: FRAY

36D: "___ Proposal": INDECENT. Demi Moore and Robert Redford movie. The plot is very similar to Nicolas Cage/Sarah Jessica Parker's Honeymoon in Vegas. Don't you think so?

37D: Cabby's customer: FARE

41D: Triviality: TRIFLE

42D: Docking facility: MARINA

44D: Precipitous slopes: STEEPS. Never knew "Steep" can be a noun.

46D: Salad green: CRESS. I never put cress in my salad. But I also never put garlic in my pesto, and I never eat cheddar cheese with apple pie.

50D: SSS classification: ONE A. It's the only SSS (Selective Serve System) classification I know.

51D: Lot of land: ACRE

54D: Tic-toe tie: TAC

55D: Med. grp: HMO (Health Maintenance Organization)

56D: Lamprey or moray: EEL. The worst offender.

So, Hillary won both Ohio & Texas, Brett Favre decided to retire, all too shocking for me. I need to rewind and chill out. And Learn my American Anthem.

C. C.