, pub-2774194725043577, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L.A.Times Crossword Corner


Mar 9, 2008

Sunday, March 9, 2008 Josiah Breward

Theme: Going Off Half-cocked (Acting Prematurely)

23A: Revealing intentions: Tipping One's Hand

39A: Bridge tactic: Preemptive Bid

62A & 74A: Getting ahead of oneself: Putting the Cart before the Horse

99A: Beginning too soon: Jumping the Gun

17D: Scaring folk for nothing: Crying Wolf

72D: Do-over's cause: False Start

Another miserable Sunday for me. I had 3 breakfasts while solving this puzzle, my record.

I had a very shaky start, and never really gained any momentum. The only bright spot was the upper right corner. I was proud of myself for filling in NERVA for 16D: Emperor before Trajan. I also conquered the lower middle part without encountering much resistance.

But everywhere else was rife with knobby problems. So many intimidating unknowns: actress, actor, singer, athlete, author, & liquid measure. I had no idea what "Quinine" means in 41D. I filled in "Preempting Bid" instead of "Preemptive Bid" for 39A, misguided by the "ing"pattern I spotted from the other theme entries. Had no idea that foxtail was a kind of brush. Misread 36A "Battering equipment" as "Batting Equipment". Without Richard's help, I would never have solved this puzzle today.

Here are the across entries:

1A: Landing strip surface: TARMAC

7A: Lines for the theatre: DIALOGUE. I like the clue, esp the British spelling of "theater".

15A: Remove a lid: UNCAP

20A: Ring around the pupil: AREOLA. Got it from the down clues. It also means "colored circle around a nipple".

21A: In the file: ON RECORD

22A: Impudent boldness: NERVE

25A: "The Silver Streak" co-start: PRYOR (Richard). Never heard of Pryor, nor saw the movie. Don't want to be bored.

26A: Moses or Felipe of baseball: ALOU

29A: Experts: MAVINS. Or MAVEN.

30A: Spanish rice entree: PAELLA. The main ingredients are rice, olive oil & saffron, in case you want to make it yourself.

33A: French-American dialect: ACADIAN. Same as Cajun I suppose?

36A: Battering equipment: RAM. Why? I don't get it. (UPDATE: Pls read Comments Section for explanation).

43A: Test for coll. seniors: GRE (Graduate Record Exam)

46A: Newspaper honcho: EDITOR

48A: College organization: SORORITY

49A: "The Virginian" writer Wister: OWEN. Here is more information about him.

50A: Small taxi: MINICAB. I put in Minicar first.

52A: Sailor's grp: ONI (Office of National Intelligene)

56A: Seemingly forever? AEON. Why the question mark? Aeon means seemingly forever, no?

57A: Gradient: INCLINE

61A: Brand name on cakes: SARA LEE

66A: Trumped: RUFFED. New word to me.

67A: Sheriff's band of the Old West: POSSE

68A: Unrestrained breaks of violence: RIOTS

70A: Full-length tunic: CAFTAN. I had CAF_ _ forever. Had big problems with the down clues.

82A: Stritch and Boosler: ELAINES. Nailed this one today.

84A: Gathered: RAKED IN

85D: Duck feathers: DOWN

86A: Sequence verifier: COLLATOR. Never used this word before.

88A: Army rcts: GIS

89A: Was contrary to: OPPOSED

92A: MIT part: INST (Institute).

93A: Masculinity: MALENESS. Is this even a word? He is so male?

97A: City on the Rio Grande: LAREDO. Never heard of it.

98A: T-shirt size: LGE

103A: Small upright pianos: SPINETS

105A: Glossy type of paint: ENAMEL

107A: Senility: DOTAGE

109A: T or F, eg: ANS: True or False, Answers.

112A: NYC gambling center: OTB (Off-Track Betting)

113A: Spheres: ORBS

117A: Diet guru Jenny: CRAIG. They just sacked Kristie Alley.

118A: Edgar Allan Poe story, with "The": PREMATURE BURIAL. Never read it.

123A: Judy of "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-in": CARNE. She was married to Burt Reynolds for a short time.

124A: Wakayama farewell: SAYONARA. Japanese for good-bye. Also a Marlon Brando movie (1957).

125A: Cantankerous: ORNERY. It crumbled easily for me.

