, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 6, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008 Alan P. Olschwang

Theme: Quip

20A: Start of a quip: If you can't face

29A: Part 2 of quip: The music

38A: Part 3 of quip: You'll

45A: Part 4 of quip: Never get

54A: End of quip: To lead the band

The original quote from Edwin H. Stuart is: If you are not afraid to face the music, you may get to lead the band someday.

I also found out another interesting quote from him: Men who do things without being told draw the most wages. It's probably the motto for Ken Lay, Dennis Kozlowski and their ilks.

I've got this Pavlov's dog's conditional reflex towards Mr. Olschwang's quip. My mind instantly freezes up and I cannot think rationally. I never seem to be able to reason out what he tries to convey.

I started like a lion: I devoured the upper left corner in a second. Then my trouble started immediately. I forgot the British medical syst. (NHS), I couldn't remember UNA Merkel, I did not know "Jaws" author (BENCHLEY).

The clue for 22D: Siloed weapons (ABMS) bugged me a lot. There was no suggestion from the clue that the answer would be an abbreviation or an acronym. So I tried to fill in ARMS, thinking missiles belong to ARMS, but then it messed up with my 25A: EBANKS. It also took me forever to get 11D: Argumentation: FORENSICS. I got the last three letter ics, so I thought of Rhetorics, but I knew it was wrong because it would not mesh with 6A: ROIS.

A few other troubles here and there, sporadically. I managed to crack the puzzle with three google visits and a brief look at my dictionary for the meaning of Jack-in-the-pulpit.

Here are some of the across clues:

10A: Some G.I.s: PFCS (Private First Class)

15A: Borden bovine: ELSIE

16A: French kings: ROIS. The evil Roi Louis XIV once said: L'etat, c'est moi. I recently read a very interesting article on the simpleton Roi Louis XVI (Maria Antoinette's husband). It explained how the French haute couture and haute cuisine really started during Louis XVI's reign.

18A: Bite playfully: NIP AT

23A: Youth org.: BSA (Boy Scout of America). Be prepared.

24A: British medical syst.: NHS (National Health Service). It was in the crossword on Jan 25.

25A: On line loan sources: EBANKS

28A: Bando of baseball: SAL. Unfortunately, I did not know him.

34A: Morales of "Bad Boys": ESAI. He was very cool as Tony Rodriguez in NYPD Blues for several episodes. Then he reconnected with his stupid druggie wife and lost his mind.

36A: Steps over a fence: STILE. I forgot this word. I actually put a "s" in the end, misguided by the clue.

37A: Actor O'Shea: MILO. He is a regular at crossword.

40A: Picture on a PC: ICON

41A: January in Oaxaca: ENERO. The word "Oaxaca" was clued Mexican tourist destination on Jan 27.

43A: Division word: INTO

44A: Mountain in Thessaly: OSSA I am proud that I got this one.

49A: Long looker: STARER. Clunky clue. A short looker is a peeker then?

50A: Artist's rep: AGT

58A: Panache: BRIO. Vigor. Italian origin.

60A: Bakery byproduct: AROMA

61A: Like the Kalahari: ARID

62A: Molecule maker: ATOM

63A: Actress Dey: SUSAN. The LA Law girl.

66A: Correct: EMEND. I always put _MEND first, lest it's AMEND.

Down clues:

1D: Off-the-cuff remark: AD LIB. Bill Clinton is not good at ad lib any more. How disappointing!

2D: Toronto team, tersely: LEAFS. The Maple Leafs, the most valuable team in NHL.

3D: Singer Tucker: TANYA. Got her name from across clue.

4D: Two-tone treat: OREO

5D: "Jaws" writer: BENCHLEY (Peter). Completely unknown to me.

6D: Walt Disney's middle name: ELIAS. Somehow Michael Eisner's mug kept popping into my mind.

8D: Decree: FIAT. This word crumbled very easily for me.

9D: Fixed charge: SET FEE

10D: Sensible step: PRECAUTION.

11D: Argumentation: FORENSICS. I only knew "forensic evidence".

12D: AFL-____: CIO. The big labor union.

13D: Draft org.: SSS. OK, here are their classifications: ONE A; Four F(unfit for service); Two S (Student); Two A (employment). I suppose One A stands for Available, Dennis?

21D: Actress Merkel: UNA

22D: Siloed weapons: ABMS (Antiballistic missiles). Hated the clue, hated the answer. Is ABM an acceptable abbreviation/acronym?

27D: Extended arias: SCENA. Here is the definition: "an extended operatic vocal solo, usually including an aria and a recitative.".

28D: Pantries and tool sheds: STORE ROOMS

29D: Ridicule: TAUNT

30D: Sword part: HILT. Sometimes it's HAFT.

32D: Intelligence test pioneer: BINET (Alfred). The IQ test guy I suppose. Never heard of him.

33D: Height: ELEVATION

35D: Peau de ___ (dull satin fabric): SOIE. It means silk in French.

39D: One way to write: LONGHAND

42D: Pitcher Hershiser: OREL. He is another regular at crossword.

46D: Type of monkey?: GREASE. Never heard of the comic book Grease Monkey, nor Greasemonkey Firefox script.

48D: Shoeshone: UTE

50D: Universal soul: ATMAN. Never heard of this word. I know nothing about Hindu religion or their beliefs. Atman is also the clothing line of Russell Simmons.

51D: __ Gras: MARDI. Fat Tuesday.

52D: Leek cousin: ONION. Chive too I suppose?

53D: Peculiarly: ODDLY

55D: Jack-in-the-pulpit: ARUM. I did not know the meaning of the clue. I kept thinking of Jack-in-the-box toy. In fact, right now, on our table, there is an Albert Pujols Jack-in-the-box, very cool.

56D: Apothecary measure: DOSE. Fancy clue.

57D: Trap enticement: BAIT

59D: Suggestion from AAA: RTE (Route)

C. C.