126A: Action or change starter: INTER

127A: Repeats: ITERATES

128A: Combine together: BLENDS

Down entries:

2D: Seed coat: ARIL. Learned it from doing crossword.

3D: Collection biz: REPO. Also a 2008 movie.

4D: Tidy loose ends: MOP UP. I put Sew Up, but quickly corrected myself.

6A: Australia capital: CANBERRA

7D: Casual drawings: DOODLES

8D: Quaint quarters: INN. I've seen this clue several times. Why is Inn quaint? Holiday Inn, Baymont Inn are all very modern.

11D: Protest-singer Phil: OCHS. Never heard of him. The only Ochs I knew is Adolph Ochs, the former owner of NY Times.

12D: Tibetan gazelle: GOA. I put Yak, which is actually an ox.

13D: Large vase: URN

14D: Actor Byrnes: EDD. Nope, did not ring a bell.

15D: Still owing: UNPAID

16D: Emperor before Trajan: NERVA. It appeared on Friday March 7 's puzzle.

18D: English river: AVON

19D: Individual: abbr: PERS (Personal).

29D: 1501: MDI. I cannot help you if you cannot commit Roman numerals to your memory.

31D: Bk. of Revelation: APOC (Apocalypse)

32D: Latin lesson word: AMO

33D: Fauna starter: AVI. Have to thank Richard for the help. I put ANI there initially thinking it means Animal.

34D: Govt. training leg.: CETA (Comprehensive Employment and Training Act.)

35D: Vast chasm: ABYSS

36D: Revise charts: REMAP

38D: North Dakota city: MINOT. Known as the Magic City. Never been there.

40D: Worker: PROLE. Unknown to me. It stems from "proletarian".

41D: Quinine water: TONIC. I did not know the meaning of Quinine.

42D: Privalova or Vorobyeva: IRINA. Never heard of them.

44D: Taylor or Adoree: RENEE

47D: Trace of color: TINT

49D: Norwegian saint: OLAF

51D: Major Leagues, casually: BIGS

54D: Writer Bret: HARTE. I got him today!

55D: Rah!: CHEER

58D: Plain crush grp.: NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board)

63D: Toothpaste brand: IPANA. What? All the 5 letter toothpaste brands I can think of are Crest, Oral B, Reach and Gleem. Never heard of Ipana.

64D: Song for nine: NONET

65D: S. Amer. monkey: TITI. Hated the clue. It should not be abbreviated. Misleading.

69D: Cry of distress: OH NO

70D: De Mille of movies: CECIL. A prolific director.

71D: As company: ALONG

73D: Pinball goof: TILT

75D: Steely Dan Singer: FAGEN (Donald). Here is more information on this band.

76D: Giving the nod to: OKING

77D: Bowler's button: RESET

78D: Nose alert: ODOR

79D: Fragrant beds: ROSES

80D: Stockholm native: SWEDE. Some people also call "rutabaga" as "swede".

81D: Provide with property: ENDOW

83D: Amiens river: SOMME. In France. It flows into the English Channel.

87D: Spellbound: RAPT

90D: Vertical line: PLUMB BOB. I only knew plummet.

91D: Fleur-de_: LIS. French for Flower of Lily.

95D: "__ Loves you": SHE. Beatles' song.

96D: Ladies of Seville: SENORAS

99D: Liquor measure: JIGGER. My dictionary says it's a small cup/glass to measure liquor, containing usually 1 1/2 ounces.

100D: One of the French: UNE

101D: Entryway: GATE

106D: Actor GREENE: LORNE. He was in Bonanza.

107D: Fifth of MMMDV: DCCI (1/5 of 3505=701)

108D: Algerian city: ORAN. Gulf of Oran city.

109D: God of love: AMOR. or Cupid, the Greek equivalent is EROS.

111D: Wendy's dog: NANA. Who is Wendy? I thought Nana is Peter Pan's dog.

111D: RBI or ERA: STAT (Statistics)

114D: Nice nothing? RIEN. French word for nothing.

115D: Exalted poet: BARD. Robert Bly has just become MN's first Poet Laureate.

116D: Stone and Stallone: SLYS. Knew Stallone, never heard of Sly Stone though.

119D: Stoolie: RAT

120D: Scope out: EYE. I misread the clue as "Scoop out" and wasted my time in vain.

121D: End of post: URE. Posture

122D: Internet add.: URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Finally I am done!

C. C.